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Chapter 23: Chapter 20: waiting for the rumble

Guy's POV:

-"Yo Milim. It's rare to see you visiting so suddenly, and you look thrilled about something."

-"Hi Guy. You could tell? I promise you'll find it worthy." Of course I could tell, it's written on her face that she wanted to explain her new hobby, and she's all fidgety. Her poker face needs practice. "I'll be fast, coz I have a mission to do afterwards, but don't be surprised if in the next weeks Clayman calls a Walpurgis."

-"Ho, the weakling thinks he can play the strong? I didn't think you'd be so bored you'd continue to play with him." I already lost interest, remembering this worthless excuse of a Demon Lord ruined it.

-"Well, it will be the last time you'll have to complain about him. My besties will get rid of him soon."

Now, this intrigues me, Milim of all people who plot against someone. And did she say 'besties'? Who in their right mind would associate themselves with this pink-haired walking catastrophe? Maybe some poor souls she uses as her new toys.

"I can't tell you the details, but they'll take his place and won't have any difficulty doing it. They're surprisingly strong, even Rain and Misery wouldn't last long against those two."

-"You're serious? Where did you find such jewels?" Now we're talking, if we get two new members who surpass Carrion, my game with Rudra will take a good turn. I ignored Rain' shocked gasps, and searched in my memories if my minions reported anything out of the norm. "I haven't heard anything about some hidden strong individuals- wait, the Jura Forest?"

-"Bingo. And if even you are oblivious to it, it means they did a good job in restraining the flow of intel. Clayman is so done." Milim wore a smug and crossed her arms before laughing. "Also, Carrion already encountered them, Ramiris and Lulu are in the confidence and approve of Rimuru and Mithra's entry in the Demon Lords ranks. So I assume it's all good."

Wow, isn't this getting too fast? Milim is a thing, but Ramiris actually involved herself in some plan? That shut-in?

And this Lulu... I suppose it's Luminous, and I won't ask about this nickname. If even that haughty Vampire gave her blessing to the newcomers, then I have nothing to argue about. It's a feat in itself.

-"About those besties of yours, care to give me more details?"

-"Hehe, I'll let you discover most of it yourself. I'll only say this: you already know Mithra as the one the humans call the Demon of Honor. As for Rimuru, he's a slime." She stopped for a while, probably to let me swallow this. Are you kidding? A slime? And that demoness, I must confess I'm intrigued about such oddity, she seems like my old friend Noir. "Also, they've been granted the position of Guardians of the forest and Veldora's blessing."

-"Did you say my brother's name?" A blue comet fell next to me. Velzard, who's usually unconcerned by our talks, included herself after hearing this news. "That's a first, I'm sure he never accorded any blessings."

-"Hi, auntie. It surprised me too, especially because they're not subordinated to him. They talk of him like they're equals."

-"Really? Then either my brother is still a fool and gave away his power to strangers," Velzard leaked enough of her aura to give me the creeps. I know how much Veldora got wrecked in name of 'education'. "Or he had reasons to trust them and acted responsibly for once. If that's the case, then he may start to grow in the right way."

Her eyes began to glow in a golden light, she's taking a peek toward the forest. Her farsightedness is the best I've ever seen, so if what she finds isn't fitting to her tastes... Well, we can only pray for those two. And I feared it was the case when she stopped, looking aimlessly at the sky before turning to me.

"Guy, this time I'll come with you to the next Walpurgis. I must see those two with my own eyes, especially this Rimuru."

-"Hey, auntie. If you think about testing them or anything, you'll have to pass me first. I know what you're capable of." Milim's tone became cold. That kid clenched her hands, and her aura showed her hostility. She must be fond of her besties, but I prefer to avoid any serious battle here, it would be a headache.

-"Ha, don't worry Milim, I have nothing against them. Actually, this slime's appearance might be the best news in eons. I simply want to confirm what I saw." Velzard spoke so quietly it was hard to understand the second half, but that's good enough for me. What secret might you hide, Rimuru?

-"...If you say so. It's time for me to leave, I have a Clayman to fool. I don't know if he has something planned, but I'll improvise somehow. See ya." Milim said goodbye before flying through the door as usual. Can't she learn to teleport instead of breaking it every damn time?

Nevermind, I'm getting thrilled. We'll have some action and that buffoon's days are limited. Velzard's intention to take part makes it a one-of-the-kind occurrence. And somehow those newcomers gained the support of two Ancient Demon Lords, plus the vampire. All of this calls for a grand celebration, as I'm closer than ever to win the game.

-"Oh yeah, Guy. You should make sure that the lazybones come without fault. And the girls too, it might interest them."

-"That's a peculiar request but why not. They don't have anything better to do anyways."

I'm surprised to hear Velzard talking about those three, usually she barely acknowledges they exist. It must be related to what she saw, but I'm sure she won't tell a soul until the fateful day... Hmmm, somehow this is getting too weird. Why do I feel I'll get headaches about it?

Third POV, earlier the same day.

-"So, you're leaving? Be careful to not get caught, and show restraint if you need to act." Rimuru gives his last advice to Milim before she take-off to Clayman's domain. She may be smart, but her carefree personality and her difficulties to create convincing lies could make her mess up.

-"You're worrying too much, I would never have taken a role if I couldn't do it properly. Well, take care until Walpurgis, and try to make it unforgettable." Milim left Tempest in a Milim-like show, and the following days would seem too quiet for everyone. Her cheerfulness became a full part of the city's ambiance.

-'I'll miss her, but why is she going northwards?'

On top of Milim's departure, Ramiris prepared herself to hide in the Labyrinth, and Luminous said she won't be visiting until the plan ended. Mithra also took her leave, and won't come out in public for a while. All Tempestians were ordered to not mention her existence until Rimuru said otherwise.

All of this started when Rimuru got a message from Myulan the day before. The double agent warned him that she received a command: to enter the Monster's country and wait for her final orders. By a twist of fate she's tagging along Youm's party.

It took a while for Clayman to get enough clues on what's going on inside the forest, as he needed Yuuki's help in gathering information. It wasn't until Fuze reported to the headquarters they knew about Tempest. Obviously, the leaked intel was selected and manipulated, enough to not raise suspicions.

Yuuki might be gifted with a great intellect for his age, but he can't control everything. His human limitations and an opponent more experienced won't give him a chance to smell the trap. And he had his own problems with a restless Clayman, a Hero working in the shadows and a certain 'merchant' of the East.

For now, let's see a few reactions of several factions who're waiting for troubles to happen, be they aware or not.


El Dorado, Leon's POV:

This is getting out of hand, I hope it will get better fast. I don't know why, but for a few weeks, Jaune has been attacking us with greater firepower than ever. It's nothing against the barrier I created, thanks to [Metatron], but I can see my citizens are getting nervous.

To make it worse, Guy just called me. I thought I had to find an excuse to refuse his stupid flirt, but it was simply about an upcoming Walpurgis, thank god... Or not, since he warned me to be careful as the Frost Dragon will accompany him this time. If she's on the move, it could spell disaster for someone, and I'll make sure it won't be me.

And still no signs of Chloe... Did I miss something? Are you even alive somewhere? No, I can't lose hope, I have to continue, no matter what.

Ruberios, Inner Sanctum. Lulu- Luminous' POV:

Here we are, how long has it been since I last gathered my close followers for a reunion? And it's already tiring me, whereas it hasn't started yet. I'm getting too used to Tempest's peaceful atmosphere, far from my overzealous subjects.

Gunther, Roy and Louis are present, we're waiting for Hinata. No need to go fetch Chloe, she's protecting Shizu. I can't wait for this plan to succeed, so I can make them visit Tempest with me... and do some bonding in the baths. Hehe, what a marvelous idea Rimuru got by creating it.

-"You're drooling again, Luminous." Hinata arrived and frowned at me. Shit, she must remember what happened because of the gorilla. "*Sigh* I assume it's time."

-"Hm-hm. It is indeed, so be careful, as we will probably take care of a few leeches at the same time." I diverted her attention to another topic, and took my glass of wine.

We've decided to dispose of the Seven Luminaries while Falmuth tries to invade the forest. According to Chloe, these idiots will only create problems. So, is there better timing than to use the massacre of an army and that lizard's revival?

I still can't believe it, Veldora being concealed in Rimuru's Skill. They had a hard time calming me, and I swear I'll make him pay when he'll get out. Yet, I find it difficult for Rimuru to undo the seal so soon. Chloe surely knows what will happen, but she didn't say a thing about it.

-"Oh, while I'm at it. Yuuki tried to get me to do his dirty job. He created a lie, stating that Shizu got hypnotized by Rimuru or something. So to fool him, I'll have to simulate my participation in the invasion." Hinata confirmed that brat's implication, we were right to put her in the confidence.

-"Good for us. Now we have to wait." I took a sip and laid down on the couch. "Before your departure, I assume you've thought of an explanation for the Ten Saints?"

-"Don't worry, they won't argue. They know what awaits them if they try anyways." Oh, that disdainful gaze. It makes me wet when I see it. "It's regrettable we'll lose a few knights and priests in that mess, but I know it's bound to happen."

-"Roy, once it's finished I'll take back my seat for Walpurgis. Now I know the younglings won't cause an uproar if I reveal myself. Carrion is a meathead, but he got honor. As for Frey, she won't care and she knows her place."

-"As you wish, my Lady. I'll give my all to persevere in my role as the nemesis of the church." He bent, followed by Louis. I appreciate their deference but if they could take it easy once in a while.

Now, let's wait for the spectacle to begin. Entertain us as much as possible, you two, and mark the world for ages.

Jistav, Clayman's castle, third POV

-"Can you stop perambulating, it's makin' my head spin." Laplace mocks Clayman who can't stay put.

-"If you have a way to lure Milim here so we can put her under our control, I will." The dandy starts to eat his nails, worrying over the biggest issue his plans have. "Since we couldn't find Charybdis, I have nothing to bribe Frey with. And I have to risk it myself, if she stops hiding in that forsaken forest."

He kicked a chair which went crashing in a window, making Laplace sigh over his unusual behavior. Clayman may act like a fool sometimes, but it worsened a few years ago. It went unnoticed at first, but it gradually became apparent. Clayman himself hasn't remarked, but everyone else could. Maybe he's trying too hard to please his dear President Kazaream.

-"Hi Clayman, it's been a while. Wassup?" Milim entered by the already broken window, for the first time she isn't at the origin of any damage here.

-"Wat, Milim?" He stayed immobile like an idiot. She came so suddenly he wasn't mentally ready to act.

Thankfully for him, Laplace got enough guts to jump at Milim on the spot and make her wear the Orb of Domination. The girl understood what it's supposed to do and knew it's her time to shine. She simulated mental control, while Clayman couldn't hold a hysterical laugh.

-"It works, it works! We needed to be patient, fate is on our side."

-"Glad for ya, but don't go overboard. She remains an Ancient Demon Lord, so don't push the Orb beyond its limits." Laplace sat on a sofa, wiping a sweatdrop. He won't show it but he freaked out at Milim' sudden arrival. "Oh? That girl is wearing actual clothes."

-"Hmm? It's true, what a miracle." Clayman forgot to act like a villain from the surprise, and ogled at her dress. "Well, she's cute in it. I was embarrassed to see her running around with so little, she doesn't have enough curves for that kind of outfit."

Milim almost blew her act when she heard that. How dare he make fun of her balanced body? At least she doesn't have excess fat like One-horn's milkers. She remembered to keep quiet and not screw up.

-"Hey, don't mock a girl's body. I know you prefer them like Eva but still, petite girls are popular too." Laplace, who's actually more of a gentleman than his friend, gained Milim's respect. Here's a guy who won't risk being her target. "Also, about making again Alvaro one of your fingers-"

-"Okay, I'll do it. I don't like it, but he proved to be quite competent... And it's not like I've found someone else anyways."

Alvaro was the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Fingers long ago, a Dark Elf who worked under Kazaream. When Clayman became Demon Lord, he always avoided giving missions to him and the other elves. He stubbornly wanted to grow his own forces without relying on the previously established ones.

One day, the current commander Yamza lied to Clayman by saying Alvaro thought poorly of the Demon Lord. He was kicked out of the castle, and it's only because no replacement could be found that Clayman called him back.

It doesn't matter now, for his incoming glorious days, Clayman needed to reconstitute his top ranks. He can't leave a vacant place as it wouldn't be a good sight. After all he's the wealthiest and the dandy Demon Lord, all must show his prestige.

Hell, some ruins near Jaune's castle. Mithra's POV

It may be one of the last times we'll be here, as our bodies are almost complete. For the occasion, those four were preparing themselves and gave a few orders to their close subordinates. I discussed their future jobs with Rimuru once, and it's set in stone as he gave me full authority to choose. After all, I know them the best, and he has nothing to argue about their positions.

Blanc, diligent as always, planned how to deal with diplomacy. No one would be better as our Minister of Foreign Affairs... Once we've evolved into Demon Lords, I'll have to ask a favor to Rimuru. She deserves it.

Noir is doing whatever he's best at: simping and grossing the hell out of me. I didn't have a specific job in mind, and Rimuru, this idiot, wanted to use him as a secretary. 'It's best if I can keep him under my watch, so he won't bother anyone' he said. Well, it's his choice if he wants a stalker by his side.

Violet locked herself in her room, preparing as much poison as she could. She's unaware of what they'll be used for, but she jumped everywhere when I told her Rimuru was overjoyed by her work. The only position she can realistically take is the Head of the Police and Warden-in-chief. At least her reputation will scare all troublemakers.

And as for Jaune- oh shit!

*Big ass explosion*

-"Hey you fucker, what are you doing? Were you trying your hands at Soul magic?" I looked at the blondie after I evaded an uncontrolled spell. I lashed out on her as she didn't know how dangerous it was yet. "It's okay if you're curious but wait until we're in the material world. Rimuru will train you, you're too hot headed to be left unattended."

-"Ow-ow, stop hitting me, I get it." She's massaging her head where a bump appeared. "Wait, you really avoided that instead of countering it as usual?"

-"Let's say I had a bad time once. I'll never underestimate its potency again, one needs specific countermeasures against this school of magic. It's not called 'forbidden' for nothing."

What was I saying? Yes, Jaune...

This girl is surprising. Of the four, she progressed the most, so much in fact it's spectacular. They have never faced each other in an actual battle since I reincarnated, but I'm sure she could give Blanc a hard time. Even beat her, let's be honest. She got enough talent -and guts- to try learning this kind of spell after seeing it once. And when I see the damage it did to the area, she's on the right track.

She'll be the Commander of our Special Forces, directly under our orders. Well, Rimuru's orders mostly. If there's a thing I can't do is make those idiots constantly listen to me without giving them a good beating. Maybe it's because my species forbids any power-relationships with other Demons. This is complicated, I'm not good with this kind of thing.

This Special Force will include those four' subordinates, and work outside of the regular army's jurisdiction led by Benimaru. It will literally be our trump card for the most brutal battles.

At first, the other demons weren't pleased to hear they wouldn't work under their respective boss. But they had to shut-up when Blanc, Violet and Noir gave their approval.

Now, I'm supervising her, as she asked me to train her a last time before the summon. The swordsman is also waiting back in the castle for a lesson, and the sistah decided to prepare a girl's night. What a lively bunch. Their dynamic is so different from the other lineages, you couldn't say they're Demons at first glance.

Siltrosso, Rosso's castle. Third POV

-"This is absurd, I can't find a way to enter the Inner Sanctum again. Why did that Demon Lord decide to block me and the other Luminaries on a whim?" Granbell Rosso, Hero of Light, awoke after letting go of the homunculus who serve as his other identity.

He's puzzled as Luminous didn't pay attention to their doings for a long time, and he fears they may have abused this too much. Whenever a promising individual showed itself in the Church, the Luminaries always disposed of it. They did it in case he threatened to take their places.

For his colleagues, it's to ensure they keep a chance to be bestowed the power of Love from their Goddess, staying young as much as possible. For him, he needed to keep an easy entry to the Sanctum. To keep an eye on his nemesis, and on the Ark, where lies the body of the 'calamity' Chronoa.

But this time, the target is Hinata. The others fear her influence as the Goddess' right-hand, and she despises them. Unfortunately she's Luminous' favorite, and if by chance she noticed their conjuring...

-"I don't like it. It's likely to be a wide-scale plot against you, including outside forces." He turns toward his granddaughter, Mariabell Rosso, who's panicking at this turn of event. "I have far too much experience in this domain to not see it coming."

She may be a child in this world, but she's reincarnated. Previously, she was known as a powerful european queen, rumors stated she could hold the whole world in her hand. Scheming, complotting, her knowledge on these matters is extensive. Here, she's using the same principles to bolster the power of the Rosso family, and is helped by her Skill, [Greed]. At least, that's what should've happened...

When learning about this world's history, she found the actions of a certain Demon revered in the Western Nations too conspicuous. Those who became 'blessed' by her were tougher to convince than others, Granbell learned it the hard way. Even [Greed] takes more time to be effective, and its power sometimes wears off if she doesn't renew it enough.

It's a possibility she's working with Luminous as an observer, or an outsider ally. But with what objective? Outside of the 'blessing', her actions barely make sense. Being in the fog is dangerous, Mariabell knows it, and that's not all.

Once, Grandbell foresaw his granddaughter's overconfidence in her capabilities. He took the time in explaining to her the true power of an Awakened compared to a mere Seed. He was right to do so, the girl overestimated her Skill's power, so much it would have caused her demise one day.

His project slowly took a less than favorable turn, and it will get worse if Mariabell's prediction realized itself. If worst comes to worst, she'll have better chances to survive now she understands her place in the scale of power.

-"Tch, I may have to prepare a backup plan. If it gets too perilous to force our way in the Sanctum, we'll need superior firepower. Depending on the extent of Valentine's preparations, Razul won't be enough to gain time."

-"...There's maybe a solution, but I'm sure you won't approve of it." Mariabell walked to a map displayed on a wall, and showed a location, East to Dwargon. "From what I can tell, even strong humans like that Yuuki won't be enough. So, what if we unleash a true legend?"

-"..." Granbell' face showed concern, he's aware of the true scope of her suggestion. "Only if we can move it without breaking its seal. That vampire won't be able to survive against it, but even if we manage to bring back Chronoa I don't know if she'll be able to defeat it afterwards. So, we'll keep it as a desperate trump card."

-"Don't worry grandfather. You're wise, you'll find an answer."

-"Yes... I must. For the Rosso, and for humanity."

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