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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Do you want me?

Xi Yu had no hobbies in life other than self-development. And trying to keep any situation under his complete control, he tried to calculate all possible outcomes in a particular operation. Until one day his Commander said that one should not rely entirely on miscalculations of all possible outcomes in a given situation. Because life is as unpredictable as the rise and fall of Stocks.

Xi Yu, who went straight from an orphanage to the army, at that time did not even know what the stock exchange rate was. But he always listened very carefully to everything he was taught in the army. And so, when he became Ingrid's security guard, and in his free time he was watching TV, he came across a TV show dedicated to the topic of Shares.

Remembering what the Captain said, he became interested in this topic, so he got involved in the game "Predict the rise and fall of stocks.

Over time, he himself began to buy and sell Shares, making money and wasting money, with successful and unsuccessful forecasts.

Xi Yu didn't spend a lot of money, he played it like some kind of game. But the more he became interested in it, the more often he managed to earn money.

And now, that other Xi Yu from the memories was doing the same thing!

Now Xi Yu listened to the TV presenter with wide open eyes and was so shocked that he didn't know what to do now!

He lay in a coma for a week and should not know what is happening there now with the Shares, but he knew! Everything that that second Xi Yu knew from his dream during a coma about the stock price came true!

"This can't be! Either I see the future or I'm still in a coma..." Xi Yu thought in shock.

"Here, here, eat," Ingrid said, bringing the resgods with light soup and chopped fruit.

"Thank you..." Xi Yu answered automatically, and took a spoon with a thoughtful expression on his face and began to eat the soup.

He listened to the TV presenter and became more and more convinced that all this apocalyptic devilry could be quite real.

After weighing all the pros and cons. The risks of what could happen if this is true and what will happen if this is just some devilry he doesn't understand, like parallel universes. Xi Yu decided that it was better to act than to regret later.

- Why are you here? What about your company? - Xi Yu asked looking at Ingrid.


"I took a vacation for 2 months, I couldn't leave you in this state..." Ingrid answered awkwardly.

- Director Xue... Do you want me? - Thinking about what he should do now and making plans, Xi Yu unconsciously said ambiguously.

-WHAT...WHAT? - Ingrid shouted in shock from surprise, jumping up from her chair.

- Our contract has ended... Now I ask you, do you want to sign another contract with me? - Xi Yu asked in more detail, still in his thoughts.

- A! YES! Contract! - Ingrid exclaimed alarmedly, trying to hide the fact that she was not thinking about the contract at all.

- Of course I want! What are the conditions and for how long? - Ingrid asked excitedly.

- For life! "I agree to conclude a contract with you until you yourself want to break it," Xi Yu said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Ingrid's eyes lit up and her expression showed a sincere happy smile.

"I will draw up the terms of the contract myself," Xi Yu said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Okay, you can use my Halocommunicator," Ingrid said, being in high spirits, handing her Halocommunicator to Xi Yu.

It took Xi Yu half an hour to write and think through all the intricacies of the contract. After which he handed it to Ingrid, who eagerly began to read it.

And the more she read, the more surprised she was.

The amount of payments was recorded in full as an advance payment and amounted to only $100 million.

But it was not this that surprised Ingrid, but the point with the Apocalypse from the evolution of animals and the mutation of zombies!

After reading this paragraph, Ingrid became worried about Xi Yu's health.

- Xi Yu, what kind of Zombie Apocalypse is this? It's a joke? - Ingrid asked anxiously.

- Unfortunately, no... Do you remember I wanted to quit, travel and start a family? After what did I want to live a quiet family life? - Xi Yu asked seriously, and Ingrid nodded in confirmation.

- During this week of coma, I had a dream! A long dream in which I lived my life from infancy until I was 39 years old! All 24 years in this dream were exactly the same as what I myself lived. Even I forgot some moments, but in a dream I remembered and the detail was so precise that not a single moment was missed - leaning on the pillow, Xi Yu decided to be honest with Ingrid. It doesn't threaten him anyway. And the fact that he won't have to keep anything silent from Ingrid and she will find meaning in his actions and words will be a plus.

- So in this dream I went to travel to China, Korea, and not even two months passed when the Apocalypse began!

- Sick and weak people turned into zombies, and all other creatures of the planet except people underwent accelerated evolution!

- When 3 months later I got to Tokyo to find you, you were already a zombie! - Xi Yu calmly said.

Ingrid listened to the story skeptically and did not know how to console Xi Yu, because he had such a terrible dream.

"Xi Yu is..." but before Ingrid could speak, she was interrupted.

- I know what you want to say, it's just a dream, nonsense, or I have a brain injury... But now, turning on the TV, I looked at the rise and fall of the Stocks. And the knowledge from the dream completely coincided with the stock exchange rate in reality," Xi Yu continued to explain, deciding to hide only the fact that he began to feel a strong strengthening of the soul. His Will and perception became sharper, and his 5 senses became incredibly acute. Even being in this soundproof chamber, he could abruptly hear what was happening outside of it!

- Xi Yu, if you say that this is a prophetic dream, I will believe you! But the resurrecting dead eating human brains... - Xi Yu tried to explain the absurdity of what was said - Ingrid, but was interrupted.

- These zombies don't eat the brain, they eat a person until he turns into a zombie.

- In a dream, in the future, scientists proved that people turned into zombies not because of a virus, but because of an unknown Energy which they gave the name Fel!

- You don't need to believe. And in less than 2 months we will know whether it is fiction or not. After weighing all the pros and cons, I made a decision...

- It's better to believe in science fiction and play it safe than to give a damn and regret it for the rest of your life...

- I'm offering you a very lucrative contract, will you sign it or not?

- You will not lose anything. If this fantastic nonsense doesn't happen, I will protect you for the rest of my life. And if it does happen, then the last thing you will worry about is money... - Xi Yu said in a serious tone, looking intently at Ingrid.

- Hm... Okay, I agree to play along with this incident of yours. What do we have here: "I am at your disposal for 2 months." You mean at your disposal? - Agreeing and continuing to read, Ingrid was upset by the next point.

- I mean, you've been carrying out all my instructions for 2 months. You're still on vacation! You won't refuse, will you? It's only 2 months of your time... Can you give it up to the man who offered you his whole life? - Xi Yu calmly explained and asked.

"Hmm... This is Xi Yu, what am I thinking about..." Ingrid thought, having come to her senses, and continued reading the terms of the contract.

- Well, all the conditions suit me quite well! I will even add one more clause to make this contract more fair, if you believe so much in what was said about the end of the world. "In the event of the Zombie Apocalypse, Xue Ingrid will become Zhu Xi Yu's slave for life!" How do you like this point? - Ingrid asked, being in a good and even slightly playful mood.

- I don't mind, but watch, don't regret it later! Life after the Apocalypse is very harsh and there are no laws, because of the profession of lawyers, slavery will definitely appear! Aren't you afraid that you'll have to warm my bed against your own will? - Xi Yu joked in response, smiling cheerfully.

- This... This won't happen, what kind of Zombie Apocalypse! - Ingrid, taken by surprise, said, embarrassed and slightly blushing, surprised at his vulgar joke.

"What happened with me? From an early age, I gained complete control over my emotions and never lost control over them... Is it because that Xi Yu from the future sacrificed the soul component "Emotions" and now my emotions cannot cope with the "Soul Power" coming out out of my control? - Xi Yu was surprised at himself, trying to hide his excitement.

- And what will be your orders, Mr. Zhu? - Ingrid said sarcastically.

- Hm... In 3 days, Build shares will drop to $1.1 per share. Buy up these Acacias for all 100 million dollars! And after 4 hours, when they rise to $788 apiece, sell them all - Xi Yu, thoughtfully, gave his first order.

- "???" How is this possible? Are you sure that there will be such a sharp decline and rise in the Build Shares? - Ingrid said in a disbelieving voice.

- Build Shares are currently worth $244 per share, and according to my future memory, there will be an abnormal jump on June 14th. What does this have to do with? I don't know! But if I had to guess... Then I think it was someone's fraud to artificially lower and increase the Build Shares! And I don't know whose hands this is, and I'm not interested. The main thing is that I can take advantage of this chance to earn some good money," Xi Yu shared his thoughts.

- Is it good to earn extra money? With 100 million you can buy more than 90 million Shares! And selling them 788 times more expensive... That's more than 70 billion dollars in 4 hours! If this prediction of yours comes true, I will believe everything you tell me! Well, except maybe the living dead eating people... Don't you feel sorry for spending all 100 million on this dubious step? - Ingrid said in an incredulous voice.

- You don't need to worry or believe in anything, just work hard these 7 weeks! - Xi Yu said not in the mood to explain and persuade Ingrid.

- Anything else you wish, Mr. Zhu? - Ingrid said with a sarcastic emphasis on "Mr. Zhu".

- No, that's all for now, shall I use your Halocommunicator? "I need to make many plans and projects to prepare for the Apocalypse," Xi Yu said in a serious voice.

- This is a spare one, use it for your health. "I'll go home and get some sleep..." Ingrid said in a tired voice.

During this week she was not in the best condition and did not sleep much at all. And now, being relaxed from the fact that everything was fine with Xi Yu, fatigue fell on her.

"Okay, when you leave, give orders to the doctors so that they don't bother me and bring me food on time," Xi Yu said, already immersed in making plans for the future, quickly typing texts on the hologram keyboard of Ingrid's communicator.

- Okay, don't overexert yourself. You've been in a coma for a week! - Ingrid finally said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

"I've been in a coma for a week... I need to warm up..." Xi Yu thought as he got out of bed and disconnected the IV attached to his body.

After spending 30 minutes doing some light stretching, Xi Yu returned to his bed, continuing to take notes on his plans for the future.

"Exactly, base... Where can I find a suitable place? Oh, why not..." Xi Yu thought with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Taking the phone from the nightstand next to the bed, Xi Yu dialed the number and called.

- Hello, Commander Lee! How are you doing? Do you have time to talk? - Xi Yu asked as soon as he saw that the phone was picked up.

- Are you Xi Yu? I will always have time for you. Do you need something? - a stern voice rang out in which notes of friendliness slipped through.

- Yes, I need your help. Do you still remember your promise? Is it still valid? - Xi Yu asked uncertainly.

In the past, there was one accident in which Xi Yu risked his life to save the life of his commander. And he made a promise that he would forever remember this incident and someday he would definitely repay.

- Of course, how could I forget about the promise to my savior. How can I help you? If it is in my power, I will do whatever you ask! - Commander Lee said in a more excited voice.

He himself wanted to somehow repay Xi Yu for saving him. He didn't like being in debt, that's his nature.

- I need to borrow the Tokyo Bunker for 2 months, can you arrange it? - Xi Yu asked with hope in his voice.

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