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Chapter 14: [13]Huh?

"uuuuuuuughhhhhh!" It was Finally morning and the sun's rays gently touched Francis face. But the sun wasn't what had woken him up.

What did wake him up was yelling and loud noises coming from outside.

With an annoyed groan, Francis forced himself out his sleeping bag to check what was happening outside.

"The fuck?" Once he exited his tent his eyes were met with the amusing sight of multiple girls of the Artemis familia circling Esdeath who had a pan at hand as a weapon.

He walked towards Lante and asked "So what happened?"

"She woke up and freaked out, the girl is tough for someone who doesn't have falna" Explained Lante with a sigh.

"I see" he locked his eyes on the growling Esdeath with amusement. As his eyes layed on her her eyes did the same.

"???" Lowering her pan she started to walk towards Francis.

Confused but intrigued, he watched as the girls gave way for Esdeath so that she could walk his way.

As she walked towards him she started to speed up until she was full on running. Winding her fist back she punched Francis square on the face.

But as it connected, Francis stood there unfazed.

"???" With an even more confused face Esdeath looked at him in surprise. She knew that she isn't as strong as the Artemis familia members but he should have atleast given her a reaction.

Before she could react, Francis grabbed her wrist and judo throwed her over his shoulder and to the ground, taking the air out of her lungs from the impact.

*OOF!* (Artemis familia)

"Dam" (Alex)

"*Wince*" (Uriel)

"That looks like it hurt... It does" Angel has been at the end of that judo throw before so he knows that it hurts.

Esdeath on the ground started to gasp for air for a few seconds till Francis started to help calm her down.

As her breathing stabilized Francis asked "Have you calmed down now?"

"...yes" she answered curtly

"Good, follow me" Told Francis, Esdeath nodded.


If This Esdeath is anything like the one I know from the anime then the best way to get aquatinted with her is through a fight.

So I took her to a Clearing in the forest so that we can have a little duel.

I reached into my inventory to take out a knife and threw it at her.

She cought it and went wide eyed.

She looked at me with a stare that said 'really?, I tried to punch you earlier' type of stare.

I shrugged and took out my own sword, [Fragrant Olive].

She once again stared at me intensely, especially at my sword, Seems like she remembers it.

But I have no use for it right now, I'm merely fighting a kid with no magic powers.

But I still won't underestimate her this why I brought the sword out and hanged it to my side.

Just in case.

I instead used [Stasis]to create a ice knife in my hand.

"Come" I taunted.

Without hesitation she slran to me and swung her knife towards me vitals, Esdeath was smaller than me but she still attempted to do so.

I parried her neck stab and thrusted forwards.

Esdeath ducked under and went to thrust her knife to my abdomen.

Sadly for her, I was quicker and stronger.

I slammed down my arm that she went under from and before she could react she slammed on the floor face first.

"Seems like you like the ground a lot from what I've seen" I joked, tough she didn't seem to appreciate my comedy.

She jumped right up and kicked my hand, knocking the knife out of my hand and into the air. Esdeath quickly took a few steps back and kept her distance.

Sadly for her I made another ice knife so her kicking the other one out of my hand was a useless move.

Hm?, is she smiling?.

I could see her smiling face, looks like she is enjoying herself.

In an instant she lowered her atnce and lunged at me tough this time her speed had increased by a lot.

As she arrived infornt of me she started to swimge her knife at me and giving in kicks and punches while at it.

I have to admit that she's a hand to hand combat Monster.

Why is that?

Because I can tell that she doesn't know anything about hand to hand or that she has learnt anything about it.

She just using her instincts and knowledge of human weak points to fight me.

And she puting up a decent fight.

Each swing of hers was deathly and could take a life.

As we kept fighting she seemed to start getting tired. She must have overused her muscles when she increased in speed.

"Looks like I need to finish this" I quickly raised my hand and stabbed down on Esdeath, she managed to block it but started to be pushed down.

Raising my other hand to the air, she looked at me in confusion until-.

The knife that she had previously kicked out of my hand and into the air dropped on my free hand.

When she had kicked it into the air, I had used Stasis to stop it midair and positioned our fight right under it so that I could pull this move.

With this hand I swung on her neck and stoped right before it hit.

A tense silence came afterwards as she looked at me in the eyes.

"Good job" I said as I gave her a bright smile.

She blinked a few times and blushed.

Looks like a smile was all I needed, huh.

"Esdeath" she said

Looks like I was right, a fight with her will help me get closer.

"Francis" I said my name

Fufu~ looks like we're going off with a great start.

[Secret achievement completed

-seduce 2 women With a month of arrival

Reward: 5 draws,1+ level]



"You think their alright?"

"Yeah he's fine in fact, I bet he will come back with her all docile"

"Mou~ Francis left with that skank"



It's been a half an hour since Francis left with Esdeath causing the group to get worried. Especially Uriel.

From the moment she layed eyes on her she knew Esdeath would be a homewrecker.

... Well there wasn't much of a home to wreck to begin with but that's besides the point!

Uriel just didn't like her at all.

"Oh he's back... Looks like I was right, she's docile now" Said Alex with a smile.

Francis was walking towards them with Esdeath right behind holding the hem of his cape.

"Hey guys let me introduce my new friend, Esdeath" he introduced the girl that was hiding behind him.

'heh, knew it' (Alex)

'tch!' Angel was jealous that all the girls were always around Francis, he himself was popular, unlike his weeb of a brother Francis.

He didn't know why his charms didn't work, though it was because he wasn't really good at hiding his lustful stare.

This gained an unfavorable impression from the Artemis familia

But Uriel, she just pouted.

Francis seeing this felt amused.

He came closer to her but Uriel turned her head away, giving him the silent treatment.


"W-what!" Baffled by Francis's forehead kiss, her face became red and heated for a few seconds until she passed out from the sudden rush of emotions.

"..." (Angel)"

"..." (Esdeath)

"Anyways, you should take Esdeath to Rethusa so that she can get cleaned up. The poor girl is all dirty from the trashing you gave her" Ignoring the fainted Uriel, Alex recommended

"You are right, let's go Esdeath" said Francis as he agreed

"um" nodded Esdeath as she followed behind him again.


After that whole fiasco, the Artemis familia welcomed Esdeath with open arms. Artemis even invited her to join but she refused. looks like I just picked up another travel buddy.

Urie also seemed to be avoiding me after the small forehead peck I had given her earlier. I'm not dense enough to not notice her feelings towards me so I decide to strike first.

I'll talk with her myself if she keeps avoiding me.

After that tiring day I whent back to my tent to use my Gacha tickets.

[Would you like to pull your 5 draw?]


<[Gryphon(B){One Piece}

Description: The sword of one of the 4 emperor's of the sea, Shanks.Gryphon is a longer than average saber with a long green hilt and a circular beige guard, as well as a wide and thin guard around the hilt.

Abilities: The swords durability is on par with the 12 supreme great sword and is also a great energy conductor, wether it be Haki, mana, or light.]

<[Lambent light(C){SAO}

Description: A beautiful light blue and silver Rapier with a circular handguard.

Abilities: Gives following boost 14%+ Speed, 11%+ attack, Any rapier sword skills will raise the attack boost from 11% to 16%.]

<[Infant Kirin(C-SS){Moster Hunter}

Description: Kirin resembles a unicorn, though a closer look reveals that it has a lion-like face and is covered in scales, rather than a coat. The Kirin had a mane of fur as well as a bushy tail tip. Tufts of fur run down its shoulders and above its hoofs. The Kirin has black stripe like markings along its sides and legs. The beast has crimson colored eyes. Its majestic white mane and hair stand on end, as if charged with static

Abilities: Has controll over electricity and lightning, deadly to whomever it considers an enemy. It can summon lightning to strike and cover itself in electricity causing its hide to harden. It doesn't have much physical attacks but it's agility combined with its horn is a combo to not be trifled with.

<[Decent sword(D)

Description: A decently made sword. Neither good or bad]

<[Ten shadows Technique(S)

Description:shikigami can be summoned with an exorcism ritual where the user must defeat the shikigami in order to make them submit. Once dominated, the shikigami are under full control of their master and can be summoned using shadowgraphic hand signs that create a shadow puppet of the respective familiar.


1-Divine Dogs: are a pair of twin wolves capable of tearing curses apart with their fangs and devouring them.Their tracking abilities allow them to find lost allies and locations as well.

2-Nue:a winged shikigami armed with great speed and electric-shock wings. It can support its master by carrying them while flying to increase their mobility, and can attack with its heavy wings charged with electricity, shocking anyone it hits and leaving them temporarily paralyzed

3-Toad: a large for a frog shikigami that can support its master using its long tongue. Its tongue can be used to ensnare its master's target and is strong enough to throw and slam them into objects

4-Great Serpent: a giant snake shikigami that can quickly attack and ensnare its master's targets.

5-Max Elephant: an elephant shikigami that can spew large volumes of water from its trunk. It can also be used to crush its master's target with its weight

6-Rabbit Escape: massive swarm of rabbit shikigami that serve as a distraction for the user.

7-Round Deer: is a towering deer shikigami that can heal through reverse cursed technique. Its positive energy is powerful enough to cause another sorcerer to lose control of physical objects strengthened by cursed energy.

8-Piercing Ox: an ox shikigami that can charge with immense strength. It can only move in a straight line, but the longer its charge, the more powerful it is.

9-Tiger Funeral: Summon a pack of 6 Tigers that can hide in the shadows. Once in the shadows they are completely untrackable until they come out.

(A/N: this ability hasn't been shown yet just the name. So I took the liberty of creating an ability for it)

10-Eight-Handled, Sword Divergent, Sila Sivine General Mahoraga- this shikigami is the most powerful of the 10 shadows, it is armed with the Sword of Extermination , as well as the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena.]


I hit the fucking lottery this time!

Gryphon is a good weapon, besides being super durable and a good energy conductor. I can now use a good sword that won't draw attention. Yamato looks sorta normal but it can separate anything, I'm not sure if a god can tell if the sword have special powers or not besides Hephaestus.

And [Fragrant Olive] is to flashy, who the hell carries a gold sword in public?

Kirin is the thing I'm also very excited about. besides being a Elder Dragon, I now have a faithfull steed that I can ride into the sunset... Well at least until it fully grows.

A Kirin is pretty big once fully grown up, good thing that mine is an infant.

And the final and most important thing... The Ten Shadows.

It's the most versatile of my abilities besides [Stasis]. Flying, adaptability, support, reversed cursed technique, it has it all. I can also feel Cursed energy now. My MP can turn into any type of energy that is needed for my powers like light, darkness, mana, and cursed energy.

So besides sensing those energies I can now sense Cursed energy.

Lambent Light isn't much of a use to me, at least not until I obtain the rapier Sword skills and Sword style. I should probably give it to Esdeath tomorrow during training, I'm sure she will love it.

I will also attempt to subdue and contract the shikigami of the ten shadows Technique, not all of them of course but the ones I should be able to at my power level.

"System, were is the Kirin?"

[It is in your system storage, just press on it's icon and it will come out] it answered.

I nodded and looked into my storage, I rummaged through my stuff as I had a bunch of monster materials and equipment until I found it.

I clicked it and a bright light enveloped my tent.

It died down and infront of me sat a beautiful unicorn looking beast.

Fluttering it's eyes opened, it looked around until it landed it's eyes on me. Immediately it jumped towards me almost impaling me.

"Vrrree~" it hummed as it cuddled with me.

"That was close" it didn't mean to almost kill me but... It almost did.

The Kirin was the size of a hores, so if its horn didn't kill me then it's snuggling size would.

I brushed my hand on its mane to calm it down, slowly, it did and looked into me.

"Hey there buddy, I'm Francis" I introduced myself.

It whined and nodded.

Seems like the thing is smart.

Should I give it a name?

"Whant a name?" I asked, it seemed to understand human language so far or atleast it understands my body language.

The Kirin nodded its head signifying a yes.

I'm guessing that it's option one.

"Alrighty let's see, Cupkace, planet destroyer, Bob, Fanquish lavender mortagrel the 3rd,-" I kept saying names to it, waiting for him... Or is it a she?

I haven't check- yep it's a boy.

"...Michael, Lucifer, Ddraig, Ryan, Sariel"

*Horse Whine*


Looks like we've got a name people!

"Then from now on you are Sariel" The young Elder dragon hummed in happiness.

As we got that over with, I went back to bed so that I could go to sleep. Sadly, Sariel couldn't fit in my sleeping bag since ya know... He's a horse.

As I began drifting to sleep I started hearing the entrance to my tent open. I reached next to me and was about to draw my sword but I noticed the person who entered.


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