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Chapter 5: kekkei genkai? Clans? and Crippled mummy

[1st person Satoru Gojo]






Naruto and I got a summons to the old man's office right after we exited the academy I can guess what this is about as that would be the only reason he would send for us. it's most likely about me and my abilities now obviously I'm not an idiot so no way in hell am I gonna explain my abilities to anyone but I might as well tell him the name and try and see if I can get some benefits out of him.


we walk up to the lady at the reception desk and Naruto opens his mouth to talk which is most likely going to get us a scowl and a hateful glare. "Um, miss Hokage-jiji called for us he said to come to his office ca-" she scowls at us venomously spat


"Get lost demons Hokage-sama doesn't want to see you. Get out before I call some of our shinobi guards to escort you out. fucking dem-" she couldn't even finish her sentence as I jumped up and sent her flying back with a kick causing her to crash into a wall. everyone is staring at me jaws unhinged. "fuck are yous looking at? she disobeyed an order from old man Hokage so I thought that I should reteach her the chain of command, a civilian doesn't get to order around a ninja even if they are academy students. let's go naruto the old man is still expecting us don't want to keep him waiting now do we." as we walked up to the old man's office I could hear the spectators murmuring around us but we just ignored them and went in.


As I open the door I look around and get confused as I don't see the old man only stacks of paper on his desk. "huh he must not be in Naruto might as well come back later, let's g-" As we are about to leave I see an old monkey popping up from under the stacks of paper. "hold on boys I'm right here just buried under the paperwork. quite literally."


I smirk and walk over to the couch and make myself comfortable. "so old monk- cough.. old man you wanted to see us for something?" I see Naruto stifling a giggle while some of the ANBU hidden in the room start shaking a little to hold in their laughter, oh when I say hidden I mean for normal people as nothing can hide from my rikugan.


"ho~ you're correct Satoru-kun I called for you as I have a few questions to ask both of you." I look at Naruto and I can tell the idiot is confused as he doesn't know if he did something bad or not. mind you naruto still plays pranks whenever he can.


"I had a feeling that this was going to happen~ but old man you don't expect me to just answer you without getting anything in return right~?" I see his grandfatherly smile start twitching in annoyance as he knows that there's no way I would be telling him what he wants to know. "haaa, come on now Satoru you always give me too much work to do, do you see these piles of paperwork? I can guarantee that half of these are thanks to you so at least cut me some slack for taking care of all the problems you are causing me and just tell me something."


I smirk proudly at myself for being able to cause this much trouble for the old man without even trying. "hmmm~ very well old man ask away ill answer what I can, but don't get your hopes up as too much as we shinobi shouldn't reveal all our cards~" he smirks back at me and clears his throat preparing to ask me questions most likely about my abilities.


"I've gotten reports about you being seen telep[orting around with both Naruto and the Hyuga princess, mind explaining what that is about?" 'Hmm I think I can see where he is trying to go with this' I let out a hum and didn't talk for a few seconds trying to formulate a respon-


"Wait did you just say Hyuga princess? what the fuck are you- oh wait she a fucking princess?" I honestly didn't know that she was a princess I just thought she was the heir to the clan but now that I think about it, it makes sense since the Hyuga is considered the most noble clan here. "So you're telling me didn't know that she was a princess and ended up kidnapping her back to your classroom while giving her a pet name in front of all the clan heirs?"



huh that does sound bad when he puts it like that, meh not like it matters to me, princess, king, queen I'll treat them however the fuck I want and they'll deal with it although the firecracker is quite fun to tease. "huh I guess, well not like it matters princess or not I'm still going to do what I want~ as for your earlier questions, yes I did teleport both naruto and crackers-chan with me as I wasn't bothered walking around." He sighs and rubs his temples.


"are you seriously going to continue calling her cra- you know what never mind I already know the answer to that. as for your teleportation, you mind explaining it t9o me? how does it work and what are the limits?" heh this old monkey thinks I'm stup- "OOOH I KNOW. Jiji his teleportation is called 16 fingers an-" I quickly jump on Naruto covering his mouth before the idiot can blab on more about my ability, the only reason he knows about this ability is that he was bugging me all night interfering with my nap time.


"Naruto don't blab about my abilities without my permission you damn pineapple." the old monkey smirks as if he had gotten a victory over me, heh jokes on him naruto revealed only what I was going to say, so now they know the name but that's it.

"hoh I see so your teleportation is called 16 fingers quite strange but thank you for the information Naruto-kun." I let go of Naruto and turn back to the old man formulating responses for questions I know he will ask.


"well old man as Naruto just blurted out my teleportation is called 16 fingers as to how it works and what it can and can't do ill leave you to figure it out, but even if you do no one would be able to do it as its something unique to me as I'm sure you've already gues-" before I could finish speaking the door slams open and bandaged cripple with spiky black hair and an 'X' shaped scar on his chin barges into the room.


"Hiruzen let me take the boy I'll train him to be the perfect weapon for the vill-" I don't allow him to finish as I touch a distortion using 'sixteen fingers' i move in behind him and activate the first phase of my time ability accelerate x2 as everything slows done even more to me I slam my palm onto his back sending him skidding towards the middle of the room I stretch out my hand palm facing above my index finger circling to my thumb as I get ready to use my red reversal technique but have to stop due to anbu holding blades to my vitals. "Hoh~ you do know that those little toys won't be able to hurt me right~,"


I say my tone and words dripping with arrogance. I see them visibly tense as they must have seen my limitless from when I beat the shit out of the Inuzuka mutt. Just then the room is flooded with killing intent I can see Naruto shaking in his seat his face pale. "Anbu lower your weapons, Satoru stop your attack this is Danzo he is an advisor so please sit back down and explain to me why you attacked him." I give him a hum of acknowledgement as I teleport back to the couch.


I look around the room and see all eyes on me while Danzo has a greedy look in his eyes the rest of them are confused. "Satoru-kun why did you initiate an attack on my advisor just now?" I turn my gaze back onto the old man


"Old man you should be asking why your anbu didn't attack him, You are the leader of this village and your so-called advisor just barged into your office with his whole body cloaked and covered up. for all, I know he could have been a suicide bomber hiding explosive tags under his clothes and bandages, and the cane can be used as a hidden weapon, no you know what I'm certain it is a hidden weapon, I smell poison coming off of it, check underneath if you do not believe me." everyone in the room is staring at me in shock most likely due to my shinobi like deduction. I hear the monkey snort in amusement as he starts talking again.


"Your deduction is very impressive Satoru-kun as for the poison you are correct as Danzo normally keeps a needle at the bottom of the cane coated in a paralysis poison. enough about that, you told my anbu that their weapons can't touch you care to explain what you meant by that?"



I look towards the mummy and hum, well it doesn't matter not like anyone can do anything to me and I will only be revealing its name they can attempt to figure the rest out themselves. "well as I was saying before we got interrupted I won't disclose my full abilities to you, you're free to make assumptions based on observations but I will tell you the name." I draw out a pause as I wait for him to ask the question. "So? What's the name of the technique?" My lips curl into my usual arrogant smirk.


"Limitless." He paused and closed his eyes in contemplation most likely trying to figure out what it means. "Satoru-kun, if and I mean if you explain this technique to someone else and show them how to do it, will they be able to replicate it?" this was the question I was waiting for, I'm about to set myself up for the future It's the main reason I revealed my abilities.



"Nop~ all my techniques cannot be replicated even if I explained and showed you how to do it which I can't as doing these techniques is like a second nature to me it is as easy as breathing~"


I study his expression and can tell that he most likely already guessed what I was getting at with those words, although he doesn't know that I have knowledge of what a kekkei genkai is.


"I see, Satoru-kun you did well in not revealing your abilities strengths and weaknesses as I have come to the conclusion that you possess a kekkei genkai that is most likely related to space." well colour me impressed the old monkey must have gotten a good guess on what my limitless can do thanks to me telling him about sixteen fingers.



But right now I'll need to play clueless as I shouldn't know what a kekkei genkai is. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "fuck is a kekkai genkai old man that some kind of ninjutsu?" he gives me a... victorious...? smirk, that pisses me off for some reason why is he smirking I'm not supposed to know what a kekkei genkai is, damn old monkey just you wait ill double no triple that paperwork in a few hours. Maybe I'll go kidnap Firecracker-chan again.

"Not entirely a kekkei genkai is a type of power that is transferred through bloodlines like the Uchiha's Sharingan or the Hyugas Byakugan, but these are just two types and they are called dojutsus as they are mainly focused on eye power.

There are other dojutsu out there, of course, just not all have been documented and some are just not worth it as they give more disadvantages than benefits. Other types of bloodlines include a unique kind of chakra nature such as our first Hokage Mokuton or the Kurama clan genjutsu bloodline which is so powerful that it is said they can make illusions into reality. Satoru I'm going to ask you a serious question and I need you to answer me truthfully as this could determine your future."


The old ma- no the Hokage's tone gets serious with his eyes sharpening a calculative look in them as he asks me to actually tell him the answer to this particular question. I'm sure I know what he is going to ask, it's most likely about my eyes as he was proba- no definitely watching the Academy Spars earlier.




"you're going to ask if I have a dojutsu. The answer is yes I possess a dojutsu, my eyes are called the Rikugan or six eyes. these eyes are stuck to my soul at birth and allow me many abilities that I don't feel comfortable explaining. however as this is going to affect my future ill share this, my eyes allow me to see, analyze and calculate. that's all I am willing to reveal about it. Ah also I need a lot of sweets~ it helps keep my mind sharp as the rikugan is constantly on." His features soften up as he sends me an appreciative nod for actually answering his question.


"I see thank you for answering the question my boy. I'll make sure to supply you with some sweets after our discussion.


Now back to the important issues, Satoru-kun as you are the only one with such a special Kekkei Genkai and dojutsu you will be appointed as a clan head once you turn 16 or are made jounin, as a clan head you will be given a seat and vote on the shinobi council, you will be given a clan compound and other benefits which you can read up on in your own time. For now, we need to get the specifics down, you will be now known as Gojo Satoru, the first clan head of the Gojo clan do you have any questions?"



I smirk I was able to get what I wanted now I can do what I want with more freedom, the problem is it's going to be annoying having to chase away all the fan girls, I already have plenty of admirers but now it's going to get even worse, I shudder at the thought of fan girls chasing me around trying to join my clan. "sighhh, old man are you trying to have me killed, I've got plenty of fangirls already I don't want anymore, sigh, now I'll never be able to find a normal girl and settle down to live the rest of my life peacefully. you're doing this because of the paperwork I gave you, aren't you old monkey."




I hear a few snickers at my comment mainly from the Anbu as Naruto had fallen asleep sometime at the start of the discussion and Danzo had been eying me like I'm some piece of wagyu beef, I'm really tempted to smack a reversal red onto him just so I can lose his gaze you know what fuck it. "oy you crippled mummy stop eying me like I'm some sort of delicious meat I'm only 6 you, creepy bastard." The anbu wasn't able to hold it in anymore and started snickering but quickly shut himself up when Danzo started glaring at me. I can see that the old monkey is enjoying this.



"All alright old man since we got all of that out of the way I'm going to take Naruto and go back home it's getting late and we need to get some sleep. As for my clan compound if you can set it somewhere between the old Uchiha district and the current Hyuga? It's only fair since we all are dojutsu users even if mine is more useful, but hey I don't mind as weaklings like them amuse me whenever they try to act above everyone, heh what idiots~" Everyone in the room sweatdrops at my arrogance not like it matters to me. I walk over to Naruto and grab his shoulder as I am about to leave the old man stops me as his mouth curves upward into a mischievous smirk that for some reason gave me a bad feeling. "



The announcement about you will be made to the whole village right after the council meeting." Ah fuck this damn monkey wants it to spread as soon as possible just so he can get back at me. "~sigh Why does trouble keep following me." Without waiting for a response I hightail it out of there drop Naruto off at his home and plop down on his couch as I'm too tired to go go back to my room. I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about the mess I just created.









Viral_Modder Viral_Modder

Alright as promised another chapter. I've been planning on making him a clan head from the beginning as this will allow him more freedom but will also put some restrictions onto him which don't really mean much as this is gojo we are talking about rules don't matter to him. I'll most likely add in the council meeting and reactions in the next chapter then towards the middle ill split it off and show gojos pov on what his actions have caused. so next chapter might be my longest one. thanks for reading please don't be afraid to give me feedback as I want to improve my writing.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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