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Chapter 21: Chapter Seven, Part Three

"The last things I need to refine are the cauldron, the Tree of Might's seeds, and my two symbiotic rewards," Hal swept one of the three seeds into SCP-914 and shut the door. Anti-Venom and the Guyver unit would be last, an experiment that he had high hopes for. "Alright, set to fine and…"

The microsecond that Hal's finger depressed the activation switch, SCP-914's dial flickered. One moment it was on its 'Fine' setting, the next it was a single notch higher. By the time he processed the change, it was too late.

The Clockwork spun and whirred, a process that took longer than any of his other attempts. Hal drifted back, on guard as he peered into the future. The possibility that SCP-914 would change its setting on its own had not appeared within his three-minute-sight. It seemed if the machine was determined to, it could circumvent his ability.

"This is…" Hal's eyes widened within his visions. It was time to take action, or his Fortress would be destroyed! He reached out and snagged Ran from her bowl. "Wake up you useless Elemental, this room is about to become very cramped!"

A sweep of his biofield gathered everything important, the still meditating goddess on his shoulder. Red filled his eyes, a blast of heat vision that carved a massive hole into the side of the base. It sheared through wall after wall, until he'd created a clear pathway to the forested landscape below.

A rush of steam issued from SCP-914's outtake chamber, pushed away by an expansion of emerald-gold roots. They grew to fill the chamber, forced along the path Hal carved through the crystal of his Fortress.

Half his mind on the future, Hal drifted back from the plant's advance. It pushed forward until it reached the soil, where the mass of roots buried deep into the ground. Their reach expanded, an exponential growth that circled the Fortress's foundations in a twisted thicket of green.

The roots continued downward, aimed for the core of the world as a wall of crystalline emerald wood inched up the Fortress walls. It carried on, until the entire base was encased in the trunk of a topless tree. After a momentary pause, branches sprouted from the flattened peak, countless tendrils that reached towards the sun.

"This place is so beautiful…" a childish voice whispered into the back of Hal's mind, followed by a drowsy yawn. A chill ran down his spine as a powerful consciousness focused its attention onto his position. "Hello there… are you my Father?"

"...I suppose so," Hal shook his head, mind buffeted by the waves of psychic force. "How about you lower the volume, your Dad's got a bit of a headache."

The mental burden reduced to a mild pressure and the world stopped its aimless spin. Hal rubbed his temples as the voice whispered, still too loudly, into his ear.

"Sorry, Father, I didn't mean to hurt you!" A wave of peaceful ki billowed from the massive tree, dropped from its wide brimmed leaves and directed into Hal's body. His mental discomfort vanished, as if it had never been. "I'm just excited to see the world… everything here is so full of life, and the sun is full of delicious power!"

"It's alright," Hal circled the tree, in search of any glimpse of his Fortress. "Is there any chance you could move off of my house… you've sort of grown around it and I need the stuff inside."

"You want me to move out of the house…" the tree vibrated, voice on the verge of tears. "What did I do to make you upset? I promise, I'll do better from now on!"

"I'm not kicking you out," Hal winced as the volume within his mind ticked upwards. So far his future showed no real danger, just a strange encounter with a juvenile, sentient plant. "It's just, it would be nice to be able to access the doors and windows…"

"Oh…" the trunk of the tree rippled and a series of holes took shape. Aligned with their counterparts on the Fortress, they reformed the tree into a kind of organic building. "Is that better?"

Hal floated to the main gate and slipped within the open door. Jor-EL's hologram joined his flight, face set in a concerned frown.

"We have lost access to the solar energy needed to power the base," A schematic was projected between them that depicted the Fortress' lowest levels. "We've begun to draw on the planetary core, but this much energy will…"

"Hey… Silvanus," Hal silenced Jor-EL with a raised hand and named his newest 'child' on the spot. "This building needs a certain amount of sunlight to power it… if you can take care of that, everything will be perfect."

"Alright, Father!" Silvanus shivered, its branches stretched towards the sky. The canopy above doubled in volume, countless leaves that faced the sun. "How's this?"

The crystal walls of the Fortress gleamed with emerald light, concentrated energy channelled from Silvanus' body into the photoreceptors of the base. Illumination returned to the halls, a forest green that soothed the mind. Hal glanced at Jor-EL, who nodded his head.

'That's good, Sil, very good,'' Hal let his biofield carry him back to his lab, where everything was still surrounded by a dense knot of wood. Energy pulsed through the heart of the tree, the source of the green around them. "Is there any chance you could restore this chamber as well, I need access to the machine inside…"

Emerald wood retreated in a tide, until SCP-914 and the rest of the laboratory returned to relative normalcy. One wall was replaced by the structure of the massive tree, centred by the pulse of Sil's heart. Hal sighed and lifted Ran via his biofield into her tank, her small form still lost in the refinement of the Divine Water.

"Thanks, Sil," Hal rubbed his face, a bit weary after his long day. He would leave the majority of his experiments for later and move to the most interesting that remained. "It's time to summon the dormant Anti-Venom and my Guyver unit."

Twin ripples of light and they appeared before him, a baseball sized white sphere and a biomechanical donut centred with a metallic orb. Hal carried the rewards toward SCP-914, but hesitated before he set them inside. Even though his future-sight promised him no issues, the machine could act outside his vision.

"Whatever," Hal shrugged as he placed both of the symbiotic rewards inside the intake booth of SCP-914. The benefits were too great a temptation. "I'll just hold the dial in place as I press the switch."

Hal enveloped the Clockworks with his biofield, a firm hold that clamped the dial at the 'Fine' setting. His visions showed that 'Very Fine' led to his near instant death. He couldn't even glimpse the thing that flashed from within the outtake before it severed his head, something he could only avoid if he fled the world at his greatest speed.

A flick of the switch and the gears spun, a steady hum that relaxed Hal's muscles. The SCP hadn't played any tricks this time and soon he'd have a very powerful weapon to add to his arsenal. A power amplifying suit that could heal his wounds and potentially magnify even his kryptonian abilities.

"Let's take a look at you…" 

Steam drifted from the outtake booth, where a small honeycombed sphere rested on the ground. Each tiny chamber on its surface held a smaller, silver-black orb. Guided by his future-sight, Hal lifted it with his aura and pulled off his gi to expose his chest.

After triple checking the outcome, Hal pressed the fused symbiote against his heart in a single smooth motion. It slipped through his body, a seamless transition as it spread and expanded to connect to every cell.

A moment of disorientation, then a swell of power under his skin. A new part of his consciousness unfolded, a parallel self that was connected to the symbiote. He'd gained a second perspective that shared the same body, under his control like a phantom limb.

"Very weird…" Hal's three-minute-sight prepared him, but the live experience of a twinned mind was still unnerving. One of his inner selves experienced the sensations within his body as the symbiote integrated with his cells, while the other was immersed in his future sight. "It seems like the Clockwork has transformed the Anti-Venom consciousness into a 'second self,' of a sort."

A shift occurred within, a mental click as the symbiote merged completely with him on a genetic level. It ceased to exist as a separate entity and became a part of his very being. Knowledge poured into his mind, a fundamental understanding of his new abilities and their use.

"Perfect…" Hal glanced at his reflection in the crystalline wall. His new Saiyan body looked back at him, mostly unchanged except for the black tail at his rear and the white, gold-flecked hair on his head. "I can activate an armoured form at will, manipulate gravitic energy, even heal from a single cell…"

A ripple shredded away his time worn gi, replaced by a white-blue suit of armour that was fused tight to his skin. Bladed spikes curved back from his elbows, weapons that he could reform at will. His face was covered by a simple white mask with electric blue eyes, hair uncovered.

"I wonder how powerful I am right now?"

***Power Levels and other notes***

Hal: 6,500,000 (65 million with symbiote armour enhancement, Max kio-ken: 50x)

Ran: ??? (Varies based on the amount of water she is connected to)

Anti-Venom/Guyver Fusion: This symbiote has all the abilities of Anti-Venom and the Guyver Unit, but enhanced and combined. It won't develop a consciousness, but it will allow Hal to potentially create a hive mind using Venom style clones. I'll include a basic summary of its abilities down below, but it won't include everything!

Clone Creation (Controlled by independent copies of the MC's consciousness, completely loyal to the host)

Symbiotic Reproduction (Can create other symbiotes that have wills of their own)

Power Replication (Can copy abilities related purely to genetics via clones and absorb them for its hosts use)

Biological Enhancement (Adapts, conforms, and enhances the physical abilities of its host to maximise their full genetic potential when in an armoured state)

Hyper Regenerative Healing (Can heal most wounds instantly, and regenerate from a single cell in less than a minute. The regenerated body would be formed of new cells and lacking the solar energy of the old one.)

Vibrational Blades (High powered cutting blades that separate matter using vibrational frequencies)

Gravity Manipulation

VendakSoth VendakSoth

Thanks again for reading! This novel will have a slower release rate than my other novel, at least for now. I do monthly content polls on my Patreon, so if enough people are interested then this novel will move up in priority! My top priority novel gets seven chapter parts a week on the patreon and five on all other platforms. All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!

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