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Chapter 6: Chapter 6

As the man forced me to walk somewhere, I was quickly thinking if there was anything I could do to find a solution to this situation.

"I sense that so far they should not have any certain proof that I was the one who murdered that Muggle, there is the possibility that a neighbor saw me running from the place, that could be a problem, but it was night and it was quite dark too and I left the place quickly"

I was analyzing what to say when they asked me about my alibi at the time of the murder.

All the information he had seemed to point towards a pretty bad end.

-Son of the Gaunt family, famous for being extremely poor.

-The Gaunt family is known for being irrational and often crazy, this is because to keep their blood pure they married cousins for generations.

-The Gaunt family is publicly known for their hatred and annoyance of Muggles.

-A few days ago my uncle and grandfather were imprisoned for attacking a Muggle and officials from the Ministry of Magic.

-My mother abandoned me and her whereabouts are unknown.

-I have no idea who my father is.

"damn, I can't find anything nice to say, this is a disaster." was what I thought as he massaged my eyebrows.

While I continued analyzing the situation to my surprise the man took me to the house of the old man who seemed to be a murderer.

"This is interesting, he may want to torment me with the corpse or the crime scene so that he will declare me guilty. "

When we arrived in front of the old man's house we stopped at the entrance of the place, the man stood on the stairs of the entrance while he looked at me and when he saw that I was trying to look inside he said.

"Don't bother looking for the body, the professionals have already fixed the scene, I must say it was something macabre to see, an old man in a pool of blood with two big holes where his eyes should be."

"You should see the rookie's face, he vomited near where you were standing when he saw it," the man said as he laughed

When he finished laughing he looked at me intently and said "Boy, tell me who your parents are and where they are, I want to see the reaction when I tell them that their son just killed a muggle and will probably have to spend his entire life locked up in a prison."

While I was listening, I looked back at the man with the blindfold and answered, "Sir, I think you should stop trying to make me look guilty just because you think it was me, since you kidnapped me and searched me, you haven't Stop making false accusations against me."

The man looked slightly shocked when he heard me and then he laughed as he said "Wow kid, what a loquacious tongue you have but that won't save you from this situation, just so you know, in this area of the city there are no magicians registered in the ministry, my group mates are flying over the area and bringing any suspicious people they find who also match the description given by the residents."

While the man was talking he never stopped focusing his attention in my direction, or that's what I believed because, with the blindfold on, it was strange and confusing to know where he was looking or how the man was looking.

"Do you want to know what the neighbors saw? They all agree that they heard a terrifying scream outside their houses when they managed to look out of their windows some claimed to see someone running in the dark, and they all agree that because of its size it looked like a child, very convenient, isn't it, boy?"

"I won't repeat it to you again, tell me who your parents are?"

"Besides. How old are you, 5?"

Without answering, I looked at the man carefully as he quickly analyzed the situation with the information he gave me,

"You seem very intelligent boy, tell me why you murdered the old muggle, that was something very stupid, also tell me where the wand you used to kill him is." The wizard kept asking

I decided to remain silent and sat next to him on the stairs.

"It doesn't seem like a good idea to tell him my origins, he almost certainly doesn't have solid evidence against me, plus how the hell did he even know I was a wizard."

"The most sensible thing seems to be to wait for his colleagues to return and see how the situation develops" was what I thought.

Then I spoke to the wizard, "Sir, I don't feel any guarantee when talking to you, therefore I prefer silence, I just have a question."

"How did you know I was a wizard?"

The man was silent for a few seconds and reluctantly responded, "Chico, I don't doubt that you are very intelligent for your age, but you are still very green for me."

"What do you think a Muggle child's reaction would be if a man touched him late at night on the street without having detected him, and the man was also dressed in a wizard's hat, with a strange robe and blindfolded?"

Upon hearing this I was stunned because I thought there was some type of magic that could track either the spells or locate at a certain distance people who had some type of magical residue in their body.

 "That's quite unfortunate, it seems that I'm still not used to this magical world, it's possible that they don't have any spells that work to trace the magic or whoever was there."

"It is possible that it is because I do not perform the spell with a wand."

Analyzing things in my mind, I observed that quite a few magicians began to arrive from heaven, they came from all directions.

I counted more than 20 magicians" Things may be getting too out of control"

It was only when a person I had seen before arrived that I couldn't help but frown.

This man spoke with several wizards, it seemed that he was interrogating them, he saw the wizard with the blindfold and me sitting and he proceeded to approach while saying "Rufus, what are you doing with little Mr. Gaunt here,"

Rufus answered with some surprise, "Bob, how do you know that this boy is a Gaunt, no matter how many times I ask him, he doesn't want to tell me who he is."

"Maybe it's because a week ago I arrested his grandfather and his uncle," Bob growled.

"How curious, it seems that criminal blood ends up being inherited, don't you think the same, young Gaunt?" Rufus said as he turned to look at me with a smile.

"You haven't told me yet, Rufus, what the boy is doing here," Bob said as he frowned.

"I found him running away while trying to take refuge in an abandoned factory Bob, he fits the description the neighbors gave."

While listening to this Bob stared at me while he kept frowning "Did you find the wand?" asked.

"Nowhere, is it possible that he threw it away or hid it," Rufus said.

Then Bob spoke to me, "I hope you remember my boy, my name is Bob Ogden, and it seems like you're in pretty serious trouble. Tell me, where is your mother?"

I watched this whole scene, I kept thinking about what to do, all the options that appeared in my mind represented my death, or at least my immobilization.

"I can only go with the flow and may destiny be benevolent to me." I resigned

I took a deep breath and answered, "Good evening Mr. Bob, I must inform you that my mother is currently unavailable, as she ran away from home to an unknown destination."

Bob was a little surprised "So your mother abandoned you ehh, she didn't expect anything less from a Gaunt"

"So far, boy, you are the only suspect and you also match the descriptions of the murderer. Do you have anything to say in your favor?"

I could only remain silent in the face of these statements.

"We'll wait for everyone to arrive before making a decision," Bob spoke out loud so that everyone could hear him.

After waiting a while, more wizards continued to arrive.

"Very well, since we are all here, the only suspect we found near the crime scene and who matches the description is this young man, we will proceed to take him to the ministry so that he can have a trial about the acts that happened tonight"

While Bob was talking to the other wizards, I analyzed the number of wizards present. "It seems that the Ministry takes the murder of Muggles very seriously, it is possible that the macabre way he died had something to do with it."

"The question I have is if they will judge me as an adult or will I have some benefits for being a minor, it is a good question" While I was thinking, I felt someone grab me by the collar of my shirt and lift me.

I saw Rufus who told me "Boy, the time has come to go to the ministry, I hope you are prepared, you will probably become famous in England and Ireland, and who knows, maybe in the whole world, I can already imagine the headlines of the prophet, you will be "probably the youngest child in the history of the Wizengamot and the one with the most terrible criminal charges."

While I was listening to this I saw Bob take something out of his shirt pocket and shout, "Are we all here?" I don't want to keep Fawley waiting any longer, who knows what nonsense he has to say, we'll use the portkey, you know the rules."

"Rufus, you take care of the boy."

I saw that all the magicians grabbed each other's robes, forming a connection. "If I let go before the trip begins, I might have time to escape, but they already identified me, so I imagine there would be no point in doing so."

If I were bigger maybe I would try it, although hey, I probably wouldn't be in this situation either.

Rufus grabbed me tightly by the neck and said "Don't think about doing anything funny kid, I have my eyes on you."

"curious statement coming from a man blindfolded and probably blind"

Almost immediately I felt like something was beginning to absorb me and I couldn't help but close my eyes. When the sensation disappeared and I opened my eyes again, I was in a completely different place.

What my eyes could see was a large hallway, just in width it would be bigger than the house of the old man who died and in length, I couldn't see the end, there were a large number of people coming in and out of many doors that were on the sides of the hallway

Many of those people looked at me out of the corner of their eyes as they walked and whispered things to each other.

This seemed strange to me and I asked Rufus, "Sir, why are these people looking at me while whispering? I don't think people here know me."

To which a wizard traveling with them responded, "Kid, the Minister of Magic was furious when he found out that someone had murdered a Muggle and in a macabre way, I bet you couldn't imagine his expression when reports indicated that a child had possibly murdered him committed the crime."

"The entire Ministry of Magic is aware of the event."

"You are a very unlucky boy because the minister has just been chosen recently."

walked for a while toward the end of the hallway, there were several doors lined up on the back wall, each one with many buttons.

hear Bob say "Rufus, take the boy to the cells while I inform the minister of what we found."

Rufus separated from the group and put me in a different door than the other wizards, it was an elevator.

"Boy, I will take you to a place where you will be locked up while the ministry decides what to do with you."

Rufus pressed a series of buttons and the elevator descended, a short wait the door opened and I saw an elderly man sitting in a chair reading a newspaper.

He took me out of the elevator and without saying a word to the man he took me to a cell, to be honest, it looked a lot like my room in the cabin.

Then he closed the barred door of the cell with a spell that I did not understand, he told the man who was sitting "Take care of the child, they will come for him soon."

The man did not answer anything while he continued reading the newspaper, he did not even take his eyes off the newspaper

I looked around the cell and could only sigh.

I approached the bed and sat down while closing my eyes to analyze the reasons why everything had gone wrong tonight.

exluthor exluthor

I will probably upload a new chapter every day, maximum every 2 days at 12 ET

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