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Chapter 12: Chapter 11 : Tragedy

The group of men rode to the Braithwaites plantation mansion in the dead of night. They left the horses and Dutch asked the others to follow him to go confront the Braithwaites men and guards directly at the mansion. Harper saw the large balcony at the front of the mansion and wondered if Dutch had a brain.

 Harper: Without me, I'll take care of them on my own.

 Arthur: Harper, we have to-(interrupted)

 Harper: I don't know what he did to you that you could follow him with such blind trust, but look around. We're on their territory, we're here to get the little one back and it's going to be a big deal either because they'll be smart enough to put an end to it once and for all, or because we'll want to take the child back. We are outnumbered and if a shootout is triggered then the losses will be mainly on our side.

 Javier: Dutch, he's right...

 Dutch: Trust me, I'm asking trust me...

 "You can do as he says and follow him but I do things my way..." Harper said walking to the sides under the shadows of the night followed by Charles who agreed with him but the others followed Dutch.

They went to confront the Braithwaites first in discussion but Harper for his part with Charles had already started to stealthily slaughter several guards.

 They looked inside where they saw two black maids, Harper looked at them with a smile.

"Let us in..." one of them heard Harper's voice in her head and her eyes turned black before heading towards the door, opening it and inviting them in under the incomprehension of Charles and the other servant.

 Harper: Ladies, I'm going to advise you to leave here now. All the occupants of this house will perish so go away, I recommend New Orleans as your destination.

 Panicked, they shook their heads before leaving in panic, they moved in silence while eliminating the few men downstairs as most of the men were outside facing Dutch and the others.

The shooting began outside and Harper asked Charles to continue downstairs to cover the others and attack the Braithwaites men from the rear.

 Upstairs several men were dead and on the floor while in one of the rooms Harper was biting one of the Braithwaites sons in the neck, he was feeding so violently that he tore the head off of his last victim.

He knew what had happened to Jack from the memories of the men he had fed on and the child had been delivered to Angelo Bronte, a rich Italian.

 "Thank you sir..." He said standing up with satisfaction before wiping his mouth with a tissue, he looked at the few Braithwaite men on the balcony before drawing his volcano pistol to open the door and fire a bullet into the head of each of them.

He looked at the gang members taking cover down below with Javier leaning on Arthur, he seemed to have been hit by the Braithwaites men attacking from behind just like Dutch in the back as well as John, Sean was dead.

Micah ran away thinking the others were going to die there after seeing Sean get killed near him and he wasn't the type to die for a kid (we're not in the game).

 "HURRY UP IN, YOU FOOLS…" Harper shouted to the others before reloading his gun to shoot the attackers downstairs as Dutch and the others ran back in, luckily Charles had already killed the guards at the front .

They returned as Harper from the balcony began to kill the attackers with the help of Arthur and Charles through the windows. He killed so many and with such speed that the few remaining men fled, death was no joke and apparently one of the enemies was a real trigger monster.

 Harper wasted no time and opened the door of the room he had spared until then, he had heard the voice of a woman and two men earlier.

He opened the door to find Catherine Braithwaites and two of her sons, he quickly shot them in the head as their mother looked on in disbelief.

 The woman hadn't even started speaking yet when Harper moved with superhuman speed to hold her head and look into her eyes to use compulsion.

 "Madam, you'll gather all the money and jewelry you own in a bag to kindly give it to me…" He said with a smile before leaving the woman who opened a chest to get out of there more than 13,000 $ in bills and some jewelry which she put in a bag before giving it to him and he went down with her to find the others downstairs with Charles who was bandaging the others' wounds.

 Harper: I questioned her men before killing them and herself, the child is no longer there but two of her sons were sent to deliver him to a certain Angelo Bronte in New Orleans. Where is Micah?

 Arthur: That coward ran away and left us in the crossfire.

 Harper: He thought about his survival over such a stupid plan (looks at Dutch).

 Javier: (moans in pain) what's in this bag, amigo?

 Harper: Money raised for personal gain. In short, she's no longer of any use to us...


 He shot Catherine in the back of the head as the others looked on in disbelief.

 Harper: Why those looks? We killed her sons and her men, she's a woman but a woman who kidnaps and sells children. I would happily do it again dozens of times. Well, stay here if you want but I'm leaving, this little party has made too much noise and people will come to see who is responsible.

 Dutch: We're all leaving together . Arthur, I'm counting on you to burn all this.

 Arthur did what was necessary to start a fire and they left the scene to return to the camp where they found an even more bizarre atmosphere there were corpses on the ground, certainly those of people who attacked in their absence.

Sadie and the others fought back but there were casualties. Uncle, Mary-Beth, Kieran, Molly and Abigail were killed during the attack, a bullet is a bullet and these were not scripted deaths from the game.

Dutch had exposed the members of his group and it was one time too many. 

 The attackers were bounty hunters and some men from the town of Rhodes who wanted to put an end to these outlaws after the carnage they wreaked in town.

Stray bullets had injured many people and they wanted revenge.

 "NO! NOOOOO ! » John ran towards Abigail's body near the other corpses of the gang. He cried painfully for Abigail under the helpless and sad looks of others when Harper saw Tilly far away and crying near the lake on her knees.

 "I tried to help them, I used magic to explode the powder in the barrels of their weapons but they took us by surprise and had already fired several times. Abigail...Mary-Beth...everyone else...(crying)" she cried profusely and he put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

 Harper: Nothing is your fault, what happened happened. It may be sad, but these are the consequences of a series of many very bad decisions.


 At the camp, tempers were in turmoil as Jon wept over his wife's remains.


 Dutch: It's not the time's not the time...

 Hosea: Not the time ? What do our dead comrades think about this ? 

 Arthur:...Dammit Dutch...that should never have happened.


 Charles: We can't stay here anymore.

 "That's right, they know where the camp is. Let's bury our dead with dignity and get out of here, we have a child to find..." Harper said as he started packing his things.

 Arthur: I know a place where we could be quiet for a while, Lenny and I dealt with some people there and we killed a bunch of them. The house is very large and secluded in the bayou.

 Lenny: He's telling the truth, the place is very quiet and isolated. We'll be peaceful there... 

 John: Abigail needs to be buried somewhere where Jack can see her grave. (Cries) I can't leave her here.

 Dutch: We'll take them and bury them with dignity, son.

 " Are you OK ?" Harper asked Sadie who was sitting with an exhausted look and she shook her head as a few tears fell. Karen sitting next to her was in in the same state of despair. 

 Harper: We can't stay here, you should pack your things.


 "It's no longer about Dutch, it's about us. Karen, I swear things will get better..." He crouched down in front of her before stroking her cheek while she looked into his eyes.

 Harper: I have an idea but you'll have to trust me. (to Sadie) I'll help you massacre Colm and his men if you want.

 Sadie: I want these animals to pay for what they did to my Jake, the rest doesn't matter anymore. Those who attacked us too...poor did things get like this?

 Harper: Try not to think about it right now, we need to get out of here quickly and bury them respectfully.

 The whole group was active and they quickly gathered their things when Person confided that he could no longer continue like this and that he had to leave on his side, Trelawny also did the same.

Karen was tempted to do the same but Harper grabbed her hand, they looked into each other's eyes for a moment and she stayed with him.

 Arthur and Harper went ahead to take stock of their new place and killed the small gang that remained there before getting rid of the bodies so that the others wouldn't be disturbed by it.

They dug graves for their dead before burying them, Swanson spoke words for them and Harper didn't see it. He, Arthur and John were on their way to New Orleans to meet Angelo Bronte.

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