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Chapter 3: Royal visitors

Eddard, home at Winterfell and meticulously polishing Ice, receives word of Jon Arryn's demise. The news swiftly envelops Eddard in a solemn mood, partially brought on by genuine sadness but also by the knowledge that the dangerous events in life will start taking place now.

Catelyn, who brought him the message, consoled him and informed him of the impending arrival of King Robert.

Eddard, who had anticipated it, looked at his beloved Catelyn and said, "I always knew Robert would come here upon Jon Arryn's death, you know what he's going to ask, so please make the arrangements for their arrival, Cat."

Catelyn half-disappointedly looked at Eddard, "You can always say no."

Eddard simply didn't want to bother with it and ignored Catelyn's statement.

Later, when he had already returned to his solar and started pondering the situation, he figured it was time to initiate his first, albeit not-so-significant, plan. He instructed Jory, "Fetch Robb here, will you? I need to speak to him."

Luckily it didn't take long before Robb arrived, "Father, you wished to see?"

Eddard spoke, "Yes, you've probably heard that the King is heading north. He'll be arriving in Winterfell for an important matter related to Jon Arryn's passing."

"The king has been my friend for many years, akin to a brother. Your mother and I suspect the purpose of his visit is to appoint me as the new Hand of the King."

Eddard continued casually, "From then on I'll have both my role as Hand of the King and my role as Lord stark. During my absence in Winterfell, you will be responsible for managing the North. You'll represent House Stark and the honor that accompanies it."

"And before you say something, that's why I must give something to you, Robb."

Eddard paused, looked at Robb, rose up and headed towards a cabinet. He opened it and retrieved a magnificent looking sword.

"This is the Valyrian steel sword Lamentation. It belonged to House Royce until they lost it during the dragon dance. And after many years passed the Stark family found it and took possession of it, possession of the great House Stark."

Robb finally got the chance to express himself, "Father, that's an amazing sword, it looks grand."

Eddard smiled as he looked at Robb, "Not many houses possess a Valyrian sword, let alone two. Even the Lannisters lack one. A sword like this can influence the outcome of wars, not just battles."

"The Lords of Winterfell before me kept this sword under lock and key as there weren't many suitable wielders. However, I will likely be in King's Landing for an extended period before I return. So, Lamentation is a fitting companion for you here in Winterfell with mine and Ice's absence."

Eddard is still looking at Robb, who's still gazing at the sword, when he says, "You can always ask maester Luwin to send a message if you need something."

Robb, still processing the information and barely containing his excitement, accepted the sword and looked at his father.

"Father, I won't let you down. With this sword I will uphold the honor of our House."

Eddard smiled, "Off you go then. I'm not blind, I can see you're eager to show your new sword brothers. But remember, only the Lord Stark or his direct heir may wield the sword; so no going around and losing it. After all, battles are fought over swords like that."

Robb didn't have the patience to stay any longer and left quickly, enthusiastically heading to share his new acquisition with his siblings.

The following day, as the royal party approached, Eddard's nerves intensified, anticipating the fate that awaited Bran in the presence of the King's extended family, Jaime Lannister.

When the King's party arrived Eddard and his family kneeled to show their respect.

Yet, upon greeting Robert, Eddard snapped out of his apprehension, exchanging warm greetings and laughter.

And after quickly getting reacquainted with his old friend, King Robert orders Eddard around, "Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects."

Evidently like Eddard remembers, this makes Cersei Lannister angry and uncomfortable.

In the Crypt, Eddard and Robert are talking about Jon Arryn and their shared history together, reminiscing about their past. However, just as they were thinking it, Robert touched Eddard's shoulder and spoke, "Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you Hand of the King."

Eddard, though not surprised internally, outwardly showed a surprised look, kneeled and responded, "I am not worthy of the honor".

Not listening to Eddard's words, Robert immediately proposes a marriage between their Houses. "I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our Houses."

Eddard wanted to reply to Robert with his actual thoughts on Jon Arryn's suspected poison death and its relation between Robert's children's true heritage.

However, before Eddard even gets the chance to even say anything, Robert simply turns around and heads towards Lyanna Stark's grave in order to pay his respects to her.

Robert is remembering her fondly as the one person he truly fell in love with all those years ago. "In my dreams, I kill him every night."

Eddard, slightly annoyed by Robert's unrelenting anger towards Targaryens, "There are no more Targaryens, it's done, Your Grace. The Targaryens are gone. They are no more."

Later in the night, amid the Winterfell banquet, Eddard encounters Jaime Lannister, Robert's Kingsguard. Eddard is already annoyed by the man's abandonment of honor, vows, and allegiance, behaviors that persist throughout his life, and by what he perceives as a threat to the Stark family.

As a result, Eddard and Jaime engage in a verbal exchange, testing each other with words. The two harbor mutual hatred; Eddard dislikes Jaime's actions, while Jaime simply detests Eddard because of his northern heritage.

Jaime speaks out, "I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate the new title, if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field. The competition has become a bit stale."

Eddard replies, "I don't fight in tournaments. And I know what you want to ask, so I'll say it now; It's because when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do."

After the banquet ended and shortly before retiring for the night, Eddard made a final request to Maester Luwin. "Maester Luwin, withhold all incoming correspondence intended for me or my wife, regardless of its origin or urgency. I intend to personally read all the letters tomorrow morning."

Eddard didn't let his face reveal his intentions and looked at the maester when he replied, "Good night, Maester."

Maester Luwin, though still curious, also bade Eddard a good night. "Good night, Lord Stark."

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