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Chapter 7: Older brother, fan girls horror, bonding and Gijutsu

I wake up to find myself staring into the whiskered blonde's azure blue eyes as he attempts to shake me awake but is unable to touch me due to limitless. "I'm awake naruto, and you know that no one can touch me unless I let them so why are you trying to shake me awake like an idiot?"


Huh is he blushing, wow so he somehow forgot that no one can touch me and continued trying to get through limitless to try and wake me up, I've got to work on his intelligence. I decide to get up and get something to eat and lo and behold I turn to the table and spot 2 steaming cups of ramen.


"Ugh, naruto ramen is not breakfast it is too salty to eat in the mornings." Huh, why is he looking at me like that? "But Satoru you eat sweets in the morning how is that any different?" Ah well, that explains why he is giving me the 'are you an idiot look' that I usually use on him, I'm happy that he is learning but why the fuck is he using it on me. Ah forget it I've got bigger problems to worry about today, the old monkey has officially announced my clan heir status to the public so I've now gotta deal with the upcoming storm.



Ugh, it gives me a headache just thinking about it. I blink to my room and grab a couple of dangos that I've had the old monkey store for me and blink back to Naruto's room. I walk over to my cup of ramen and plop the dangos in and start eating my abnormal breakfast.

"Satoru you are a very weird person Dattebayo'. I've never seen anyone eat as much sweets as you before."



I look at him as if he was an idiot (which he is) and decide to ignore the comment as I have enough shit to deal with already. "Hey, Naruto." I take off my glasses and look him in the eyes. "What's up you normally don't take off your shades unless it's something serious." I hum in contemplation, it seems Naruto is more observant than i gave him credit for, he is already able to pick out my habits.


"Hmm~ it's nothing serious, just that I and you practically lived on the streets for a while right?" He gives me a nod of formation. "we've also been together since... well since we could crawl really." I look back at him making sure he is still with me, he gives me a confused look. "Yeah, but I don't see where you're going with this." I chuckle at his confused expression.


"haa~ it's nothing, but we've been through quite a lot for kids our age hell we've been through a lot compared to most adults as well. What I'm trying to say is, we are practically brothers at this point in all but blood~" He stares at me jaw hanging slightly open with ramen falling out. He looks back down to his ramen with a pink tint to his cheeks he starts chuckling a little in what I can only assume is joy and realisation. "You're right, I think I've always considered you something akin to a brother, it's just something I've never realised."


I smile back at him and chuckle a little while putting my shades back on. "I'm obviously the older brother out of us two~ don't even try to argue this as I've been the one taking care of you and I am significantly stronger. You will now refer to me as either 'Nii-San' or 'Satoru-Nii' I won't take any other answer but a 'Yes'~" He sends me a playful pout and crosses his arms but doesn't object. "well come on~ say it calls me 'Nii-San'~"


I grin as he starts blushing in embarrassment and he mutters something that I wasn't able to catch. "hmm~ what was that~? Speak up Otōto~" He turns his head up to face me and looks me in the eyes or shades in this case the blush still on his cheeks. "S-Satoru-... Satoru-Nii-San." I grin happily at my little brother and slurp up the rest of my ramen. "Alright then Otōto~ let us get going now we don't want to get in trouble for being late, it's your Oni-Sans' big day today~"


He nods still clearly embarrassed at his new little brother's status but I can tell that he is quite happy. 




I decide that instead of teleporting today we will walk over to the academy as I'm feeling quite happy today even if it's going to be hell for me. As we are on our way to the academy I can already feel the stares of admiration and greed directed at me due to my new status, "sigh~ this is going to be a long day". Naruto nods in agreement as we continue our walk to the academy. "Um excuse me, Gojo-Sama can you spare me a moment?"


I stop as I hear someone calling me, I should have kept walking why did I stop now I'm going to have to respond, fuck I should have just teleported to the academy sigh~. I turn towards the voice and spot a civilian girl who looks about 2 years older than I am. "Hmm~ how can I help you miss?" I give her a small smile as I watch her fidget around with something hidden behind her back, she pulls it out and I see a pack of 3 Dango and not just any dango its the premium coloured extra sugary Dango.


Well now she has my attention I've got no clue on how she knows about my weakness to sweets but I'm not complaining about receiving free food, she brings the pack of Dango in front of me while blushing and closing her eyes. "Um... I-I heard that you like sweets so I thought t-that Eeeep." I didn't bother letting her finish as I glomped the dangos off the skewers and munched on them with a happy smile on my face. "Mmmmm~ thank you cutie this is just what I needed to start my mornings~."


She blushes herself into a tomato as I chuckle at her as she stutters again telling me it was just on her way or something but I've already tuned her out in favour of enjoying these delicious Dango.


"Damn why can't some cute girl come and feed me ramen like that this isn't fair Nii-sans ego is already bloated enough as it is now he has even more cute girls coming on to him than before." I hear Naruto start muttering about the unfairness of the situation as I chuckle and continue walking until I'm again stopped This time it's by 3 older civilian women. Naruto groans from behind me as I put on an innocent smile and score some more sweets from the people around. As we finally arrive at the academy I look at the time and realise we are almost an hour late.



"Damn it Nii-San we are an hour late thanks to you we are so going to get in trouble ugh I don't want to listen to another lecture from Iruka-sensei." Hmm~ I think he again forgot about my abilities, I can literally blink us out of there as soon as class ends without a second delay, meh ill let him stew for today. "sigh~~ I can help it Naru-chan, you're Nii-San is just a natural ladys magnet I cant help it that I was born so cute~." Alright maybe I'm enjoying this day better than I thought I would, I am still quite weary about the hardcore fan girls though I know Sasuke has his fair troubles with them I might need to take some advice from him after I fix up his attitude.

The doors slide open and all eyes instantly turn to the source. What is seen is a cute white-haired boy around the age of 8 standing in the doorway with a carefree smile on his face and his hands in his pocket.


Following behind the carefree ladykiller is a spiky-haired blonde blonde-whiskered Naruto. "Ughhh can this day get any worse." Naruto is still pouting at how abnormal our mornings have been going. "You two are an hour late where the hell where you's?" Iruka calls out to us, I decide that it is in my best interest to ignore him today, and I start walking to the back of the class towards my usual seat but have to pause midway as I see it crowded with fan girls.


Huh, ye no I'll be staying away from that. I sigh and turn back around to see Naruto giving me a mischievous smirk, I groan as I can already see where this is going this idiot is going to make my life miserable today as he has found a very obvious weakness.


"Where are you going Nii-san~ our seats are at the back and you walking the wrong way." As much as I want to unleash my domain I decide to humour him in hopes that I could find another way out of this situation. "Hmmm~ It's nice to change up every once in a while instead of sticking to the same routine don't you think Naru-chan~. He pouts at the nickname I've chosen for him as I see the class watch in what I can only assume is... anticipation. at where I'm going to sit. I look around and find 2 empty seats close to the Uchiha for some reason, it looks like some of the fan girls decided to try and sit next to me today,


I grin and grab Naruto before he can react I Blink us over to the empty seats making the Uchiha flinch in surprise at our sudden entrance. 


"So Sasuke, you got any tips you can hand me to deal with those crazy creatures at the back that are eyeing us both like we're some sort of prey?" We both shiver at the hungry gazes directed towards us.



I can see that Iruka has given up on teaching us today as everyone is no doubt too curious about me to bother listening to the lesson. "Hn, there's no way to get rid of them, It seems like you'll get to experience the horrors of fan girls as well. just always watch your back. you won't even be able to piss without constantly looking over your shoulder from now on, Hn. We are now comrades in arms, I'll watch your back if you'll watch mine, Hn. I'll also teach you all the tells and tricks that will most likely save your life."

Sasuke turns to me and with utmost seriousness starts advising me it seems this just got a whole lot worse than I thought, it also seems like me and Sasuke are now going to become good friends over this.

Our briefing is cut short as the bell rings signifying the start of lunch time. before I could even react (figurative this is just some slight comedy don't take it too seriously when his powers aren't used, also this will be some slight bonding with Gojo and Sasuke as I won't be making him a total dick as I feel like he and gojo can become good friends.) we are swarmed by the horrifying creatures known as fan girls, Sasuke utters a few curses under his breath as his eyes dart around trying to find someplace we can escape from.


I turn my gaze over to Naruto's now empty seat and curse as he must have slipped away during the fan girl rush. "Shit Satoru we're trapped, brace yourself as you may lose your life if you slip up for even a second." I gulp nervously as I nod my head towards him. "We need to create a diversion so we can slip away in the split second they don't have their attention on us."


He nods his head in confirmation of my plan as we both start to formulate a strategy of escape while staying on our guard, at this point we are both crouching on our tables in defensive positions, and my eyes dart around to try and find a way out of the situation which causes me to let my guard down causing me to instantly be tackled by a horde of fan girls. "SHIT SATORU!" Sasuke is quick to react as he is able to pull me over to him just in time before I'm drowned in the sea of fangirls that were most likely getting ready to molest me, I send him a thankful nod while making sure not to let my guard down again.

Just then an unholy banshee-like screech drowns out all other noises.



"GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIENDS YOU DIRTY WHORES!!!" I decided to address that issue later as I turned to Sasuke and I saw that he was on the same page as me, we nodded to each other our eyes conveying our strategies and words left unspoken as we darted towards an opening in the sea of demons. we are able to temporarily escape from their clutches as I look back Sasuke pulls me and starts running faster.


"Whatever you hear or see don't look back no matter what." I nod my head to show that I understand as I speed up to match my pace with his as we exit the school grounds and end up on the academy training ground. "Shit Sasuke we're in trouble this is an open area and they are now gaining on us we need to leave now." he huffs in annoyance. "Just shut up and follow me I know a way to lose them."

We both take off running again I stay a step behind him so he can lead us away from here to somewhere that hopefully allows us to escape. As we are running we turn a corner while sticking close to the building wall sasuke slows down and tenses his leg muscles. "JUMP!" Without hesitation, I follow his order and jump up he grabs my hand pulls us into a room and instantly shuts the window.


"Huff... huff... huff, I...Huff, I think we managed to escape, we should be safe for now, this room only has this one entrance I discovered on accident on our first day while escaping." I hand him a bottle of water which he downs in a second sending me a nod of gratitude. "ugh this is a fucking nightmare I feel so violated." We both shudder as we sense that someone else has entered the room, and we instantly jump into defensive crouches.


"Wow calm down guys its just me." We turn to the voice and see that it's just Naruto no idea how he found us but anyone is fine as long as it's not a fucking fangirl. "You scared us there for a second Dobe." Sasuke sighed in relief relaxing his stance, I don't move a muscle as I'm still on guard for some reason I'm getting a bad feeling. That feeling intensifies when I see Naruto start grinning.


"Oh, fuck Sasuke start running NOW this bastard is going to rat u-." before I could finish Naruto opens the window pops his head out and screams at the top of his lungs.

"I FOUND SASUKE AND SATORU THEY ARE UP HERE HIDING COME QUICKLY BEFORE THEY ESCAPE." We both pale as we hear the fangirls shouting our names come closer.


"Fuck this, naruto I'll get you back for this sleep with one eye open you fucking pineapple. Sasuke grab my shoulder. HURRY." Sasuke doesn't even argue as he grabs my shoulder and I blink us out of there as fast as I can. We blink into the forest behind the Hokage mountain and I gesture to Sasuke to relax his guard.

"This is one of my secret napping spots no one should be able to find us here. I think for the rest of the day we should hide out here since the demons seem extra crazy today thanks to my new status and my already handsome looks it just made it worse for us, I have some emergency sweets preserved with seals hidden in a cave here let's set up camp." Sasuke nods in agreement as we begin to unseal the sweets from the cave, I take out 2 chairs and a table so we can take a break and eat in peace sasuke nods in gratitude as we sit down and start eating in silence.


"This would have been better if you had some tomatoes." I turn to look at him and smirk at his unique choice in food, not like I'm one to judge though.

"By the way how did you preserve these Dango here I can tell you haven't been here in at least a day and you have too many sweets sealed up in there yet they are still fresh." I smirk as I remember the all-nighter I pulled studying fuinjutsu and trying to mix it was my cursed energy, I won't bore myself thinking over the explanation as all that's needed to know is that I was successfully able to integrate both chakra and cursed energy to be able to utilise a new type of fuinjutsu if it could even be called that at this point. What I have created is nothing short of a miracle as I can now create something akin to laws. While fuinjutsu was known to be able to bend the laws to help achieve the desired results by imprinting seals using ink and/or chakra to function, I'm able to utilise my chakra and cursed energy to create laws by writing my desires and will onto the world.



(think of it as the same type of ability as that one anime called Aria Curse of the sword or something where they utilise their magic/power by writing words on the air, to better explain this its just him imagining what he wants to do and ill say the will of the world assists him by giving him the answers so all he has to do is think of what he wants and use both his cursed energy and chakra in a specific way and the rest does its self, he will require immense concentration for this as even a little distraction will cause either the desired effect to change causing disastrous effects or his cursed energy and chakra mix control gets disrupted causing him in the best case scenario severe mental and physical exhaustion or worst the loss of a ton of vitality at once since he cant really die but a large amount of vitality lost in an instant can cause permanent or lasting effects on him ill leave the rest to your imagination as I feel like I've rambled on for too long.) 



instead of telling Sasuke about my broken power that he probably won't ever be able to understand I just decided to tell him it was normal fuinjutsu. I decided to name my upgraded version of fuinjutsu Hōritsu gijutsu. (Law technique) Or Hō no torikku. (Law trick)

We continue to sit there and relax for the rest of the day both of us growing closer after bonding over our shared threat of fangirls. I decided to share my spot with Sasuke as I keyed in his chakra into the security Gijutsu (that's what I decided to call it as it sounds like a fitting name tell me your opinions in the comments.) I told him that no one in the world but us 2 could ever find this area so he could come and relax here if he ever needed time alone, he thanked me and told me he was going to stock up on some of the empty seals with tomato's and he will also bring in some extra furniture to make the place more comfortable as we will most likely be coming here a lot.


All in all, this was a relaxing experience for both of us after all we went through we decided to just enjoy each other's presence in silence while we gazed over at the bustling village.

aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddd End sorry if this chapter wasn't to your liking but I quite enjoyed writing this one as I was able to put in a little bonding for Sasuke and build up more on his character as I feel like Naruto, Sasuke and Satoru will become extremely close as they all compliment each other quite well. I'll also add more development to Naruto in the next chapter and will have him get started on seals, I don't know much about seals or how to write their explanation so you'll have to forgive me if I'm vague in the explanations ill still try my best to make it understandable, also naruto and Sasuke will both be stronger then canon as they will be training together and I plan to make their relationship as close as brothers Satoru obviously being the oldest so as to keep them in check. I want to explain more but it will just ruin the story so I'll leave it at that, I'm quite excited to continue writing this story as I feel like I am doing quite well for my first-ever story but again please give me feedback on how to improve my writing as i know its not perfect 


Viral_Modder Viral_Modder

I was so into writing this chapter that I was able to pump out 3.5k words my longest one yet, hope you enjoyed reading this as much I did typing it, tell me what you think about this chapter and how I could of made it better.

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