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Chapter 10: Ch.10 A family dinner

Walking through the hallway of the castle I couldn't help but sigh to myself after all it did require some effort to resolve the situation after it had initially calmed. Although it is solved I can say that I have a very difficult year ahead of me, as I got three teachers who will teach me three different things daily.

Looking at the setting sun through the various openings in the hallway I make my way toward the dining room, all of my family should be waiting for me there.

Even though darkness was upon us the castle and the city were as bright as ever due to the many magic lanterns throughout the city.

The city looked beautiful and so peaceful. And I wish it always remains so.

Entering the dining room I see the figure of five people sitting on their seats, smiling them I also take my seat.

Sitting in the middle of my father and Sir Vayu I look at the peoples opposite to us, mother, sister and Agni.

As if waiting for my arrival the door of the room opens again as maids brings rows upon rows of food and place it neatly on the table. After giving us a deep bow all of them leave the room closing the door behind them.

"Son, is there any problem with your body currently."

My father asks as he places some food for me in the plate.

"No, I am perfectly fine Father."

I reply as I give him a reassuring smile.

"Good, but if you do sense a problem then do inform me."

My father says as he puts the plate in front of me.

"Understood, Father."

I reply, giving a quick glance at Sir Vayu and Agni, I couldn't help but grin after all from their looks I can see that both of them are avoiding eye contact. And with the blush that covers their face, I can be sure that I can move my plan to the next stage.

"Hmm, are you facing any problems when handling mana?"

Mother asks as she looks at my face, I can also see that sister is staring at me but she is already back into her cold face mode.

"No, Mother I do not have any problem in that regard, in fact, I can feel that controlling my mana is quite an easy task."

Well, it is the truth after all from what I had read in the book I thought controlling mana would be more difficult than this when starting to use it at first. Well, I guess there are exceptions to every rule.

"Understood son, we should still properly check it during tomorrow's training."


I nod my head as I take a bite of the food in front of me, the flavors inside it burst forth and I could not help but let my face turn into a big smile. After all, it is quite a known fact that I am quite a foodie.

"You seem to be enjoying your food."

Sir Vayu asks me trying to run away from the awkward situation, but alas he chooses the wrong target to be a gateway for his escape.

"Yes, it is very delicious. But I am sure if you cook the food everybody will also like it, especially Agni. Won't you say that the truth Agni."

Hehe, how will you reply now Agni, after all, Sir Vayu takes great pride in his cooking skills. Looking at the expectant gaze of Sir Vayu as he looks at Agni and the flustered and surprised face of Agni, I can safely say that my plan has worked, no matter how crude it may be.

I can see the smiles on the faces of my mother and father as they look at this drama silently and I can even see a small smile on my sister's face.

"S-Sir Vayu's food is quite delicious. In fact, I wouldn't mind having it for the rest of my life."

She replies with the second half of her sentence being in low volume, so low in fact that it was nothing more than a mumbling. Normal people wouldn't have been able to understand it but Sir Vayu is no normal person and he heard it clearly.

Looking at the embarrassed but smiling face of Sir Vayu I can safely say that the day of his proposal to Agni is very near. Agni also realized her mistake as she put her, current redhead down due to embarrassment.

"Oh, yes son do you know who is arriving soon."

Mother asks ignoring the figure of the two people.


I ask after all I was in a coma for a while so there is no way I can keep up with every information. And if Mother is asking me this question that means only one thing and that is a high-ranking person is visiting.

So there is no way I can find it through the maids and butlers working in the castle, after all information about such travels is kept secret for safety reasons.

"I thought so, well It's Ruri and her little girl Ruby."

Mother continues her words as she tells me two familiar names, one of them is Aunt Ruri, also known as the queen of this kingdom and the other is Ruby, one of my few friends and the one who visits me most often.

"Is it due to my coma, after all, they have visited me every time I have suffered from the same situation before."

"Yes, it was the initial reason but mid-way through their journey I have informed about you recovering from your illness."

Mother replies to my question as she puts some food in her mouth enjoying its taste.

Normally it would have been a joyous situation if your friend came to meet you after you had recovered from your illness, but I couldn't help but feel scared.

After all, illness was my only saving grace that was protecting me from her rage whenever I pranked her but now that's gone I don't know what will happen to me.

If I was stronger than her I could have just run away but since she is stronger than me I don't have any choice but to take her beating.

Hmm, what to do, what to do... Yes, if the situation arises I will hide behind my sister.

With that thought in mind, I look at my sister, and feeling my gaze she looks at me in confusion with her stuffed face. Smiling to her I look back at my mother.

"So, when will they be arriving."

I ask, after all, information is the greatest weapon, and with this, I can plan a better measure of escape.

"Hmm, I guess they should arrive by tomorrow."

Tomorrow, I am royally screwed after all I am not even getting a full day of prep time, I guess I have to believe in my wordplay for now.

Throwing that thought out of the way I enjoy my food while looking at the awkward situation that Sir Vayu and Agni have. Although one may consider me a sadist for enjoying this, but who cares, after all this is payment for me getting them together.

As for the problems plaguing me, well I am sure that my future self will be able to handle them easily, at least I hope so.



Walking through the palace hall I reach the working quarters of my second mother, knocking on the door I let my presence be known. third mother doesn't really like guards so the gate isn't protected by a guard.

"Mother it's me."

I voice out as I wait for her reply, after a brief moment of silence the voice of a woman comes.

"Enter, my daughter."

Getting her signal I open the door and enter the room, in front of me, I can see the figure of a green-haired mature woman doing a lot of paperwork. I seem to have interrupted her at a busy time.

"Sorry, Second mother for distu..."

Before I could continue with my sentence I felt somebody gently hugging me from the side, looking at the figure of a brown-haired woman I let my guard down as I melted in her hug.

Seeing this she smiles as she lifts me up, sitting on the sofa on one side of the room she puts me on her lap.

"After, all we were not discussing anything important currently and the time spent with you is never a waste my daughter."

She says as she gives me a gentle smile, her blue eyes glow with kindness as gently pats my head. She is my fourth mother, Anjana Von Solious.

"She is correct you know, My daughter."

My third mother, Rachal von Solious says as she walks toward her, her green eyes look at me as she gives me a smile.


I reply, even though I know they will speak such words I still feel guilty by wasting their time, when they already are such busy people.

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