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Chapter 2: The Invitation

Aeryo, later known as Ryo, had recently turned fifteen, an age that marked the participation of locket users in the prestigious event known as the Locket's Game. Despite never receiving his locket key, Ryo found himself among the chosen ones. He felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that rejecting the invitation would endanger his people. He sought guidance from his mother, sharing the news that had arrived.

Ryo's mother, her face etched with concern, listened intently. "Aeryo, I understand the weight of this decision. The Locket's Game is a dangerous path, but it is one that holds the potential for great change. You must choose what feels right for you, even if the road ahead seems perilous."

Ryo nodded, his determination shining through his eyes. "I know, Mother. I cannot turn my back on this opportunity. If there is a chance to protect our people and bring them together once more, I must take it, even if it means risking my own life."

With a heavy heart, his mother bid him farewell, tears glistening in her eyes. She packed a small bag of provisions, knowing Ryo would need sustenance for the journey. As Ryo made his way towards the portal that had appeared, he clutched the bag tightly, feeling his mother's love and support in every step.

As Ryo crossed the threshold, the portal transported him to a spacious room teeming with locket users of various races. It was the Sphere Void, the enigmatic realm that served as the backdrop for the Locket's Game. Ryo peered out of the window, recognizing the floating steel planets that dotted the endless expanse.

Suddenly, a flying circular speaker emitted a resounding sound, capturing everyone's attention. It was the voice of the announcer, welcoming the junior locket users to their new reality. Ryo listened intently as the announcer explained the rules and objectives of the game. Each locket user was expected to find their own teacher, carefully selected by the administrators. However, the teachers had the right to reject any student they deemed uninteresting or unworthy.

Among the locket users, Joni, an elite locket user and former winner of the game, expressed his displeasure with the majority of the participants. "These youngsters are so dull and uninspiring," he muttered to himself, declining every invitation to become a mentor.

Joni's attention was quickly captured by a young man who seemed unconcerned with finding a teacher. Curiosity piqued, Joni approached Ryo, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "Hey there, what's your name? And what power does your locket hold?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine interest.

Ryo averted his gaze momentarily, then met Joni's eyes. "My name is Aeryo." Ryo paused for a moment. "As for the power of my locket... I never received the key. It seems I am an anomaly in this game."

A smile tugged at Joni's lips as he found himself increasingly captivated by the mysterious boy. "Well, it seems I have stumbled upon something extraordinary. I shall take you under my wing as your mentor."

Ryo couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and gratitude at Joni's offer. They began to introduce themselves, sharing their stories and experiences. Joni, finding Aeryo's name a mouthful, suggested the simpler moniker of Ryo, which Ryo readily accepted.

Joni guided Ryo to a nearby bench. "Wait here, Ryo. I need to fill out a form to confirm our mentor-student relationship," he said, disappearing into the bustling crowd.

Left alone, Ryo observed his surroundings, but his solitude was short-lived. Nearby locket users, discontent with Joni's choice, approached, their intentions less than friendly. They circled Ryo, exuding an air of superiority.

One of the bullies activated his locket, summoning his key and transforming into a hulking figure. He glared down at Ryo, his voice dripping with menace. "You think you can just waltz in here without a power? Pathetic."

Ryo remained silent, his eyes focusing on the ground as the bully continued his taunting. The tension reached its breaking point when the bully shoved Ryo, causing him to drop the bag of provisions his mother had packed.

Anger surged through Ryo's veins, his resolve hardening. With a swift movement, he grabbed the bully's face and hurled him to the ground with such force that the floor cracked beneath them. Shock rippled through the surrounding crowd.

Joni returned just in time to witness the confrontation, his expression a mix of concern and excitement. "Ryo! Are you alright?" he called out, striding toward them.

Ryo's gaze met Joni's with a flicker of fierce determination. "I'm fine, Joni. Just... protecting what's important."

Joni couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at Ryo's display of raw strength. "Impressive, Ryo. That was pure physical prowess, without even activating your locket. You're even more intriguing than I thought."

As Joni approached, he used his time rewind power to undo the damage caused to the dropped provisions, restoring them to their original state. He then turned his attention to the bullies, his voice firm. "You should be ashamed of yourselves, ganging up on someone like this. Leave now, or face the consequences."

The bullies, realizing they had underestimated Ryo and provoked the ire of an elite like Joni, slinked away, their bravado deflated.

Joni extended a hand to Ryo, a smile playing on his lips. "Come, Ryo. Let's find a quieter place to talk. We have much to discuss."

Ryo accepted Joni's hand, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie with his mentor. Together, they walked away from the commotion, their journey into the Locket's Game now intertwined, their destinies converging in unexpected ways.

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