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Chapter 12: Chapter 2

Naruto walked out of his house as the bifrost struck his roof, watching as Odin walked forward as the bridge vanished he sighed, "Father." 

"Thor, so you've been hiding amongst humans."

"Not hiding, a training accident with Space and Time deaged my body and sent me here."

"Then why wouldn't you return home as soon as you were able to?'

'Grandfather had you live amongst the Vikings as a child, it was your right of passage. I decided that this would be mine. It's not like you're going to be pushing up daisies anytime soon and I'll have to take the throne." 

Odin frowned, "When war is upon us you will return home, rather you like it or not. And since you want to stay here so much Heimdall will keep watch on you." Odin said, turning around to hide his proud grin, "Can't have you running away again. Heimdall."

The Bifrost slammed into the ground and took Odin back to Asgard, as Naruto watched 

Walking back into his home, Naruto boarded the elevator and went to the sub level where a large training ground was present, it was an idea he got from a friend he used to travel the cosmos with, he was probably still on his hidden island or monster hunting, 

Raising his hands, and making a seal he said, "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" 

A large burst of chakra took over the area, and thousands could be seen before Naruto, "Groups of 1000 each. Each group will work on one subject, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, kenjutsu, Magic, Chakra control. And the Speed Force. That scowling bastard has had 21 years to improve and no one can improve like I can so get to work." 

The clones nodded before they separated into groups and spread apart to give each other enough room, Naruto began to stretch and workout with a gravity seal beneath him as he cleared his mind and kept an even breathing pattern, 

With his inability to sit still, Naruto figured out a new way to calm his mind and that was exercise, 

Opening his eyes as he saw a marble floor and stood up before looking around, "Well isn't this a surprise." A voice said causing Naruto to turned around and see Nora, "Your here earlier than expected."

Naruto shrugged, "Never too early to get a better and more in-depth understanding of a new power." He said walking up to her, "So your the Speed Force?"

"And You are Thor God of Thunder and Lightning."

"I was supposed to be, but it's been changed to God of Elements. Lightning and Thunder were just always the easiest ones to control followed by Wind and Water then Fire." Naruto said with a smile, 

"I see." Nora said 

"Teach me." Naruto requested, causing Nora to raise an eyebrow, "You are sentient so that means you are alive. You have rules you wish followed what better teacher is there for me to have than you?" 

Nora smiled 

Real World 

Naruto's eyes snapped open as he found himself covered in sweat before a blue portal opened and out walked Nora, "Let us begin." She said 

Cutting off chakra to the seal, Naruto stood up and dispelled the clones working on his Speed force powers and while they had a few dozen ideas on how to use it they didn't really have anything besides getting faster to work on

Nora began her lesson, "I am a sentient cosmic force based around velocity and movement and one of The Seven Forces of the Universe. I'm the representation of reality in motion, being the very cosmic force that pushes space and time forward. You are my nexus." 

"Your nexus? So I stand at the center of your energy?"

"Like an engine. You generate " Nora nodded 

"I see." Naruto said thoughtfully

"Those with access to my energy can use a large number of abilities, usually revolving around speed. My conduits have one main ability above all else."

"Conduits? So there are more?" Naruto asked 

"Yes. The continual action of pushing the Multiverse forward builds up pressure between the barrier of time and space. As such, I choose conduits to act as "release valves." As a speedster runs, they relieve the pressure being built up and prevent hazardous rips in space time from occurring." Nora explained getting a nod of understanding, "The most basic of them that is easily understood is how to run at superhuman speeds and their bodies instinctively understand how to react at high-speed situations. Older speedsters have a reduced but maxed speed of 770mph which is just below sonic booms allowing them to react to situations without causing others undo stress. 

Speedsters in their prime can travel at much faster speeds such as the max level of recorded aided speed on Earth and even reach the speed of light with enough willpower. It is possible for conduits to travel much faster than the speed of light however such levels require an incredible amount of stress. 

Speedsters unaccustomed to their max level of speeds may detach themselves from me or even become part of me by accident. Speedsters commonly use their speed to manipulate and control airflow, as well as vibrate their bodies to intangibility and phase. 

Due to my connection to the timestream, speedsters can use it as a gateway to travel through time and dimensions by exceeding the speed of light." 

Naruto was soaking up this information, 

"Speedsters also possess superhuman physical characteristics, such as heightened stamina, agility, healing, senses, and sometimes strength, as well as increased mental capacity. Using my energy also manifests a protective aura around speedsters that protect them from the harsh effects of moving at super speeds, greatly heightening their durability.

Speedsters' mental capacities are enhanced to the extent that they can think exponentially faster than any ordinary human. Certain Speedsters have learned to tap into my energy field directly with their mind like you have done allowing them to tactically assess and predict the numerous possible and probable outcomes of most any given situation, as well as send their consciousness into it to view alternate timelines. Some speedsters can even "listen" to the energy field when it spikes in order to sense disturbances in the timestream.

"What about the lightning?" Naruto asked watching as she created a white ball of lightning in her hand

"My conduit's bodies emit Speed Force energy that manifests itself as electricity. This lightning varies in color from yellow, purple, orange, red, pink, blue, indigo, and white. The lightning's properties are similar to common electricity, as it reacts magnetically to metals and can electrocute people on contact. Some speedsters have learned to manipulate their lightning to which they can project it as power arcs and blasts, create energy constructs, as well as manipulate electromagnetism on a minor level, and even heal others." 

"I see." Naruto said holding up a hand and flickers of golden/white electricity appeared

"As my nexus, your connection is deepest and unique. Speedsters can gain a deep understanding of my energy but not to your level." Nora said, getting a nod from Naruto, "Certain speedsters can use my energy for more advanced applications such as time manipulation, in which they can tap into the Speed Force's power to push time and space forward. 

Other advanced applications of the Speed Force include stealing and lending speed, and "dividing" their energy, in order to create energy copies of themselves. Though I think you won't be needing that skillset." Nora said, looking at the clones in the distance, "Be warned Naruto, my enforcers, the Time Wraiths attack speedster that carelessly travels through the timeline. Time travel is a time to observe and learn not interfere with history, no matter how noble your cause."

Naruto nodded

"Let's begin.' Nora said her body flickering with white electricity 

Naruto smirked as golden/white electricity flickered around him 

All night Naruto trained with Nora in the ways of the Speed Force while the portal she came through remained open while they trained as she explained to him about the Negative Speed Force and Eobard Thawne aka the man in yellow.

Naruto frowned heavily at this information before they finished training,

Skin slapping skin was heard as Naruto fucked himself into Nora, the will of the Speed Force moaned with a large smile as Naruto gripped her ass cheek and breast before with a groan he got closer to cumming and she exploded in a shower of electricity as the portal she came through closed

Naruto was shocked as he stood there with a throbbing erection and he could swear he heard Nora giggling

Naruto sped away into a cold shower, before he grabbed his phone, and thought about calling Iris but that was a no go, since she had a boyfriend now, 

Tossing his phone Naruto decided it was best to sleep, 

Watts, California

Naruto was speeding through the streets at 700 mph toward the fire, while two fire trucks were speeding toward it as well "This is Ladder 52. We're still at least two minutes out." the fire chief said on his walkie

"People are gonna die in there." dispatch replied

"I know." the chief sighed, before a blur shot passed the two trucks, "What the hell was that?"

Naruto continued to run when he heard Cisco "Naruto!"

"What?" Naruto asked as he skidded to a stop,"Did I miss it?"

"You overshot by about six blocks." Cisco said smiling

"My bad." Naruto said before with a quick shift of his foot he was headed in the opposite direction "Really need to learn the layout of the city." he thought

Burning Building

The residents of Watts Nickersons neighborhood watched as the building burned down before a resident began to shout as she looked through the crowd "Paige! My daughter! Has anyone seen my daughter? Paige!"

Everyone jumped as a blur sped into the building "Whoa!"

Naruto's Workshop, Upper East Side 

"You there yet?" Cisco asked looking at the monitors just as Caitlin walked in with a mug of coffee

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked causing Cisco to jump and turn to her while turning off all the computers

"Nothing." Cisco said trying to play it cool

"Who were you talking to?" Caitlin asked walking up to him as she looked at her friend suspiciously

"No one." Cisco said

"Are you talking to Naruto?"

"Who?" Cisco asked confused

"Naruto Allen? Struck by lighting? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound, and hired us to help him with his business? Ring a bell?" Caitlin asked

"Right, he went to Big Belly Burger." Cisco lied

Burning Building

"Mom? Mommy!"

Naruto looked to the side to see a little girl clutching her teddy bear walk into the hallway scared before the fire suddenly shot up causing her to jump


"Whoa!" everyone shouted as the little girl was dropped off in front of her mother

"Mommy!" the girl shouted as she and her mom hugged before three more people were dropped off with the other citizens before the blur ran passed the fire trucks that were still inbound

"Everybody's out." Naruto said as he skidded to a stop, "What else you got for me, Cisco?"

"Naruto, it's Caitlin." Caitlin said causing Naruto to sigh

"Hey, Caitlin. Did you want something from Big Belly Burger?"

"Get back her. Now." Caitlin ordered sternly causing Naruto to sigh

"On my way." Naruto said before he went to take off but paused as he stumbled from a sudden bout with dizziness before he shook his head and took off

Naruto's Home

Naruto leaned on the wall, as Caitlin berated him and Cisco "Have you both lost your minds? Who do you think you are?" she asked

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears, and he's the feet." Cisco said causing Naruto to smile

"This isn't funny." Caitlin said, shaking her head before she turned to Naruto, "You could have gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman."

"Says who?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans. And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any."

"You said you wanted to help me take down metahumans, but that isn't the only reason that I'll use my abilities for, I have the power to help people and I'm going to use it." Naruto said

"Right on." Cisco said with a nod completely on board with Naruto

"We are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of." Caitlin said

"You can only get stronger if you push past your limits, I haven't found mine yet." Naruto smirked, "How do you hope to find out what I'm capable of if I'm sitting on my ass until a metahuman decides it's sick of hiding and wants to blow some shit up?" 

"Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something." Caitlin said to Naruto who raised an eyebrow as she walked away but he grabbed her arm

"We have a small problem. I experienced a dizzy spell." Naruto said causing Caitlin to frown before she motioned him to follow her to her office


After a checkup, Cisco and Naruto were looking at the stake of boxes set up behind a treadmill, "A little padding. Just in case." Cisco said before Naruto got onto the treadmill

"You're sure about this, Cisco?" Naruto asked

"Most home treadmills have a maximum speed of about 12 mph. This one has been Cisco'ed. Trust me. It can handle your speed."

"Okay." Naruto said before he began to jog, and slowly sped up till he was cruising at 850mph

"Heart rate, blood pressure, nerve conduction all normal." Caitlin said reading his vitals

"For Naruto." Cisco said

"Brainwave function within standard limits." Caitlin added as Cisco laughed watching as lightning began to flicker around Naruto

"I told you the treadmill could take it." Cisco said before he frowned looking at his computer, "Caitlin. Look at the glucose levels." He said before Caitlin looked and sighed

"Oh, my God. Of course. It was so obvious."

"Naruto! We think we know why you keep-" Cisco began but jumped along with Caitlin when Naruto passed out, fell on the speeding treadmill before he was rocketed back into the boxes, "passing out."

Hour Later

Naruto groaned awake before Caitlin, and Cisco helped him stand up "I passed out?"

"Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia." Caitlin said

"I'm not eating enough. So an I.V. bag and I'm good to go?" Naruto asked stretching out

"Try 40." Cisco said as Naruto looked to see 40 empty I.V. bags hanging, "Guess you were thirsty."

"We're gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes." Caitlin said getting a nod from Naruto

"I've done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos. Unless we're talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations."

Naruto watched as the two walked off to work as he chuckled before his phone rang, ""Hey, Joe, everything's all right?"

"Great." Joe said at a gun store where officers were on the scene "I got a fresh crime scene A dead body Detectives interviewing witnesses miles of that yellow tape stretched over everything. I'm only missing one thing. Can you guess what that is?"

"I'll be right there." Naruto sighed before he grabbed his clothes and sped off

Hex's Gun Shop

Naruto walked into the gun store eating a cheeseburger now wearing a dark gray long sleeve v-neck, black jeans and high top NIKE Blazers sneakers,

"Perp made off with a bunch of handguns, at least six Glock 19s fitted with extra ammunition magazines. Somebody's looking to do a whole lot of bad." Joe said to Captain Singh

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Naruto said finishing as he walked up

"New jacket, Naruto?" Captain Singh asked

"Put on some weight." Naruto said with a shrug before he ducked under the tape and began to analyze the crime scene, as Eddie walked up to Joe, and Singh, holding his tablet toward them he said "I downloaded the surveillance footage off the video camera."

On the video a man in a ski mask shot the owner, before shooting the camera "Looks like only one perp." Eddie said before they looked to Naruto as he spoke up

"The footage may only show one, but it was six guys. The tracks are all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints. Six guns stolen. You're looking for a crew." Naruto said before he took a closer look "Weird. The shoes, it looks like they're all the same size. Men's tens."

"Good job. We really missed you out here." Singh said before he walked off, while Naruto smiled

Later, LAPD Precinct 

Naruto and Joe were walking into the department, "I can't believe you were late to a crime scene, on your first day back."

"Joe, I'm sorry, bu-"

"I'm starting to think "Joe, I'm sorry" is my actual name considering how often you say it to me." Joe interrupted

"I'm dealing with a lot right now." Naruto said

"Look, I know you are. Believe me, I'm dealing with it, too. I've always had a very simple set of beliefs. Gravity makes things fall. Water makes things wet. And up until 2 weeks ago, I believed the fastest man could run a mile in four minutes. Not four seconds." Joe interrupted

"2 actually." Naruto smirked before he saw Joe frowning "Not relevant."

"You haven't said anything to Iris about all this, have you?" Joe asked

"No, I made you a promise. I keep my promises."

"Keep on lying like that. You're liable to get struck by lightning again." Joe said before. Naruto shook his head,

 "See You around, Joe.' 

Naruto left as Joe watched after him 

Later,Naruto's Home

 Going over the evidence,Naruto looked up when Iris arrived, "This is all of your fault." Raising an eyebrow as Iris walked closer dressed up, "I could have taken European folklore to cover my sociology requirement, but no. You said, "take journalism, Iris. Reporters have all of the fun." Guess what, Naruto? Reporters have none of the fun. Journalism is boring. I'm bored. I blame you."

Naruto smirked, "Actually what I said was 'You should take journalism. 'It was a suggestion."

"Don't make me hit you." Iris said causing Naruto to chuckle before he looked her over

"Why do you look so nice?" Naruto asked turning to face his computer

"What? Did you really forget?" Iris asked, causing Naruto to look at her with both his eyebrows raised, "This afternoon? Suit and tie? The university is giving Simon Stagg some big awards. And you agreed-"

"To explain the science stuff for your article. My bad." Naruto said running a hand through his spiky hair

"How fast can you get home and change?" Iris asked

"Very fast." Naruto said with a smirk before he frowned and looked to his computer, "After I give Joe the evidence from the gun store shooting." he said before he took off his shirt

'Seriously?" Iris asked as Naruto dropped his pants and stood before her naked 

"Nothing you haven't seen before." Naruto said with a dismissive wave as he made his way to his closet

Iris watched and sighed as usually she'll be bent over the table with Naruto balls deep inside her but she had to be faithful to Eddie, even though he wasn't anywhere near as good as Naruto, or as attractive truthfully,

1 Hour Later

Stagg Industries

Naruto and Iris stood in the crowd clapping for Simon Stagg as he held an award and was about to give a speech, "I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now, the regents choice for man of the year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." Stagg said causing everyone to clap, before he walked off, and everyone began to mingle

"Okay, first things first Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement." Naruto said before Iris grabbed to glasses of champagne

"Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" Iris asked

"No they're not." Naruto said putting a glass back but keeping one for himself, which caused Iris to look at him in annoyance as he took his glass to the head

"You're supposed to sip champagne you know?" Iris said

"I was thirsty, stuff tastes cheap anyway." Naruto shrugged putting the glass down, "and if you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration."

Iris with a smile hooked her arm with Naruto's "I have missed this, Naruto. I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from the coma."

"Yeah, I've had a crazy few weeks." Naruto said

"Yeah, I honestly thought it was about Eddie." Iris said watching as Naruto gave a frown, "I know you don't approve-

"I don't like him period. The act of being a partner is sacred, if a man can go behind his partner's back and date his daughter for months knowing how much the man loved said daughter, shows that he isn't to be trusted. I don't respect him as a man but I will tolerate him for you." Naruto said seriously

Iris sighed, shaking her head, "Are you never not honest?" She asked getting a smirk from Naruto

"A true friend tells those he loves the truth, no matter what."

"Like you used to tell me you were an Asgardian who was de-aged to a toddler from a training accident?" Iris said with a amused grin as she never believed him

Naruto smirked before he leaned forward, his eyes glowing white, "Exactly." He said as Iris looked at his eyes in shock before with a wink, "Later."

Iris watched Naruto before she saw Stagg walking by and cleared her throat, "Oh! Oh! , I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article."

"Not now, miss." Simon's security said as they continued walking away before Stagg stopped when he noticed Naruto, 

"Well, well Mr. Allen, come to see how a true man of science conducts himself?" 

"Tell me when you see one.' Naruto said causing Stagg to growl at him before he and his security left

"I'll just make something up." Iris said causing Naruto to laugh, before everyone jumped when a gun was fired into the air, turning around Naruto and Iris saw 6 men in mask walk in with guns raised high

"Quiet! How considerate! You're all wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody lines up!"

Naruto smirked, "Finally, some action.' He said before he moved so fast the world was a crawl and created a clone while he got into his suit, 

And shot forward, the gunmen didn't know what happened as each was hit in the face and Naruto's eyes widened as the clones vanished becoming some kind of goo "Ew." 

The original got to his feet and Naruto shot forward and grabbed him by the throat before speeding away

The man grunted as an arm sprouted from his original and punched Naruto in the face but Naruto slammed him into the ground, "So you like clones, huh?"

"Not as much as I like tigers." The man grinned

Naruto looked up when a humanoid tiger claw sent him flying into a window back at the party, rolling to his feet he saw a 8ft humanoid tiger burst through the window

"Mizuki?" Naruto asked watching as the tiger roared and everyone ran off immediately the clone grabbed Iris and sped away

Naruto smirked as he stood up, "Finally." He said cracking his knuckles before he went to attack when sirens were heard and Mizuki vanished in a swirl of leaves with the masked man, 

15 Minutes Later

Police and the paramedics were on the scene as Naruto walked over to Joe and Eddie, "Joe we need to talk, now.' He said seriously, causing Joe to nod before he walked off a bit to the side, "Iris knows.'

"What?!" Joe asked incredulously 

"Sorry, but a 7 ft tall humanoid tiger and a man who can clone himself gave me little choice. Iris safety at the risk of my secret or keep my secret and get hunted down."

Joe sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "Okay, I get it and I'll deal with it.'

"Don't bother, I'll explain everything and her need to keep it secret.' Naruto said,

Naruto's Home 

Naruto and Iris sat across from each other, "So the Asgardians thing. Chakra, Son of Odin, all of that is true?" Iris asked getting a nod 

"The Particle Accelerator also added in Super Speed." Naruto said, causing Iris to look at him amazed, "Listen, this is an important secret."

"I know, I won't tell anyone." Iris smiled

"Caitlin, Cisco and Joe are the only ones I've told, including you." 

Iris nodded in understanding before she hugged Naruto, "Thanks for saving my life."

"Anytime." Naruto smiled as he kissed her temple


Naruto was at the bar and was about to drink his bourbon when a familiar face approached him, "Room for one more?"

"Always for the lovely Linda Park.' Naruto smirked 

Linda sat down smiling at Naruto, "How long has it been?"

"9 Months.' 

"Yea, after our date. You didn't call or text." Linda said

"Yea, being in a coma, would do that." Naruto nodded causing Linda to look at him in shock

"The Particle Accelerator?" Linda asked getting a nod 

"Yea, you changed your number." Naruto nodded

"New carrier." Linda shrugged before she tapped her phone against his, "Now you have my new number and I have yours."

"So you want to pick back up where we left off?" Naruto asked reaching and pulling Linda's chair closer

"I might." Linda smiled 

Naruto's Home

With a smile Linda opened her mouth wide and popped the head of Naruto's cock inside her warm mouth, stretching her lips around it. She let out a moan of pure pleasure at the taste that assaulted her senses. As she let a large amount of saliva build up before taking as much of his girth into her mouth as she could, letting the spit leak out from her lips to coat the pole.

Linda bobbed her head up and down the cock a few times to make sure it was sufficiently coated before reluctantly backing off and pushed Naruto onto the bed and positioned herself in a squat over Naruto's cock and lined it up with her drenched pussy. Biting her lip she slowly lowered herself until the bulbous head pressed against her lips, and with a grunt of exertion from Linda, it popped inside her tight pussy. Giving herself a moment to get used to having her first penis inside her Linda started to slowly fuck inch after inch of Naruto's dick into herself while Naruto licked her neck, and combed his fingers through her hair before he leaned down while the sexy reporter slowly impale herself on him and took one of her large tits that jiggled with each raise and lowering of her body onto his pelvis.

When Linda felt the head hit her cervix she stopped and moaned at the full feeling and Naruto's eyes widened before Naruto grasped Linda's hips with both hands before he pulled her down and simultaneously thrust up sharply with his hips, piercing her womb in one swift thrust.

Linda threw her head back and screamed out in orgasm as all 12.5 inches of Naruto's monster cock bottomed out inside her. Her juices squirted out violently and coated Naruto's waist as she jerked and quivered atop the smirking speedster. before his eyes widened as Linda began to vibrate and the light bulbs exploded as yellow electricity sparked off her body,

Sitting up, Naruto grabbed Linda's ass and watched as she stopped vibrating, and looked at him in shock, "You're a speedster too?" 

"Too?" Linda asked 

Naruto smirked before his eyes flashed with lightning and a golden/white lightning trail left Naruto's building heading out of the city and up to the top of the statue of Liberty

Linda gasped as she looked around at the city lights and back to Naruto and smiled at him, 

When she did he pulled nearly half way out and stopped. When Linda looked up at him with her wide lust filled eyes Naruto slammed back down with nearly bruising force, drawing an incredibly cute little moan from Linda as her legs shot up into the air in a V shape. Settling himself on his knees, and hooking his arms under her airborne knees, Naruto started up a fast and strong rhythm. Hard, deliberate strokes were delivered to the pussy tightly gripped around his shaft belonging to the attractive woman below him.

"God damn your tight Linda, it has been a while since you got laid huh?" He grinned down at Linda's lust filled visage as she rapidly shook her head, "No, then I must be your first?"

"Yes!" Linda screamed as she tightly gripped Naruto's ass cheeks, "You're so big!"

Licking up from her breast Naruto captured her lips in a kiss, smothering her heated moans with his mouth while he enjoyed the way her breasts and hard nipples rubbed against his chest at the same time as Linda's arms wrapped around his neck. All the while still keeping up his relentless pace, before vibrating and going at super speed

Naruto worked her over like that for half an hour, fucking her like a machine. Each orgasm Linda had caused her box to tighten around Naruto's dick like a vice and her legs would go rigid, as her body vibrated while her toes curled

Finally, Naruto couldn't take it anymore and sat up, pulling her with him. Grasping Linda's waist Naruto's thrusts picked up speed and power till he was pounding her like a jackhammer until he let out a deep grunt and buried himself deep into her as he pulled her body down as hard as he could, with his cock head punching into her womb one last time. Linda gasped as she felt Naruto's cock expand before his hot cum exploded deep into her womb. The first blast felt like it completely filled her up. Large spurts of semen filled Linda as she and Naruto began to twirl their tongues in each other's mouth as they kissed

"God, that was amazing. Can we go again?" Linda asked 

"We can go however long you like, but how about a change in scenery." Naruto smirked before he in a blur of speed they were now stop of Mount Rushmore

Linda laughed before she kissed Naruto and began to ride him stop of Lincoln's head, 


While Naruto and Linda were screwing each other in national monuments, Simon Staggs security guard walked down an alleyway to two men, "Only you two? Where are the rest?" 

"Just us." Mizuki smirked 

"What do you want?"

"The only thing I still want in life... Your boss is dead."

"I want Stagg's fortune.' Mizuki said

"It's not my fault you and your team moved too slow. I told you where Stagg would be, not how long he'd be there. He saw that Naruto kid and left."

"We need his full itinerary. And security access to his office and home." 

The man scoffed, "Screw you. I've got a reputation in the security business. It's one thing if my employer gets iced. It's another if it happens in his bedroom." 

"You'll do what we ask, Mr. Java." Mizuki growled

Mr. Java grunted and punched Mizuki in the jaw but yelled in pain as his hand broke, "That looked painful, allow me to help take your mind off of it." 

Mizuki enlarged to his tiger form as Java looked at him in horror, before a backhand sent him flying into a wall

Black ran forward clones appearing from his body as he ran, and the sound of blows landing and was heard from the alleyway

Next Day, Naruto's Home 

Caitlin entered Naruto's building early in the morning so she could get to work on the DNA samples Naruto got yesterday. 

Deciding to to check on him first Caitlin and entered his penthouse to immediately hear something fall, confused Caitlin put down her purse and walked down the hall and heard running water as steam came out of the ajar door

Peeking In, Caitlin's eyes widened as she saw Naruto fully naked along with Linda who was on her knees with his cockhead in her mouth as she used her hands to stroke his dick and watched in shock as Linda's arms began to vibrate causing Naruto to grit his teeth before he began to paint Linda's face with his seed before she took his head into her mouth and began to swallow the rest of his seed and once his cock stopped throbbing, Linda opened her mouth showing off the thick load she managed to catch before swallowing it 

Caitlin blushing as she walked away once she saw Linda clean her face amd stand up, getting back on the elevator to get to the workshop, Caitlin sat at her desk and began to visualize herself in Linda's position, 

Later, Cisco came in with some coffee and began to help look into their latest meta humans, when Naruto and Linda walked off the elevator, "Morning." Naruto greeted the two completely relaxed for the first time since he woke up, "Guys this is Linda Park."

"Hi." Caitlin and Cisco said

"She's a Speedster.' Naruto said as Linda raised a hand and had it vibrate, "Cait, I was hoping you can give her a check up?"

"Of course." Caitlin nodded before she and Linda walked to the medical office 

"Anything on our tiger?" 

"We put the hair samples you brought us through the database and came back with Mizuki Tojo. Guy has quite the record, Breaking and Entering, and around the time of the Particle Accelerator explosion he was on the run for Attempted Murder after trying to kill Stagg."

"Any friends or family?" Naruto asked 

"Um, he was a scientist at Stagg Industries and his parents died when he was a child and he was adopted by the parents of one Danton Black.'

"Let's find them." Naruto smirked before his phone rung, "Joe, whats up?" 

Naruto walked outside and up to his penthouse suite, "Simon Stagg's head of security was murdered last night. I'm going to interview Stagg now. Iris is heading over with some evidence I need you to look over." Joe said 

"I can come with you." Naruto offered

"I have Eddie for that." Joe said hanging up 

"What crawled up his ass" Naruto asked before he looked back to see Iris walk in with a folder

"My dad is mad at you for telling me your secret."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Naruto said with a sigh, before he went to grabbed the folder as he kissed the corner of her lips, pulling back he saw her glaring at him and not releasing the folder, "Why are you mad at me?"

"You were supposed to meet me at the cafe to give me some scientific background for my article." Iris glared

"And I didn't show up." Naruto said having forgotten

"And now I have to come up with a new article topic in 24 hours or I fail the assignment." Iris said as Naruto stood up


"Don't say that you're sorry. Okay, I know that you are. I know you're going through a lot, with your powers and everything but don't forget your friends." Iris said as Naruto sighed and nodded 

Naruto opened his mouth to speak when a beeping sound cut him off, causing him to walk to his computer, "What the hell?" Naruto asked looking closer to his computer "There was a murder last night. These skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naive. Stem cells that can replicate and become any cell the body needs. They only come from babies."

"This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asked

"Or a scientist that was affected by dark matter while performing tests on himself." Naruto thought 

Stagg Industries

Joe, and Eddie walked alongside Simon trying to get him to cooperate. "You honestly think that someone wants to kill me?" Simon asked

"Well, we're not sure, Mr. Stagg, but an event you were being honored at was robbed at gunpoint." Eddie reminded

"And your head of security was found murdered this morning." Joe added

"I am a scientist and a philanthropist. We're not often the targets of assassins." Simon said with a dismissive wave of his hand

"Well what about lawsuits? You got about 20 of those pending against you." Joe asked

"It is a sad fact of life, Detective, that when you earn a lot of money, people who don't think they can take yours." Simon said with an arrogant smirk

Joe opened his folder and pulled out a picture of a man "People like this guy, for example?" Joe asked "Danton Black?"

"Danton Black." Simon said taking the photo and looking at his ex employee

"You fired him and now he's suing you?" Joe asked

"Unfortunately, our working relationship wasn't successful, but I can assure you both of one thing. Danton Black Is not a killer. He's a clinical researcher, not a criminal mastermind. Now, if I can help you in any way, please let me know. I want these people caught as much as you."

"And Mizuki-" Joe began to ask about Mizuki when he was interrupted by masked men

"Then here we are!"

Simon, Joe, and Eddie turned to see three gunmen immediately Joe and Eddie rushed Simon as shots were fired "Down!" Joe shouted pushing Simon to safety as the three men took cover

Naruto's Home 

Caitlin walked over to Cisco and Naruto, "Linda is perfectly healthy, she said she was in a coma for 4 months after she was hit by a bolt of lightning while driving away from the explosion." 

Naruto nodded before he a beep was heard from Cisco's tablet, "An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg industries." Cisco said

"Joe's there." Naruto said before he sped off making sure that he grabbed his suit

Stagg Industries

Joe, Eddie, and Simon were still taking cover behind a forklift as the three masked men fired at them, "Get him out of here. I'll cover you." Joe said as he grabbed his gun, "Ready? Go."

Joe stood up and began to fire rapidly while Eddie rushed Stagg to safety, before a backhand sumthin flying into a box and Stagg was pinned down beneath Mizuki's foot,"Eddie!" Joe yelled shooting at Mizuki who raised his arms as the bullets felt like pinches when they hit his fur

Before with a roar, Mizuki went to attack Joe but Naruto sped in as Mizuki was diving for Joe and landed on his head slamming it into the ground, with a flip Naruto sped forward and got Joe, Stagg and Eddie out of the building, 

Doubling back, Naruto arrived to see Mizuki getting up and with a grunt he shot forward as Mizuki cradled his head before Naruto slammed a Rasengan into his torso

Yelling in pain, Mizuki was sent spiraling out of the building and into a wall with spider web cracks appearing around his body

Joe watched as the tiger shrunk to a regular muscle man before he rushed inside and saw Danton Black crawling away from Naruto, "Time to go to jail."

"I don't think so.' Danton said before he shot at Joe causing Naruto to turn around and catch the bullets while Danton shot himself in the head 

Naruto looked at Joe who sighed, and patted his shoulder, "You have to go before Eddie and Stagg see you."

Naruto nodded before he sped off and saw Mizuki was missing causing him to grunt before he sped off again,

Naruto's Workshop

Naruto sat in the chair as Caitlin dabbed his eyebrow while Cisco cleaned the suit "You got blood on my suit." Cisco said causing Naruto to chuckle

"It's the other guys." Naruto said before his stomach growled, "I am hungry.'

Naruto suddenly sped off

Moment Later

Agnes Kitchen

Naruto walked into the cafe to see Iris, and Eddie watching the cop on TV, "Nice work, Eddie." A customer complimented causing Eddie, and Iris to turn toward him

"Nah. Right place, right time." Eddie shrugged modestly as he didnt do anything and just decided to roll with it

"Don't sell yourself short, you were a hero today." A employee said

"Well we caught one but there is still a killer on the loose. I should get back to the precinct." Eddie said turning to Iris

"Okay." Iris said before the two shared a kiss, and once Eddie left she walked over to Naruto "So did you come here for caffeine, or to tell your war stories?"

"I'm famished." Naruto requested

5 Minutes Later

Iris walked over to Naruto with a glass of water, while 6 plates were stacked in front of him, as he finished chewing "Guess you were hungry." Iris said

"Burning more calories than usual." Naruto said

"Ah." Iris said sitting down, "So what's it like?" 

"I don't know how to describe it really. It's like every cell in my body is on a sugar rush with no way of coming down." Naruto said in simple terms, getting Iris to nod, "Any luck on coming up with a new topic for your article?"

"Yes actually, and it's something that actually interests me." Iris said excitedly before she led Naruto to her laptop "I know this is gonna sound crazy It's been all over the Internet this week. At a building fire, at a bank heist. You are out there saving people."

"I thought you were taking journalism, to others this is still science fiction." Naruto said 

"You are real and helping people. We should get out in front of it, before someone like Jonah Jameson starts to vilify you and brand you as a menace." Iris smiled 

"Iris, that is dangerous, bad people looking for me will come looking for you to figure out how you're getting this information." 

"Your exploits can inspire people, give them hope. You can be like a guardian angel." Iris smiled as Naruto groaned

"Joe is going to have a heart attack." Naruto sighed as Iris smiled 

Naruto's Home, Later

Naruto walked into the workshop to see Cisco and Caitlin working on their new projects, "Hey.' Naruto called getting their attention, "Let's work on something that'll help the police and prisons actually lock up and hold these people for their sentences."


Naruto nodded and watched as Cisco took the slap bracelet and hit his wrist before it wrapped around his wrist and tried to vibrate his hand 

"I can't use my speed."

"I'm not picking up any dark matter in your system. Although I am picking up 2 other sources of energy inside of you."

"Yeah, so how knowledgeable are you guys about Norse mythology?"

"I only know Thor." Cisco said 

"I prefer Naruto.' Naruto said before he held up a hand and a goudama appeared before he grabbed it and with a flash of lightning Mjolnir was in his hand, dropping his hammer, "I'll be back."

Taking the slap bracelet off, Naruto sped off through every inch of the city 

Mizuki walked out of an abandoned house with his torso bandaged up, zipping up his hoodie, Mizuki put on his hood and walked down the street, before he heard, "Dynamic Entry!" Looking up Mizuki caught two feet to the face sending him flying down the street as Naruto flipped and sped into him before he applied a seal onto Mizuki to keep him from using his powers, "Off to jail with you.' 

Naruto grabbed Mizuki and sped down the road

Moments Later

Joe was driving with a frown, "Long night, Joe?" Naruto asked causing Joe to jump

"Jesus!" Joe yelled as he lost control of the car and quickly regained it before he hit someone, "Naruto what the hell?"

"I brought you a present." Naruto said pointing behind him to the unconscious Mizuki


"Later, drop the bum off then come to my place." Naruto said before he sped out of the car 

Naruto made his way back home to see Cisco trying to lift Mjolnir, "Any luck?" He asked causing Cisco to gasp and fall back

Naruto laughed, before he held his hand forward and the hammer flew to his palm, "So you're a god?" Caitlin asked as Naruto helped Cisco up


"Why are you here?" Cisco asked 

"Trying to create a new Time and Space technique and messed up. I was deaged and adopted by Nora and Henry." Naruto smiled slightly, "I'm telling you this because I am a firm believer that friends do not lie to each other. So I'm going to bring you to Asgard." 

Caitlin and Cisco looked wide eyed, "Cool." 

Joe, and Iris came, as Cisco was literally jumping in excitement, "Ready?" Naruto asked 

"Wait, what should we be expecting?" Joe asked

"Just be respectful. Asgardians are protectors, Earth or Midgard falls under that after my grandfather and father beat back the Frost Giants." Naruto said before he looked up, "Alright, Heimdall whenever you're ready." 

The Bifrost struck the rooftop and dissipated with the 5 being gone, across on another rooftop Wells watched frowning in confusion, he didn't know what the hell just happened but he was going to find out


Naruto was smiling before he looked to see Cisco reaching for the bridge, "Don't touch it!" He yelled causing Cisco to yelp, 


Naruto walked out of the Bifrost and smiled at Heimdall, "Heimdall, my friend. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." 

Naruto and Heimdall shared a hug, "You've been busy old friend." 

Heimdall looked to Joe and approached him, "Hi, I'm J-"

'Joseph West, son of Alvin Pierce and Maxine West." Heimdall said 

Joe looked shocked, "Heimdall possesses tremendous sensory capabilities far beyond that of any Asgardians, which made Odin appoint him the Gatekeeper to Asgard. His sight itself extends to all of the Nine Realms." Naruto said as Heimdall smiled before he bowed to Joe

"On behalf of all Asgardians, thank you for watching over our King." Heimdall said 

"Uh, no problem.' Joe said shocked 

Heimdall walked over to Cisco, "Hello Cisco, it's been a long time.' 

"Um, we know each other?" Cisco asked glancing over to Naruto who shrugged

"Of course I would know of my son.' Heimdall said causing Cisco to look at him wide eyed before he fainted 

"Well we will give you some privacy." Naruto said stepping back and waving the others who followed before clones burst into existence and they sped down the bridge into the city and to Valaskjalf

Royal Palace of Valaskjalf

Naruto and his clones stopped outside the throne room, pushing the doors open they saw Odin on his throne, "My son, welcome home.' Odin said before he raised an eyebrow, "I see you brought guests." 

"That's right." Naruto said looking to Iris, Joe and Caitlin, "Everyone meet my biological father, Odin, King of Asgard." 

The humans looked at Odin in awe and shock before they bowed.

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