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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Attack of the Clones Part 2

The next day, Anakin practiced with his lightsaber, and Obi-Wan, who had not left his side since the incident with the council, was his opponent.

Overall, Anakin was pleased with the fighting style he chose, the same as in the movies, as it truly suited him. This style used the force at all times, and Anakin had plenty of it.

After the warm-up, Anakin faced his master, skilled with the lightsaber. Breaking the form III, which his master used and was known for being the best defense, would be suitable training. Of course, he wouldn't exert himself completely, knowing that, like all Jedi, his master was lazy in lightsaber practice, and if Anakin went all out, he'd defeat him for being careless.

"Anakin, have I displeased you recently?" asked Obi-Wan indignantly as he attacked with force.

"Master, we have a war at our doorstep, and you've been slacking in your lightsaber practice. I plan to give you some trouble until you take your training seriously, as I can't force you to practice," explained Anakin. Obi-Wan exuded helplessness.

"Anakin, there won't be any war, and if there is, you'll have to kill me before it starts," complained Obi-Wan, rubbing his cheek where he had a small cut from Anakin's brutality.

"Master, I know you can do it. With practice, dodging force-heavy strikes won't require blocking with the lightsaber. Please continue," encouraged Anakin, smiling maliciously, wondering how many times Obi-Wan would go flying before learning to evade his devastating cuts, which currently got him into trouble.

Anakin attacked, while Obi-Wan looked threatening. He stopped his enhanced vertical strike, interposing his lightsaber just long enough to give him space to sidestep, and diverted the rest of the force, returning to his defense. Anakin didn't stop his attack and delivered a lateral blow, which was easier for Obi-Wan to dodge without much contact.

Anakin convinced himself that form V was ideal for him, as he had been delivering enhanced strikes from the beginning and barely felt anything. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan, forced to receive them, couldn't hide his pain and the damage they caused. He was already tired, and pride was the only thing keeping him standing. After sending him flying when he couldn't dodge it, Anakin planned to finish this.

Obi-Wan lost balance, and Anakin charged his blow to send him flying, but the room's door opened, and Anakin stepped back as his master sighed in relief. Anakin guessed Obi-Wan was thankful not to be seen being thrown by his own Padawan. But his face soon looked shocked as he saw who entered. Anakin, also seeing who it was, quickly sheathed his lightsaber and stood respectfully behind Obi-Wan.

"Anakin, don't be insolent!" reprimanded Obi-Wan with a growl, as moments ago, he was about to send him flying without any mercy, and now he used him as a shield against the incoming danger.

"Master, please, fulfill your duty," Anakin said through gritted teeth as Master Windu approached them.

Anakin was no longer sure if seeking an empty room was a good idea. If this guy intended to intimidate them, not even the fear of looking like a bully could defend them, as there was no one here. As for facing this powerhouse, he doubted even Master Yoda could do it, although he wouldn't easily be intimidated.

"Master Windu," Anakin and Obi-Wan said simultaneously, greeting with a respectful bow.

"Knight Kenobi, young Padawan," greeted Windu, not overlooking Obi-Wan's tired appearance and the cut on his cheek.

"My Padawan has made some progress recently, and I'm afraid I'm somewhat out of practice," admitted Obi-Wan, acknowledging his fault with embarrassment.

"I don't recall you being easy to handle; it seems your Padawan is outstanding," said Windu as he drew his lightsaber. Anakin grimaced. "Damn," thought Anakin. This guy was too vengeful.

"Padawan Anakin, it's challenging to see your progress since you only get average grades in all the tests," said Windu as he assessed Anakin's state.

"Master Windu, all those tests are for initiates and some Padawans looking for a master. I already have a master, and I'm content with everything he's taught me, so those tests are meaningless to me. Outshining those kids or other Padawans is unnecessary; letting them shine is more appropriate," said Anakin as he drew his lightsaber. Windu displayed a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Padawan Skywalker, your confidence in your own strength surprises me," said Windu threateningly.

"It's always a pleasure to surprise you," said Anakin, aware that what Windu felt wasn't surprise; he believed it was arrogance, and that's why it bothered him. His statement was an indirect way of telling Windu to his face that he loved to annoy him.

"Master Windu, Anakin is a bit agitated due to…" Windu raised his hand to stop Obi-Wan's explanations, who seemed ready to beg for forgiveness on his behalf.

"Knight Kenobi, make way. Your Padawan doesn't seem tired, and his little provocations don't affect me," declared Windu, indicating that he was still in control and wouldn't behead him out of anger, although it was evident he was upset with him and wanted to give him a beating. He looked at Anakin. "Padawan, on guard. Don't hold back; there are no other students your superior skills might discourage," said Windu mockingly.

"As you wish, Master," said Anakin and took the Form V stance. Windu imitated him.

Anakin knew Windu used his own style, but it was clear he wasn't taking it seriously. Anakin grinned maliciously in his mind. Windu wanted to give him a beating, but his desire to do so was only half of Anakin's. This loose cannon was the one who always reprimanded him in the council, not even listening to explanations, just scolding without further ado. And now, this jerk thought he could easily stop him.

If Windu had adopted an unfamiliar stance, Anakin would have been very cautious. But that stance was a statement that he wasn't taking it seriously, meaning his guard was down. If Anakin attacked with everything, he could undoubtedly hit him several times. Although this loose cannon must be stronger than Dooku, the difference shouldn't be much. Anakin believed that if Dooku dared to let his guard down against him, he would give him the beating of his life. Therefore, this furious Jedi should at least take a couple of hits.

"Anakin, no!" exclaimed Obi-Wan, who knew him as if he were his brother, immediately understanding that he wasn't planning anything good.

Anakin ignored him and charged with everything he had. Windu blinked as their lightsabers clashed, feeling Anakin's momentum, realizing his mistake immediately. But it was too late to change his form, and Windu received all the damage from the blow at full force. To make matters worse, Anakin didn't allow him to step back and adopt a new combat stance. He attacked with all the speed, strength, and agility he could unleash, and his lightsaber burned the left side of Windu, surely leaving an ugly burn.

Windu looked at him in shock as he tried to contain his strength and speed with all his effort to step back and change his form, but he was trapped in Anakin's clutches, and Anakin wouldn't show him mercy in any way. He knew that when Windu recovered, he would return the favor. Therefore, Anakin kept attacking with everything.

Just a minute into the battle, Windu made an unexpected move, and in a microsecond, unleashed a force attack that pushed Anakin back ten steps. Anakin suffered no injuries or fell to the ground, but when he looked back at Windu, he was already assuming a strange stance and glaring at him furiously.

Anakin smiled and returned to his Form V stance, observing Windu's miserable state. He had a cut on his right cheek and an ugly bruise on the left, which would soon turn into a large bump. On his right side, he had a cut, and his skin had been marked. But Anakin was sure that what hurt him the most was having received over ten full-force attacks from Form V, in which he was a specialist, and he knew the impactful damage it caused. Undoubtedly, a couple of days of muscle pain awaited Windu.

"Padawan, I underestimated you!" growled Windu, admitting his mistake, while warning him with his gaze that he would soon feel the same pain.

Anakin, who had thrown everything at him and still been repelled in a minute, knew that the loose cannon wasn't boasting. But if he wanted to hit him, he better put in more effort.

Two hours later, Obi-Wan and Anakin walked behind Master Windu toward the Jedi Council. Windu had a swollen cheek and looked somewhat tired. Despite this, he walked with graceful steps. Behind him, Anakin bore exactly the same blows as Windu and looked equally tired. Still, Obi-Wan maintained a faint smile.

"Master, I'm your Padawan. You shouldn't be glad that a thug beat me up," complained Anakin, who had spent two hours fighting against Windu and his demonic style of attack and defense, as fast and aggressive as his own. Additionally, this thug also enhanced his blows, and his control over the Force couldn't be compared to his at the moment.

Windu managed to land several hits on him and even took the trouble to inflict the same damage Anakin had caused him, under the pretext of measuring his skills. But it was nothing but pure intimidation. However, to Anakin's satisfaction, it took Windu two hours to complete his revenge, and when he did, both were too exhausted. Continuing would be dangerous, so they stopped the fight.

Anakin was satisfied because, despite Windu's brutality, this would serve him more than sparring with Obi-Wan. His future opponent would be Dooku, a scoundrel on the same scale as Windu, although there was a big difference between them. Dooku was no match for Windu, at least according to what he knew.

"Padawan, keep composure in your words," said Obi-Wan, widening his smile cheekily.

Upon reaching the Council, the masters blinked at seeing their sorry states. However, as Windu led them personally and didn't say anything about it, the others chose to ignore it or pretend not to have noticed, observing the strange similarity between their injuries and Windu's.

Once Windu assumed his position, Obi-Wan was assigned a new mission. The Council informed them that there had been an assassination attempt on the senator he knew, Padmé Amidala, and they would be sent to protect her, as they had done in the past. Since no one spoke directly to him, Anakin remained in his obedient Padawan role. He didn't disagree with discipline; in fact, he valued rules. What he didn't like were absolute rules, as he believed that everything in this world had exceptions.

On the other hand, his visions confirmed that the war was beginning, and Palpatine was moving his pieces to include him in his game, bringing him closer to Padmé and obtaining something to leverage against him, something that would distance him from the Council and bring him closer to him. The Force warned him, and he also knew it through Xion's memories.

Padmé was one of the pieces Palpatine planned to use against him to keep him under control. Although he had succeeded in a past life, this time he would not be successful simply because Anakin was no longer the same, and, though he had to admit he liked Padmé, he didn't feel an uncontrollable passion that Palpatine could exploit.

Anakin could see that he and Padmé were too different, and what they admired in each other would never be enough for a genuine relationship, something that, according to Xion's memories, they had never had. Their ways of thinking were opposite.

What would have happened if that Anakin had shown who he really was? According to his memories, he was scared at the possibility of her rejecting him and kept everything he believed hidden. Anakin was never able to tell her how far he was willing to go and all he would do for her by giving her his heart, but in the end, it happened, and, as expected, she rejected him…

Anakin mentally shook his head and forced all his feelings out of his mind. The war was approaching, and his frustration at not being able to stop it filled his mind with useless thoughts.

After a necessary bath and a change of clothes, Anakin and Obi-Wan headed to meet Padmé, the senator from Naboo, who welcomed them into her rooms in the Senate. She had come to Coruscant to oppose the creation of an army and was one of the most influential parties in this matter due to the events on Naboo, which had granted her great fame and reputation.

Padmé attended to them immediately when they arrived at her apartment, receiving them in the sitting room along with part of her entourage. Anakin greeted her respectfully but with a smile. They hadn't seen each other in ten years, but they had maintained regular correspondence.

Seeing Padmé, now a bit older, Anakin gave her a dubious rating of seven. She was short, had good legs but a flat chest, her features were above average, her hair was not striking, and her eyes did not stand out. She was a decent beauty at best, nothing that would make him fall in love at first sight, although she might be attractive to a nine-year-old with limited options. However, the moral and ethical character of this woman should not be underestimated, as not even Palpatine could manipulate her. That's why he was now trying to kill her, or throw her at him, Anakin wasn't sure, but no matter what Palpatine tried, he wouldn't succeed.

As he greeted her, Anakin smiled at her. Their friendship had grown over the years, and he had given her three books, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which he knew she would love. Padmé liked them so much that she even published them, but she donated the profits to charities and only agreed to send a copy to his mother in Tatooine, not cooperating with his laboratory. She was too strict. Despite that, Padmé offered him a sad smile, although their meeting was formal due to the presence of her Naboo entourage and her official senatorial attire.

After the reunion, Padmé went to attend to her affairs and rest. Anakin couldn't meditate at that moment, so he decided to observe the city.

"Is she the friend you mentioned in the council?" Obi-Wan asked behind him after checking the apartment, while Padmé was already sleeping in her room after the departure of her servants and guards. Anakin nodded.

"Cordé, her double, was a friend to her. Today, she was murdered, and I can feel her pain. I feel somewhat guilty because if I had arrived earlier, she wouldn't be suffering. I'm her friend, but…" Anakin didn't say more; he had decided to invest his time in saving his mother and let Papmé's friend die.

"It seems your feelings for her are not common," Obi-Wan said with a suggestive smile.

"Master, she and I cannot be together," Anakin said seriously.

"Anakin, the code doesn't require us to be celibate," said Obi-Wan.

"I know, but my feelings for her can go beyond what's appropriate. If we get too close, I would undoubtedly hurt her. I'll limit myself to protecting her life, and each of us will go our separate ways," explained Anakin, dismissing any feelings of attachment that might arise in him. Obi-Wan shook his head.

"It's your decision, but based on what you explain, it seems prudent," said Obi-Wan with his mind elsewhere.

"Didn't you hold back in time?" Anakin asked. Obi-Wan tensed. Anakin smiled.

"Anakin, revenge is the path to the dark side," reprimanded Obi-Wan indignantly.

"Master, you should follow your own advice before smiling because your own Padawan got a beating," said Anakin, rolling his eyes. Obi-Wan cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Anakin, you're imagining things," he said and opted for a strategic retreat. Anakin shook his head and continued watching the city as it began to rain.

A couple of hours after Padmé went to sleep, Anakin frowned.

"Is something wrong?" Obi-Wan asked, noticing his alert state and how the Force intensified around him.

"Danger is approaching that room," Anakin said sincerely. Obi-Wan blinked.

"What?" he asked with some disbelief.

"There's a flying droid approaching the room. It carries some poisonous insects," Anakin said as he began to head toward the location.

Obi-Wan was stunned. Anakin understood him. This had never happened before. The Force usually didn't reveal information in that way. What Obi-Wan didn't know was that all of this was part of Anakin's knowledge, and the Force was simply confirming it.

Anakin didn't plan to stand idly by waiting for everything to unfold according to his memories. He hated not being able to do anything to change the course of events and wouldn't stay still now that he had the opportunity to act.

"Master, there are two people outside. If you allow me, I can easily capture one of them. You watch out that those insects don't harm Padmé," Anakin said as he headed to the door.

Obi-Wan seemed undecided for a second but nodded and hurried to position himself by the door of the room. Anakin ran to the elevator and went up to the terrace.

Once on the terrace, Anakin ran with all his enhanced strength and jumped to the building across, falling onto a surprised shape-shifter as if he were an arrow and the person were the target the arrow was drawn to.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan hurried to enter Padmé's room and killed the insects that had managed to get in. Anakin, who was holding his unconscious captive with his back turned, casually withdrew his arm and stopped a dart aimed at his target with the tips of his fingers, as he had been watching the other individual all along.

The mercenary who shot the dart showed surprise and decided to flee. Anakin handed the assassin over to the authorities and returned to Padmé's room, where she was in her sleepwear, being watched by Obi-Wan.

"Easy? Anakin, you jumped from one building to another!" reprimanded Obi-Wan helplessly.

"Master, jumping is something simple. I learned it in the early classes," said Anakin, surprised by Obi-Wan's audacity, who in his memories leaped onto a flying droid in the middle of a street thousands of meters high.

Anakin tossed the dart the mercenary had thrown to Obi-Wan.

"The other assassin had this. It seems to be something special," said Anakin. He knew this was a clue from Palpatine for Obi-Wan to discover the path to the clone army.

"Anakin, are you okay?" Padmé asked with concern.

"Padmé, I'm fine, just a little jump, not much to do. That guy will be in the hospital for a few days," explained Anakin, looking around and noticing that there was no one else present.

"With Master Obi-Wan here, the guards are securing the other apartments," clarified Padmé. Anakin nodded.

At dawn, Padmé was forced to return to her planet by order of Palpatine. She suspected he was planning something, but the Jedi were also on Palpatine's side, and she had to comply. Becoming an extremist who didn't heed advice could affect her political career, and Palpatine would undoubtedly use that against her.

"Anakin, I've heard of your feat last night. I'll recommend you for Senate recognition," said Palpatine when everyone left, and they were alone.

Anakin knew this wretched old man was only pretending to delay him while plotting his fall to the dark side, but he couldn't feel anything but kindness and praise from him. It was as if he were a favorite grandfather praising his outstanding grandson.

"Thank you, Chancellor. It will be an honor," replied Anakin with a smile. Palpatine nodded.

"How has your situation in the temple been?" he asked with apparent interest, and perhaps he did.

"The Council met to decide if they could expel me, for the tenth time, and Master Windu had a training duel with me. I've never seen his fighting style, nor is it any Jedi form I know," said Anakin, showing curiosity. Anakin had to be Palpatine's best spy in the Jedi Temple.

"And what did they have against you this time?" Palpatine asked with interest.

"I've publicly expressed my disagreement with the Jedi Code. I consider it an obsolete regulation, and the Council follows it to the letter, as if they were afraid someone would transgress it," explained Anakin.

Palpatine kept a couple of seconds of silence, surely wondering how the hell he was still part of the Jedi Order after saying so much nonsense about their sacred regulation.

"Anakin, the Jedi are old, and at this age, people begin to fear change. However, you shouldn't rush into these matters because, as your current exploits demonstrate, you will become one of the greatest Jedi in the future, and the Council will have to listen to your opinion," assured Palpatine, apparently wishing his spy wouldn't get into trouble and be expelled.

"Chancellor, I try, but there were so many things wrong there that I just feel frustrated," said Anakin sincerely.

The Chancellor wasted no time and proceeded to give him some more awards to reassure him and prevent him from attacking the Council again. The old man was rich and wrote him a blank check, so Anakin was completely sincere when he left his office happy as a clam.

"Anakin, what did the Chancellor give you this time?" asked Obi-Wan when they met again.

Anakin thought that, given that he was a spy for Palpatine, he could also be one for the Jedi Order.

"The Chancellor believes I'm a hero and has committed to increasing his sponsorship for my lab because I mentioned that life in the temple was a bit boring," informed Anakin. Obi-Wan could only blink. "Well, I may have complained a bit about the Council, and the Chancellor advised me not to get into trouble with them until I'm a powerful and famous Jedi," he added nonchalantly. Obi-Wan frowned at that moment but then let it pass, dismissing his suspicions. Anakin wondered how many times he would have to do this for Obi-Wan to side with the Council.

In the afternoon of that same day, Anakin was assigned as Padmé's bodyguard, and they traveled to Naboo while Obi-Wan investigated the escaped assassin. Anakin decided to be polite with Padmé but maintain some distance. He kept a cool head and dismissed any strange feelings that arose because they really couldn't be together. Fortunately, he hadn't fallen in love with her when he was a child and simply considered her a friend.

Their stay on Naboo was boring. The place was only special because Padmé was there, but apart from that, Anakin wasn't interested as everything was natural landscapes, and he preferred technology. The good thing about being there was that Anakin could practice his Force control in a way he could never do in the temple, using it at all times. He performed tricks for Padmé, ate, and even bathed, controlling water droplets.

"Anakin, I noticed you're not wearing a braid," said Padmé. "Aren't all Padawans supposed to wear them?" she added. They were in meadows observing some chimera-like species, an unpleasant mix of ticks, fawns, and cows.

"Those with hair, yes, but I noticed short hair made me look immature, and that braid was odd, so I cut it and let my hair grow. Obi-Wan took me before the council, but I won, or better said, ignored them since the braid isn't in the code, and they can't force me to wear it; it's just another tradition," explained Anakin. Padmé rolled her eyes.

"You have issues with authority," Padmé said.

"Not at all. I like order and authority, but when order and authority are used to bother me over trivial things like a haircut, it's because they've gone too far and need to step back," said Anakin.

"Anakin, what do you think of the Republic then?" asked Padmé. "Currently, people say we've lost order, and the Senate is corrupt. Palpatine's popularity is due to him promising order against chaos and corruption," said Padmé, grimacing.

"A corruption he himself fosters in the shadows and chaos he himself provokes. Padmé, Palpatine doesn't seek order; he seeks control and will do whatever it takes to achieve it, even if he has to destroy the Republic and rule over the ashes. If he achieves his goal, there won't be a place for us, the Jedi, or the Republic in this galaxy," said Anakin.

"How can we stand against him? He even displaces me from my position when he wants, and I can't do anything to stop him," complained Padmé with despair. Anakin lay on the grass and looked at the blue sky.

"Padmé, as I told you before, the only way to face him, with all the power he has, is to play his own game, and that means sometimes you'll have to step back if the game demands it. That's how you can gain a position on the board," said Anakin.

"We've been following his game for a decade, and he only becomes more powerful and gains more influence," lamented Padmé.

"Yes, but now he'll use that influence and start to wear out," said Anakin.

"You're being enigmatic. What are you hiding?" asked Padmé, standing up from his side and putting herself in front of him to look at him threateningly. Anakin frowned.

"I'm saving you the pain of what you can't change," said Anakin confidently. Padmé looked horrified and tried to run, but Anakin stood up and took her by the waist.

"Anakin, let me go!" scolded Padmé in anger.

"Padmé, you can't change what will happen now, and if you act using your power, you'll wear yourself out instead of Palpatine, thus losing the chance to use it in the future," explained Anakin as Padmé kicked, realizing that she was right and that Palpatine had gotten rid of her to provoke a war.

"Anakin, you deceived me! Let me go!" reproached Padmé and slapped him. Anakin sighed and let her go.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the villa, and Padmé began packing furiously.

"What have you seen?" asked Padmé, shedding a tear and packing her clothes more slowly.

"The war will begin in a few days," said Anakin.

"That's impossible!" denied Padmé vehemently, leaving her clothes and looking him in the eyes to try to figure out if he was lying.

"Padmé, I warned you from the beginning. Palpatine has too much power in his hands; he was already planning this war when we met. However, by playing along with him for these ten years, you're now in a position of popularity similar to his, and your political power increases alongside his because you're from the same planet. Although he used your popularity to boost his own by attempting to kill you, now he's the one driving your political career, whether you like it or not.

"Padmé, you can't face Palpatine on your own, but let me fight by your side. I have the strength to do it now. I know where to strike Palpatine to gradually weaken his power and make him more vulnerable. Eventually, I can get the council to support you instead of him. Let me turn his army around and eliminate his puppets one by one.

"Padmé, my plan will involve many deaths along the way, but right now, yours will bury all our hopes, as well as the galaxy's, because you'll send us straight to certain death by returning to the Senate," said Anakin. Padmé, who was preparing to respond, remained motionless.

"Would you come with me?" asked Padmé, lowering her head. Anakin tensed. "Why are you acting shy?" Anakin scolded himself in his mind and cleared his throat.

"I'm your 'friend,' and I'm the one who got you into all this mess. The least I can do if my plan leads you to death is accompany you," said Anakin. Padmé hugged him and cried silently. "She has small breasts; remember you like women with big breasts. Don't do anything foolish. Remember that a relationship between you will end in her death…"

Anakin thought of all the reasons why he couldn't cross the line with Padmé, but every time his reason gave an excuse, his heart replied with a strong protest and a racing beat.

Fortunately, when his heart was about to overcome his reason, Padmé pulled him out of his room, realizing that being alone there was not appropriate.

Anakin sighed in relief after swallowing saliva and rushed to meditate to free himself from all the unleashed emotions. His foolish infatuation had also unleashed the emotions he had been suppressing for the past few months, every time he had a vision of the imminent war. However, when mentioning it, he was ignored and ended up in a fight with the council. Patience was not one of his virtues, making him a terrible negotiator when he only had his word to convince others.

Not even Obi-Wan supported or tried to believe him, and that filled him with frustration. He could do so much with the council's backing, but those elders simply ignored him. Anakin understood why another version of himself would fall to the dark side since Palpatine didn't have to try too hard. He was filled with frustration at seeing everything out of his control and knowing that soon he would be dragged into a war he could avoid if only he received a bit of support. This generated anger, fury, and great frustration…

Anakin discarded everything with the Force. He wouldn't fall, no matter what happened; he had to move forward. Let go of frustration, anger, and fury. They were a destructive cycle that would only bring him trouble and pain. Faced with frustration, he would respond with nonchalance. Faced with anger, with humor, and faced with the inevitable war…

Something would arise; the Force would always give him an answer, and he didn't believe it would abandon him now. Anakin couldn't mimic Palpatine's patience, but he could control himself if it meant achieving his goals. Therefore, he would leave all that behind, and nonchalance would replace frustration. He had to follow his own advice and wait for his moment.

On the third day on Naboo, Anakin knew his mother's death would happen soon and decided to verify what the council had promised him. With that decision made, and after an Oscar-worthy performance, Padmé decided to go to Tatooine to check on the status of his mother.

Padmé's ship, guided by Anakin, landed at the moisture farm of his mother's new family. The inhabitants of the moisture farm came out to see the ship, including his mother, who had wounds all over and walked with crutches.

"Anakin?" Padmé asked as she saw him stepping back when the ship's door opened.

"Padmé, please, bring her here, but don't mention that I'm here. Tell her you heard she was injured and that you have medicine for her," Anakin requested. Padmé looked at him confused, but Anakin hurried to hide when the door opened.

Padmé descended from the ship, and her mother recognized her. They talked for a moment, and then Padmé helped her walk to the ship, as his mother needed support to move. Padmé sensed that he didn't want anyone to see them.

Upon returning to the ship, R2 closed the door by Anakin's order. His mother looked puzzled for a few seconds until Anakin came out and ran towards her to hug her tightly.

"Anakin, you're going to hurt her!" Padmé's words stopped when she saw her mother's swollen face and scratches starting to disappear. In a minute, she was completely healthy, even healthier than the last time they saw each other ten years ago. His mother quickly pulled away from him, feeling no more pain, and looked at him bewildered while touching her face.

"This ability is something I've learned to save my life or the lives of those close to me in life-or-death situations, but I have enemies, and no one should find out about it," explained Anakin. Padmé kept looking at her mother incredulously, and she hugged him again.

"He said he was passing by here by chance, but I knew you had sent him," his mother said several minutes later while preparing food for them after releasing her legs and hands from a bunch of bandages.

"Well, I told the council that if they didn't help you, I'd pack up and help you myself, so they hurried to provide assistance," said Anakin. Padmé looked at him accusingly, sitting across from him at the small kitchen table on the ship.

"Well, it was a bit chaotic, and I had to pull some beards and play some tricks, but those are details," said Anakin, and his mother laughed. Padmé shook her head, imagining the disaster.

Just one day after arriving on Tatooine, they received a call from Obi-Wan.

"Anakin, what are you doing on Tatooine?" Obi-Wan asked indignantly.

"Senator Amidala expressed curiosity about the state of my mother when I told her she had been kidnapped by the Tusken. She decided to come, and I had no choice but to follow her," Anakin shamelessly excused himself. Obi-Wan sighed helplessly, knowing he was just talking nonsense but unable to do anything to stop it.

"Anakin, transmit this message to the Jedi Council," said Obi-Wan and began to explain the situation on the planet Geonosis, where he was and where the separatists were finalizing the construction of an army of droids.

At the end of his message, Obi-Wan was captured. Anakin assumed that Dooku and Palpatine wanted the Jedi to come there to start the war, and he let them find out everything.

Padmé didn't wait to be asked and decided to go on a rescue mission. Anakin shrugged and didn't protest. He said goodbye to his mother, who boasted of receiving treatment from the Queen of Naboo, who healed her in just one day.

Anakin knew he could no longer go back, which filled him with great sadness, but on the way to Geonosis, he meditated to regain his composure. He had to execute all his skills with absolute precision, and if things went as planned, face Dooku.

Upon arriving on Geonosis, Padmé set her rescue plan in motion, and Anakin followed her to the hives where the Geonosians lived.

As soon as they entered, it was evident they were expected. Anakin, unwilling to proceed, pretended to lose his lightsaber when they started chasing him, and it broke into three parts upon hitting the ground, making his capture easier. Padmé seemed to expect more from him and looked stunned as they were apprehended. They were then taken to the entrance of an arena, where they were led into a kind of coliseum. A two-wheeled cart awaited them, intending to exhibit them.

"Anakin, what the hell was that?" Padmé grumbled.

"Infiltration," Anakin confidently replied as they were loaded onto the cart.

"Anakin, we've been captured!" Padmé cried upset.

"Calm down; I'll take care of you," Anakin said, showing her his broken lightsaber. The Geonosians saw no problem in letting him keep it. Padmé looked at him hostilely, showing ingratitude. She didn't thank him for saving her minutes of terror when she was almost incinerated. Anakin sighed.

They were taken to some pillars and tied next to their master.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan scolded indignantly.

"Calm down, Master. Senator Amidala has come to rescue you. I'm just her bodyguard, and I assure you; she won't suffer a scratch," Anakin assured. Obi-Wan and Padmé glared at him as they were tied, and the fragments of the lightsaber fell at Anakin's feet, unable to hold them when they chained him to the column.

The Geonosians released three beasts, one for each of them. Anakin didn't wait for them to approach. The handcuffs holding Anakin's wrists opened, as ten years of practice working with microscopic objects made any lock, whether mechanical or electronic, useless against him.

As the handcuffs fell, Anakin took his lightsaber, which was now in one piece again, and approached Padmé to cut her chains, lift her into his arms, and leap to the top of the pillar, sitting there calmly.

Padmé was scandalized when he sat her on his lap, but Anakin pretended to lose balance, and she stayed still.

"Master, Padmé is safe now; you can do it!" Anakin encouraged while looking at a desperate Obi-Wan, who now had the attention of the three beasts just for himself.

"Anakin, come down here right now!" Obi-Wan yelled.

"Master, the council assigned me the mission to protect Padmé…" Anakin ignited his lightsaber and deflected a blaster shot coming from Count Dooku's box, fired by the mercenary at his side, wearing Mandalorian armor. He used a simple blaster pistol, but he had aimed precisely at Padmé's head, who shuddered.

Anakin threw the lightsaber aside without looking, as he stood up carrying Padmé with his left hand.

The lightsaber flew, beheaded a kind of rat-tiger-snake that launched itself first at Obi-Wan, then cut the chains holding him and flew towards him to deflect another shot and secure itself in his hand.

These circus skills were useless against a Sith, but in situations like this, they would be great. The droids would see when it was their turn to face him.

"You have the aim of a sand mole," insulted Anakin as Obi-Wan dealt with the other two beasts.

Anakin spun his lightsaber in his hand, smiling at the mercenary. The crowd understood the gesture and cheered, encouraging the mercenary to accept the challenge.

Anakin let go of his lightsaber, and it kept spinning on its own, half a meter from him. The crowd went wild, demanding the mercenary accept the duel.

The mercenary sheathed his weapon, and the crowd hurried to hush. Anakin's lightsaber continued spinning to his right, now just a meter away from him, threatening to behead another of the beasts Obi-Wan was fighting.

The mercenary moved his hand in preparation, unsheathing at a dizzying speed as the sword changed its spin direction in parallel. Its blade passed in front of Anakin's head, deflecting the shot, or rather, redirecting it toward the mercenary, who, due to the distance, had time to throw himself to the ground. By the time the mercenary got up, the lightsaber had already descended, beheaded two heads, and returned to Anakin's hand.

"Dooku, you need better men!" Anakin mocked, while the crowd booed the mercenary for being unable to hit him, even though he had withdrawn his lightsaber to give him an advantage.

Anakin moved his arm behind him, and the lightsaber deflected a shot that bounced in the same direction it came from, blowing the head off an insect carrying a blaster rifle.

Anakin smiled. Padmé swallowed saliva, as the shot was headed toward her back.

"Don't worry, if it gets too dangerous, we'll descend and take cover behind the pillar," Anakin said.

"What are you planning?" Padmé asked.

"Buying time without my people having to die," Anakin said, returning another shot from Padmé's side.

"Dooku, I was mistaken. What you need are new allies," Anakin said.

Dooku immediately realized what he was up to and had a discussion with the Geonosian insect king, but he dismissed him indignantly, pointing at Anakin while saying something.

Anakin assumed he was offering a reward for his head because, after finishing speaking, the crowd cheered with joy and pulled out blaster pistols to shoot him. At first, there were about twenty of them since the Geonosians' weapons were different, and few of them had blaster pistols, but two minutes later, they seemed to find an arsenal, and despite Anakin having already killed about ten, returning some shots, the number of people shooting at him increased to thirty, and without thinking, Anakin jumped.

Padmé screamed, but the landing was gentle. By pushing Padmé against the obelisk and getting wedged between it and his back, the number of people aiming at them decreased by half, making it easier for him to deflect blaster shots and kill seven enemies in a minute.

After dealing with half of the enemies on one side, Anakin rolled with Padmé to the other side, where the shooters demanded he show himself so they could shoot him. Anakin revealed himself, and they shot.

"Anakin, how long can you deflect those shots?" Padmé asked fearfully.

"Padmé, they're more than a hundred meters away from me; I can stay here for days. I just pretend to have trouble to buy more time," Anakin explained, not deflecting all shots toward his attackers, as if he appeared too invincible, they might send the droid army against him.

Ten minutes later, the king seemed to realize the deception and, with indignation, pointed at Obi-Wan, who was trying to go unnoticed on his own pillar twenty meters from them.

"Looks like the game is over," Anakin said with a sigh, taking Padmé with his left arm and running at full speed toward Obi-Wan, who was already running toward him. They met on the central pillar, and Anakin stopped five shots while kicking Obi-Wan and slamming him against the central pillar, putting Padmé back behind him. While stopping and this time returning all the shots he could, Anakin had his two protectees covered by the pillar.

The crowd roared In anger at seeing him still alive and brought more weapons, shouting indignantly for him to come out and stop covering his back.

So, another five minutes passed until the king gave up and gave Dooku permission to unleash the droids, but it was already too late. A shadow in the sky shot at the doors where the droids intended to exit, and warning shots were fired over the crowd in the stands, scattering them in all directions like roaches fleeing their nest. They were clone transports, armed to the teeth, quickly establishing a perimeter as the Jedi leaped from the stands to join them. The Jedi had come to buy time, but Dooku had set up a circus, and Anakin had taken it over, becoming the master of ceremonies.

The droids that emerged everywhere were easily taken down by the armed transports. They were not an army capable of facing assault ships but infantry, lacking artillery support, so they were swept away relentlessly. Anakin witnessed a brief lightsaber duel between Dooku and Windu, but the mercenary intervened, and Windu decided not to risk it, leading Anakin to assume he regarded Dooku as an opponent he couldn't defeat without focusing all his attention on him, so he withdrew.

"Anakin, let me get out of here already," grumbled Obi-Wan, who was being pressed against the pillar. Anakin stepped aside, freeing them both, and they looked at him with gestures of offended dignity as they straightened their clothes.

"Anakin, why did you slam my face into that pillar?" complained Obi-Wan, while another Jedi handed him a lightsaber to join the battle.

"Master, if I hadn't done that, you would have enjoyed the situation too much," explained Anakin as he backed towards one of the transport ships.

Since no Jedi were dead, the ships were filled with them, making it hard to find a spot. Obi-Wan paused for a second, glanced at Padmé, then cleared his throat uncomfortably and stopped complaining. Padmé blushed, realizing that having her back turned to a man would have been very awkward.

"Come on, I've thought of everything, and I've brought everyone to safety," said Anakin as he boarded the ship.

"Anakin, shut up!" scolded Obi-Wan and Padmé simultaneously. Anakin shrugged.

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