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Chapter 224: Chapter 2: Metamorphosis

Naruto doesn't know that he can travel dimensions, since his father was still trying to fully understand the Speed Force, himself, and he doesn't know the right frequency for his home dimension. But Oliver, and Barry do exist on the Smallville verse,

Story Start

Lana entered her room with a small smile, as she took off her tiara, looking at the headpiece caused her to frown as her thoughts drifted to Whitney, she couldn't believe that he'd do that to Nate. They needed to have a long talk.

Putting the tiara in her bottom dresser where other tiaras, and awards were she closed it before her attention went to the lead box, opening it she saw her necklace, and sighed, she never knew that Nate was allergic to it, and prolonged exposure could prove fatal, making a decision to not wear it as much, she put the necklace up, and turned to her bed, where she raised an eyebrow upon seeing a golden colored box sealed with a blue ribbon. Removing the ribbon and opening the box she was surprised when a group of butterflies came flying out.

Outside within a tree a teenager smiled as he shut down his camera and began to climb down the tree, having had his fill of spying on Lana, before he began his trek to his car

Arriving at his home the young man walked through the door and frowned as he heard something that he shouldn't, as he peaked around the corner of the living room his attention was held on what was playing on the TV, his recording of Lana and Whitney, from one of his stalking trips.

"Is this what you do with your time now Greg?"

Greg looked to his mother who held a few more tapes in her hand.

"Where did you get those?" Greg asked walking forward and snatching the tapes

"Where do you think? In that hole you call a room." Greg's mom glared

"You had no right to go in there." Greg spat

"You want to talk to me about privacy. I am in the Garden Club with Lana's aunt. How am I going to face Nell knowing that my own son is going around videotaping her niece? Is that where you were tonight?" Greg's mom asked glaring at her son

"No." Greg lied, before with a scoff he turned off the tv, and looked to his mom as he retrieved his tape "I was out collecting."

"Two disgusting habits." his mom said as he made his way to his paused and looked at her

"Insects aren't disgusting Mom." Greg said before his mom walked closer to him

"Look what has become of you Greg. This isn't you."

"People change." Greg frowned

"Really? Monday morning I'm phoning Claremont Military Academy." Greg's mother said walking off

"Yeah, right." Greg scoffed dismissively

"No, Greg. I've had it with your behavior; this time I'm making the call."

"Hey, who's going to take care of my bugs?!" Greg shouted as his mom left

Getting no answer he himself headed up to his room which was littered with tanks holding bugs. Hitting the lights on one particular case revealed several butterflies within it that flew around the cramped space for a few moments before settling down. Reaching into his backpack he withdrew a new jar containing fireflies which oddly enough held a green glow to them. Not long later he was once again on the road with his car loaded up with bugs that he was in the process of transporting elsewhere. A deep pothole had him swerving across the road causing the jars to fall and shatter releasing the bugs which quickly began to swarm, and attack him causing him to crash into a tree and scream aloud in pain


Johnathan, and Martha watched the streak of yellow lightning dart around the farm, as their son did his chores "I'll never get tired of this." Martha smiled in awe of Naruto's abilities

"Tell me about it." Johnathan smirked, as Naruto arrived clapping the dust off his hands

"Done." Naruto said catching the water bottle his dad tossed to him "Thanks."

"1 minute, and 30 seconds, that got to be a new record."

"I'm getting faster." Naruto nodded

"Now that you remember your other life, should we be expecting any other abilities?' Johnathan asked

"I tried earlier to use them, but I got a headache and a bloody noes for my troubles. I think I'm going to let then manifest on their own. In my reality, Elum was a second home, so I didn't really have to worry much about forcing my abilities."

"Oh, Barry called, he said hello." Martha smiled thinking about her nephew in Central City, unfortunately her sister was murdered years ago, and her brother in law Henry was falsely accused, she and Johnathan believed Barry, and Henry when they saw a man in yellow killed her little sister, and while Martha wanted to help in the form of Naruto, Johnathan was against it as he feared Naruto would be taken away, they had many arguments on that subject even till this day, she had been more than happy to adopt her nephew but being in Central city kept him closer to Henry.

"I'll call him when we get back from the farmers market." Naruto smiled

"Well, go change." Martha said before with a sigh Naruto sped of, and was back, wearing a blue v-neck, black denim jeans, and black sneakers, with his blue kryptonite crystal hanging around his neck

"Ready." Naruto said opening the car door for Martha


Farmer's Market

Naruto, hammered a sign into the wooden post, as Pete, and Chloe helped out with his parents produce, "So how was it, you and Chloe going to take the leap?" Naruto asked Pete

"Naw man, we decided it'd be best if we just stayed friends." Pete nodded before he tapped Naruto's shoulder "Plus she's into you, man."

"I know, but I didn't do anything because you,"

"It's cool man." Pete smiled interrupting Naruto "Besides chick's dig me."

Naruto scoffed as he began to chuckle before Chloe who was with Martha noticed Whitney and Lana talking

"All hail the homecoming king and queen." Chloe smiled causing Naruto to look up and see Lana and Whitney turn toward them, and walk over

"Nate! How are you?" asked Lana

"I'm great," Naruto said ignoring Whitney "Here to help out?"

"I haven't done it in a while, but sure." Lana smiled as Naruto stepped aside while Whitney frowned before Johnathan walked up to him

"Hey, congratulations. That was one heck of a game. I haven't seen an offense that good since I played." Jonathan said as he shook Whitney's hand

"Thank you Mr. Kent." Whitney smiled

"I'm gonna get the rest of the boxes out of the truck." Naruto said walking off

"I'll help." Whitney said jogging after him "Kent."

"You realize last night was just a joke, right?" Whitney asked

"Could've fooled me." Naruto said before Whitney made to place a hand on his shoulder but he caught him by the wrist "Don't ever touch me."

"Alright, look. When I saw you and Lana out that night, I got really pissed off. I love her man, and I don't want to lose her." Whitney said as Naruto looked at him

"So you jump me, and then strung me up with your teammates." Naruto said

"Like I said I overreacted." Whitney said holding his hand out "I'm really sorry man."

Naruto looked down at Whitney's hand, and smiled as he looked back up at the jock "Not yet your not." he said turning and walking off, as Whitney watched him leave with a worried frown

Back within the market Lana was admiring a hanging glass butterfly when a Greg Arkin pimple free, appeared behind her

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Greg smiled as Lana turned to him

"Greg! Hey I didn't recognize you without your glasses." Lana said being polite

"You know the average butterfly only lives for eight hours." Greg said reaching up to finger one causing Lana to duck down and take a step back.

"Live fast, die young. They're the rock stars of the insect world." Lana smiled

"Hey, Lana I was wondering if you could help me out with my Lit paper."

"The assignment giving you a brain freeze?" Lana asked

"Yeah, it's kicking my ass." Greg smiled

"Sure, okay." Lana nodded

"Cool, how bout my house, after school?" Greg asked as Lana eye twitched

"Library might be easier." Lana said being nice

"It's a date." Said Greg after a moment causing the girl to slowly nod.

"Lana, your aunt's looking for you." Whitney said as he walked up from behind Greg causing her to nod and walk off, and as soon as she was gone Whitney placed a hand on Greg's shoulder "Hey, bug boy, do me a favor and quit tailing my girlfriend." Whitney before he began to walk off

"You afraid of a little competition Whitney?" Greg asked causing the quarterback to stop mid walk and turn back

"Where not in a competition, Greg. But if I find out you've been leaving butterflies in my girlfriend's bedroom you'll know about it." Whitney glared before walking off.

"Yea, well just remember; sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug." Greg said to himself

Lana looked to Whitney as he caught up to her "Did you apologize?" she asked immediately

"Yeah, I told him it was a prank, and why I lost control of my anger, and that I was sorry. He only said not yet I wasnt." Whitney said causing Lana to look at him

"Watch your back." Lana said causing Whitney to raise an eyebrow but Lana didn't continue as she walked off


After helping out at the market, Whitney was now driving down the road back towards town, as he flipped through radio stations he suddenly looked up as he heard something land atop the roof of the truck.

Whitney's eyes widened when his roof began to dent as whatever it was on his truck began to pound on his roof before the driver's side window shattered and he jumped pulling on the steering wheel and sending the truck tipping over to its side while the car itself slid for several more feet as fire began to break out.

Greg smirked, looking at his handiwork before he saw a truck arriving and left as fast as he could

Naruto had his eyes closed as he leaned his head back, relaxing, when he heard his mom gasp "Oh god."

Blinking Naruto looked forward to see Whitney's car about to explode, and in a streak of lightning, he was out of the car, as he ripped the windshield from the truck, and pulled out Whitney before he was standing by his parents Truck as Johnathan had got a fire extinguisher, while the flames met the gas, and the car exploded

Naruto laid Whitney on the ground, as Martha hugged him tightly while Johnathan smiled proudly


Naruto held his necklace in hand, as he sighed

"Whitney's gonna be all right. He's got a couple of cuts and bruises, but nothing serious." Jonathan said causing Naruto to look up at him

"Does he remember anything?" Naruto asked

"No. Just that something smashed his truck and he woke up in the ambulance." Johnathan said smiling at Naruto "Son, you made us very proud, today."

"Hey, I might not be the guys biggest fan, but it's not like I want him dead." Naruto shrugged, before he left the house, going to drop of some stuff for Lex,

Greg's House

Greg's mom walked into her house, and stopped in surprise wheno she was hit with a wave of heat, looking to the thermostat which read 103 degrees, she stormed to her son as she took note of handprints "Greg, what's going on here? Greg! I have-!" the woman stopped as she stormed into Greg's room to see spider webs everywhere, before she tuned to see Greg standing there looking at her "What's gotten into you?"

"Two million years of intelligence and instinct." Greg smirked

"You stop this right now." Greg's mom said a bit scared

"I can't. See, it's too late. Nature's already taken its course. First I'll eat, then I'll molt. Then I'll mate." Greg smirked

"You need help." Greg's mom said making to leave but Greg slammed an arm into the door blocking her exit

"Mom, did I ever tell you about the Pharaoh spider? It's a fascinating creature." Greg said as he turned and cracked his sneak as his mom watched him fearfully as he turned back to her "See, after it hatches it kills its mother."

The last thing Greg's mom saw was her son spitting a torrent of webs from his mouth

Next Day

Another boring day at school had come and gone, and Naruto had pranked everyone involved with the scarcrow incident,no physical lasting injuries of course, but some of their reputations were forever stained. Lana had stopped by and they studied together for a bit, before she had to get home, currently Naruto was putting his books back into his bookbag, before he began to walk toward the house to get something to eat when he paused as he thought he heard something

Looking around Naruto raised an eyebrow when Greg Ark in dropped from the ceiling, and jumped across the room and tackled him to the ground choking him, Naruto grimaced as the blue kryptonite necklace made his vulnerable, before he reached up and bashed his head into Greg's, before a punch at super speed sent Greg flying off him into the rafters

Johnathan walked up stairs having been putting sharp blades up, "Nate, what happened? Are you all right?"

"There's someone in the rafters." Naruto said on his feet taking off his necklace, and putting if in a small lead lined jewelry box, no bigger than a box of cigarettes, grabbing a flashlight, Naruto began to look around along with Johnathan before he heard a crash, turning around he saw Johnathan falling toward the sharp blades,

"Dad!" Naruto yelled, running forward and placing a foot on the railing before he propelled through the air, and caught Johnathan,

The two landed in a roll, as Naruto helped his dad up the two looked around "What in the hell just happened?" Johnathan asked as Naruto with a frown looked around

"I'm going to check." Naruto said speeding off, and searching around the property

Moments Later

Johnathan was now being checked on by Martha "I've never saw anybody move like that."

"Did you see him?" Martha asked

"He came off the ceiling at me. It was almost as if he-"

"Wasn't entirely human?" Naruto asked walking inside "I checked everywhere, he's long gone, but I did get a look at his face. I think it was Greg Arkin."

"Didn't Pete used to hang out with him in grade school?" Martha asked

"Yeah, we were never close, but I don't know why he would want to attack me." Naruto said with a frown

"His mother used to keep him on a short leash but I can't believe he'd hurt a fly."

"Maybe that's because he was too busy collecting them and every other bug, he could get his hands on." Naruto said

"Nate, kids don't just leap off the ceiling and attack people." Johnathan said

"How do you explain that?" Naruto asked pointing a flashlight at the green slime in the shape of footprints and handprints on the ceiling

"I don't know, seems kind of out there." Johnathan said

"This, coming from the man who's been hiding a spaceship for the last 12 years." Martha replied before she left, as Naruto snickered before he frowned looking at the prints,

Next Day

Chloe walked out of class, when Naruto walked up behind her "Chloe."

Chloe looked up to see Naruto and immediately a smile brightened her face "Hey, birthday boy." she greeted as Naruto smiled

"Is Greg Arkin still a reporter for the Torch?" Naruto asked

"If you're definition of a reporter is someone who actually turns in articles, then no. Greg hasn't been to the office for a week."

"Dammit." Naruto sighed "I've gotta find him."

"What's the sudden interest in Greg? You coming out of the entomology closet?" Chloe asked jokingly as Naruto looked at her

"I-it's nothing. I'll catch up with you later." Naruto said turning to leave

"I hate it when you do that." Chloe said causing Naruto to stop and turn to her

"Do what?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow

"Shut me out. One minute you're here, and the next you're gone. Nate, your not outgrowing me as a friend, are you?" Chloe asked worridly before Naruto smiled and motioned her forward

Chloe walked closer to Naruto before he poked her with his index, and ring fingers "Chloe, you've been in my life for a very long time. I doubt I could function without you in it."

Chloe blushed st the charming smile Naruto gave "It's amazing how far that Kent charm will get you." she smiled "Now what's up with Greg?"

Naruto smiled as he made to explain, while behind them locker Whitney just opened his locker and was immediately hit with paint, and a pie to the face, causing the students to laugh at him,


The Torch

"I found an article about Amazonian tribesmen who took on traits of the insects that bit them. But nothing as extreme as what you were talking about." Chloe said looking at a paper before she leaned over Naruto's shoulder "You have any luck?"

"Only that Greg didn't move here until after the meteor showers. So he wasn't exposed." Naruto said before he looked at her and their faces were inches apart causing Chloe to blush,

Naruto raised an eyebrow when she suddenly kissed him, before with a shrug he returned the kiss, causing her to moam, before she pulled away and went wide eyed seeing she actually just did that, but before they could talk Pete arrived and Chloe cleared her throat

"B-but his bugs could have been." Chloe said "Think about it. Pieces of that meteor are buried all over Smallville. The habitat is infected. So when boy catches bugs and bugs bite boy, you end up with "bug-boy."

"What's going on?" Pete asked

"Greg Arkin attacked me and my dad last night, we are trying to figure out how. Chloe thinks his bugs swarmed him but, you can't even walk out your door in the summertime without being bitten by a mosquito. If the insects are the ones infected shouldn't we have a whole town of "bug-people"?"

"Because, you need a high level of toxins to cause a mutation. Those Amazonian tribesmen were all attacked by swarms." Chloe said

"Greg did keep tanks of bugs in his room. Maybe they got sick of the view and revolted." Pete said

"Well according to this, bugs have a very short life cycle. So if he really has gone Kafka, let's hope he isn't in the mating phase." Chloe said glancing to Naruto

Greg's House

The trio, arrived at Greg's house, and looked through the window "Doesn't look like anyone's home." Chloe said

"It's a mess." Pete said before he looked to Naruto "Remember what a neat freak his mom was?"

"Yeah. Only time I came over here, She yelled at me, for not taking off ."

"Is that what broke up the friendship?"

"Well, I wasn't a big fan of bugs." Naruto said as Chloe began to open a window

"You guys, come here."

Climbing through the window the trio began to look around before coming upon Greg room to see it was covered in webs, before they saw steam coming from the restroom, and saw skin in the tub, as Pete took pictures with a grimace

"Oh, man, that's disgusting. What is it?" Pete asked

"Probably his skin. He must be molting." Naruto said as Pete looked like he was going to barf

"You guys better come in here." Chloe called causing the two to enter the room, and stop as on the television was a video of Lana

"Looks like you're not the only one in Smallville with the hots for Lana." Pete said looking to Naruto

"I think Greg's found his mate." Chloe said as Naruto sighed before he looked to a wall, and saw a bulge there, walking over he pulled the web apart and Greg's mom, fell out dead.

"Shit." Naruto cursed before he ran off

Lana's House


Lana was in the stables feeding her horses, when a hand on her shoulder causing her to gasp and turn and round before she frowned when she saw Whitney, his white button up replaced and his hair and face cleaned " Your aunt said you were out here."

"How you feeling?"

"Embarrassed. That's not why I'm here, though." Whitney sighed "Lana, when I saw you and Nate outside your house that night, I freaked out."

"What did you think we were doing? I guess I got scared and did something stupid. I would do anything to take that back."

Lana looked at Whitney with a frown before Greg arrived and spoke "It's too late, Whitney. She's mine now."

"Greg?" Lana asked with a raised eyebrow

"Get away from her." Whitney said with a glare only for Greg to easily toss him aside

"Greg, what's going on?" Lana asked freaking out

"It's time." Greg smirked standing in front of her

"Time for what?"

"For us." Greg said as Lana looked at him wide eyed, before Greg made grab her when a yellow streak of lightning arrived and punched Greg

Lana looked wide eyed at the figure who wore a red coat, with a beanie, and a face mask as he looked over his shoulder at her "Leave."

Lana jumped at the vibrated voice before she shook Whitney awake and they ran off,

Naruto sighed as he looked to Greg, just as the bug boy tried to tackle him, but Naruto reached forward and caught him by his neck, "Lets go someplace more quiet, hm."

Naruto sped off with bug boy, before he tossed him into a tree miles away from Lana's place,

Greg grunted as he got up before he ran away, while Naruto followed only for Greg to run into the Creekside Foundry

Naruto entered and took a deep breath when he felt himself get nauseous, "Kryptonite." he sighed looking around as he began to walk around he turned to see, Greg with a large pipe, in midswing, quickly he ducked back so that his upper body was leveled with the ground, up and with a right hook sent Greg flying off to the side

Greg groaned as he was slow getting up, before he pushed a lever which caused some heavy equipment to fall on top of him squashing him like a bug, "Great."


Naruto sighed as he finished his pizza, there were gifts, around him as his friends and relatives wished him happy birthday, telling his parents thanks, he gathered up the gifts and put them up, before his enhanced eyes saw Lana, and Whitney on her porch no doubt talking about their mystery savior

With a grunt, Naruto walked up to his loft in the barn, and raised an eyebrow seeing Chloe looking through a telescope "See something interesting?" he asked

Chloe turned to him, and smiled "Not really. Um, I'd like to talk about what happened earlier."

"You mean the kiss?" Naruto asked causing Chloe to blush but nod

"You remembered." Chloe chuckled nervously

"It was a good kiss." Naruto shrugged causing Chloe to blush deeper, before Naruto sighed "Look, as much as I would like to talk to you about dating, it wouldn't feel right, loving you, and Lana at the same time, I wouldn't to do something, that could put our relationship in danger."

Chloe frowned sadly, before he looked determined "Okay." she nodded before she walked up to Naruto "No dating."

Naruto raised an eyebrow when Chloe pushed him to the couch, and straddled him before she kissed him "Chloe, I just said." Naruto pulling away began but Chloe looked at him softly

"I've been in love with you since we were 8 years old. You just admitted after all this time that you have feelings for me, and I understand that dating isn't in the cards for you right now, but we don't have to date, this could be a no strings situation."

"A what?"

"Yeah, my cousin Lois, used to have this friend and they had a no strings attached relationship everytime one of them were in the same town."

"Friends with Benefits?"

"Exactly." Chloe smiled hesitantly hoping he agreed

"Sure. I get the feeling our lives see about to become super complicated, it'd be nice to share something with you." Naruto said causing Chloe's face to light up, before he got up and grabbed his hand taking him to her car, before they left

Chloe's House

"Where's your dad?" Naruto asked as Chloe turned on the lights to her room

"Metropolis, he won't be back for 2 days, we're all alone." Chloe smiled as she tossed off her jacket and kissed Naruto, pushing her tongue into his mouth, before their tongueso began clash, and Naruto's moved into her mouth easily, and caressed her tongue heavily. He pulled her body in closer, so her breasts were pushed up against his chest while his hands were groping her ass before he attacked her neck, then her ear lobes making her tingle

Chloe moaned as she helped Naruto out of his shirt, and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her head against his cheek she began biting his ear lobe as well. They began walking towards the bed, falling upon it, with him on top of her. He gripped her left thigh as she brought up her legs to wrap around him. His hands began traveling up as he laid kisses upon her face; they reached her chest and he gripped her breasts through the clothes, causing her to moan

As he groped her 34B cup breasts, Naruto lifted her shirt, before he took one of her erect nipples, into his mouth sucking and playing with it, as his other hand twisted the other nipple causing Chloe to bite her lip to not let out a scream

Removing himself from one breast, he claimed her lips in a passionate kiss, before he began to kiss his way down to her sex, Chloe blush deepened when Naruto pulled off her skirt, and tossed it aside as he took off her panties as well, before he came face to face with her cleanly shaven dripping sex and gave it a long lick followed by a kiss, making her body shiver, he began to pleasure the aspiring journalist causing her to grip his hair, and moan loudly before she tensed when she reached her first real climax by something other than her fingers or dildo

With a small smirk, Naruto kissed his way up her body, as he lost his pants and boxers as he sucked on her neck, then licked all the way to her chin and her lips before kissing them.

Chloe looked at Naruto "Once we do this, there is no going back." he said as Chloe smiled at him and nodded before she bit her bottom lip, and her eyes widened when she felt something thick, long and hard enter inside her teeing through her hymen.

Naruto gave a groan as he clenched his teeth, as he enjoyed her tightness before giving slow and easy thrusts, allowing her to adjust to his size

"Fuck!" Chloe gasped as her legs locked at the ankles around Naruto who began to Naruto pick up the pace and added more power to his strokes, as she sucked on his neck as his dick pressed against her cervix,

The sound of wet skin slapping against each other was heard throughout room, before Naruto changed positions so her ass was now in the air with her face in the pillows while he stood up on the bed. Gripping her waist he entered inside her and began slamming against her plump ass cheeks

Chloe was wide eyed as Naruto began to repeatedly enter her womb, as the bed began to shake the headboard hitting the wall, as Chloe moaned loudly and smiled as her fingers interlaced with his, while she could hear his panting in her ear, before she tensed around him as she came with a loud moan.

"Shit." Naruto growled out as his thrusting became harder and deeper, before he pulled out and Chloe quickly turned and took him in her mouth as she squeezed his balls, and sucked on his member before Naruto began to release his loud into her mouth,

Once he was finished Naruto leaned back resting on his hands, as Chloe swallowed his load, and smiled at him "That was amazing." she said as Naruto smiled and pulled her closer

"Well, if your still up for it, we can go another round." Naruto smiled as Chloe moaned as she sunk onto his still hard cock.

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