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Chapter 31: XXXI: The gears begin to turn.

"Shinra Tensei!" at the sound of his shout, a terrible repulsive force pushed the ground covered with a thick layer of snow, clearing the path and exposing the ground that had not been exposed to the open air. 

The Rinnegan boy, a young man with a worn appearance, sunken eyes and dark circles, a fragile body, and sparse hair, looked at his heroic deed with genuine excitement in his eyes. Ever since he came to this damned place, his dreams of supremacy, gaining great power, women, and treasures have gone down the drain because of the 'fine print' that he didn't bother to read when he got his powerful eyes.

He only received the Rinnegan, no chakra, Otsusuki lineage, and he could feel his eyes begin to suck the life out of him, and he had to sustain them by "eating" the souls of unfortunate people to sustain himself. This heretical behavior got him into serious trouble, and he had to run away and leave the group he had formed because, despite his problems, everyone wanted his eyes.

But perhaps the Rinnegan boy did not exhaust all his luck in obtaining those powerful eyes, for seeing him weak, the more powerful mages and knights did not bother to pursue him, and although the 'common' soldiers gave him trouble, he was able to get rid of them.

Now, after being rescued by a group of reincarnates who saw his potential, or so he thinks, he felt he could soon turn the tables, get a harem, and reach, as the Chinese authors say, the peak of life. 

He was given a manual for chakra practice, maybe it's because of the souls he took in, his mind was very rich, but he could only get a little chakra because of his exaggeratedly deficient body. Then he was approached by a strange man with glasses and red eyes who offered him some 'body enhancement pills' that made his body more durable, although he retained his emaciated appearance that he would have to fix himself in the future.

"I feel like I have unlimited power!" the boy shouted to the sky, causing some animals near him that had not yet fled to run away in terror. Still, he ignored it, drunk on his supposed power, not noticing that something in his shadow was constantly watching him.

"This guy's an idiot who doesn't deserve a name beyond 'Rinnegan Boy,'" the shadow presence whispered, fed up with what he saw, but resigned, his job was to watch this waste until he did what he had to do.


Explosions occurred in the suburbs of Sunflower City, although the citizens of that area had fortunately already been evacuated. Some characters were running, being chased by others. There was a constant show of sounds, lights, and explosions as things got more interesting.

"Sonic Arrow," Axel said as he slid down from the roof of a house, his eyes fixed on the target. 

The arrow of light shot out of his bow and hit his enemy's leg, exploding the limb and sending him crashing to the ground. Then a flame erupted from the ground, reducing the poor wretch to ashes, leaving only a strange ball of light.

"Fuck! A drop, that's the third one after the Pokeball and the alchemy manual," said John, who had appeared next to the orb, and next to him came Axel, who picked up the object.

The orb glowed for a moment before turning into a parchment scroll that looked old and shabby, but surprisingly had no significant damage, revealing its contents. Curious, he opened it to find out what it was,

"Inheritance of Potions from XXXX," John read, interested in the contents and coming to the conclusion of why this guy was so weak even though they had already been in this world for three months.

"These are classic potions, you know, HP, MP, but there are also some interesting ones, like this one called Reproduction Potion," Axel pointed to a potion, causing a screen of light to appear, explaining the potion itself,

"Reproduction Potion: When poured into an object, there is a chance that it will explain how that object was created, although the more powerful and complex the object, the harder it is to obtain information.

Contraindication: If drunk by a man, it can make him pregnant...if drunk by a woman, the touch of a male creature can make her pregnant, giving rise to strange creatures like the Minotaur" As Axel finished reading, he almost dropped the scroll, what a wicked thing to do.

"Oe, doesn't Ron live with an alchemist? He might be interested in this, I'll ask him to teach me as well," John changed the subject to the final ownership of the legacy, bringing Axel back to his senses.

"Um, well. The last alchemy inheritance was given to Jessica to give her a more versatile way to attack, her eyes are a trap when it comes to alchemy, especially since it's based on the one from Fullmetal Alchemist," Axel replied as he put the scroll into a space bag.

"Yes, but still, it's hard to learn that kind of alchemy if you don't have talent, and it turns out she has a hell of a lot, regardless of her eyes," John's tone was a bit jealous, but it had more joy in it, he was very happy for his partner.

"Let's keep hunting these reincarnates, we need to get rid of the riffraff before the war starts," Axel slapped John on the back and started moving through the streets at a speed that made him look like a mere blur.

John, on the other hand, rose calmly into the air, his eyes, now golden thanks to a spell, looking off into the distance, watching the other battles. The extermination of those reincarnates might get in their way, though his mind was a bit distracted as he remembered the other group of reincarnates that had allied themselves with them. 

Unlike a classic Battle Royal, there was no need for a single victor or a single group to reach the end the guidelines for winning were hidden and no one knew what it took to get the final victory, even the questions to the AI on the first day refused to reveal that information. 

As for cheats, they could come in many forms, but although they could be stolen, they had to be "dropped" like in a game, and the drop rate was very low. John remembered that the group they were allied with was very different from his in how they did things and how they conducted themselves on this continent, they were really powerful, plus they were not originally from the city.

They were from the neighboring city, Tulip City, and had arrived a few weeks ago on their journey to find interesting places, strange places, and enemies to fight or train with. John thought of one particular member of this group, the strongest member, who had received a cheat based on a template, the template of an Umbra Witch.

As you can imagine, she was incredibly beautiful and a character worthy of her name, as were all the members of her team, which was five in all. Seone and Axel became fast friends with the only two males on the team, while John focused only on the witch named Monic.

In love? No, not yet, but he felt an attraction to her, he being someone with black mage heritage and she being an Umbra Witch, both related to 'darkness' in some way, there was a strange resonance between them, not as strong as Seone and Marie enjoyed now, but there it was.

"I've got to concentrate on my thing..." whispered the young blonde as he threw a Thunderball at an Axel-incapacitated enemy, reducing him to ashes, too bad he didn't drop his cheat.


With an explosion of green fire, a poor unfortunate was reduced to nothing, Susie, the cause of all this, continued on her way, looking for more 'prey'. She glanced at her watch for a moment, looking at the accumulated points, and couldn't help but click her tongue.

"Ron, where's the next one?" she turned and looked at her partner Ron.

Ron was wearing his gray robes, and his eyes were glowing, emitting a rainbow-colored light, soon the glow faded, and he turned his head to the left and pointed with his index finger.

"There's another reincarnate lurking, he doesn't feel very dangerous he doesn't even have a 'grudge' attached to him, so he hasn't killed any sentient life in all this time," Ron said, making Susie smile.

With a bang, the girl jumped to the designated spot, her tail dancing in the air as demonic power concentrated in her hands, forming spears of green fire. She saw a young girl running away, apparently accompanied by some animals making 'gestures' to Susie as if to attack her.

"Oh, that's a sad thing," the succubus said as she threw her spears of fire at the girl, turning her and her animal friends to ash.

She felt the girl's kindness, she was not material for this kind of competition, and Susie thought about how many reincarnates were people who could not make it to the end of the year simply because they were unable to kill for one reason or another. 

"It is, but we have to eliminate all variables, we have to survive," said Ron, who had come quietly to her side. 

"I've noticed we've become more desensitized to life, this 'Battle Royal' is consuming, isn't it?" asked Susie as she held her head down, her horns sucking the magical power into the air to replenish themselves, creating a breeze effect that shook the ashes on the ground, causing the wind to carry them away.


"The crimson flying slash sliced through several trees before slicing through the fleeing woman, who let out a scream as her body, split in two, and fell to the ground.

The woman felt all sensation leave her body, with blurred eyes and slow movements, she crawled a few feet before her poor hearing heard the crunching sounds of the ground being stepped on. The otherwise stunningly beautiful woman looked forlornly at the huge silver sword falling towards her. 

"That's it. What a useless bunch," Seone said, swinging his new sword to place it on his back. 

His weapon was similar to the one he had before, but made of a much heavier and stronger material, and of a beautiful silver color. Its handle was white, and its non-slip lines were black. It was a weapon he liked very much, and he had used it several times to execute prisoners, proving its incredible edge.

Seone turned her head to see her companion, a woman dressed like a nun, with black hair and strange yellow eyes that looked beastly. The woman knelt before the corpse and clasped her hands in prayer. Soon, a shaft of pure white light emanated from the nun and then fell upon the deceased.

An ethereal being emerged from the wreckage, and just as you thought for sure that this was some sort of redemption ceremony, the nun's delicate palm grabbed the transparent figure's neck and crushed it hard.

"Oh, that bitch hated you, Seone," the nun said, standing up and wiping her clothes with a few slaps. 

"You're scary, Samantha," Seone replied, her eyes fixed on the nun, her body tense, ready to fight.

Samantha was one of the members of the allied group, and to Seone she was the most dangerous of them all, surpassing even their leader. It's like Ron was to his enemies, a guy who could predict your attacks and look for a way to break them was as hopeless as a nun who supposedly 'purifies' souls, bringing them to absolute nothingness.

Yes, out of nowhere, Samantha was a person who used holy light to exorcise what she called "sinful souls" and well, unless you were a baby, you basically couldn't even escape the delicate and gentle hands of this nun. Fortunately for the rest of us, her abilities were not offensive, but she did have incredible healing, cleansing, and defensive powers. 

"Don't be like that, Seone, you can say we're siblings now, we're from the same world after all, right?" Samantha 'puffed' her cheeks playfully and confidently touched Seone's shoulder.

Somewhat unlikely, but Seone and Samantha came from the same world, neither of them kept their original names, but even more unbelievable, they were in a way 'acquaintances' in their past lives, not that their relationship was very good. Samantha once stole Seone's girlfriend, yes, just as you read it. 

So you could say they had a 'lot' in common, and Seone could hardly resist the urge to cut her to pieces, but this broad's defense was so strong he didn't think it was possible, sometimes he wondered how his new friends could put up with this broad, but they told him she was nice to everyone... fuck, pure lies. 

"Let's go, the others should be done, with there should be no more reincarnates in the city and soon it will be the fourth month, we need to prepare for the upcoming war," Seone said after calming his murderous impulses, his will was strong enough for this to affect him he used it as an engine for when he unleashed his killer instinct.

"Yeah, and stop fantasizing about cutting me already, it's not going to happen~" Samantha teased, playfully sticking out her tongue.


Deep in the Death Forest, there was a beautiful city whose buildings were huge trees woven together to build everything its inhabitants, the elves, needed. Creatures that would be considered beautiful in other fantasy stories, but were despised by humans on this continent.

Magical lights adorned the streets, for the sunlight did not penetrate so deeply into the forest that these means of illumination were necessary. In a group of huge trees that formed a palace, an important meeting was being held. 

Sitting on the wooden throne was a woman with silver hair, an incredible figure, and the classic long ears of the elves, beside her were several equally beautiful women, all sitting on chairs made of branches that were still alive because of their connection to the trees. 

There were other figures seated, but some were special, such as a dark-skinned elf, one with slightly green skin, and one 'elf' that if you knew anything about Warhammer 40K, you would recognize as an Eldar. 

The Eldar woman spoke, her beautiful voice resonating with her psychic power, causing the atmosphere in the throne room where the elves were gathered to fill with excited fervor.

"The daring Mon-keigh have dared to kill our officials, they have dared to invade our lands, and now they demand our way to travel across the barren ocean to reach new lands... I say, why do we have to live in isolation when they have the whole world along with those land dwarves? They are preparing for war, we are ready, why are we waiting?" with her question, the room filled with murmurs, but it was the queen who silenced everyone with a single gesture.

"War... war never changes, does it? Young foreigners from other elven kingdoms, variants of our race, especially you, young one, you are of a unique variant and that makes you feel special, doesn't it? "The queen's voice seemed to have a calming power, bringing everyone's excited mood back to normal.

The queen's silver eyes focused on the Eldar who had whipped her subjects, and her incredible magical power burst forth, making everyone present realize a fact that even the humans acknowledged in their contempt: The Elf Queen was one of the strongest in the world. All elf queens were, and she was one of the strongest. 

"The war will be fought, but I will not allow your stupid and selfish ideas and intentions. We fight because we want to leave the continent and explore to get a free home, not to 'slaughter' humans, even if they slaughter us every time they forget the treaties they signed with us.

So shut up, you did not make it to my throne room because of your power or ability, but because you are useful to me, the moment you stop being useful... I will kill you," the queen's magical power pressed on the proud Eldar, letting the reincarnator know it deeply.

No matter if she was an Eldar of WH40K, she couldn't fight against the natives of this world who were strong, besides, she was just an Eldar, nothing more, she had yet to explore a profession usually followed by those of this species, but as a 'newborn' in such a long-lived species... lucky for her, she has the power to defend herself, and if she survives, her reincarnation can help her become stronger.

Accepting silence as confirmation, the meeting ended. The elves left, the humans left, and the war would break out between the two species... though it was only a microcosm on this vast continent.


AN: Sorry for the late update! My university semester starts, so, I will change the rhythm of updates, but don't worry! You can read chapters on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday~ Three chapters per week! 

And please, comment! Give me your opinion!

Sir_Traverse Sir_Traverse

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