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Chapter 21: Appointing the leader

"Shut the fuck up! Does that Liam seem alive to you? I don't know about you guys, but that is not the Liam I remember. He is lost, he has no memories again. Whatever thing we fed him changed him." Moris uttered furiously, his eyes filled with anger and distrust towards Eloise. His dislike for her had deepened over time, viewing her as someone willing to sacrifice lives for personal gain.

Heidi intervened swiftly, preventing the situation from escalating further. She sent Eloise to the back of the group and calmed the brewing conflict. After silence settled and everyone was ready to listen, Heidi presented two options: either they go to the ship port and travel to the human settlement, or they go after Liam.

The group was shocked, expecting to go after Liam since he was alive. To their surprise, Leo stepped forward and supported Heidi's suggestion. He explained that Liam's strength and speed made him too formidable to confront, suggesting they opt for the first option.

"So what are you saying?" Eliza asked, folding her arms provocatively.

"It's simple, leave Liam alone. I'm sure he will get himself together, and he will find us," Leo explained, turning to Heidi. "If we want to go to the ship port, then I suggest we start our journey now."

In front of everyone, Heidi removed the map tied around her thighs and handed it to Leo. "I think you should lead... You are right, Leo. If we want to survive in this place, we have to be logical." The decision to let Leo lead was a nod to his logical and pragmatic approach to their challenges.

Leo accepted the map with a nod, wasting no time on celebration. As he opened it to check their current location, confusion clouded his face due to the twist and turns of the map. Walking towards a small hill for a better view, he observed something peculiar. Furrowing his brows, he started walking in random directions, leaving the group puzzled. Some questioned his fitness as a leader, thinking nerves had clouded his sense of direction. Even Heidi raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

Amidst the uncertainty, Moris stood still, observing Leo with cool eyes. He suddenly brought up the topic of "Legend of the Seeker," asking the group if they remembered it.

"I didn't watch it. That movie dated three centuries ago; I can't waste my time watching that shit... Have you seen the quality? It's trash," Eloise remarked dismissively.

Heidi, however, lit up with surprise, revealing that everyone except Eloise had watched it. Moris nodded and pointed at Leo, suggesting a connection between the map and the show. "If I'm right then that map can reveal it's location on itself."

"But how did you know?" Tilly marveled and asked curiously.

"Leo's face says it all"

Relieved by the revelation, the group realized they wouldn't encounter problems while traveling. Leo waved to the group, explaining his discovery. Although surprised, the group remained calm, and Moris clarified the situation to Leo.

Quickly picking up their weapons and shouldering their bags, Tilly carried a double bag as Moris bore Phil on his back.

"Let's move, guys!" Leo urged, marking the beginning of their journey, filled with uncertainty and challenges in the unknown world.


Walking through the unfamiliar terrain for four hours had undoubtedly taken its toll on the group. Moris, burdened not only by the weight of Phil but also by his own exhaustion, found it challenging to maintain his usual vigor. The collective fatigue prompted Leo to suggest a brief ten-minute rest to rejuvenate their energy.

As they settled down, Phil, who had previously struggled to walk, expressed optimism, stating he could manage with the aid of a walking stick. Moris, enthused by Phil's newfound determination, promptly located a suitable walking stick in the nearby bushes.

Isabelle, harboring a dislike for Phil, found herself compelled to offer assistance. She approached with a cloth soaked in water, intending to clean Phil's face. Despite the tensions among the group, the acknowledgment that Phil's predicament was partially a result of her actions compelled Isabelle to extend a helping hand.

While the group took a moment to rest, Leo remained vigilant, moving between elevated points to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. The unfamiliar environment harbored potential threats, and Leo's cautious demeanor reflected the gravity of their situation. Suddenly he heard slight disturbance in the bushes nearby. He brandished his bo staff and awaited the creature coming.

Moris head popped out of the bushes. The group's attention shifted when Moris revealed a stash of strange, orange-like fruits he had gathered from the bushes. The sight of these exotic fruits intrigued the weary travelers, injecting a sense of curiosity and wonder.

Moris, perhaps reveling in the mysterious allure of the fruits, distributed them among the group. The count revealed thirteen fruits in total. In a playful manner, Moris tossed one of the fruits to Ethan, teasingly noting that, aside from Ethan and Eloise, the rest hesitated to try something unfamiliar. Heidi, on the verge of cautioning Moris, was intercepted by Ethan, who willingly volunteered to taste the enigmatic fruit.

As Ethan bit into the fruit, a momentary cold sensation enveloped him, followed by a palpable surge of newfound energy. Isabelle, initially suspicious of Moris's intentions, softened her glare as she observed the positive transformation in Ethan. His shivering ceased, his breathing stabilized, and an unmistakable vitality emanated from him.

Emboldened by Ethan's experience, Leo decided to try one of the fruits for himself. The shared revitalizing effects further piqued the group's interest. The mysterious fruits, seemingly endowed with a revitalizing power, held promise amid the wearying journey through the unknown world.

The respite allowed the group to reflect on their circumstances. Moris, despite his earlier fatigue, seemed invigorated after consuming the fruits. The dynamics within the group, marked by tensions and distrust, momentarily shifted as they collectively marveled at the transformative properties of the exotic fruits.

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