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Chapter 96: Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...

As Yhwach settled onto his bed in his room, he closed his eyes, entering into a deep state of meditation. Gradually, his consciousness drifted away from the physical realm and into the depths of his inner world.

When he opened his eyes again, Yhwach found himself standing once more in Ginjo's bar, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of the tropical island. The warm breeze brushed against his skin as he took in the serene atmosphere around him.

Ginjo appeared behind the bar, polishing a glass with a rag as he glanced up to greet Yhwach with a knowing smile.

Ginjo: Welcome back, Yhwach. What brings you here today?

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze scanning the familiar surroundings before settling on Ginjo.

Yhwach: I needed a moment of peace and clarity. It seems my journey here was warranted.

Ginjo set down the glass and leaned against the bar, his expression attentive as he listened to Yhwach's words.

Ginjo: Trouble in the outside world, I presume?

Yhwach nodded once again, his expression solemn as he recounted the events that had transpired with Zaegar and his headache.

Yhwach: Indeed. Zaegar's antics have escalated beyond acceptable limits. It was necessary to take action.

As Yhwach and Ginjo engaged in their quiet conversation, a sudden disturbance broke the tranquility of the scene. The sound of splashing water and the distant cries of Zaegar caught their attention.

Yhwach and Ginjo turned towards the source of the commotion, their eyes widening in surprise as they saw Zaegar in the distance, engaged in a seemingly futile struggle against a massive whale.

Zaegar, in his diminutive dragon form, appeared almost comically small compared to the colossal creature he was attempting to wrestle with. Despite his efforts, Zaegar's attacks seemed to have little effect on the whale, which continued to swim gracefully through the ocean waters, barely acknowledging the tiny hollow's presence.

Ginjo let out a chuckle at the absurd sight, shaking his head in amusement as he turned to Yhwach.

Ginjo: Seems like Zaegar has found himself in quite a predicament.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he observed the spectacle before them.

Yhwach: Indeed. It appears our mischievous friend has bitten off more than he can chew this time.

As Yhwach and Ginjo watched in astonishment at Zaegar's futile attempt to wrestle with the massive whale, their disbelief only deepened when the tiny hollow suddenly opened his mouth wide and swallowed the gigantic creature in a single gulp.

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Yhwach's eyebrow arched even higher in disbelief, his stoic demeanor momentarily faltering as he processed the unbelievable sight before him. Beside him, Ginjo's eyes widened in sheer incredulity, his jaw-dropping slightly as he struggled to comprehend what had just occurred.

Ginjo: Did... Did he just...?

Yhwach remained silent, his gaze fixed on Zaegar, who now sat calmly on one of the bar stools as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. With a nonchalant flick of his tail, Zaegar turned towards Ginjo, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: Well, that was unexpected. Now, how about you whip up the finest drink you have, Ginjo? I've worked up quite the appetite.

Ginjo blinked several times, still trying to process the surreal turn of events. Slowly, he nodded, a bemused smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he turned back to the bar.

Ginjo: Right... Coming right up.

Ginjo chuckled lightly as he turned back to the bar, ready to fulfill Zaegar's request for a drink. He reached for a bottle, his movements smooth and practiced, though his mind still lingered on the extraordinary event they had just witnessed.

As Ginjo began to prepare the drink, Zaegar turned his attention to Yhwach, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: So, Yhwach, when do you plan on getting another Schrift? It's been quite some time since the last one.

Yhwach considered Zaegar's question thoughtfully, his brow furrowing slightly as he mulled over the logistics of acquiring a new Schrift.

Yhwach: Ah, yes, the trials of the Sternritters. But to access them, one must first touch their cocoons, which are, if I'm not mistaken, located within your section of my inner world, The Dark Void.

Zaegar paused for a moment as if pondering Yhwach's words, before shrugging nonchalantly.

Zaegar: Well, yes, but... you could have just asked, you know.

With a flick of his claw, Zaegar summoned a random cocoon from one of the Sternritters into the bar. The cocoon materialized with a faint shimmer, hovering in the air before them.

Yhwach's eyebrow quirked upward at Zaegar's casual display of power, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.

Yhwach: Well, that certainly simplifies matters.

Ginjo, who had been observing the exchange with mild fascination, glanced at the newly summoned cocoon with intrigue.

Ginjo: I must say, Zaegar, you never fail to impress.

As Ginjo expressed his admiration for Zaegar's display of power, the mischievous hollow couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction. His eyes gleamed with a devious glint as he extended his tail, its size increasing significantly. With a swift motion, Zaegar grabbed Yhwach and flung him towards the suspended cocoon, sending the Quincy king hurtling into the trial within.

Yhwach's voice echoed faintly as he was propelled forward, his expression a mix of surprise and resignation.

Yhwach: I thought we had agreed to refrain from tossing me around in my inner world, Zaegar...

Ginjo, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, turned towards Zaegar with a mixture of surprise and concern etched on his features.

Ginjo: Was that really necessary, Zaegar?

Zaegar's smirk widened as he watched Yhwach disappear into the trial, his tone filled with mischief as he responded to Ginjo's inquiry.

Zaegar: Yup.

Scene Break - Äs Nödt's Trial

As Yhwach emerged from the cocoon within Äs Nödt's soul, he found himself in a realm shrouded in darkness, a chilling aura enveloping him like a suffocating cloak. The air seemed to pulse with a palpable sense of dread, echoing the fears that lurked deep within Yhwach's subconscious.

Before him stood Äs Nödt, the Sternritter "F" The Fear.

Äs: Ah, Your Majesty. It appears you've taken an interest in my Schrift. "F" The Fear

Yhwach regarded Äs Nödt with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. The darkness surrounding them seemed to seep into his very being, amplifying the unease that already lingered within him.

Yhwach: Honestly, Äs Nödt, I didn't anticipate that this would be the trial I'd find myself in. It seems Zaegar has a penchant for surprises.

Äs Nödt's lips curled into a sinister smile, his gaze piercing through the shadows with an intensity that sent a shiver down Yhwach's spine.

Äs: Indeed, surprises can be... enlightening. But fear, Your Majesty, fear is a powerful force. It can cripple even the strongest of warriors, clouding their judgment and rendering them powerless.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic, though he couldn't deny the truth in Äs Nödt's words. Fear was a concept he was intimately familiar with, having faced countless battles and challenges throughout his long existence.

Yhwach: Fear has its place, Äs Nödt. It can serve as a motivator and a catalyst for growth and change. But it must be tempered with resolve and determination.

Äs Nödt's smile widened, a gleam of admiration flickering in his eyes as he regarded Yhwach with newfound respect.

Äs: Wise words, Your Majesty. But tell me, do you truly believe you have conquered your fears? Or are they merely lying dormant, waiting for the right moment to resurface?

Yhwach's gaze hardened, a flash of defiance sparking within him as he met Äs Nödt's intense stare.

Yhwach: I have faced death itself and returned stronger than before. I have stared into the abyss and emerged unscathed. Whatever fears may linger within me, Äs Nödt, I will face them head-on and emerge victorious.

Äs Nödt's smile faded, replaced by a look of contemplation as he regarded Yhwach with newfound interest.

Äs: Fear can be overcome through experience. Those who know battle often come to believe this. 'Fear that comes from reason' is kind. It can be conquered through force of will or through experience. It is possible to suppress such reasoned fear by severing it at its source. But true fear is without reason. It is not an emotion, but an instinct. True fear occurs without reason, without bounds. It is like a swarm of insects crawling up the body. We cannot escape from our instincts.

Yhwach listened attentively to Äs Nödt's words, his expression thoughtful as he considered the Sternritter's perspective on fear. The notion of true fear, devoid of reason or bounds, resonated deeply with him, stirring memories of battles fought and challenges overcome.

Yhwach: True fear... an instinct that transcends reason. It is a primal force, ingrained within the very fabric of our being. Yet, as beings of intellect and will, we possess the power to confront and overcome even the most primal of instincts.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Yhwach took a step forward, his resolve unwavering in the face of Äs Nödt's trial.

Yhwach: Äs Nödt, your Schrift may be rooted in fear, but I refuse to be bound by it. I will face your trial head-on, not as a victim of fear, but as a conqueror of Fear.

Äs Nödt regarded Yhwach with a mixture of admiration and intrigue, a faint smile playing on his lips as he nodded in acknowledgment of Yhwach's declaration.

Äs: Very well, Your Majesty. Let us see if you possess the strength to overcome the depths of your own fear. Your fear of death, your fear of failure... Only then will you be deemed worthy of my power.

As Äs Nödt prepared to unleash the full force of his Schrift upon Yhwach, the darkness around them seemed to thicken, suffocating the air with an oppressive weight. With a flick of his wrist, Äs Nödt summoned forth the visions of Yhwach's deepest fears, each one a haunting reminder of the Quincy king's darkest moments.

In the first vision, Yhwach found himself transported back to the fiery battlefield where he had clashed with Yamamoto, the captain-commander of the Gotei 13. The air was thick with the scent of blood and smoke as Yhwach witnessed the brutal slaughter of his comrades, and his children, at the hands of the Shinigami. The screams of the fallen echoed in his ears, their accusing gazes haunting him as he stood powerless to stop the carnage.

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The agony of loss washed over Yhwach like a tidal wave, threatening to consume him with its relentless fury. His heart clenched with anguish as he relived the pain of those he had failed to protect, their faces etched into his memory like scars upon his soul.

As the vision faded into darkness, Äs Nödt's voice echoed in the void, a sinister whisper that seemed to reverberate through Yhwach's very being.

Äs: The past is but a shadow, Your Majesty. It is the fear of failure that binds you, the fear of repeating the mistakes of your past. Can you face your failures without succumbing to despair?

Before Yhwach could respond, the darkness shifted once more, coalescing into a new vision that sent a chill down his spine.

In this vision, Yhwach stood at the precipice of his greatest triumph and his ultimate downfall. He witnessed the moment when he had attempted to merge all the worlds together, to remove the concepts of death, birth, and rebirth from existence.

In the second vision, Yhwach's surroundings shifted once again, plunging him into the heart of his greatest failure.

He found himself amidst the chaos of battle once more, but this time it was not the fiery clash with Yamamoto that tormented him. Instead, he witnessed the culmination of his grand ambition to merge all worlds together, erasing the concepts of death, birth, and rebirth in a bid to reshape existence itself.

Yhwach stood at the precipice of his ultimate goal, his power reaching its zenith as he prepared to enact his vision of a world without fear. With a sweeping motion, he engulfed Ichigo and the entirety of the Seireitei in his suffocating darkness, proclaiming the imminent convergence of all things into one unified whole.

However, just as Yhwach believed victory to be within his grasp, his triumph was shattered by the unexpected intervention of Uryū Ishida. A silver arrowhead pierced through Yhwach's chest, disrupting his concentration and causing the darkness to recede from his body, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

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In that fleeting moment of weakness, Ichigo seized the opportunity to strike, wielding his cracked and damaged Bankai against the Quincy king. Yhwach, sensing the impending danger, attempted to retaliate, only to witness the apparent destruction of Ichigo's blade as it shattered in his grasp.

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To Yhwach's astonishment, the broken blade revealed its true form—the original Zangetsu—in Ichigo's hands. The revelation struck Yhwach with a profound sense of realization, as he recalled the warning conveyed to him by his lieutenant, Jugram Haschwalth, through a prophetic dream.

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As Ichigo's blade cleaved through him, Yhwach was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions—regret, resentment, and bitter acceptance. In his final moments, he grasped at Zangetsu, lamenting the closure of the path to a world without fear, and lamenting the perpetuation of existence's cycle of life and death.

With his dying breath, Yhwach uttered his last words to Ichigo, a mixture of disdain and resignation

"The path has now closed, Ichigo. The path to a world without fear. The Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo. They belong together as one. They should have been brought together, that life and death may mingle as one. But now that path exists no longer. All thanks to you, Ichigo. How disappointing. Because of you, life and death will not lose their form. All living things will continue to live their lives in fear of death...for all eternity."

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As the vision faded away, leaving Yhwach standing alone in the darkness, Äs Nödt's voice echoed once more, a chilling reminder of the fears that still lurked within Yhwach's heart.

Äs: Vollständig: Tatarforas (Afraid of God/Fear of God)

As Äs Nödt activated his Vollständig, a palpable aura of dread filled the already darkened space. Yhwach could feel the air grow heavier, suffused with Äs Nödt's Reiatsu as the Sternritter's form underwent a terrifying transformation.

The Quincy king stood his ground, his resolve unshaken even in the face of Äs Nödt's heightened state. He braced himself for whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he must confront his deepest fear head-on if he were to emerge victorious from this trial.

Äs Nödt's eyes, now rolled back to reveal the Wandenreich emblem, bore into Yhwach with an intensity that sent a chill down his spine. The Heiligenschein in the form of a star encircled by barbed wire cast an eerie glow, illuminating the darkness with an otherworldly light.

With a steady breath, Yhwach prepared himself for what was to come, his gaze unwavering as Äs Nödt unleashed the full force of his power upon him.

Suddenly, the darkness surrounding them seemed to coalesce into a swirling vortex, drawing Yhwach into its depths with an irresistible force. He felt himself being pulled deeper and deeper into the abyss, his senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming sense of dread that surrounded him.

As Yhwach descended further into the darkness, he was confronted by a vision unlike any he had experienced before. Instead of reliving past traumas or witnessing the culmination of his greatest failures, he was faced with a chilling realization—a stark reminder of his own mortality.

Before him stood the embodiment of Death itself, a shadowy figure cloaked in darkness with eyes that seemed to pierce through Yhwach's very soul. The air grew cold, and a sense of inevitability washed over him as he stared into the abyss of his own mortality.

Yhwach's heart pounded in his chest as he confronted the true essence of Death, his mind racing with a myriad of emotions. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty threatened to overwhelm him, but he refused to yield to the darkness that threatened to consume him.

As Yhwach's heart became calm, his mind cleared, and a profound realization washed over him like a wave crashing upon the shore. At that moment, he stared Death straight in the eye, his gaze unwavering as he confronted the embodiment of his greatest fear.

His lips curled into a faint smile, which slowly widened into a maniacal laugh that echoed through the darkness. It was a laugh born of defiance, of realization, and of acceptance—a laugh that resonated with the very essence of his being.

And as the laughter subsided, Yhwach's eyes gleamed with an indomitable resolve, Yhwach spoke, his words carrying the weight of centuries of struggle and defiance.

Yhwach: I once feared death, for I believed it to be the end of all things. But now, in the face of Death itself, I see it for what it truly is—a mere transition, a doorway to something greater. Death may claim my body and my soul, but my will shall endure. For I am Yhwach, The sealed King of the Quincy, and even in death, I shall reign eternally.

With those words, Yhwach stood tall and unafraid, his spirit unbroken and his resolve unwavering. For in that moment of enlightenment, he had embraced the truth of his own existence.

As Death smiled at Yhwach, a sense of solemnity washed over the Quincy king. He met Death's gaze with a mixture of respect and defiance, acknowledging the inevitability of his own mortality while refusing to cower in its presence.

Before Yhwach could speak, Death's form shifted, drawing closer until it stood directly before him. In that fleeting moment, Death uttered a single word, a whisper that echoed through the darkness with an eerie resonance.


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With those words, Death vanished, leaving Yhwach standing alone in the darkness once more. The weight of Death's message hung heavy in the air, its meaning reverberating through Yhwach's very soul.

Acceptance... The word echoed in Yhwach's mind, stirring a sense of introspection within him. He pondered the significance of Death's message, realizing that true liberation lay not in defiance, but in acceptance of one's fate.

With a newfound sense of clarity, Yhwach embraced the wisdom of Death's words, acknowledging the transient nature of existence and the inevitability of his own demise. Yet, in that acceptance, he found liberation—a release from the shackles of fear and uncertainty that had plagued him for so long.

As Yhwach stood amidst the darkness, a sense of peace washed over him, his spirit unburdened by the weight of his fears. In that moment of acceptance, he knew that he was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that his legacy would endure long after his passing.

As the echoes of Yhwach's acceptance reverberated through the darkness, Äs Nödt stepped forward, his expression a mixture of admiration and respect. The chilling aura that had surrounded him moments before seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of solemnity as he regarded Yhwach with newfound appreciation.

Äs: Impressive, Your Majesty. You have faced your deepest fears with courage and conviction, emerging victorious in the face of adversity.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze steady as he returned Äs Nödt's solemn stare.

Yhwach: Thank you, Äs Nödt. Your trial has tested my resolve and forced me to confront the darkest depths of my own psyche. But in doing so, it has also granted me a newfound sense of clarity and understanding.

Äs Nödt's lips curled into a faint smile, a glimmer of pride shining in his eyes as he extended his hand toward Yhwach.

Äs: Then allow me to offer my congratulations, Your Majesty. You have proven yourself worthy of my Schrift, "F" The Fear. May it serve you well in the battles that lie ahead.

Yhwach clasped Äs Nödt's hand in a firm handshake, a sense of camaraderie passing between them as they exchanged a silent understanding.

Yhwach: I accept your gift, Äs Nödt. And I pledge to wield it with honor and purpose, as befits a true warrior of the Quincy.

As their handshake concluded, Äs Nödt stepped back, a sense of satisfaction evident in his demeanor as he watched Yhwach with a mixture of respect and admiration.

As Äs Nödt pointed towards the exit of the trial, Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment, preparing to leave the realm of fear behind. However, before he could open the door to depart, Äs Nödt's demeanor shifted, his expression betraying a vulnerability that Yhwach had not expected.

Äs Nödt hesitated for a moment, his usual composure wavering as he struggled to find the right words.

Äs: Your Majesty... I have one final question.

Yhwach regarded Äs Nödt with a gentle expression, his demeanor calm and reassuring.

Yhwach: Speak freely, Äs Nödt. There is no need for hesitation.

Äs Nödt took a deep breath, his voice barely above a whisper as he voiced his deepest fear.

Äs: Am I going to die? Will I go to hell? Forgive me, Your Majesty. Don't be angry. I'm scared. I don't want any more pain. I'm scared of the pain. I'm scared, so scared, so scared, so scared, so scared, so scared, so afraid. So afr-

Yhwach stepped forward, his presence comforting as he reached out to Äs Nödt with a reassuring hand.

Yhwach: Äs Nödt, listen to me. You have faced your fears with courage and determination. You have confronted the darkness within you and emerged stronger for it. There is no need to fear death or hell, for your actions have proven your worthiness. You are not alone in this journey, my friend. I am here for you, and together, we will face whatever challenges may come our way.

As Yhwach's words washed over him, Äs Nödt felt a sense of peace wash over him, his fears slowly dissipating in the presence of his king's reassuring presence.

Äs: Thank you, Your Majesty... I... I feel... at peace.

Yhwach nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips as he embraced Äs Nödt in a comforting hug.

Yhwach: You are not alone, Äs Nödt. We are all bound by our fears, but it is through facing them together that we find strength and solace. You have nothing to fear, my friend. I am here for you, now and always.

As Yhwach held Äs Nödt close, the darkness surrounding them seemed to fade away, replaced by a warm light that enveloped them both in its embrace. Slowly, Äs Nödt's form began to fade, his presence becoming ethereal as he prepared to depart from Yhwach's inner world.

Äs: Thank you, Your Majesty... for everything.

As Yhwach stood alone amidst the tranquil stillness of his inner world, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over him. For in that moment, he had not only conquered his own fears but had also helped a lost soul find solace in the embrace of his compassion.

Scene Break

As Yhwach returned to Ginjo's bar, the familiar sights and sounds of the tropical island greeted him once more. Ginjo welcomed him back with a warm smile, but as Yhwach attempted to respond, exhaustion overcame him, and he stumbled, falling onto the soft sand beneath him.

Ginjo's smile turned into a concerned frown as he rushed to Yhwach's side, helping him to sit up.

Ginjo: Yhwach, are you alright? You seem exhausted.

Yhwach nodded wearily, his energy drained from the trials he had just faced within his inner world.

Yhwach: Just a bit tired, Ginjo. The trials were... taxing.

As Yhwach spoke, Zaegar approached with a mischievous glint in his eyes, his tail swaying playfully behind him.

Zaegar: Looks like someone had a rough time in there, huh? You're not looking so hot, Yhwach.

Despite his exhaustion, Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle softly at Zaegar's jest, his fatigue momentarily forgotten in the presence of his lighthearted companion.

Yhwach: You always know how to lighten the mood, Zaegar.

As Zaegar continued to tease Yhwach, a small crab scuttled toward them, its tiny claws clicking against the sand. Without hesitation, the crab climbed onto Yhwach's leg, settling comfortably on his lap.

Ginjo chuckled at the sight, his amusement evident as he watched the playful interaction between Yhwach and the curious crustacean.

Ginjo: Seems like you've made a new friend, Yhwach.

Yhwach glanced down at the crab with a bemused expression, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Yhwach: Indeed. It seems even the creatures of my inner world are drawn to me.

Zaegar laughed at Yhwach's remark, his tail swishing back and forth in amusement.

Zaegar: Well, who can blame them? You do have a certain... charm, Yhwach.

With a playful grin, Zaegar reached out to pat the crab on the shell, causing it to scuttle away with a series of rapid clicks.

Zaegar: Ah, well. It looks like our little friend has places to be. But fear not, Yhwach. I'm sure there are plenty more creatures in your inner world just waiting to meet you.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Zaegar's antics, a sense of warmth and camaraderie filling his heart as he savored the simple joys of companionship and friendship.

Yhwach: Indeed, Zaegar. And I look forward to meeting each and every one of them.

Timeskip - at the Bullhead Landing Port

Yhwach put his single bag onto his assigned Bullhead with Zaegar on Yhwach's shoulder as usual.

Fox: Hey teach!

The Quincy king's face twitched into a small grin.

Yhwach: (In thought ) Perhaps this trip won't be entirely insufferable after all.

Yhwach: Team CVFY, you're late.

He called out as he looked back to the team that would be shadowing him. 

Fox: Oh come on, we had to prepare for a mission with you after all.

Fox said as he, and the rest of his team, walked up with their bags in hand. 

Yatsuhashi: So, Mount Glenn huh? That's an interesting place to be going.

Yatsuhashi spoke up as he placed his bags onto the Bullhead and then helped Velvet with hers.

Yhwach: It's a straightforward recon mission with search and destroy directives. I'll brief you further upon arrival. Now, let's expedite our departure. I have no desire to linger any longer than necessary.

The Quincy king directed before urging the team to hasten their preparations.

Without too much more of a wait, the team of four and their combat teacher boarded the Bullhead for the long ride there. It didn't help that the moment Zaegar's feet touched the aircraft, his entire body began to react in the response that the students of Beacon had come to expect. 

Zaegar: I...FUCKING.....hate.....all.....of....these.... machines...

Zaegar hissed out as he leaned over in Yhwach's seat. 

Velvet: You should get some medicine for that.

Velvet spoke up with Coco agreeing with a hum as she flipped through a magazine.

Zaegar: If only it were that easy.

The Tiny Hollow muttered out through his clenched teeth.

Zaegar: Medicine won't do a damn thing.

He said with a near gag as the Bullhead made a slightly sharp turn through the air. 

Fox: What do you mean Zaegar? Some kind of genetic thing or somethin'?

Fox asked as he stretched out on the seat across from Yhwach and Zaegar, infuriating the tiny dragon since the young huntsman seemed quite happy trying to get in a quick nap as they traveled toward Mount Glen.

Zaegar: The reason for my.....aversion to mechanical movement is due to my new nature.

Zaegar said, groaning out as he lurched to the side again. 

Zaegar: My senses are quite literally ten maybe even twenty times that of a normal person. They exceed even the strongest of Faunus senses too, and because of that moving vehicle like this shit causes my senses to go out of wack. Instant motion sickness.

Fox: Oohhhh.....that must suck.

Fox said in the most nonchalant way possible, furthering Zaegar's anger towards his situation. 

As Zaegar lamented his unfortunate predicament, Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement bubbling up within him. Ginjo's laughter echoed in his mind, the former Substitute Soul Reaper finding humor in Zaegar's plight.

Ginjo: (Laughing, Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like our mischievous friend is having quite the time, isn't he?

Yhwach chuckled inwardly, though he made sure to keep his amusement concealed from the rest of the group. However, Zaegar's frustration reached its boiling point when Fox's nonchalant response triggered him further.

With a sudden burst of energy, Zaegar lunged at Fox, his tiny claws outstretched as he unleashed a tirade of insults and curses that would make even the most hardened criminal blush.

Zaegar: You insolent little worm! How dare you belittle my suffering! I'll claw your eyes out and feast upon your miserable soul, you insignificant speck of dust!

Fox recoiled in shock as Zaegar's claws scraped across his face, leaving behind a series of shallow scratches. The other members of Team CVFY watched in stunned silence as Zaegar continued his outburst, his tiny form trembling with rage.

Velvet: Zaegar, please! Calm down!

Velvet's plea fell on deaf ears as Zaegar continued his rampage, his fury unabated by her words.

Coco: Professor Yhwach, do something!

Coco's urgency snapped Yhwach out of his amusement, reminding him of his responsibility as their teacher. With a swift motion, he reached out and grabbed Zaegar, pulling him away from Fox before he could inflict any further harm.

Yhwach: That's enough, Zaegar.

His voice was firm, but there was an undercurrent of warning in his tone that made Zaegar pause in his tracks. The tiny hollow squirmed in Yhwach's grasp, his anger slowly subsiding as he met the Quincy king's stern gaze.

Zaegar: But he... he...

Yhwach cut him off with a stern look, his expression unyielding as he addressed the rest of the group.

Yhwach: I apologize for Zaegar's behavior. He can be... volatile at times. Please forgive him.

Team CVFY nodded in understanding, though they still eyed Zaegar warily as Yhwach released his grip on the tiny hollow. Zaegar, chastened by Yhwach's reprimand, hung his head in shame, his earlier outburst forgotten in the face of his teacher's disapproval.

Ginjo's laughter echoed in Yhwach's mind once more, though this time it was tinged with a hint of sympathy.

Ginjo: (Laughing, Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like you've got your hands full with that one, Yhwach. But I have to admit, it's quite entertaining to watch.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite the chaos unfolding around him.

Yhwach: You have no idea, Ginjo. You have no idea.

Timeskip - Almost an Hour Later

Zaegar nearly worshipped solid ground as he practically launched himself out of the Bullhead before it even touched down. 

Yhwach: Gather your belongings, prepare your weapons, and let's move out. I want to conduct the initial sweep before we establish camp.

Team CVFY followed his orders quickly to not disappoint their 2nd favorite teacher. 

Yatsuhashi: So what should we be expecting to find?

Yatsuhashi asked as he pulled his massive sword from his back and replaced it with his backpack.

Yhwach: Early scans indicated mainly packs of Beowolves and a few herds of Goliaths, but nothing overly concerning.

Yhwach slung his relatively small bag across his chest like a satchel. He strode to the front of the Bullhead and gestured to the pilot, signaling that they could depart.

Within just a few minutes, the five of them had started their track into the forest near the base of Mount Glenn. 

Fox: Say Teach, are you going to be watching the Tournament? It's coming up soon.

Fox asked causing the others to listen eagerly to his response. 

Yhwach: Perhaps. I haven't decided yet. I have other priorities, like ensuring all of you are prepared.

Fox nodded.

Fox: That makes sense. Speaking of which, I heard that the teachers are taking little bets on which team will win. Who are you betting on? I bet it's us, we are the best team at Beacon after al-

Yhwach: Team CRDL

Yhwach said before Fox could finish his bragging. The blind Faunus stopped in his tracks.

Fox: Huh? Hey, could you say that one more time I could have sworn that you said team CRDL and not us?

The Quincy king turned his head with a serious expression.

Yhwach: Indeed, that's correct.

Fox: WHAT?! Do you think those guys are gonna beat us?!

Fox shouted out making Coco laugh her ass off at his little fit.

Fox: Why are you laughing?! He's saying team CFVY is weaker than team CRDL!

Coco continued laughing, while Velvet began to snicker and even Yatsuhashi smiled.

Yhwach: I didn't say that, Fox.

Fox: It was implied!

Yhwach rolled his eyes at Fox's outburst.

Yhwach: I bet on Team CRDL because they sought my guidance, setting aside their pride to improve. Glynda already placed her bet on your team, so what's the issue?

Coco suddenly rushed to Yhwach's side.

Coco: Miss G bet? She bet for us?

Yhwach raised an eyebrow at her sudden seriousness but nodded nonetheless. 

Coco: Well well. When I heard she acted like the entire thing was some big bad thing. Guess she didn't want us to know we were her favorite, which we already knew.

Yhwach: I believe it was to maintain fairness among all the teams. Glynda cares equally for each team she teaches.

Yhwach responded without hesitation.

Coco: Sounds like you know Miss G really well. Are you sure that you both are just friends?

Coco asked again.

As Coco's question lingered in the air, Zaegar couldn't help but burst into laughter, his tiny form shaking with mirth.

Zaegar: Oh, that's rich! Yhwach having bitches? Bitch Please, he's too busy being a teacher and babysitting us to have time for that!

Yhwach shook his head. Ignoring what Zaegar just said.

Yhwach: You are really insistent on this aren't you? 

Coco backed away with a feigned look of ignorance.

Coco: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Zaegar snickered before Yhwach turned back to the path ahead. However, their path forward would be halted for a short while as Yhwach suddenly noticed something off in the distance.

Zaegar's ear twitched as he heard the echo of footsteps far out in the forest around them. Taking a quick sniff of the air as a breeze came toward him from the direction that the sound originated from, tainted fur filled his nasal affirming his belief of what was ahead of them. The Quincy king held up a hand causing the entire group to stop behind him and fall silent.

Zaegar: Ahead of us, three decent-sized Beowolves.

Coco reached for her briefcase, but Yhwach held out his hand.

Yhwach: Wait.

Closing his eyes, Yhwach focused his Reikaku, detecting more echoes resonating around them.

Yhwach: The rest of the pack is surrounding us. Clever creatures, setting up an ambush. Yatsuhashi, take the left side. Fox, take the right. Coco, cover our rear. Velvet, be ready—

Coco: Velvet is support.

Coco spoke up over Yhwach causing him to turn to the girl.

Coco: Can't let you use it up, you've been working on it all year.

Coco's words caused Velvet to slump, nodding in agreement. Yhwach, though perplexed, went along with it.

Yhwach: Very well, Velvet will handle support. Alert us if anyone's in danger of being overwhelmed. Now—

Yhwach slipped into a crouched stance.

Yhwach: —Prepare yourselves, there are quite a few of these creatures.

As he finished speaking, a low howl echoed around them. This time, Fox, Velvet, and the Quincy king himself could all hear the charging of the animals. Eventually, the noise was so close there was no doubt that everyone could hear it, at which point Zaegar grinned wildly.

He let loose a roar and charged forward into several of the Beowulves, which had just cleared passed the tree line into the small opening they were in. Their mouths were opened wide and their teeth nearly shined in the light, however even their terrifying presence was quenched as Zaegar grabbed the closest one by the throat. The other Beowulves quickly changed direction as their pack mate's throat was crushed under the Tiny Hollow's grip with a loud crack and then slammed into the ground.

The bravest of them charged back at Zaegar head-on, but Zaegar was ready. Reaching down he grabbed the evaporating tail of the beast he had just killed and used its disintegrating body as a flail to slam the Beowulf as it leapped at him, sending it and its dead pack mate flying into a tree and snapping the tree and the living Beowulf's spine in half.

Now the Beowulves that faced Zaegar were hesitant to attack, circling him in a semi-circle as the other members of his party were to his back. 

Zaegar: What's wrong bitches? To scared to fight now? Too bad, cuz I'm in a killer mood.

He took a breath in before letting loose another roar and charging forward.

Behind him, Yatsuhashi was slashing through Beowulf after Beowulf with ease. An elegant spin into a hard horizontal slash here, a flurry of connected diagonal slashes there, and all around Grimm dismemberment. To his left, Coco was shredding any Beowulf that got too close to the rear of the group with her Minigun. How she did so in high heels, no one would ever know. Fox was just a blur as he spun around, striking out with precision and speed as he jumped around slashing any Beowulf that dared to think it could outmaneuver him.

While all of this was happening, Velvet was turning in every direction taking pictures of the fights that were happening around her. with Yhwach standing next to her.

Zaegar slammed his head into the chest of a Beowulf that jumped at him, cracking its ribs and probably puncturing its lungs and heart with the fractured bone. He quickly twisted around and smashed the back of his hand into another beast that jumped at him, sending it crashing into the ground and then quickly being sent into whatever its next life could be as the hollow fired a Cero through its chest.

One managed to jump onto his tiny back and reared its own head back to bite him only for Zaegar to throw his head back and hit the Beowulf in the snout as it tried to bite him. The beast fell back with a loud whimper and then a squeal of pain as Zaegar threw his arm back with a wave of fire searing the beast into ashes. Zaegar jumped back towards the team and began to breathe in.

Zaegar: Cero.

A massive black beam streaked across the forest, tearing through the forest floor and disintegrating several nearly every beast in his path with just one or two moving out of the way here and there. Zaegar landed just in front of team CVFY and charged back into the fight.

Far up above them, in the ruins of the city that was once populated atop Mount Glenn, Ruby, and Doctor Oobleck were standing at the edge of the mountain, overlooking the forest blow. They had happened to see Zaegar's Cero and the path it left in its wake.

Ruby: Looks like Zaegar is having some fun.

Ruby said as she looked over the still-smoking trail. 

Oobleck: That it does. It's rare to see a being that makes Grimm scared enough to run away.

Dr. Oobleck replied as he saw the blurry visage of Beowulves running in the opposite direction of the source of the Cero.

Ruby: He's awesome.

Ruby said happily.

Ruby: And Professor Yhwach is the one teaching us how to fight. Guess the bad guys need to be extra worried huh?

The Doctor took a sip from his coffee mug before answering.

Oobleck: Don't grow overconfident Miss Rose. I doubt he has taught you everything he knows and from what I've heard, no one has been able to come close to beating him in a fight.

Ruby let out a nervous laugh.

Ruby: Yeah, you got a point there.....but we're getting better....Right?

Oobleck chuckled as he saw another flash of light in the forest.

Oobleck: With him at the helm....of that I have no doubt Ruby Rose. This should conclude our perimeter search, lets return to camp.

He said as he turned away and began to walk back to their makeshift camp.

The young huntswoman looked back at the fight below her, barely making out little figures fighting or dying Beowulves which were dropping like flies or fleeing as quickly as they could. 

Ruby: (In thought ) He definitely hasn't taught us everything he knows.

She quickly turned back around and ran to catch up to the quick-paced Doctor.

Ruby: Wait up!

Down below, the fight had just ended with Yhwach stomping on Beowulf's head and snapping its neck with ease. He wasn't even out of breath from the fight.

Yhwach: Gather yourselves. We continue forward.

With just a few short moments passed the group continued on their way, walking alongside the path of destruction Zaegar's Cero carved out of the forest floor. Fox took a second to kneel down and tap the burned ground only to retract his hand with a quick yelp of pain.

Fox: Hot!

Coco: Oh come on Fox, that was just dumb.

Coco said as she looked back at her teammate. 

Fox: Yeah, yeah I know. Man, you gotta teach us how to do that one day teach.

Zaegar grunted under his breath.

Zaegar: Not in a million years. you assholes.

No one but Velvet managed to catch that but she didn't say anything.

A few hours passed before they happened upon a small cave on the side of Mount Glenn which they had gravitated towards as Yhwach wanted to be close in case something happened up above. 

Yhwach: This seems suitable. We'll set up camp here for the night before continuing tomorrow.

A collective sigh came from the group behind him as they followed him into the cave.

Coco threw down her bag and then sat on it, doing her best not to get her clothes dirty.

Coco: It's been a while since I walked this much in heels.

The leader of Team CVFY said with a sigh as she propped her feet on a nearby rock. 

Fox: Don't you always wear heels?

Fox asked as he sat down across from her. 

Coco: Hey practice makes perfect.

Yhwach: Indeed, wise words. Though I never thought they'd apply to those extravagant shoes.

Yhwach remarked as he inspected a section of the cave, confirming its safety as he initially suspected. He decided to initiate their camp setup.

Yhwach: Coco, Velvet, Fox, stay here and prepare our campsite. Yatsuhashi, you're with me. We'll gather firewood.

The massive swordsman placed his hands together and bowed.

Yatsuhashi: As you wish.

Yhwach passed by him and strode outside.

Yhwach: And don't do anything foolish while we're away, Fox. Coco's in charge—team leader and all.

Fox: Hey! Why did you direct that at me?! 

Fox protested, receiving no response. Coco sighed, pulling out her magazine and crossing her legs on a rock, getting comfortable.

Coco: You heard the man, get to work.

Fox: Why aren't you doing anything?!

Fox shouted to which Coco laughed as she flipped a page.

Coco: I'm surpervising.

Fox let out a frustrated growl before throwing his hands into the air and doing as he told. Velvet laughed before doing so as well. Coco watched for a little while before beginning to lend a hand herself.

Zaegar: What about me, best boi?

Zaegar asked eagerly, his tail swishing back and forth with anticipation.

Yhwach turned to Zaegar, a thoughtful expression crossing his features as he considered the tiny hollow's question.

Yhwach: You can decide, Zaegar. Join whichever group you prefer.

Zaegar's eyes lit up with delight at the opportunity to choose.

Zaegar: In that case, I'll just stick with you, Yhwach!

His decision made, Zaegar hopped onto Yhwach's shoulder with a mischievous grin, ready to accompany the Quincy king on their gathering expedition.

Yhwach chuckled softly at Zaegar's enthusiasm, a sense of warmth filling his heart at the tiny hollow's unwavering loyalty.

Yhwach: Very well, Zaegar. Let's gather firewood together then.

Yhwach and Yatsuhashi ventured into the forest in silence. They passed several trees until Yhwach halted in front of a seemingly ordinary one.

Yhwach: This one will suffice.

The Quincy king lifted the tree, roots and all, from the ground effortlessly.

Yatsuhashi: If you're capable of this alone... why am I here?

Yatsuhashi asked, eyeing the massive tree now resting on Yhwach's other shoulder.

Yhwach: I lack a sword for cutting.

Yatsuhashi glanced at the handle protruding over his shoulder.

Yatsuhashi: Oh.

He murmured as he drew his sword.

After a few minutes of chopping, Yhwach carried three logs back to camp with Yatsuhashi following closely.

Yatsuhashi: Why didn't we just cut down one of those other trees? They seem identical.

Yhwach: You should hone your survival skills. Observe closely. What sets this tree apart from the others?

Yatsuhashi scanned the trees but found no discernible difference.

Yatsuhashi: I'm not sure, Professor.

Zaegar: Alright, what can you smell that's different?

Yatsuhashi: Smell?

Yatsuhashi questioned before Zaegar gestured to one of the standing trees.

Zaegar: Give it a sniff.

Yatsuhashi, unsure but obedient, sniffed the tree. It smelled like wood.

Yatsuhashi: It... It just smells like a tree.

Zaegar: Go deeper, smell deeper.

Yatsuhashi inhaled again, detecting a subtle sweetness mingled with the wood scent.

Yatsuhashi: It smells... sweet?

Zaegar nodded approvingly.

Zaegar: Now, take a whiff of these.

Zaegar pointed at the trees they cut down. Following the instructions, Yatsuhashi took a deep whiff of the tree, noticing its more exotic scent compared to the others.

Yhwach: What Zaegar means is that while visually these trees may seem identical, those with sharper senses can discern the difference. This tree's sap makes it burn more easily, making it ideal for firewood.

Yhwach explained as they headed back to camp.

Yatsuhashi: I see. How did you learn that?

Yhwach: Questions later. For now, let's focus on getting this fire started.

Yhwach said as they came upon their campsite.

Coco was the first to notice them, or more accurately notice the massive logs Yhwach was toating. 

Coco: Woah! Do you think you got enough wood there, big guy?

Her teacher grunted as he tossed the logs to the side of the cave entrance with a loud crash following their descent to the ground.

Yhwach: Yes. Yatsuhashi and Fox, start cutting the logs up. I'll get the fire ready.

Fox peered his head up from his laying position before he let out a quick.

Fox: You got it.

The Faunus pushed back on his hands and kicked up onto his feet. As he walked over to Yatsuhashi he questioned the swordsman.

Fox: Did ya learn anything new with teach?

Yatsuhashi: I did.

Yatsuhashi said as he unsheathed his sword.

Fox: You gonna tell me what it is? 

Fox asked as Yatsuhashi started to chop chunks of the logs off.

Yatsuhashi: Sweet-smelling wood doesn't burn as well as this nicer-smelling tree.

Fox's tail twitched slightly out of confusion.

Fox: O-okay.

It didn't take very long for them to get a decent-sized fire going and everyone sat around with Yhwach taking the seat dead center with his back facing the cave. They had each brought their own meals, but Zaegar had run off and brought back a decent-sized animal which Yhwach had cooked using The Schrift H the heat. 

Fox: So teach, you got any good stories?

Fox asked as he finished his own food. Yhwach tore a piece of meat from a massive bone he had already taken a good chunk of meat from.

Yhwach: What kind of story?

He asked the young faunus.

Fox: Like a good one, maybe kind of scary.

He said cheerfully.

Velvet: No! I don't like scary stories.

Velvet spoke up, albeit a little embarrassed from her loud outburst of disapproval of the suggested genre of story. 

Velvet: Perhaps something peaceful?

She suggested. 

Coco: What, no way we should do something romantic!

Coco said as she put her magazine to the side, finally interested in the conversation. 

Yatsuhashi: A survival story sounds more interesting.

Yatsuhashi said throwing his own opinion in for once which set each of them ablaze, in their own way, over what Yhwach should tell.

As the group debated over what kind of story they wanted to hear, Zaegar, perched on Yhwach's shoulder, couldn't resist interjecting with his own suggestion.

Zaegar: How about a story about a giant flying octopus who travels through space collecting shiny space rocks to decorate its underwater cave palace?

His suggestion was met with a chorus of laughter and incredulous looks from the rest of the group.

Fox: Uh... that's a little too... out there, Zaegar.

Coco: Yeah, I don't think that's what we had in mind.

Velvet: I agree. Maybe something a bit more grounded?

Yatsuhashi: Definitely. I think we should stick to something more realistic.

Yhwach chuckled, finding Zaegar's suggestion amusing but ultimately agreeing with the rest of the group.

Yhwach: As entertaining as that sounds, perhaps we should settle for a story that's a bit more relatable.

Ginjo: (Laughing, Within Yhwach's Mind) Haha, I must say, that's quite the imagination you've got there, Zaegar.

Zaegar, unable to contain his excitement for the story he suggested, knelt before Yhwach with the most adorable expression he could muster.

Zaegar: Pleeeease, Yhwach-sensei! Pretty please with a cherry on top! I promise I'll be good and listen to every word!

His big, pleading eyes and puppy-like demeanor tugged at Yhwach's heartstrings, but the Quincy king remained firm.

Yhwach: Sorry, Zaegar. That story might be a bit too... imaginative for tonight.

Despite Zaegar's disappointment, he couldn't help but admire Yhwach's resolve. But still, he couldn't let go of the idea of the giant flying octopus story.

Zaegar: But it would be so cool! Imagine a massive octopus soaring through space, collecting shiny rocks from distant planets!

Yhwach looked at Zaegar with a slight smile, entertained by the Hollow's enthusiasm.

Yhwach: I understand, Zaegar, but I think the others might prefer something a little more grounded.

Zaegar let out a dramatic sigh, but then his eyes sparkled with an idea.

Zaegar: What if we combine all our suggestions into one epic story? A tale of survival, romance, and adventure in a peaceful setting with a touch of mystery!

Yhwach listened to Zaegar's proposal with interest, intrigued by the idea of combining elements from each of their suggestions into one cohesive story. With a nod, he began to weave a tale that would captivate their imaginations.

Yhwach: Once upon a time, in a distant galaxy far beyond our own, there existed a vast and mysterious underwater world known as Aquaterra. In this realm, creatures of all shapes and sizes lived in harmony, guided by the gentle currents of the ocean.

At the heart of Aquaterra lay the majestic Coral Palace, a shimmering fortress of living coral where the ruler of the ocean, King Neptune, resided. Surrounding the palace, a vibrant coral reef thrived, teeming with life and color.

But deep beneath the surface, in the darkest depths of the ocean, lurked a creature unlike any other—a giant flying octopus named Ozymandias. With tentacles as wide as a mile and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light, Ozymandias soared through the depths, collecting treasures from sunken ships and lost civilizations.

But despite his immense power and wealth, Ozymandias was plagued by loneliness. He longed for companionship, someone to share his adventures and marvel at the wonders of the ocean with him.

One fateful day, while exploring the depths of the Coral Palace, Ozymandias encountered Princess Marina, the youngest daughter of King Neptune. With her beauty and grace, she captured Ozymandias's heart like no other creature before her.

But their love was forbidden, for Ozymandias was feared and misunderstood by the other inhabitants of Aquaterra. Determined to prove his worthiness, Ozymandias embarked on a quest to find the legendary Pearl of Peace—a mystical gem said to bring harmony to all who possess it.

Joined by Marina and a band of unlikely allies—a brave swordfish, a wise old turtle, and a playful dolphin—Ozymandias journeyed across the ocean, facing trials and challenges at every turn. Along the way, they encountered treacherous sea monsters, ancient ruins, and lost civilizations, all while evading the wrath of King Neptune's jealous advisor, the malevolent Sea Witch.

But through courage, perseverance, and the power of their bond, Ozymandias and his companions overcame every obstacle in their path. And when they finally reached the fabled Pearl of Peace, they discovered its true purpose—to unite the creatures of Aquaterra and bring an end to the age-old conflict that had divided them for centuries.

In the end, Ozymandias sacrificed himself to protect his friends and save Aquaterra from destruction. But his legacy lived on, as the Pearl of Peace brought harmony to the ocean once more, and Ozymandias's spirit soared among the stars, forever remembered as a hero of the deep.

As Yhwach finished his tale, a sense of wonder and awe filled the cave, leaving his companions spellbound by the epic adventure they had just experienced.

Coco: Wow, that was amazing!

Fox: Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so... touching.

Velvet: I loved how it had everything—action, romance, and even a little mystery!

Yatsuhashi: Truly a tale for the ages.

Zaegar: (sniffling) That was beautiful, Yhwach-sensei. I never knew an octopus could be so heroic.

As Zaegar wiped away a tear of emotion, he suddenly turned to Fox with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before Fox could react, Zaegar pounced on him, grabbing him by the shoulders and pressing his snout all over his face, leaving behind a trail of slimy Hollow slobber.

Fox: Hey! What are you doing, Zaegar?!

Fox protested, trying to push the tiny Hollow away, but Zaegar was relentless in his affectionate assault.

Zaegar: Just showing my appreciation, Fox! You're my 5th favorite punching bag after all!

Zaegar laughed uproariously as Fox struggled to free himself from the slobbery embrace.

Meanwhile, Ginjo couldn't contain his amusement within Yhwach's mind, his laughter echoing through their mental connection.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha, looks like Zaegar's really taking a liking to Fox, huh, Yhwach? Who would've thought?

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before him, shaking his head with a fond smile.

Yhwach: Indeed, it seems Zaegar has found a new playmate. Fox will have quite the story to tell after this.

MisunderstoodKing MisunderstoodKing

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