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Chapter 19: The Reunion

Chapter 19


William had his arms folded as he stared at the Russo's. He knew it was only a matter of time before they made their arrival. Even if they weren't on speaking terms Harper is her best friend.

Justin narrowed his eyes.

Tears welled up in Alex's eyes. Slowly she approached her boyfriend with a look akin to relief. William unfolded his arms and stopped leaning on the wall. He opened his mouth to speak, but somehow words failed him. His eyes widened as her arms wrapped around him, her body pressed against his. 

"William." Alex said his name, sobbing while tears streamed down her face. He returned the embrace unhesitantly. 

"I'm sorry. I know you must have been worried about me but…if I don't do something about Dahak, forget about New York, the rest of the world could be in trouble." William said.

After a minute or two he pulled away from Alex causing her to frown. "This isn't the time or place for tears."

William cupped her face before wiping her tears away. To anyone other than Alex one would think he didn't care about her, but Alex knew better. If he didn't care he wouldn't have risked his life to protect the city.

"William. Let me ask you a question."

The teen turned towards his girlfriend's brother, his eyes locked on his. 

"What have you been doing while Dahak has been making New York his own personal battleground? Did your encounter with him really scare you that much? Can't you see that your disappearance has affected Alex?"

"Scared of Dahak? Not quite." He said. "As for my dissapearance I had every intention on staying out of the enemy's radar until I was ready."

Justin could feel his anger building up. "Until you were ready? What's that supposed to mean?"

William didn't speak for several seconds. "I had to train, still do. I lost to him once already in case you've forgotten." He sighed. "I'm not ready, but I don't really have a choice in the matter."

He glanced at his girlfriend and locked eyes with her. "I…love you, Alex. I'm sorry that I didn't approach you sooner, but as I'm sure you know my presence would only spell danger to you and your family."

Alex widened her eyes at his revelation.

"William…I love-I love you too."

William gave her a small smile. "There's a lot we need to discuss, and unfortunately none of it is good." He said with a frown on his face.


"I want you to find William. When you do, find a way to kill him. Permanently this time."

Talia looked at Dahak as if he had grown a second head. "You had to use your purple lightning to defeat him the first time, what makes you think I'd be a match for him? I faced him before and he's quite powerful." 

Dahak chuckled. "Like you said before, William isn't a killer and that's why you'll win. He's the kind of guy that prioritizes the lives of others before himself. Most of the time he'll hold back so that nobody gets hurt."

Talia looked at her leader with a surprised expression on her face. "Even against you?"

"If he were less worried about his surroundings maybe he'd stand more of a chance against me." Dahak said

With a grin plastered on his face. "You'll be fine, just make sure to kill him this time."

"Yes, lord Dahak."

The tyrant's grin never vanished from his face. "Bring me his head, otherwise don't bother coming back."

"Yes sir."


"Your lives are in danger." William looked at the Russo's with a serious expression on his face. 

Most of them seemed to know what he meant by that statement, but they figured he had something else to say. Given what he said next, they were right.

"The enemy is going after everyone involved with me." William told them. "That includes all of you as well as Harper and her family."

Everyone besides William widened their eyes.

"You really think they'd go that far?"

William stared at Justin as if he had grown a second head. 

"The enemy attacked Harper with the intent to kill. If I didn't arrive when I did, she would be dead right now."

Alex glanced at him. "I'm glad you were there. Thank you for protecting her."

"It was the right thing to do. One way or another I'm going to put a stop to their evil deeds."

Alex's mind flashed back to a time when he was nothing but a jerk. He used to not care about much of anything, now he wanted to protect New York. He has even risked his life to do so, and he was still fighting. 

"How can I help?"

William was about to respond before he was interrupted by Justin. 

"What about your family?"

William frowned. He refused to call those people his family, but it was undeniable they would die if he just let them be. 

"I have that covered." William spoke. "I also have it on good authority that Harper's parents are on their way to the hospital. Back to your earlier question, Alex it would help if you could use a spell to locate Dahak."

Alex widened her eyes. "You're going after him? Now?" 

William noticed the fear she had in her eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking. He almost died fighting Dahak after all. 

"I have no intention of dying." William said as he walked towards her and wrapped the wizard in a hug. "I can't promise you that I won't die, but whether I'm here with you or not, I'll always love you." 

William kissed her cheek softly causing her face to turn red. Her family was still in the room after all. Slowly, he pulled away from her, smiling at Alex for several seconds.

Alex gave him a hesitant smile. "I'm with you, William. All the way to the end."

"What will finding Dahak accomplish?" Justin inquired. Even if his intentions were pure, William had almost died fighting against Dahak. "Won't the result just be the same?"

William glanced at him. "Maybe. Maybe not, but at least I'd be facing him on my own terms and besides…."

Everyone turned to him with curious looks on their faces. "If i can get him in an isolated place I might be able to go all out."

Everyone widened their eyes. Alex more so than anyone else, she was there when he and Dahak fought. She knew how tough of an opponent Dahak was and how hard Wiliam had fought.

"You were fighting someone like Dahak and you didn't even go all out?" Justin questioned the elemental.

"In order for me to go all out I have to make sure nobody is in the area. The risk of harming innocent people is high. Simply finding him won't be enough. We need to be in an isolated area, so I can use my power without worrying about people getting hurt."

Everyone looked at the teen with surprise. Was it possible? Could William really free NYC of Dahak's tyranny?

"William…do you think you can win if you go all out?"

He locked eyes with his girlfriend. "That, I'm unsure of, but me going all out against him is our only advantage."


"I know that you're worried for my safety, but too much is at stake. If my death means I can stop Dahak I'll gladly give my life."

Once again everyone widened their eyes.


"Do you really believe he'll turn, sir?"

Dahak had an amused look on his face. "I have no doubt about that." He said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. "For all the resources and power I possess, even I can't cure cancer."

He said that last part with a chuckle. "He's willing to follow orders so he can protect his little sister. What he doesn't know won't kill him, his sister on the other hand, well…"

Dahak bursted out into laughter until the elemental in front of him spoke again.

"Um, sir?"

Dahak raised a brow at the look on his subordinate's face.

"B-Behind you."

Dahak turned around on the balls of his feet, he narrowed his eyes before a grin stretched across his face.

Adrian was in front of him with a glare plastered on his face. The man had a look of pure hatred.

"H-How could you. Damn you, bastard!"

Dahak's laughter came back in full force.

This only caused Adrian's anger to skyrocket. Clenching his fists he activated the power he was blessed with since birth.

To be continued

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