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Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Game and The Glitch

In the year 1980's spring, a VR game crossed Gabriel Afton's path. 

He found it on his father's desk, William Afton, and as the curious kid he was, he decided to ask his father permission to use it, but William Afton refused, and Gabriel had no idea why.

At this time Gabriel was around the age of ten. Gabriel was not giving up as he thought this game was only a fun VR game. He decided to steal it from his father's desk when he was not home.

So he waited and when it was time he proceeded with his plan to take this game.

But little does he know from the point that the game is flashed in and booted up his life will be changed forever.

As he was playing more and more he became a determined player, he was diving himself into its depths, and he was spending countless hours exploring its many possibilities and minigames.

As Gabriel dived deeper into the game, he began to notice small changes in his behavior yet worrying ones.

His once gentle and friendly demeanor turned to aggression and was manifested into outbursts of anger, and a more violent personality.

As he completed more and more within the game, he went from day by day and step by step, to a more cold and counting person as his past self slowly faded.

He was more and more aggressive and his personality changed from a calm patient person to a person with a lot of anger and lost patience.

Another suspicious action was that he started to have a Fredbear mask and he was obsessed with the Fredbear Family Dinner and the animatronic technology.

His parents started to worry about him more and more. 

Mostly his father William Afton was surprised and suspicious about Gabriel's demeanour change.

His obsession with this game was so serious that he even established a group of close friends, the Golden Crew as he called them, to work with them on mysteries like that.

The group consisted of three and his self

Alya Phyl, Jessie Robbins, Callum Mitchell, and his self Gabriel Afton

Together, they were working to find out what happened with the Beta Testers, named Vannesa Martinez, was one of the two beta testers. The other Jeremy Fitzgerald was found dead and he was cut down his face.


They were determined to uncover the truth behind the vanishing act, they embarked on a perilous journey to her abandoned residence.

On 1980's May 21, they ventured to the abandoned house where they stayed for multiple days, to be exact for three days, two days together and one day Gabriel alone by himself.

On May 24 around 2 AM Gabriel was attacked by a shadowy figure whose face was never found out, as he was doing his job and setting up different ghost-hunting tools that included a heat vision camera, a voice box, and an EMF reader.

Gabriel's bleeding body was found by his crew the next day, frozen in blood he barely was alive but someone or something was keeping him alive as if that thing wanted something from him.

When his crew found him they were rushed with him to the hospital, and there he slipped into a coma, and his mind was trapped in a nightmarish mirror world of his home for an agonizing thirteen nights, he was forced to confront his deepest fears and his inner demons.

Meanwhile, the second member of the Golden Crew and Gabriel Afton's romantic interest made a shocking discovery. She has uncovered the identity of Vannesa's father and his name was: Dr. Stefan Martinez

However, Dr. Stefan did not like to talk about his family but he told his family about the Martinez Family's tragic end. The story of a happy family that got destroyed by an entity called Glitchtrap. 

After all despite the severe injuries, Gabriel survived the coma and returned to his family.

But Gabriel was no longer the boy he was once.

He had become obsessed with that video game and he was sensing the malevolent entity lurking within the depths of the game codes.

Gabriel's return to his family was marked by an unsettling aura of unease and darkness. 

His behavior has remained erratic, terrifying nightmares plagued his nights, and that sinister entity guided his actions at least that what is seemed like.

After all the suffering that Gabriel had, decided to confront his father, William Afton, about that game. He confessed that he stole the game from his desk and he accidentally unleashed a dangerous digital entity, and its malevolent presence may slowly consume him.

William was horrified and disappointed in Gabriel after learning the truth about his son's actions. He knew the immense power and malevolence of that entity as once he was released it too.

As the growing panic and fear took hold within the Afton's household, Glitchtrap took the opportunity to exploit this situation.

He began manipulating Gabriel, and using his connection to the game to try to control his mind and will, twisting his perception of reality and trying to turn him into a pawn in Glitchtrap's relentless pursuit of power and personal vendetta.


_Gabriel_Official_ _Gabriel_Official_

Greetings to all the readers who found my book I want to mention that every chapter is always under editing and updating to make the best surrounding for the story I try to tell ya guys. Hope you guys will enjoy the story.

Best regards by Gabriel Afton.

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