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Chapter 9: Timeskip, new classmate, shock and Hyuga birthday.

[TimeSkip 5 years later, 2 months before graduation.]


This is going to be my longest chapter maybe 4-5k words as I missed out on uploading yesterday and because I feel it's appropriate for time skip chapters to be longer. Might be a little boring though but enjoy it. Also please rate this story as it helps to know that readers are enjoying this, don't forget to add feedback as it helps me improve on my writing.





Gojo clan compound.






Two boys one with jet black spiky hair done in a duck shape and a spiky blonde with azure blue eyes are currently standing with arms crossed and irritated expressions on their faces looking at another boy with unique silk-like white hair wearing a dark blue blindfold and matching outfit(JJK outfit), said the boy is currently sprawled out onto a couch in the living room of the compound with his mouth hanging open in a grin with some drool coming out the side, clearly the boy looks as if he currently has a good dream, what it's about is not certain. Finally unable to hold it any longer the duck-butt decides to play dirty. "Nii-San, if you delay any longer I might need to open up the seals and let in some of your fangirls, maybe then you'll wake up after they are through with you." The boy says with a smirk as he sees his elder brother waking up with an annoyed frown on his face.



"Sasuke you know the second you let them through those seals you will end up in the same situation as me Naruto on the other hand will be able to sit there and just enjoy watching us get violated." Both boys shudder at the thought. Satoru sits up now fully awake thanks to the threat given by his second brother starts getting ready for the the academy while the other two walk outside towards the gates while chatting. "There are 2 months left before graduation, all 3 of us have improved considerably over the past years. I've been able to help Naruto with his taijutsu by giving him off to a certain Konoha green beast." He visibly shivers at the mention of said person before deciding to bury that memory back into his mind while giving a silent prayer for his youngest brother.




"Sasuke has also improved, I've been able to get them to finish all chakra control exercises but have had Naruto continuing to work on it as his chakra keeps increasing thanks to his tenant. In Sasuke's case, he was able to start using his Sharingan and it is currently at 2 tomoe in each eye, both have learned a couple of jutsu for their respectful elements, naruto some wind and water jutsu for Sasuke some fire and lightning jutsu although the lightning drains his chakra too fast, his reserves are still quite low but should be around mid chunin level.



Both of them should be able to hold against a high chunin and can defeat up to a mid-chunin individually. Together with their teamwork, they can last against a Tokebetsu Jounin and potentially defeat them if said jounin is caught off guard." I start walking over to the gate and see Sasuke with a horrified look and Naruto just wearing a defeated expression. "What's wrong with your faces, why does Sasuke looks like he ate shit and Naruto looks like he had to watch him do it~"



Both give me a blank look. "Do you have to speak so crudely, you are a clan head now for Kami's sake, as for your question, there's a horde of fangirls waiting for you and Sasuke-Nii to leave." While Naruto is snickering for himself I go towards the door and look through the x-ray seals that Naruto created, quite useful it's like having a shitty version of the Byakugan.


"Wow~ quite a lot lined up, I'm still confused about how they found out where we live I made sure we always blink to the back of the Hyuga compound, ~sigh~ it sure is hard being so handsome~."


Sasuke and Naruto sigh as this isn't the first nor the last time I've bragged about my appearance. "Well, I guess you should teleport us today Nii-San." Hmm, he is getting too reliant on me getting him away from the fan girls. "Hehehehe~ I just thought of something fun~"


I skip over to the door while both of them pale knowing I'm about to do something that will screw them over. I then blink right behind them still grinning, place both hands on their shoulders and in a blink we are outside about 10 meters away from the group of fan girls.


"Nii-San this isn't funny, they may not be able to touch you but they can sure as hell touch me!" Sasuke starts sweating bullets his legs tensing getting ready to run away but alas~ he is too late. "SASUKE-KUN MY BELOVED, I FINALLY FOUND YOU, HAVE YOU COME OUT TO SEE ME!?!?!?!"


Damn, now I feel bad his banshee fan spotted him first. Jesus that bitch got fast when she saw him she is speeding towards us at a low chunin speed. "I'm sorry Sasuke I didn't think it was this bad, well enjoy~ cause I know I am~~ come to me my sweets~" I walk over to the group of fan girls leaving Sasuke and Naruto to start running on the roofs so they can lose the horde. "G-Gojo-Kun I-I got you some red bean cake, heretryitthankyoubye." 



the girl all but shoves it into my hands and scurries back into the group, this happens a couple more times, the reason why the treatment is so different is that it's now known that nobody can get within a meter of me if I don't allow it and even if you do there's still no way you're able to touch me,

I am now in perfect control of my limitless I can cover my allies in an outer layer like a shield while still keeping my original defence I've been able to also add my Time Deceleration ability making it the perfect defense anything harmful is always going to be kept out without me needing to do anything.





"mmmm~ thank you cutie this these Dango taste quite good today~" The girl blushed into a tomato with stars in her eyes and passed out, I ignored her and kept walki- huh "OUCH- what the fuck" I feel a sharp pain on my ear its as if someone is pulling it, wait someone is pulling it how the fuck did someone get passed my defence this shouldn't be possible unless I allow it. I turn around to take a look at who this person is. "Huh, firecracker what the hell, how are you touching me and why are you pulling on my ear?"


I see that it's Hanabi Hyuga with 1 hand on her hip and the other, well the other is pulling on my ear somehow. As my mind is still working at light speed trying to figure out what is going on both Naruto and Sasuke drop next to me both wearing shocked expressions.


"Uh, Nii-San you blink us away so we can figure out how this is possible." I nod and blink the four of us into the compound. Hanabi has let me go now but my ear is still a little red thanks to her pulling. we are all staring at her in confusion, shock and wonder.


"What, are you all going to sit there gawking at me the whole day?" We are snapped out of our daze, Sasuke speaks before I can as I honestly have no idea what to say right now.


"How are you able to touch Nii-San? No one, not even us two can bypass his passive defence." She stares at us in confusion. "sigh~ watch this." Sasuke throws a straight punch towards my face and it visibly slows down before coming to a complete stop.





Naruto grabs a rock and throws it at me, said rock is now floating in front of my face. "Huh neat so that's the defence everyone is going crazy about." She walks up grabs the rock and throws it at me again, the rock stops in front of me again.


"Hmm~ this is interesting you shouldn't be able to touch me, no one should it's impossible unless I touch them first and even then I still have a layer of defence on and yet you got through all of that and...Pulled my ear?? Yes, I forgot why the hell did you pull my ear?"


She huffs in annoyance and turns her head around with her arms crossed over her chest. "I don't know maybe you subconsciously allowed me to get through or something, as for why I did that... go figure it out your self you idiot hmph." Huh, that actually makes sense I must have subconsciously allowed her through, as to why I'm not entirely sure. This could be a little dangerous especially if she is caught in a genjutsu.



"Hanabi, can you allow Sasuke to control you in a genjutsu so you can attack me while under control, I want to test a theory." She looks hesitant but sighs and agrees. I turn to Sasuke who has already activated his Sharingan.


"Alright I have her under control, Ill get her to attack you now be prepared." He smirks most likely trying to get me back for what I did to him earlier. She lunges towards me fist reeled back and sends a punch straight towards my nose. Her fist slows down and comes to a complete stop a few inches away from my face.

"Hmm~ this is getting quite confusing why can she get through normally but not when under genjutsu? what makes her so special?" I think out loud. Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and then nodded.


"Satoru-Nii it must be the same reason you can still breath while having the defence on. I don't remember the explanation you gave me but you said that only what your ability considers safe, beneficial or needed is allowed through, anything else is filtered out."




That's what I thought as well as it makes the most sense. "sigh~ this doesn't explain why she is special enough to be able to make it through my defence ~. Ah whatever it's not like she can harm me while under control so I guess that's fine, we should start heading to the academy we're already an hour late." Sasuke and Naruto are both looking at me with knowing smirks.


"What? why are you looking at me like that?" they start shaking their head while clicking their tongue, for some reason they are starting to piss me off. "He doesn't realise it does he Naruto? Sasuke shakes his head in disappointment while addressing Naruto.


"Not at all Sasuke-Nii It looks like we will need to help him with this, tsk tsk." Naruto replies while looking equally disappointed 'What the hell are these idiots talking about, should I beat them up a little so that they start making more sense?'


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that as hanabi tapped my shoulder causing me to flinch as I'm not used to someone being able to potentially harm me even if my body and instincts are trained to monstrous levels. "Well now that we got all that out of the way I wanted to talk to you all about something, My birthday is coming up next week, and I would like to invite you all to attend." I hum in contemplation.



"hmm~ I don't know I don't really enj-" Again I am cut off this time by my two brothers shouting over me. ""WE WILL GO."" Huh, they seem off for some reason. "As Nii-San was about to say, we would love to come to your birthday celebration, Ignore what he says he just gets lazy sometimes, we will drag him over if we have to."


Huh? What the hell is wrong with them today, did they hit their heads when we split up earlier? Hanabi gives a bright smile. "Thank you, Naruto-san, Sasuke-san. And do make sure this idiot comes." she finishes off with a smile and walks over to me. "You will attend my celebration, Right?" She says while giving me a sweet smile with her eyes closed in crescents.


"H-Hai?" I say unsurely. "Good, I'll see you later then." She turns around and jumps over the gates as she had made me add in her signature a week after we moved here.



"whipped," Sasuke mutters something under his breath and Naruto nods sagely. I decide that we have wasted enough time and blink into our classroom seats in the back. We all get a scolding from Iruka something about shinobi being punctual or something we've all learned to tune out his lectures instead of trying to explain. The lecture is cut short as the Sandaime Hokage lets himself into the class with a red-haired girl with ruby-coloured eyes and glasses following behind him. "Hokage-sama, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to receive you myself." Iruka bows in apology.


"Hoh~ it's quite alright Iruka-Kun I should be apologising for barging in unannounced." While the two adults are exchanging words I look at the girl and recognise her as Karin Uzumaki, I'm quite surprised that she is here as she should be currently in the hidden grass village I wonder how they found her. She pulls on the old man's robe to get his attention.

"Ah yes, I'm sorry I forgot about you child. Iruka this is Karin she was sent here to Konoha by my student Tsunade after she was found in unfortunate circumstances in the hidden grass village.

Karin-chan this is going to be your class for the next two months, you will graduate with them to become a genin and I'll sort you out into a team. Introduce yourself." she bites her bottom lip in nervousness and walks to the front of the class. she lets out a deep breath and steels herself.


"My Name is Karin Uzumaki, I'm new to the village and don't know much, so please take care of me." she finishes off with a bow. Iruka decides to seat her next to us or precisely next to Sasuke. She walks over and sits down while taking a look at us most likely analyzing us. The class is currently confused about her last name. "SENSEI, SHE SAID HER LAST NAME IS UZUMAKI, IS SHE RELATED TO NARUTO-BAKA?!?!"




I really out to slap a silencing seal on that banshee I can even see that the old man is contemplating doing something to shut her up.



"I'm not sure you'll have to ask Hokage-Sama that question." All eyes turn to the old man as he gives off a small chuckle. "Hoho~ Karin and Naruto are both from the Uzumaki clan, as for their relation they are cousins. The Uzumaki clan was thought to have gone extinct during the second shinobi war,

after a combined attack from Kumo, Iwa and Kiri. We the Leaf village were close allies to the Uzumaki living in Uzishiogakure but unfortunately, we weren't able to make it in time to help causing them to take out half the allied forces winning u s the war, few Uzumaki survived and scattered across the elemental nations hiding themselves from enemies. In fact, the red whirlpool logo on all flak jackets is the Uzumaki symbol, we use it to honour our eternal friendship with the Uzumaki clan."


Everyone is shocked by this revelation as this means that Naruto is considered a prince, and yet he is being treated like trash. Naruto doesn't show any emotion and is leaning back with his eyes closed and hands behind his head. I've already had the old man tell him about his parents, all it took was a little convincing telling him I'd be burning his porn stash." Karin looks like she already knows as she glances at Naruto.



"I can assure you Haruno-san that Naruto Is an Uzumaki and is a descendant from the main family making him royalty. I was personal friends with his mother who was sent here by the Uzukage at the time of Uzishio's destruction." Sakura decided to keep her mouth shut thankfully and just glares at Naruto with all the hate she could muster.




As the class ends Karin is swarmed with questions from our classmates. I can see that she is getting annoyed and is about to snap so I decide to intervene. "Karin-Chan the old man must have informed you about Naruto already so I'm guessing he wants you to live with us until he sorts out a permanent home for you right?" she nods in agreement with a thankful look in her eyes.

"Alright then grab on I'll blink us to the compound." She looks at my outstretched hand in confusion but sees both Naruto and Sasuke each grabbing a shoulder so she complies. I blink us in front of the compound and take a drop of blood without her noticing and add it into the seal then blink us into the compound.


"Alright this place is pretty big so you can look around and unpack your stuff in an empty room dinner will be ready in an hour~" She looked at me in shock as I had just casually teleported all four of us away from the classroom without any warning. she snaps out of it and goes to unpack.








[1 week later, Hanabi Hyuga birth-day]

"Karin~ tell them to stop bothering me to dress differently~"




Satoru whines while hiding behind Karin as his two brothers are holding some formal wear trying to get him to change outfits for the celebration. "Nii-San I won't allow you to go out wearing those clothes, they are fine for combat and normal outings but not as formal wear to a Hyuga birthday celebration. Besides we are now running late just imagine what Hanabi will do if she doesn't see us there"

Satoru quiets down and scowls at the thought. "But I don't want to wear that ugly dress~" Satoru again whines while pointing at a midnight blue 2 piece yukata with white streaks flowing upward from the sleeves.

"Satoru-Nii even if I am sucking it up and wearing the formal clothes, you'll embarrass us and yourself if you go wearing that."

Naruto is wearing a dark orange 2 piece with red flame-like patterns on the edges, Karin with a red and black kimono and Sasuke with a black and white kimono in what looks like a yin-yang symbol meeting in the middle of his chest.



"Fine but I'm keeping my blindfold and ignoring everyone else, It's already good enough that I personally made a gift but nooo~ I have to also play dress up, this is the first and last time I attend a birthday party. I better not have anyone coming up to me trying to talk politics I'll just smack them down with my Haki."


As Satoru pulls out a small orb hanging on a thin silver chain the two brothers pale thinking of what their eldest just said about knocking people out with his haki. Both have witnessed and been on the receiving end of what they've named 'King's Aura'. 


The little gem on the necklace is a special type of charm that was made specifically tailored by Satoru with hanabi in mind. The orb is a midnight blue with star-like particles moving around making it look like he collected a piece of the sky at night time, the star particles twinkle around jumping from one place to the other.



This orb is made using Satoru's ability to compress space, he used his special gijutsu will continuously compress and establish the space into a marble-like state allowing the dangerous little neckless to grant the wearer protection in dangerous situations in the ability of a defensive shield to shield the user and allys around.


(A space reversal technique pretty much, anything considered dangerous will be repelled back.)


It also has the ability to teleport the wearer over to Satoru if they are knocked unconscious and are considered in danger. The necklace has been tailor-made for hanabi as no one but she will be able to use or take it off.



"You really put an awful lot of time into that gift Nii-San, it's also something that everyone will lust after considering the abilities you've had it replicate," Sasuke says while Naruto and Karin are helping Satoru dress. "I think it's sweet any girl would kill to be receiving something like this from, well from you," Karin says while giving a knowing smirk causing Sasuke and Naruto to do the same. "Also no blindfold just wear your glasses for now, since you refuse to show your eyes." I groan out a response and remove my blindfold slapping on my dark-tinted sunglasses. "Let's go, we are already late Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaims pumping his fist into the air.




We are currently standing in front of the gates of the Hyuga compound, Naruto, Karin and Sasuke are just talking casually with each other while I'm standing a little behind them with an annoyed frown.

'Why do I have to wear such restricting clothes screw formality I should have just come with a T-shirt and some pants anyone that comments can go to sleep.' I'm snapped out of my musing by the gatekeeper motioning for us to enter. "I know I already said this, but I'll repeat myself." As we walk in I speak up causing them to all stop and look at me waiting for me to continue.


"Anyone and I mean Anyone that even looks at me the wrong way today will get blasted with haki, Yes including the old monkey." Karin just shrugs as this doesn't bother nor affect her, she walks away deciding to leave it up to the other two to handle it. Both of which are signalling something to each other using their eyes. "Alright then Nii-San we should enjoy ourselves, I think they have quite an assortment of sweets here today, we should go check them out." Sasuke knows how to shut me up.

He leads us to a table that's lined with a plethora of sugary food, it's like this whole table was made for me, I ignore everyone around and dig in picking up a jelly-like substance and devouring it faster than they could blink. I move around humming a happy tune with a smile while I try all the sweets on this table Sasuke and Naruto follow behind me shaking their head at my antics.




I'm forced to pause taste-testing the delicacies due to an unidentified shiver running down my spine for some odd reason, I'm getting a bad feeling for some reason.


"Uh, do you feel that? It feels like I did something wrong and someone is out to get me. weird I never do anything wrong, and which weakling would be able to get to me anyway~ must have just been my imagination~ now back to work hehehe~" I say going back to eating while ignoring the snickers that my two brothers do whenever something annoying happens. I'm forced to stop eating as someone grabs my shoulder. "Oh~ So I'm an annoyance? Even after I went as far as having a whole table of sweets prepared for you, you not only decided to arrive late but didn't even come looking for me wishing me a happy birthday. I've been too lenient on you."


She says in a sickly sweet voice with eyes clothed. I shiver and turn to face her ignoring my two snickering brothers and adults around us whispering to each other. She looks absolutely stunning wearing an orange and red 2 piece kimono with a white sash around her hips. her hair is done into a small bun with 2 streaks jutting down to her shoulders and three bangs framing her face two on the sides and one going down the middle. I'm snapped out of my trance as she smirks and moves closer to me removing my shades and allowing my rikugan to show. "Happy Birthday?" I say with a nervous smile hoping to be let off, her smile widens into a grin as her eyes open into narrow crescents. causing my instinct to send off major danger warnings. "Thank you, but that's not enough, You're coming with me today~,"


she says as she grabs me before I can blink away and starts dragging me away from everyone around. I look around and spot my brother giggling like idiots and send them a plea for help with my now uncovered eyes, they start laughing even more ignoring my plea, while getting dragged away I hear people making comments about my eyes, dreamy, beautiful and artworks are some of the words directed, I don't have enough time to appreciate the compliments as I'm currently being dragged away into the compound by my wrist.



As we enter an empty building with a small courtyard containing a pond she drags me across the veranda towards what I can only assume is her room she kicks open the door and flings me inside causing me to almost trip while trying to catch my balance I hear the door snap shut behind.


"Uh, Hanabi-Chan why did you bring me here?" I ask as I give her a nervous smile as she is quite scary looking giving me that sweet innocent looking smile that promises all but innocent pain. "hmm~ I wonder, why don't you figure it out yourself this time~"


I scramble around looking for the necklace and take it out from inside the kimono and hand it to her. she doesn't even look at it still staring me in the eyes. "Um, Hanb-" she cuts me off. "Put it on for me." my brain short circuits here and even with my ability to slow down my thoughts to 3 minutes a second, all I'm able to let out is an unintelligible


"huh?" she sighs and steps closer to me narrowing her eyes. "Do I need to repeat myself ~" I gulp. "No Mam." I quickly say as I inch closer bring the necklace down around her neck and walk back a little. As I see her not giving any reaction I decide to speak up and tell her about the abilities and how I made the necklace causing her to hum in response.


"Uh, do you not like it? I can get you something else if you don-" Again I'm cut off, I swear people enjoy doing this to me whenever I'm speaking. "No this is perfect, it's quite beautiful and I like it a lot thanks." She replies but I feel like something is off. "Did I do something to upset you?" I say to which she just sighs in defeat.




"Baka" I hear her mutter. "Wha-" Again I'm cut off but this time for a different reason as she moves in closer with eyes closed on her tiptoes as her lips press against mine causing me to shut up and stand there starting gobsmacked with eyes wide. She pulls away with a small blush on her face making her look more adorable than she already is.


"Well?" She says snapping me out of my trance. "wha?" I clearly am unable to process what just happened as she sighs and pouts. "For someone so intelligent you sure are dense. I'm asking for your answer, what will it be?" she clarifies and then it hits me, she just admitted her feelings to me and for some odd reason causes me to flush in embarrassment. I have no idea how I've never noticed my feelings for her and vice versa. "Uh- Yes? Um, YES!"


I all but scream causing her to smile at my flustered state. She catches me off guard again by leaning in pecking me on the lips again, causing me to just stand there dumbly with my lips slightly parted. "come on let's go back everyone must be talking about how I dragged you away. Also~ I better not see you being chummy and hand-fed any sweets from now on otherwise I'll make sure you regret it~ Am. I. clear." I nod dumbly as she gives me a sweet smile.



"H-Hai" she smirks and grabs my hand pulling me back out to the birthday celebration. As we walk back out all eyes turn to us making Hanabi smirk and before I knew it she plants another kiss this time on my right cheek. She is clearly marking me telling everyone to keep away. We ignore the shocked gasps and muttering around us as we make our way back to my brothers who have full-blown grins on their faces, then it hits me.


"You both knew?" they turn to each other and snicker. "I think everyone that has seen how you act around her knew, your subconscious powers literally allow her to filter into your defence that not even a kage can get past. The fact that you didn't know still baffles me. I mean she has been flirting with you for the past few years without you knowing, you pretty much already told her your answer without knowing when she was able to pull on your ear last week." Well now this just makes me pissed that I never noticed.




"Well, we are glad you're finally together, and looks like you've already been marked by her, should be able to keep the fan girls at bay with you strutting around like that," Naruto says and starts snickering with Sasuke when they see my confusion. Karin lets out a sigh and hands me my shades allowing me to see my reflection.


I see now why everyone is looking at us like that, she literally marked me twice, one in private and the other when we were in front of everyone, she gave me two smudges of her lips sticking to my face with lipstick. I let out a chuckle and turn to her as she gives me a small smile, I lean down and peck her on the lips. My brothers pulled out a camera from somewhere and are taking pictures while snickering to themselves. Everyone is forced to quiet down as the Sandaime Hokage walks in donning his usual Kage outfit. He returns the greeting with a wave of his hand.


"You can all go back to what you were doing I just came here to congratulate young Hanabi here on her birthday," he says as he walks over to us, he stops when he sees Hanabi with her arms locked around mine, and he then spots the two lipstick marks on my face and lets out a chuckle. "So you finally gave up and decided to just go for it. I'll have to admit for all your intelligence you are quite dense." He says causing me to groan and everyone around to let out a chuckle.

"Seriously did everyone but me know about this?" I sigh in defeat as I see them all giving me smirks. "It was very obvious that you both had feelings for each other, while Hanabi here was trying to get you to notice you just continued being oblivious to both of your feelings. I can see that she got tired of waiting and... well lay claim to you herself Hohohoho~" 




The old man hands her his gift and excuses himself from the party saying he still has work to do. Hanabi leans up to my ear causing me to shiver from her hot breath on me." I won't mind if you start using your haki on anyone trying to play politics, including my family~" I grin as I know she wants to just relax instead of talk politics with others, so for the next few hours anyone that's not Hanabi, Naruto, Sasuke or Karin that gets within 5 meters of me will either be on their knees gasping for breath or knocked out due to my conquerer haki. After a while, everyone seemed to get the message to not bother us, a few still trying their luck or some just curious about why the others fall down around us.


I Ignored them as I continued walking around and chatting with Hanabi until the end of the day. "Satoru, I better not see you getting hand-fed and calling girls cute from now on, Understand?" Hanabi all but threatens me as she walks us to the gate. "H-Hai" I hear the snickers of some of the adult males around who still haven't left with my two brothers wheezing behind me.




As we get back into our compound both walk up to me with shit-eating grins. "We got it all," Sasuke speaks up first. "What? Got all of what?" I say looking at him in confusion. "we followed you to the room and recorded it all hehehehe~" Naruto says while giggling, my eyes go wide as I stare at them trying to see if they are just pulling my leg, Karin pulls out a camera from behind and starts playing the video of me stuttering gobsmacked at the time.

"Oh this is priceless the great Satoru Gojo was speechless at getting kissed~" I give up on trying to destroy that recording as knowing them they have more copies hidden somewhere especially if they decided to reveal that one in front of me knowing I could easily destroy it.











All right this is the longest chapter I've done 5.8k words, this is mostly just me cementing the relationship of Hanabi and Gojo, yes it was very cheesy but deal with it I do not know how to write romance, I made sure to time skip almost to the start of the canon but not to graduation as I wanted to add in Karin to the class as one of the readers gave me an idea to start a medical support team which I plan on doing by adding sakura and fuu the seven tail jinchuriki but that won't be till much later, so ill have Karin and sakura put into a support role, mainly working in the hospital and doing missions with other teams as a backup. The next chapter canon starts Not sure when I'll upload it as I'll be a little busy this week but I'll try to get it out within 2 days. Please rate the story and give me feedback on how to improve my writing. when I see people telling me they actually enjoy reading this It makes me want to continue writing. ah and for the people that will complain about the special treatment for hanabi I tried to make it as light as possible as it would be weird that she wouldn't be able to touch him while they date as for the orb it can only be used by her and its pretty much a safety measure so that he doesn't have to constantly worry.

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