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Chapter 32: chapter 32 : Supernatural intelligence Agency

(Salem, Mass.)

 Harper had brought the Bennetts here to meet the nearest witch coven, it was the maiden coven.

This assembly of 33 witches in this town was quite special with a rather frightening ritual to choose the future guide of their congregation.

On the winter solstice every 18 years, 5 virgin girls were selected for a particularly bloody ritual involving killing 4 of the girls to merge their talent, gifts and spirit into the body of the last one to make her stronger and later become the leader of the congrégation. The ritual was similar to the one Rosalie had created and it had slightly intrigued Harper when he'd discovered it 47 years earlier . 

 It was quite a frightening ritual but the parents of the deceased were not too sad because the spirit of the deceased was assimilated, thus keeping the memories and the will of the sacrificed virgin.

It was as if their daughter was just living in another body.

 Talia, the current leader of this congregation had gone through this ritual and had been Sheila's best friend since their youth.

When Harper told her of Sheila's death, Talia was very shaken by it and became concerned for the well-being of Abby as well as her daughter.

The Bennetts were good friends of this congregation so they were very well received to spend wonderful moments of communion between brothers and sisters linked by the magic of the spirits.

 Bonnie and her mother had the best time of their lives for two days, it was this communion that showed the need to belong to a coven but unfortunately the Bennetts were a family of very powerful witches but had never formed a congregation and it was really a shame.

 It was the last day of their visit and if Bonnie and her mother were sleeping at Talia's house, Harper was sleeping in a fairly small but very chic hotel.

He was eating breakfast before getting ready to pick up the "kids" to return to Mystic Falls when his cell phone rang, contacted by an unknown number.

 "You have the wrong number…" He said amusedly and was about to hang up when the voice on the other end of the line stopped him.

 ???? : [We have the two Bennett witches that you brought here, Harper Freed or should I say... Harper Franklin...]

 Harper: You know who I am but you still have fun kidnapping my protégés? I don't know who you are but I salute your audacity...sincerely. Now release them and kindly tell me it was a joke, we'll laugh together...

 ???? : [Don't try to play big boss with us you old fool, we'll kill them without any restraint if you think we're kidding. Meet us at the old warehouse outside of town in exactly two hours.]

 "I don't like threats miss, you'll know how much I hate that..." Harper said in a cold tone before finishing his breakfast as if nothing had happened, he hadn't had a premonition about that but he didn't really mind...

 In the agreed time, Harper arrived at the meeting point with an elegant and noble outfit under a coat, black leather gloves on his hands as well as his cane-sword.

He waited for some time at that place when suddenly several armed men in full black military gear arrived there, there were also other men and women in black clothes and it was a woman in her twenties who came there. approached him with a condescending look.

 Woman: Harper Franklin, I am Lieutenant Edna McBride of the H faction of the Supernatural Intelligence Agency.

 Harper: The government...

 Edna: Exactly, the government. I am a witch and the junior officer in charge of arresting you.

 Harper: Oh you're the one who threatened me on the phone. Where are the girls ?

 Edna: You're not the one asking the questions here, you old bast-(interrupted)

 She couldn't finish her sentence when with a single slap, Harper ripped her head off while moving at a purely unthinkable speed in front of everyone else completely paralyzed by what had just happened.

"I will let anyone who tells me where the two women you kidnapped go away alive. He said as dark veins appeared on his lower eyelids with his eyes now red but the soldiers completely came out of their lethargy and threw smoke grenades into the room while wearing their gas masks.

 The others in strange black clothing began to quickly recite incantations while Harper stood still sniffing the smoke from the bombs.

"Vervain? Interesting…" He said with much amusement before rushing towards the witches who were trying to inflict a pain spell on him but it only gave him a slight headache as he absorbed the magic aimed at him.

 The gunmen started firing bursts of wooden bullets at him but he was much too fast for them and couldn't aim correctly.

Harper moved at a speed impossible for the human eye to perceive and one by one, he took the 9 witches with him to drink their blood and kill them in a corner of the warehouse.

The armed men began to seriously panic, their weapons were of no use against a target they couldn't even see and who killed the witches who came with them.

 "The target is much stronger than expected, nothing works on this demon. Bravo, the mission is compromised...we are withdrawing." The leader of the gunmen ordered but as they tried to exit, all exits were sealed with a restraining spell.

Panic immediately turned to terror because according to their information, Harper was a vampire under 200 years old who could use magic, vervain smoke bombs and witches would have been more than enough to neutralize him but nothing all this had not been effective without mentioning his speed which had Nothing to do with such a young vampire .

 "I had already forgotten the delicious taste of a witch's blood, thank you sincerely for the meal guys. Only, as I told you at the beginning, there will only be one survivor among you and that's the one who will tell me where the Bennett witches are..." Harper said walking upside down on the ceiling as if gravity was reversed while wiping with a cloth handkerchief with blood on his mouth.

 Chief: Harper, I am Captain Derrick O'Brian and if you kill us then you'll have the government on your back, you've already massacred several agents and the men with me are men with families who are just doing their job.

 Harper: You're the one who threatened me and kidnapped two innocent women, you did that knowing you had families. The people who do your job know what they're getting into, right?

 Derrick: We're just following Lieutenant McBride's orders...

 Harper: Where are the Bennetts, Captain O'Brian ?

 Derrick: They are with senior officer Talia Hamilton...they have not been kidnapped or sequestered and know nothing about the situation.

 Harper: Talia? She works for the gouvernement ?

 Derrick: Yes, but the target of all this was you and no one else. Our mission was to capture you to take you to the agency, study you and decide whether to join our ranks or eliminate you.

 "Rahahaha…no it's too much (laughs)" Harper started laughing while listening to that. He laughed for a moment before looking at the terrified soldiers with an indifferent look.

 Harper: I should exterminate you in a very brutal way to send a clear message to the government about how to deal with me, that's what I would have done decades ago and you're lucky to having faced a more mature and wiser version of myself. Go…

 With a snap of his fingers, he deactivated the restraining spell and the soldiers thanked him before searching for the bodies of the dead witches to leave with a souvenir they will certainly not forget.

Harper watched them leave before shaking his head, these people had families but were following the orders of the very bad superior.

Edna had been disrespectful and condescending towards him because she was a witch particularly hostile to vampires without really suspecting the power of the one who was said to be the equal of the originals.

 Quickly, Harper went to Talia who was having tea with Bonnie and Abby, he went straight into the house and if the Bennetts looked at him with a smile, Talia had a very different expression.

 Harper: Looks like you enjoyed your little stay here...

 Abby: Yes, it was really amazing.

 Bonnie: Thanks, Harper. But you were supposed to be here earlier...

 "I was held by government soldiers sent by senior officer Talia Hamilton to capture me. Right, Talia?" He said nonchalantly before looking at Talia whose face had a stern expression now.

 Abby: Harper What-(interrupted)

 "When the SIA (Supernatural Intelligence Agency) recruits you, they don't tell you who are those who finance and interview you ?" Harper ignored Abby and asked Talia directly.

 Talia: (breathes) A ​​small portion of our maintenance comes from the government, but the majority of our resources and equipment come from anonymous investors.

 Harper: This is the Freed family and Novatech. 32 years ago, Elias the previous head of the family told me that they were going to get involved in financing a government agency responsible for supernatural affairs. I didn't care at all and had completely forgotten this information until today. You attack me when it's literally me who equips and feeds you…

 Talia: I-(interrupted)

 "Your coven or you, I'll leave it up to you who will pay for pissing me off today..." Harper asked nonchalantly and the girls were completely lost by what was happening but by the cold tone of Harper, no one really tried to interrupt him.

 Talia: What did you do to Edna ? I trained her myself and she was the virgin of the congregation...

 Harper: That insolent little girl died just like the witches who came with her, if you had taught her to respect her elders then she would still be alive...maybe. I'm still waiting for your response, Talia…

 Talia: You can take my life but please don't harm my coven...

 "You have my word, I won't touch the innocent but for you..." Harper said as a smile appeared on his now vampiric face, he bit his wrist and Talia knew what he was going to do then When extreme panic overcame her, she turned to run away but Harper was already in front of her and forced Talia to drink his blood in front of the Bennetts' helpless eyes.

Talia in her desperation tried to inflict a pain curse on him but without success before having her neck broken by Harper who then threw her body on the ground like it was worthless while looking at Bonnie and Abby.

 "You two, because of Sheila I love you very much but never in all your life try to betray me, it will be a disaster for you. If you have a problem with my decisions or if there is a problem in the future, let's discuss it respectfully. Did I make myself understood correctly?" He asked them looking at them calmly and they nodded their heads.

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