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Chapter 19: A strange summon

The tension in the classroom was palpable as Mr. Davies finished his address. His eyes, usually warm and friendly, held a steely glint that sent shivers down their spines.

"Emma Graylash, Alex Miles, Kael Morfran" he announced, his voice echoing in the silence, "come with me to the counseling room."

A collective gasp rippled through the class. Whispers erupted, fueled by speculation and curiosity. The three friends exchanged nervous glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew this was no ordinary summons.

Mr. Davies, without waiting for a response, turned and began walking towards the door. He didn't look back, his rigid posture leaving no room for argument.

Emma, her face pale but her chin held high, led the way, followed closely by Alex and Kael. The weight of the unknown pressed down on them, each step echoing the escalating fear in their hearts.

As they walked down the familiar hallway, the fluorescent lights seemed to cast an ominous glow. Each creak of the floorboards, each rustle of leaves outside the windows, amplified their anxiety.

They reached the counseling room, a place usually associated with comfort and support. But today, it felt more like an interrogation chamber, a place where their secrets were about to be exposed.

Mr. Davies pushed open the door, gesturing for them to enter. The three friends took a deep breath, steeling themselves for what was to come.

With a mix of apprehension and defiance, they stepped inside the counseling room, ready to face whatever Mr. Davies had in store for them.

As the three friends entered the counseling room, their eyes widening at the sight of two strangers sitting opposite a row of chairs. One, dressed in a crisp suit and sporting a stern demeanor, radiated the air of a seasoned detective. The other, with a briefcase resting on his lap and a reassuring smile, seemed to be a lawyer.

Unsure of what to expect, the trio exchanged nervous glances before taking their seats. The silence in the room was thick, punctuated only by the ticking of the clock on the wall.

The detective, his eyes fixed on them, cleared his throat. "I presume you are Emma Graylash, Alex Miles, and Kael Morfran?" he inquired, his voice a low rumbled.

The three friends nodded in unison, apprehension gripping their hearts.

"My name is Detective Jones" he continued, gesturing to his companion. "And this is Mr. Marvin, a legal representative."

Alex, unable to contain his anxiety any longer, blurted out, "And why are we being summoned here? We haven't done anything wrong. We're just law-abiding teenagers!"

His voice, though shaky, held a defiant edge. He wouldn't allow himself or his friends to be intimidated by these strangers.

Detective Jones leaned back in his chair, his gaze flickering between the three teenagers. "While I appreciate your assertion of innocence" he said, his voice measured, "the evidence we have suggests otherwise."

The air in the room crackled with tension as Mr. Marvin, the lawyer, spoke. "We have a restraining order on all of you" he announced, his voice carrying a hint of regret.

The words were like a punch to the gut. The friends had suspected something serious was brewing, but the reality of the situation hit them like a tidal wave. A restraining order? How was this possible?

"I know the question in your minds is 'what have we done?'" Mr. Marvin continued, his voice softer now. "Well, you were caught loitering at a private property – the old chapel."

His words sparked a flicker of recognition in their eyes. The old chapel. The place where they had a bizzare encounter that gave them chills.

Mr. Marvin went on to explain that the owner of the chapel had filed for a restraining order, claiming they had been trespassing and causing a disturbance. He elaborated on the legalities of the situation, highlighting the seriousness of the matter.

Emma, her voice laced with indignation, cut through the somber silence.

"But the chapel has no attendees" she pointed out, her eyes flashing with defiance. "It has been abandoned for nearly a decade. Why would they be disturbed by us visiting to say our prayers to God?"

Her words echoed in the room, challenging the authority of the restraining order and the accusations against them. The injustice of the situation burned within her, fueling her resolve.

Mr. Marvin, his face betraying a hint of sympathy, sighed. "The legality of the matter is not in question here, Emma" he explained, his voice calm but firm. "The owner has filed a complaint, and the court has granted the restraining order. We must respect the law, even if we disagree with it."

"But the law is the law." Mr. Marvin continued. "You have been served with the restraining order, and you must comply with its terms. You are not allowed to go within 500 meters of the old chapel or contact the owner in any way."

The detective, his face impassive, remained silent. His gaze, inscrutable and unreadable, offered no comfort or understanding.

Alex, sensing Emma's mounting frustration, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He knew arguing with the authorities was futile at this point. They needed a different approach, a way to navigate this obstacle and continue their quest.

He looked at Mr. Marvin, his eyes pleading. "Is there anything we can do to appeal this decision?" he asked, his voice filled with hope.

Mr. Marvin hesitated for a moment, then spoke, "There is a possibility of filing for a counter-petition, claiming religious discrimination. However, it would be a lengthy and complex process, with no guarantee of success."

Kael, who had been quiet throughout the exchange, a storm brewing within his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, a nagging sense that the restraining order was more than just a legal technicality.

His gaze darted between the lawyer and the detective, searching for any clues, any hint of an ulterior motive. Why now, after years of neglect, would the owner suddenly take issue with their presence at the chapel? And who was this mysterious owner, anyway?

Suddenly, a jolt of energy coursed through Kael, his eyes flashing a startling shade of blue. He felt like he was being transmigrated. The air around him crackled with a strange energy. A blue light, emanating from within him, pulsed like a beacon, bathing the counseling room in an ethereal glow. As the light intensified, the walls seemed to melt away, dissolving into dust and darkness

With a dizzying blur, the walls of the counseling room dissolved around him, replaced by the cool night air and the faint glow of the moon. Disoriented, he stumbled back, taking in his surroundings.

Questions swirled in his mind, unanswered and daunting. 'What had just happened? Where am I? How have I gotten here, and why?'

His mind raced, attempting to grasp the situation. Was it a dream? A strange illusion? Or something far more profound?

He found himself standing beneath the cloak of night, the eerie glow of the moon casting an unsettling light on his surroundings. He looked around, his senses overloaded by the sudden change. Crumbling stone walls loomed before him, their shadows dancing in the moonlight. A shiver ran down his spine as a wave of recognition washed over him – he was standing in front of the 'OLD CHAPEL'.

_Skye _Skye

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