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Chapter 65: Chapter 65 let's go with that.

"So that is the boy you have been complaining about so much this past month," Zeoticus said cheerfully. He had been curious about this boy ever since he first heard of him around a month back. From what he had heard, Shin Hyoudou is a very interesting person. From his enigmatic and humorous personality. To his seemingly careless yet calculated actions. Most of all, however, the sacred gear he wielded and the future potential it has.

Sirzechs however, was confused. As far as he knew, he hadn't talked to his father about Shin at all. Maybe some angry grumbling or the name being mentioned when talking about Rias. But not a direct conversation about Shin that would erect this kind of reaction from his father.

With a great amount of confusion on his face, he asked the question currently on his mind. "How do you know of Shin Hyoudou? I don't recall telling you anything about him. Certainly not enough to warrant this kind of reaction." Sirzechs asked.

Zeoticus looked at his son with a face that said he should already know that answer. "You should already know son that there is very little that doesn't reach my ears," Zeoticus said. However, the frown on his son's face told him he isn't satisfied with the answer.

Releasing a sigh, he elaborated further. "To put it in the simplest terms as possible, you complained about him to one of your wives, who in turn relayed that information to one of mine, which naturally, was relayed to me." Zeoticus put simply.

Sirzechs' face faulted, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "You can just say it how it is father, you heard of him through the gossip vine," Sirzechs said.

"Alright let's go with that then," Zeoticus said dismissively.

Sirzechs rolled his eyes. "Just what all have you heard about him?" Sirzechs asked of his father, curious just how much his wives had gossiped about.

Zeoticus looked up towards the ceiling, obviously recalling everything he has heard about Shin Hyoudou. "Well, I guess the main part is that he is Rias' only pawn, has great potential, and is simultaneously illiterate and intelligent," Zeoticus said, Sirzechs nodding along in agreement the entire time.

Sirzechs was just about to start talking when his father cut him off. "Oh, and of course the whole fiasco when he played you like a fiddle. Blackmailing you into doing what he wants." Almost instantaneously, Sirzechs face fell into indignation.

"He did not!" Sirzechs disagreed almost instantly.

Zeoticus smirked at Sirzechs. "Really? Sure sounded like it."

Sirzechs sneered. "Then the story must have been twisted in the gossip."

The smirk didn't leave Zeoticus' face. "Sure, let's go with that."

Zeoticus, seeing his son starting to get annoyed decided it was about time to switch topics. "Regardless, how much I currently know about him is irrelevant. What is important is what I see him possibly doing in the future. With his determination and potential, he has the possibility of shaping the world as he sees fit. It would be wise to keep an eye on him." Zeoticus said seriously.

Sirzechs suddenly got serious as well, sitting up straighter as he analyzed Shin carefully. "I agree. The kid has enormous potential that he hasn't seemed to register fully just yet. He doesn't know, but every higher up in the devil community has heard of him. Information spreads fast. Especially when it's about a future up and comer." Sirzechs said.

Zeoticus nodded in agreement. Not all devils knew as much about Shin Hyoudou as Zeoticus did, however, most have at least heard of his name in passing. After all, the implications of his Sacred Gear are monumentous. It actually explains why the Phenex clan took to him so warmly. As one of the more prestigious families, they have heard of him and know he is a future powerhouse. Establishing connections with them will do good for them in the future.

"The only problem is, I'm not sure what to think of him. He's smart, but not in the book sense, more like he's creative. Thinks of things others don't. But when it comes down to battle, he's reckless and makes stupid decisions." Sirzechs said, relaying what information he did know of Shin to his father.

Zeoticus, hearing all about the reckless decisions Shin had made, nodded in agreement. "That's true, however, you must remember, he's still just a boy. He has a lot of maturing to do." Zeoticus said, to which Sirzechs nodded.

Sirzechs knew this and that is why he hadn't yet labeled Shin as an enemy just yet. After all, he had only known of the boy for a few weeks, hardly enough to judge his character. Especially when he had only actually talked to the boy once or twice. For now, he would just have to wait and see what future decisions he would make.

Shin quite liked talking with the Phenex family. For some reason that he knew not, they seemed to take quite a liking to him. For the last half an hour or so, they had been making idle chat as they waited for Rias' makeup to be finished so she could make her appearance.

During this time, Shin had gotten to know the Phenex family. After getting through the initial phase in which Ravel was acting pompous brat, he had quite enjoyed the time talking with them, Riser in particular.

It surprised him how well he got along with Riser. Although, in hindsight, he should have seen that coming. The Riser he thought he knew, was an antagonist in a shonen anime, so naturally, he was cast in a bad light.

Sure, Riser had his flaws, just like everyone, but he was no more a pervert than Issei was, and his arrogance was something you could easily look past.

However, it was no time to reminisce as he saw Grayfia approaching the table the Phenex family and him were currently sitting at, which could only mean one thing. Rias was ready.

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