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Chapter 2: The Alonecalibur

The boy was frozen in his place, not daring to say a word.

Finally, the monster detected the presence of the boy.

He opened his demonic mouth and screamed as he rubbed together the chains in his hands.

But before the demon could attempt to do something, a strong voice could be heard in the background.

The voice was so strong that Aiden had to put his hands on his ears in an attempt to make it quieter.

">Unamed Technique: ]Sonic Aura[<"

The voice became louder and louder. Aiden didn't feel any pain, but the same could not be said for the demonic monster.


The demon screamed in agony as he put his hands on his head, got on his knees, and started to bash his head on the floor.

It was clear that the monster was in agonizing pain caused by the voice.

"What the?"

Aiden was confused by the monster's actions.

"Is he in pain?"

For someone like Aiden, who had no idea what this creature or what that voice was, he could only speculate.

The monster kept bashing his head into the hard floor until the voice finally stopped.

After a moment of silence, something unexpected happened.


The monster's head exploded, covering the surroundings with blood and brain tissues.

Even with his head blown, the monster still kept a menacing pose.


Said Aiden, with his hair and cloaths fully covered in blood.

Aiden was still horrified, and his heart was still beating like a train.

"Okay, let's calm down and see where I AM!!!!!"

Said Aiden calmly before looking at his surroundings and screaming in reaction to the "unusual interior" of the room.

In the unholy chamber, the air hung heavy with malevolence, a palpable darkness that seeped through every inch of the grotesque space. The walls, pulsating with otherworldly energy, were not made of stone or wood but instead, twisted and contorted flesh. Veins and sinews crisscrossed like macabre tapestries, throbbing to the rhythm of an unearthly heartbeat.

Flickering torches, their sickly flames casting shadows that danced upon the fleshy walls, revealed an array of ancient magic circles etched into the floor. Each circle glowed with an ominous light, their arcane symbols pulsating in eerie harmony. Unholy whispers echoed within the room as if the very walls whispered secrets known only to the damned.

Mystical weapons of fantasy lore adorned the grotesque tableau. Blades forged from enchanted metals gleamed wickedly in the dim light, their edges humming with an ancient power. Bows, adorned with ethereal runes, hung beside staffs crackling with arcane energy. The air resonated with the faint hum of otherworldly enchantments as though the weapons themselves hungered for release.

Among the ominous artifacts, an ethereal fog weaved through the room, giving the impression of a haunting presence lingering just beyond perception. The atmosphere crackled with an unnatural electricity, a miasma of dark energies that clung to the very fabric of the demonic space.

As one ventured further into the accursed room, the air thickened with a sense of foreboding, an invitation into a realm where the boundaries between the supernatural and the profane blurred into a nightmarish tapestry of flesh, magic, and weapons steeped in ancient malevolence.

Just as the boy was wondering where he was, the same voice that chanted the arcane magic spell earlier called out for him.

"Aben or whatever your name is. I need your help."

Said the mystical and soft feminine voice as she got the boy's name wrong.

"HA HA, isn't the weather nice today?"

Said the handsome boy as he started to whistle with his mouth.

"... listen I need your help or we-"

The soft feminine voice was cut off.

"HE HE, my friends are probably worried sick for me."

Said the boy as he got up and turned toward the place he came from.

But before he could make a run, a strange shadow appeared in the corridor.

"Are you for real brother? Was he really this cute?"

Said an incredibly handsome, perverted-looking man with a blush on his face.


Said Aiden with a brave expression.

". . . Okay"

The voice said in a disappointed tone.

The voice leads Aiden through hundreds of mysterious and scary rooms, every room revealing another fantasy bullsh^t.

"Those women better be made out of gold."

Said the young man with an ugly expression while sweating from fear.


After a few more rooms, the voice finally made him stop.

Aiden widened his eyes.

Within the sanctified chamber, an ethereal spectacle unfolds as a white greatsword, pristine and gleaming, stands upon an ancient pedestal. Its hilt, adorned with intricate carvings reminiscent of celestial motifs, emanates an otherworldly radiance. Yet, paradoxically, this divine weapon is ensnared by enchanted chains, their links forged with mystical alloys, weaving around the blade in a purposeful yet restrictive dance.

Upon the chains, ancient runes are etched with mystical precision, pulsating with a soft, arcane glow. The cryptic symbols tell a tale of containment and purpose, a spell intricately designed to safeguard against forces beyond mortal comprehension. Their shimmering dance casts an ethereal light, enhancing the contrast between the sacred blade and the magical constraints that bind it.

This union of purity and confinement paints a celestial narrative, inviting those who gaze upon it to contemplate the untold mysteries and untapped potential within the sealed greatsword. As if frozen in time, the sword stands as a symbol of grace and restraint, its presence resonating with divine energy and the promise of an ancient power patiently waiting to be unleashed by the chosen one who holds the key to unlock its celestial might.

"Child i chose you as my-"

Said the mystical voice, but it was cut off by Aiden.


Screamed the boy.

"Even if it was made of paper, I still wouldn't be able to hold it."

Aiden's physique was extremely fragile. He couldn't possibly be able to wield this blade even if he were to train his whole life.

"This is not your everyday blade. This is The Heavenly Lich Llayer. It will-"

"Well... I had never tried to deadlift anything. I will probably break my back or something...."

Aiden said as he was nervously playing with his two hands.

It was clear that he was making ridiculous excuses so that he wouldn't need to do anything dangerous.

". . . You don't understand we have no time, they will-"

"WOOHOO, my virgin boy, are you here? I have candy."

Said the perverted-looking man who had been tailing Aiden for the past half an hour.

The man was not an average person. He was faster, stronger, and more durable than any human.

He was a Sorcerer.

He could kill or catch up to the boy at any given time, but he wanted the boy to be left alone in one of the rooms that were far away from the perverted man's friends, but it seemed like he didn't succeed.

"Ah, you stupid Victor. How can you try to do something like this?. . . Alone?"

Said a man behind Victor, the perverted man.

"*sigh* It seems like I couldn't have some fun time alone."

Said Victor with a blush.

"By the way, what is my sexy boy doing?"

Said the man behind Victor with a childish expression.

He was pointing at Aiden, who had his hands on the sealed greatsword and was pulling it with all of his might.

"*cries* Please loosen a little *cries*"

Said Aiden, who was crying in desperation to escape the two handsome men.

"Thank you for choosing me, master. I swear that I will make you the strongest person in the universe."

Said the voice with a soft and happy tone.

Aiden's eyes glow in white light. His eyes, a reflection of determination, met the celestial glow emanating from the pristine white greatsword. With a firm grip on the hilt adorned with celestial motifs, he began the deliberate process of drawing forth the sacred weapon.

As the blade ascended, a palpable energy filled the room, every centimeter it traversed, releasing an enormous surge of mana. The air crackled with anticipation, and the ethereal radiance intensified, casting an otherworldly glow that danced along the walls. It was as if the very essence of magic itself responded to the awakening of this celestial relic.


Said Victor, who had to put out his hand forward to shield himself from the enormous amount of mana.

With each inch revealed, the chains that bound the greatsword seemed to come alive, animated by the surging power now unleashed. The mystical runes on the chains pulsed with newfound energy, mirroring the intensity of the mana that flooded the chamber. The young man's grip tightened, his features a reflection of both awe and determination as the blade finally broke free from its age-old restraints.

In an instant, the chains converged upon the unsheathed blade, weaving a tapestry of mystical restraint. The celestial light now enveloped the transformed weapon, reshaping it into a one-handed mystical sword. The hilt retained its intricate carvings, and the chains, though now a part of the sword's design, still resonated with the ancient runes etched upon them.

The room, once filled with the quiet hum of anticipation, now held an air of reverence. The young man stood before the transformed sword, its celestial glow casting an aura around him as if acknowledging the chosen one who had released its dormant power. The mystical sword, now a manifestation of both elegance and restrained might, awaited its bearer's command to embark on a journey intertwined with magic, destiny, and the echoes of a by now gone era.

As the celestial sword emerged, residual mana gathered, merging into a spectral figure before the blade. Attempting a human-like form.

"Master, do you want me to kill them all?"


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