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Chapter 6: Ch.6 Walking around


Well, that wasn't so noble of me, but well who cares after all the food was really delicious. I should learn to cook from our chief, don't know may come in handy someday.

Walking out of the dining room I stretch my body a little as I walk toward an opening in the palace hallway. Finding my favorite place that I mostly hand out in I sit on the chair placed there.

Sitting on the chair I bathed the sunlight as I looked at the bustling city from far away, although I had quite a sick body due to me being 'Mana core rank' my physical strength wasn't by any means weak.

After all, increasing a rank is not just increasing the mana amount and quality but also strengthening one's body. Because of this even though mages may not look that physically strong due to their build they are very strong. Agni and My mother can be a good example of a mage, though both of them can be considered genius in their own way.

Standing from the chair I was sitting on I jumped on top of the railing of the balkani and looked down, it was quite a steep fall due to the castle being quite big and me being on the highest floor available.

Seeing the height I give a smile and jump down free falling to the ground, you may be wondering why am I doing this, well it isn't for any reason like taking my own life or the likes.

I just wanted to test my magic, well try out a harder spell for the first time after all it has only been some hours since I have been able to freely use my mana.

Well normally it would have been considered suicide to do this after all a person who has never used mana in his life trying to cast a strong spell like <flight> and if I see someone else than me do it I would also consider them stupid.

So what differentiates them and me you ask, well it's simple I am my mother's son, the son of Alice one of the most well-known Arch mages in this world. So wouldn't it be embarrassing if I didn't even learn some magic theory.

Well, now then without wasting any more time let's get to grafting that spell otherwise I may really die, well I did read that the fear of death enhances a person's mind. Let's test that shall we?

I close my eyes and look at the flow of mana in my body, moving it in turn with the flow of mana like in the theory I start to weave the spell I want. Learning a spell for the first time for a mage is quite a difficult and dangerous task in which a single mistake may destroy your mana network.

However, if you manage to perform the spell one time you won't have to go through all of this tedious process again as your body and mana flow will remember the spell without a fault.

I open my eyes and look at the mana escaping from my body, as they are released from my body they are converted into wind mana and start to cover me.


With the spell being completed my body comes to a complete halt as I remain motionless in the sky, looking at the wind mana swirling around me I nod my head and quickly fly up again, reaching the top of the castle I land there and deactivate the magic.

After all, being a high-rank magic it is quite mana-draining, with my current mana pool I may only be able to use it for ten to twenty minutes. Sitting on one of the roofs of the castle I enjoy the cool breeze coming my way.

Looking a little to the right I can see the visage of the "Titan Spine Mountain" in the distance, the main landmark of this continent and the only thing that can be seen from anywhere in the four kingdoms of this continent.

A mountain with a height of 14000 km reaching high above in the heavens itself it takes about one-third of this continent's total area. And to add to the dangers, it is infested with Magic Beasts making it one of the third most dangerous places in the world.

Looking at the mountain I couldn't help but remember the thought that came to mind when I first saw it, I wanted to reach its top a fleeting dream for the ill person that I was but now that it has changed after all I have been cured.

"Well, then listen here you ancient mountain one day I am going to conquer your top." 

I shout with all my might as I point at the mountain, due to the winds nobody except me, and the shadow guards should have heard me.

"Can you guys stop following me already?"

I shout while still looking in front of me, after all, there is no use of me looking back. Well, they are called the shadow guard for a reason and even I wouldn't have known about it if not for Mother telling me about it.

"I am already cured so there is no more need for you to look after me every day. Father should call you back soon, but you know it still doesn't feel good when your private time has been intruded upon. So can you kindly leave me for now?"

I continue my words as I stand up from the place I was sitting, although nothing changes in the surroundings I have a feeling that they have left. After making sure that my face becomes red due to the embarrassment of shouting out loud. 

I really didn't think that action through, well I am just a four-year-old so I should get a pass. Thinking that I again jump down and activate the spell, flying down slowly I enter through the balkani I jumped from and cancel my flight spell.

From the position of the sun currently, I can safely say that it's still quite early in the morning, so I guess I have an entire day ahead of me. What to do, what to do? normally I would have been reading books but since I can use mana freely now I don't want to use all my time on that single action.

After thinking for a while I finally get a good idea and make my way toward the knight's training ground, Sir Vayu should be there training my sister and the other new trainees.

Walking through the hallway while singing some songs I heard in the memories of that life I make my way toward the training ground. The servants look confused after hearing the songs I am singing as they are in a foreign language they never heard, ignoring them for now I continue on my way.

After a while of walking and going down various stairs, I reach the ground floor of the castle and the place where the training ground is.

After a while, I arrive in front of a giant dome etched with various magic symbols and spells made for minimizing damage, repairing the ground when it has been damaged, and other features.

Entering inside the dome I enter a private changing room to change my clothes to the ones better suited for combat. Standing on top of a magic circle the circle glows and my entire body is covered by blue light.

The magic circle is scanning my body and after it has done that I can see a training outfit materializing in front of me. Taking the outfit that has been specialized for me I change into it and and take a short sword that is perfect for my hand.

Feeling its weight and adjusting my body to it I enter the main training ground, as I do so the space expands and the next room gets five times bigger than it looked from outside.

Since the training ground is divided into five parts I skip the four-part meant for the knights and the like and make my way toward the part of it our family personally uses.

The deeper I go the fewer knights I see training as it is made in such a way that the higher a knight's rank the more they are close to our family's training ground.

As I reach the deepest part I can see two people clashing with each other, one of them being my sister and the other being Sir Vayu.


Their blade collides and it makes a clinking sound, both of them are fighting at an equal pace, well that is what it will look like to an outsider but I know Sir Vayu's true strength I know that he is heavily holding back.

And although I have never practiced with a sword myself I have seen other knights train with it, and if nothing else I have quite keen eyes, so I can see that my sister's techniques need a lot of improvement as flawless as they seem at first.

But in that place, the sword techniques of Sir Vayu are nothing but flawless, still, I wonder how good the sword technique of the "Sword Saint" will be. After all the technique of my father the "Martial Saint" is well, otherworldly.

Standing silently on the sideline I watched the match unfold, although it looked even at first after Sir Vayu put more strength in his attack the fight tilted in his favor. And within a few minutes, the fight ended with his victory, knowing that she had lost she sat on the ground and collected her breath while looking at me, Sir Vayu had also noticed my presence.

Clap! Clap!

"A wonderful fight."

I say as I pick up a bottle of water and make my way toward my sister, I give it to her and she takes it. Finishing it almost instantly she collects her breath and closes her eyes, most likely reviewing all she learned in this fight.

"Congratulations on your recovery Neo." He says as he pats my head and gives me a fatherly smile.

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