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Chapter 9: Everyone Wants That Heavenly Zaza

"I've heard many great things about you, Chao'er, from one corner of the Empire to the other."

Cang Wanhe smiled at the sight of his son for the first time in over a year. James returned his smile.

"It is what I do, father."

"From appearance alone, I can tell that you have grown. The gaze in your eyes is more refined, you carry yourself with majesty and I can feel your power without you using even a single trace of profound energy." 

Cang Wanhe descended from his throne and kept going until he stood within arm's reach.

"So… what level of strength have you attained?"

"The Seventh Stage of the Spirit Profound Realm."

Each word was like an additional mountain of shock piled on top of the other for Cang Wanhe. Not the bad shock, however. If he were to have a heart attack… it would most certainly be from too much joy.

"Hahahahahaaha." Cang Wanhe let out a warm, heartful, laugh. He didn't even doubt his son's words as his eyes lit up.

 "My son… truly is a heavenly genius!"

Before James could blink, Cang Wanhe embraced him very closely. If they were remotely close strength-wise, he might've even squashed him. 

"Father…" James chuckled. "You might kill me by accident."

"The Blue Wind Imperial Family's future is all but certain now, I'm certain of it…" Cang Wanhe let go, stroking his chin. "Alas, now you've become too brilliant for even your brothers to ignore. If they cannot turn you to their side…"

"You think they're a threat to my life?" James raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Your first brother is in cahoots with the Xiao Sect while your third is supported by the Heaven Burning Clan. They've shown how low they are willing to go." Cang Wanhe met James' eyes, nodding. "The time for patience is over. They will be charged for their crimes and executed, alongside their respective supporters."

"I understand." James nodded. "Though… I wish it wouldn't come to this."

Truthfully, James didn't give a rat's ass about his 'brothers'.

"To be Emperor and do what is best for your people, there are times when you must be the most ruthless person of all."

A grand ballroom had been arranged to celebrate the Seventh Prince's return and exponential growth. It was an occasion that gathered all the prominent figures of the Blue Wind Imperial City. For once, everyone looked united. All members of royalty had gathered and all of the nobility that could arrive, did.

"Your Royal Highness, it is my greatest pleasure to once again see you." Fen Juecheng smiled as he looked into the eyes of Cang Yue.

"It is good to see Young Master Fen as well." Cang Yue exchanged pleasantries since he was the Burning Heaven Clan's young master. "What brings you to the royal palace on this occasion?"

"Why, it's rather simple." Fen Juecheng smiled. "Like everyone else, I look forward to witnessing just how far the Blue Wind Imperial Family's little heavenly genius has come. In my sincere opinion, he was the most interesting part of the last Ranking Tournament."

"Oh?" Cang Yue smiled slightly. "My younger brother does have a supremely passionate nature so I do not doubt that."

"I had never seen a boy with such a fierce, brutal heart… honestly, I even pitied those poor disciples. There was nothing they could do but lower their heads in shame." Fen Juecheng chuckled. "That Cang Chao has more fire in him than all the other princes put together."

"Mhm… that he does."

"Of course, I could not arrive without bearing gifts…" Fen Juecheng withdrew a spatial ring from his finger and presented it directly to Cang Yue. "Inside, there is the profound crystal blue roses you said you liked, some resources to aid in your cultivation and the finest perfumes from the Divine Incense Nation."

"Young Master Fen did not need to go to such lengths…" Cang Yue politely deflected him. 

"I ask that you receive my gifts knowing that I do not expect anything in return." Fen Juecheng spoke in a reassuring tone. "Your Royal Highness certainly deserves better but I made my very best effort to prepare these gifts on such short notice."

"... I thank Young Master Fen for his kindness." In the end, Cang Yue took his gift and put it to the side. 

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness. This Young Master's anxious heart has been put to rest…"

"Presenting His Royal Highness, the Seventh Prince of the Blue Wind Empire, Cang Chao!"

Suddenly, the great doors opened and a golden light flashed over everyone's eyes. A dozen lavishly dressed guards stepped forward and rolled a crimson red carpet before withdrawing various instruments to play a majestic tune. It was then that James stepped in between the two lines of guards wearing his regal attire alongside Itachi, Yun Wuxin and Beatrice who followed behind him.

"Quite grand… he has grown, indeed." Fen Juecheng remarked.

"Baby brother, how good it is to see you!" Cang Lin stepped forward for an embrace.

James grinned slightly, accepting Cang Lin's show of 'warmth'.

"Big brother, it seems that you miss me." James remarked when Cang Lin let go. "I reckon the Imperial Palace has not been nearly as interesting without me?"

"Of course." Cang Lin chuckled. "It is half as lively without your eye-catching presence. Whether it is your brilliant singing, dancing or passionate speeches… I miss everything that comes with my genius baby brother."

"I was beginning to fear for your safety, Chao'er… but it seems that I really had nothing to worry about." Cang Shuo, the third prince, joined in on their conversation. "Look at you… ah, you're almost all grown up now!"

James was once again embraced by a brother of his.

"I'm glad to see first and third brother as well." James nodded, smiling slightly. "I hope my progress does not disappoint the high expectations you both have of me."

"I doubt you could ever disappoint." Cang Lin shook his head. "If anything, you are merely acting humble so that we die of shock later!"

"Hehe…" James shrugged. "I might be."

"Who are these companions of yours? I do not recall seeing those two ever before." Cang Lin looked at Itachi and Yun Wuxin who especially caught his eyes. He couldn't quite keep them off of her seemingly perfect physique after seeing it once.

"Ah, this is Sima Shi. A friend I made rather recently." James gestured his hand in the direction of Itachi and then did the same for Yun Wuxin with the other. "And she is Yun Wuxin, a mysterious senior sister who has taken a great interest in me. You could say that she has been teaching me some… things."

"Some… things?" Cang Lin chuckled. 

"Many things, actually." James smiled. "She is a great benefactor of mine."

"Any benefactor of my little brother is naturally someone that I would favour." Cang Shuo smirked a little. "Perhaps my lady Yun would like to see the royal gardens when she is free?"

"No." Yun Wuxin was quite blunt. 

"She can be moody sometimes." James remarked, shrugging his shoulders. "I wouldn't push it if I were you, big brother. She is a great deal stronger than I am."

"... I see." Cang Shuo sighed a little. "Well, that leads to the question… how strong are you, then?"

"It's a surprise I've saved for later. There's no need to rush." James smiled, patting his brother's shoulder. "I will see you all around. I wish to meet with Young Master Fen first… and, of course, big sister."

"Fair enough."

They were both understanding, making way for him. Not only were the people in awe at how James presented himself but his vassals also caught many looks. Both Beatrice and Yun Wuxin were beauties that made Cang Yue look average. 

"The genius prince himself." Fen Juecheng acknowledged James with a nod. "It's a shame this is the first time we've truly met face to face."

"I heard you've made quite a number of visits to the Imperial Palace this past year." James narrowed his eyes slightly before smiling. "Most unfortunately, I've been away gaining experience and learning more about my people."

"Ah, experience… yes, that's important." Fen Juecheng looked at Yun Wuxin and Beatrice, unable to decide which one he found more appealing.

"Big sis looks as beautiful as ever." James remarked, smiling as he turned away from Fen Juecheng. "It's not too hard to see the real reason why the Young Master consistently travels so far…"

"It's not what you think, Chao'er." Cang Yue shook her head slightly. "Young Master Fen simply has a kind and charitable heart."

"Ah, yes. He has had a change of character so swiftly… was it the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament that enlightened Young Master Fen into becoming a better person?" James turned back to him.

"Ah, yes… of course." Fen Juecheng nodded.

"It's quite rude not to look at the people talking to you." James frowned slightly.

"Forgive me, I… was distracted." Fen Juecheng shook his head. 

"What gifts has Young Master Fen brought to the Blue Wind Imperial Family this time?" James questioned, glancing at Cang Yue.

"He gave me this storage ring." Cang Yue showed it to him.

"Only big sis gets gifts?" James inspected it, turning to Fen Juecheng. "A little inconsiderate, Young Master, I… do feel a little hurt. Even if it was something small, I'd accept it from Young Master Fen. But nothing at all? It feels as if you've forgotten about me…"

"..." Fen Juecheng did not expect to feel guilt when he looked at James' puffy eyes. "I was just about to present you with one, Your Royal Highness. This is your celebration, after all…"

"Oh?" James' eyes lit up as Fen Juecheng retrieved a rather decent pellet. His acting perfectly concealed his disappointment. 'Holy garbage.'

"You are most kind, Young Master…" James managed a smile. "I will use this well to advance my cultivation."

"Do not mention it, Your Royal Highness." Fen Juecheng nodded his head. "I look forward to seeing your dedication produce results that will shock the world."

"I will, don't you worry about that…" James nodded. "I'll defeat Ling Yun to wash away Young Master Fen's defeat."

Cang Yue's eyes widened as she looked at James's confident expression. 

"Defeat… Ling Yun?" Fen Juecheng chuckled. "I'm afraid that is not possible, not even for a genius like you. Perhaps if you two were at the same age, you'd edge him out… but he has five years of experience over you. As much as I hate to admit it, Ling Yun is a brilliant genius in his own right."

"... That's all anyone ever says." James remarked, grinning slightly. "That's good. I love it. The more people say that it's impossible, the more drive I have to prove them wrong. The more I'm underestimated, the more I thrive. It will eventually lead to me folding Ling Yun like a piece of paper."

"... That is not a joke?" Fen Juecheng chuckled.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" James stared at the young master, unsettling him slightly. "I was born to win at the biggest stage, where the lights are brightest. I won't just dominate… I'll show everyone the heart of a true warrior. How someone representing the Blue Wind Imperial Family should fight."

"Heh… I see." Fen Juecheng smiled. "Admittedly, I would have been disappointed if his Highness gave up before giving his best effort. I know you'll fight with your heart but sometimes that isn't enough… Ling Yun is simply too strong."

"How deep did Ling Yun put his sword inside of you?" James suddenly questioned. 

"..." Cang Yue hid her mouth. "Little brother-"

"Pardon?" Fen Juecheng raised an eyebrow.

"You heard me. You can't even imagine him losing… I find it pathetic. Instead of taking your loss as a man and striving higher, you got on your knees and admitted your inferiority." James looked down on Fen Juecheng, even though he was shorter. "And you… think that you're worthy of my sister? With a mentality like that?"

"My brother does not mean what he says…"

"..." Fen Juecheng looked at Cang Yue and smiled. "I know full well that His Royal Highness can be supremely passionate and competitive. Perhaps… I am at fault, in the end, for saying those things."

"Young Master Fen is too understanding." Cang Yue took a sigh of relief.

'Heh… he didn't get offended, at least on the outside.' James smiled. "No, I am at fault. My feelings got the best of me and I spoke harsh words that I did not truly mean."

"His Royal Highness is still young and inexperienced, that is to be expected. Learning from mistakes is a part of life." Fen Juecheng glanced once more at Beatrice who found it hard to hide her disgust. He licked his lips a little. "Might you introduce me to your companions? They seem quite… silent."

"They don't like to speak unless spoken to-"

Fen Juecheng suddenly fell to his knees.

"Young Master Fen… what's wrong?" Cang Yue kneeled down beside him.

"Gahhh… cough… cough… COUGH…" Fen Juecheng began to violently cough his own blood. Sweat fell from his forehead like a waterfall. "I… AUUUUUGH!"

Fen Juecheng vomited everything out of his system, leaving a small pool of his own making. Some of it landed on Cang Yue's elaborate dress.

'Mama Mia…' James thought. 'No doubt, Beatrice's work…'

"Young Master Fen, you must see a doctor-" Cang Yue tried to help him up but he stood up on his own.

"I… my apologies." Fen Juecheng was too embarrassed to remain. "I will take my leave. Do not worry for my health, I will be… fine."

He left with a swiftness while a janitor sped in to clean up his mess. James fixed his sleeves and sighed.

'Only one man in the world can leer at me…' Beatrice scoffed.

"A shame…" James sighed. "I hope he's alright."

"What were you thinking saying those things?" Cang Yue frowned as she looked at him. "You very well could have offended the Young Master of the Heaven Burning Clan."

"He seemed to take it well." James shrugged. "Anyway, I don't like seeing a rat like him scuttling around the palace. He thinks that he can have his way because of the giant power behind him… unless, you like him, big sis?"

"..." Cang Yue did not say anything, though her expression did not exactly show happiness. "It's complicated."

"Cang Shuo can fuck himself for putting you in a situation like this time and time again." James felt genuine anger in his heart. "Cang Lin, too. They've disgraced our family long enough by bending down like dogs to those sects."

"... Chao'er, where are you going?"

"It is time for change." James stepped away and moved to the center of the hall. "First brother!"

James's shout was enhanced by profound energy, echoing thunderously across the entire hall. It suddenly became eerily quiet as everyone turned to him.

"Yes?" Cang Lin turned to James. 

"Why aren't you wearing your crown? It's been too long since I've seen it."

"Ooh." Cang Lin chuckled, taking it out of a storage ring. "This crown? It's quite heavy and inconvenient to wear all the time…"

"Heavy?" James laughed. "Yes, it is too heavy for you… allow me to lighten the weight on your head."

James stretched out his hand and a whirlwind swooped up the crown from Cang Lin's hands. It flew all the way to James's hands. 

"... Heh." Cang Lin chuckled. "You want to wear it again, baby brother?"

"Wear it?" 

James' expression was dead serious. He clenched his fists and the profound energy in his hands dramatically increased, tearing apart the crown. The wind continued to slash it until it was split into a thousand pieces.

He let go, the parts going with the wind and landing at Cang Lin's feet.

"This level of profound strength…"

"What's the meaning of this?" Cang Lin did not seem to understand.

"That's a funny joke." Cang Shuo chuckled. "Hahahahaha-"

"Shut up, you fucking disgrace."

James waved his hand and Cang Shuo was slapped by the wind so hard he crashed into a wall a hundred meters away.

Their royal guards seemed on edge, drawing their weapons. Itachi, Yun Wuxin and Beatrice formed a triangle around James.

"... Why would you attack your own brother?"

"... Why would my own brothers plot against my father? Our father, the one who gave us everything that we have?" James questioned. "Why would you wish to incite rebellion upon this peaceful realm? Steal from the treasury to benefit your separate camps? Borrow power from sects to undermine each other and cause more chaos?"

"You ungrateful pieces of garbage… will disgrace the Blue Wind Imperial Family no longer."

James withdrew a brilliant crown from his storage ring, the Blue Wind Emperor's crown, and placed it on his head. 

"That's royal father's…"

"Guards… seize these traitors!"

Suddenly, a small army of experts burst in and sprang into action. The guards of the prince's was ill-prepared and swiftly slaughtered. With James's own vassals joining the fight, it was hardly a contest. Within minutes, the struggle was over.

In the end, James didn't even have to fight.

He sheathed his sword and watched Cang Wanhe walk in.

"Brilliantly done." Cang Wanhe smiled, nodding approvingly. "All present… observe!"

"From this day forward, Cang Chao, my seventh son shall be heir to the Blue Wind Empire and the future of his people. Let there be no doubts, he will be the greatest Emperor that this land has ever known!" Cang Wanhe wrapped his arm around James. "I've said it here first… and you will all bear witness to it becoming true over the years!"

"You're putting a lot of pressure on me, father." James smiled. "You can have the crown back."

"Keep it for today. Grow used to its weight, my son."

"As you wish, father." James nodded.

"Now… this is where speed is of most importance." Cang Wanhe turned to his royal guard. "Act swiftly. Do not let a single traitor step outside of the city. I want them all captured within the hour."

"Yes, your Imperial Majesty!"

"No one is to leave this room until the matter is settled." James added, turning to the spectators. "For everyone's safety."

Cang Wanhe smiled and whispered; 

"It suits you already."

It was the first time I had seen a public beheading… they struggled, screamed out and did all they could… but it did not matter. The sword came all the same and sliced my two scheming brother's heads off. 

Before Fen Juecheng departed, I handed him a pellet that would heal his 'wounds'. Though, really, it was just Beatrice stopping his life from fading away.

The next time I walked in the Imperial Palace, it felt good. Clean. Like all the lingering garbage had been taken out. I wasn't the 'little' or 'baby' brother anymore, either. It was Crown Prince Chao. This new title also came with quite a number of privileges. Even more resources, having Dongfang Xiu guard me whenever I want and more influence.

With this newfound influence, I decided to promote a new product that I'd be auctioning off. I used one of the Blue Wind Imperial Palace's disciples as a demonstration of its effects. Within a week, his profound strength rose from the first level of the Spirit Profound Realm to the third without any clear consequences. Except for instability, of course, which would pass with time.

Everyone lost their shit and the news spread far and wide of a 'miracle pellet' for the Spirit Profound Realm. I gave it a month to gain hype before announcing the official date that I would be auctioning it. 

Of course, during this time, I had been training my ass off. Everytime I took a moment to myself, I thought about Ling Yun and how everyone glazed him. I wasn't just going to surpass him in cultivation strength… I was going to be the superior fighter, too. 

That was my weakest point… so I had been digging my head inside of manuals and fighting my vassals all the time. Even so, the techniques the Blue Wind Imperial Family had to offer were subpar… and I couldn't access anything better. All the great sects treasured their techniques almost as much as their own existence.

That meant that the best way to get stronger… would be through my vassals. 



I woke up with Beatrice's arms all around me and her head laying in my chest. Though one thing was stranger than usual… and I noticed it quite quickly when I properly opened my eyes. While I remained clothed, she was very much naked.

"Triss." I sighed, looking away. "What the hell are you doing naked in my bed?"

"Oh… I'm naked?" Beatrice blinked, acting oblivious. 

"You're unbelievable." I shook my head. "Yes, your clothes just decided to leave you in the middle of the night."

"What's wrong with that, my liege?" 

She got on top of me and my body reacted as it would for any growing teenager. The hormones were going crazy and acting against my better judgment. 

"Triss… get your tits out of my face."

"Or what~?" Beatrice giggled. "You'll bully me, my liege? Oh, I'd like that…"

"You'd like that, huh?" I flipped her over and held her hands down with my own. 

She blushed and looked away.

"I'm but a helpless maiden…"

I paused as memories of Caroline flashed back to me. The more clumsy and sweet memories to the wilder ones. We had entangled with one another hundreds of times… almost as if we were one. She was my other half and I had sworn in my heart that she was the only girl I would ever need.

I was too young and immature when I made that promise…

I didn't plan to keep it, either. It's just… I didn't feel like it.

"If I wanted to fuck you, I would have done it already."

"... I'll be waiting patiently, my liege… always." Beatrice got up. "After all, I wanted to try out that dual-cultivation thing. I heard it can have great benefits."

"...?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't you want to share my powers?" Beatrice rested her head on my shoulder. "Of course, they are yours through me… but you'd be so much more powerful on your own with them."

"... You truly are a witch." I chuckled, pushing her off me. "Get dressed."

"As you wish."

"Senjumaru, get me something dashing to wear for the occasion."

While Senjumaru fixed me up with a perfectly-made outfit that suited my regal and professional tastes, Beatrice was making my hair look nice. Normally, I'd just give it a brush but she went the extra mile with it. She even started cutting the overgrown parts. 

When she was done, I was looking pretty damn handsome in my mostly white-red fit with golden accents. My cape wasn't the usual puffy one I liked, it was thinner and less weighty. Though for this occasion, I believe it was more fitting. The outfit was like a combination of a modern suit and traditional royal clothing, edging a little more on the modern suit side. 

Though, I just couldn't quite get used to the black hair and eyes. I sorely missed my golden hair and baby blue eyes to the point that I felt incomplete without both. 

Even so… I had no answer to that problem at the moment. It is what it is, really.


The night at the Black Moon Merchant Guild was full of excitement and rich people trying to one-up each other. I just sat back in the VIP section and observed the spectacle until it was time for me to unveil my product.

"Presenting the next prize of this night will be… His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince!"

I stood up and made my way to the stage. A thunderous round of applause followed. I bowed gracefully to the crowd and smiled.

"Marry meeee, Prince Cang Chao!"

"I can't make a commitment like that, my lady… but you can have this rose as a gesture of my appreciation for your love." I withdrew a white rose and threw it to one of the young women in the audience. 

It may or not have been a mistake because the fanfare only grew while some of them started fighting over the singular rose. 

"There's plenty more where that came from, there's no need to fight over it!"

I took out a dozen more and threw them to the crowd. After a good while, I raised my hand.

"Silence, please." I waited until everyone was quiet. It didn't take long. "Now, as I believe most of you know, I've made drastic progress in my profound strength over this single year. This has been in large part thanks to the miraculous recipe that my senior sister has discovered…"

I presented the great prize in an elaborate box, placing it down on a raised pedestal.

"Made with over a thousand different medical resources, refined masterfully by a future medical saint and sprinkled with a bit of love…" 

I scanned my gaze across the crowd before unveiling the pellet. 

"The Heaven-Defying Spirit Transforming Pellet!"

Yes, I did name it according to their tastes. If I were to call it something, I'd just go with 'level up like crazy pill' but that wouldn't sell as well. I also lied about the amount of materials it took to make. Pretty sure Circe just smashed like ten together. 

"With this, anyone in the Spirit Profound Realm is guaranteed to progress at least one cultivation level… even from the tenth level to the Earth Profound Realm! That pesky bottleneck that has been bothering you? Yeah, this bad boy can fix you right up and put you ahead of the curve! As for the lower levels, it may put one up by two or even three!"

"And the greatest thing of all - there are hardly any stability issues! It's a pill that guarantees progress." I smiled, noticing many interested looks. "I would have kept this to myself but as Crown Prince, I feel like I should give back to the people. Alas… there is only one in my possession at the moment. I will need funding to produce more, which is another reason why I am auctioning it off."

"The starting price is ten thousand purple profound coins. Any takers?"

"I shall take it!" Mu Tianbei, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Spear Thunderfire Fortress raised his hand. No doubt, the sound of 2-3 extra levels for his most talented disciple sounded amazing.

"Twenty thousand!" Another swiftly countered.

Mu Tianbei glared at the person. "Thirty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand!"

If only I had a mirror to see my stupid ass grin…

I'm gonna be rich!

"One… hundred… thousand purple profound coins!!!"

Entire sects were willing to trade their whole treasury for just one pellet. After all, it could be the difference between being ranked 50th or top 10. If you're in the top ten, you'll attract more promising disciples and it will pay off in the long-term…

It kept going… 120k, 130k, 150k…

"Two hundred thousand purple profound coins!" 

Mu Tianbei slammed his fist down. Surely no one would go higher than that…


"Two hundred and fifty thousand purple profound coins." 

A frozen cold aura swept over the entire hall. Mu Tianbei turned to see what everyone else saw. I had no doubt in my heart that it was one of those famed Seven Fairies… they seem to float around me a lot, especially recently. 

"Going once… going twice…"

No one else dared to spend more, either because they didn't have enough money or didn't want to offend the second highest ranking sect in the entire Empire. Probably a bit of both. 

"It seems that this pellet is all yours." I stepped away, gesturing towards it. Her figure seemed to remind me of someone. "Which ranking fairy are you?"

She tossed me two cards, one with two hundred thousand and the other with fifty thousand, before grabbing the box. She opened it and seemingly inspected her prize. Then she closed it and turned away.

Every action looked calculated and she did no more than necessary.

"If you like the results, my dear frozen lady, be sure to be on the lookout for another auction." I smiled. "I'll try to produce another pellet as soon as possible."

Frozen ladies… at least that Chu Yueli talked to me.

"I also look forward to fighting whichever disciple you give it to." I grinned slightly. "I'm sure it will be fun."

"Sometimes I wonder if any of those ladies is your mother…" I glanced at Yun Wuxin who stood to the side of my bedroom.

"..." She remained quiet.

"Hmmmmm, I'm beginning to see the type of person your father was. Was it the one who bought my pellet?"

"How should I know? I couldn't see her face." Yun Wuxin shrugged.

"What's her name?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Now you've made me curious." I stepped closer to her. "Come now, we've known each other long enough… no?"

"Are you… scared that I might lay the pipe on your mother?"

"She'd never fall for someone like you, first of all." Yun Wuxin scoffed. "Second of all-"

"Tell me and we can put that to the test."

"Make me… little boy. That's all you can do. Rely on your authority."

I stared into her wonderful eyes which reflected all the beauty in the world. She turned away, crossing her arms.

"You're nothing without it."

"Such hateful words for a simple question…" I sighed, shaking my head "Honestly, it doesn't really matter who it is. I could have made your time here a bit better by being considerate and reuniting you two… but, again, you spit in my face. I'm not going to force feed you."

"..." Yun Wuxin's expression softened a little. "You're lying. You don't really care about anyone but yourself."

"... It's hard to care for others, when they don't care about you."

I laid down on my bed and relaxed. 

"If I didn't care about anything…" I grabbed my fresh crown and let it slip out of my fingers. It dropped to the ground. "Do you think that I'd give a single fuck about the Blue Wind Empire?"

"..." She turned to me, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You'd be worse off without the Blue Wind Imperial Family's influence."

"Would I?" I laughed. "You think I wouldn't steal more? Kill these uptight cunts that I act nice to? You think that you'd be able to talk shit to me? If I only cared about myself… this world would be on fire from one corner to the other and the only winner…"

"Would be me."

"... Right." She didn't look convinced. "You think you're capable of that as you are now?"

"You're doubting me?" I got up and looked at her. "Tempt me more. I'll melt the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace right before your very eyes… go on, tell me I won't. Tell me I can't."

I grabbed her face and made her look at me.

"Go on, Wuxin… what's wrong?" I chuckled. 

"Then you'd only prove my point."

"No, you don't get it. You understand nothing." I rolled my eyes. "What's your mother's name?"

"… Chu Yuechan."

"The leader of the seven fairies?" I stroked my chin. "Even my dad has a big crush on her… alright, cool. Next question. Where did your Phoenix flames come from?"

"My father."

"And where did your father get them? The Divine Phoenix Empire?"

"The middle of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range." Yun Wuxin answered. "The Phoenix Clan resides there…"

"Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range…" I stroked my chin. "That's in the Blue Wind Empire. How strange that no one's heard of it… you think I can get some of its bloodline?"

"No, it wouldn't approve of your selfish nature."

"Yet… it approves of the Divine Phoenix Sect?" I laughed. "Ah, that's a good joke."

I let go of my authority.

"... 'Kay, you can get out of my face now. Go mope around a little more or whatever it is you do."

I had been way too busy to look inside of the Sky Poison Pearl but my curiosity got the better of me. Was that girl sleeping all this time? Seriously, she needed to start paying rent. Can't freeload in my inner world indefinitely like that.

"Wake up, little girl." I poked her face.

"... You dare disturb this princess' rest?" She slowly opened her eyes. 

"You dare freeload in this King's domain?" I countered her boisterous attitude with my own. "Who the fuck even are you?"

"This princess would ask you the same thing." She got up from the floor and sized me up. "How did you come to possess the Sky Poison Pearl?"

"Ain't that obvious? The previous idiot who had it got killed and I took it from him. Now… I want to know what the hell are you doing here? If it isn't something good, I'm kicking you out."

"Kicking this princess out?" She laughed. "Who do you think you are, little boy?"

"That's funny coming from a flat midget like you." I raised an eyebrow. "You're not going to tell me you're somehow older than me, are you?"

"Listen and listen well, boy, because I'll only say it once… however you came to possess the Sky Poison Pearl does not matter. This princess demands that you either hand it over willingly or die!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me."

"Repeat it, please." I rolled my eyes. "Sorry, I was daydreaming a little. My bad."


She grabbed me by my neck… or tried to.

I slapped away her hand.


She seemed to concentrate more and grabbed my neck instantly. With a strong grip, too. Yeah, this little girl wasn't nearly as weak as she looked. She floated in the air like some kind of ghost. 

"You think I won't snap your neck right now?"

"If you kill me, the Sky Poison Pearl is gone… and, whatever you need it for, well… you can just forget about it." I chuckled. "It's fused with my body, after all."

"... You would be right. This princess has some use for you." 

She let go, tossing me to the side. When she let go, I could see her face visibly weaken. She didn't look like she was in top form.

Admittedly, I wasn't exactly feeling her. Even so… she was pretty damn strong. I could only win with words, from the look of things.

"Alright… So what do you need the Sky Poison Pearl for? You got poisoned?"

"Yes, it is a lethal poison that only the Sky Poison Pearl can cure. For that reason, I intend to stay here until my soul is free from it. And then… you will gather the necessary materials for this princess to reform her body."

"Do you want bedtime kisses every night and a wide selection of plushies with that, too, 'princess'? Maybe a piggyback ride or two?"

She frowned, her crimson red eyes staring at me. "No, I don't need any of that."

"Alright sure, I'll bite. What kind of materials are we talking?"

"This princess only needs three items! Pay attention and remember them well: A stalk of Netherworld Udumbara Flower, three Profound Beast Cores no lower than that of the Tyrant Profound Realm as well as… At least thirty-five kilos of Purple Veined God Crystal!"

"Hahahahaha… fuck me, that's a bit ridiculous." 

I laughed. I didn't know about that flower but the other two 'items' were fucking priceless. I mean, I could get them eventually… but why would I spend them on her, rather than myself?

"Okay, theoretically, if I get you all of that-"

"And you must reach the Sovereign Profound Realm in thirty years alongside finding the three items I require." 

"...Theoretically, if I do reach the Sovereign Profound Realm and find those items within thirty years… which I am very much capable of… what do I get?" I stroked my chin.

If she said some shit like 'my companionship', I'd slap the shit out of her. 

"What is it that you desire?"

"You keep saying you're a princess, right? Of what nation?" 

"Nation?" She scoffed. "I am the princess of an entire realm, one that dwarves this tiny planet in every imaginable way."

"A different world?" My eyes lit up. "We might get on the same page, after all. I want your best techniques and a ticket to a good starting place in the broader universe when it's all said and done. That's all. We can part ways after that."

"... Very well. This princess agrees."

"This King agrees as well." I smiled. "I won't take thirty years, either. Give me ten."

"Hmph… you are quite confident. Well, do you have a movement technique?"

"A good one? Not really."

"It is likely to be too complicated for you… but you asked for my best techniques so you will receive them."

She passed on the manual for a technique called 'Star God's Broken Shadow' by simply tapping my forehead. 

"Pleasure doing business with you… what's your name?"


"Jasmine…" I remarked. "Cute name. Anyway, you can go back to sleep. I can get a bed in here if you want…"

"That won't be necessary."


I left the Sky Poison Pearl and decided to make some moves. First, I called up Dongfang Xiu who was more than glad to be of service.

"You requested me, Your Royal Highness?"

"Stand still, Palace Chief. I wish to bestow this heavenly gift to you as thanks for your loyalty and service to the Blue Wind Imperial Family." I placed my hand on his chest and began opening his closed profound entrances.

"Your Royal Highness… this…"

Once I finished, I stepped away and looked at him with a smile.

"Do keep this a secret between us, alright? I just want you to be strong and keep my royal father safe in case something bad happens. Even… stronger than the thrones of the four great sects."

"... I will do what I can, Your Royal Highness."

"I will provide all the resources I can to accelerate this process." I smiled, nodding. "As of now, there are other matters I must attend to… but know that things will be changing around here and very soon. The Blue Wind Imperial Family will not hang its head beneath anyone's feet ever again."

"... Heh. Always maddeningly ambitious." Dongfang Xiu nodded. "Yet your words are so compelling I have no choice but to believe them."

"You have no reason not to. Have I ever fallen short?"

In the next auction, another fairy pulled up with another light 250k.

And in the next… 

And in the third, an elder from the Heavenly Sword Villa pulled up and dropped a massive 500k bag.

After that… my auctions became a war between the four major sects. Every month, they gathered for my Heaven-Defying Spirit Transforming Pellet. Or, as I've started to call it, 'the Heavenly Zaza'. Like weed, they can't seem to have enough of it.

On the sixth month anniversary of my auction shenanigans , I auctioned off the upgraded Heaven Defying Earth Transforming Pellet and well… lots of shit happened…

"Starting price will be One Million Purple Profound Coins!" I grandly announced.

"Three million!" Ling Yuefeng, the Sword Villa Master - yes that's him, didn't hesitate to triple my initial price.

"Five million." The same fairy as before did not hesitate to counter, either.

"Six million." Fen Moli, the Great Elder of the Heaven Burning Clan, countered right after.

"Ten million!" Xiao Juetian, the Sect Master… you get it. "The Xiao Sect will have this Heaven–Defying Earth Transforming Pellet no matter what!!!"

"In your dreams!" Fen Moli grit his teeth. "FIFTEEN MILLION!"

So much money being thrown around… Jesus Christ. What would they do if they knew I had like fifty of those in my possession? 

If I did… this one would be going for way less, though. That would be no fun.

"Twenty million." The fairy calmly countered.

"You are all making this difficult." Ling Yuefeng remarked with a smile. "Thirty million."

"Thirty-three million." The fairy countered right away. 

"If the Fairy of Frozen Beauty wishes for it…" Ling Yuefeng relented, though he didn't seem too bitter. He just looked happy to be there. "Then she may have it. I look forward to seeing what kind of talent the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace brings this time."

No one else placed a higher price so it fell into the laps of the fairy.

"It looks like my best competition might come from the Frozen Immortal Palace, after all." I remarked, watching her take the box. 

"To give this up so casually… you must have reached even greater heights, Cang Chao." She finally spoke to me. "Or rather, you have more of these pellets for yourself?"

I grinned slightly, sending a personal voice transmission. "I may have eaten one or two."

"You are clever. This money will only further your growth. While the pellet itself might be worth it to my sect, it costs you far less to produce it…"

"Mhm. Even knowing this, you fairies are the first ones to snatch these pellets for yourselves. You really are my best benefactors."

"... Hmph."

"How about one for free?"

She suddenly paused. I could see the resemblance.

"Meet me whenever you wish. We can talk about it."


In the six months that I had been using my money cheat (Sky Poison Pearl + Circe's cooking which was fucking magical), my own profound strength soared to unimaginable heights. Also Circe had to be in my top five vassals because damn… I loved her. Platonically. 

Really, I had leapfrogged through the rest of the Spirit Profound Realm, zoomed through most of the Earth Profound Realm and finally broke into the Sky Profound Realm. The only problem was that my cultivation was about as stable as a bridge made out of one layer of thin wooden planks.

I had to do some drastic shit to fix that up. On the bright side, no one was catching up to me. I could chill out on the hardcore meditation and iron out these problems. 

[King's System: Congratulations on achieving the Platinum Rank! Your storage limit has increased by five to fifteen, you may now have four vassals active at once and you also earn a roll every ten days! Not to mention the store has opened where you can finally spend roll shards. Finally, as a stimulus check, you've received a hundred regular rolls and one super roll!]

'I'm loving it.'

Yes… it was one of the best things about this life, without a doubt.

I wonder who will fall into my lap next?

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