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Chapter 2: Chapter 2


I don't know how long I've been locked up in the dungeon, I don't know if it's been just hours, days, weeks or months. All I want is to die. I don't want to remember, I don't want to think and above all; I don't want to feel

I have lost everything, I lost my father and the only father figure who loved me almost seven years ago. I lost my only sister, the most innocent and joyful person I've known a little over a year ago. I've lost the only brother who showed me affection and appreciation for nothing, practically the same time I've been locked up here.

But that's not the worst of it. Not only have I lost my last brother, but I have lost the woman I loved and who loved me forever. Besides that I lost them the same day.

I know that many would be surprised and would raise their voices in contempt if they knew the truth. If they only knew that while my beloved, Margaery Tyrell was publicly with my brother Tommen and privately with me.

It wasn't my brightest idea to fall in love with my brother Joffrey's fiancee, but I couldn't help it and I don't regret it either. I have never been as happy as with Margaery; like when we spent sleepless nights in my rooms, talking, reading books and making love for hours.

For her I was going to declare my right to the throne after Joffrey's death, so I could be with her and we could marry. But my mother reminded me that if I wasn't even able to protect and save my own father, how could I protect an entire kingdom.

I had to watch as the love of my life married my younger brother, while I watched from a corner and suffered in silence to see the person I loved marrying my own blood.

But that didn't mean anything within the four walls of my bedroom, Margaery kept coming every night and we showed how much we loved each other. Or at least we did, until my mother had the Sept of Baelor destroyed with Margaery and the Sparrow inside.

That was the last thing I saw, before my mother's guards entered my chambers and brought me to the dungeons. The green color of wildfire and how the Sept was exploding being my last memories of the outside.

I can't sleep, remembering that deep green and Margaery's face smiling between my sheets every time my eyes close. So to avoid remembering, I avoid sleeping and close my eyes for no less than two seconds.

I jump where I am sitting on the floor, when I hear the door close and see how it begins to open. I just mentally prepare myself for what's to come, knowing that the only three times that door has been opened it hasn't been to feed me; but rather so that my mother's soldiers beat me to know what my place is.

I swallow hard, when I see two soldiers enter the dungeon in a rush and clearly in a hurry.

XY: Get up.- one of them orders me and I can only look at them confused. -Get up.- he growls, approaching me and pulling my arm up.

XY2: We don't have much time, we only have twenty minutes until they realize the lack of soldiers at your door and that you've disappeared to get on the ship.- the second explains to me, imitating his partner, when he sees that I can't walk very well and helping me to walk.

Y/n: Where are we going? - I ask with a hoarse voice, for not having spoken in time and for the lack of water.

XY2: First you'll go to Sharp point and there they'll pick you up to go somewhere.- He answers me walking quickly and securing my arm around his shoulders.

Y/n: But who is going to come for me? - I ask completely confused and with a cloudy mind.

Probably due to the lack of food, water, light and lack of movement since I've been in the dungeon.

XY: We think that Varys, we owed him a favor and you must be important to him, because he asked us to get you out of here.- He answers me with a slight grunt.

They hurriedly walk through the underground corridors of the castle, carrying me on their shoulders and carrying me towards the small beach behind the castle. Once outside, I see that it is night and I can see a small boat on the shore of the beach.

They lift me onto the boat, quickly stripping off their uniforms and pushing the boat out into the water.

XY2: Now we'll get you on a bigger ship and you'll have to hide in a box until they tell you to leave.- He informs me and I nod seeing the castle where I've grown further and further away.

I don't know how much time has passed since they put me on the ship, they put me in a box with holes in the hold and they left me locked up here. What I can tell is that there is a big storm, by the way the ship moves and by the sound of thunder.

The only positive part of this is the bread and water that I have been given as soon as I have been put in the box. My stomach and throat greatly appreciate those two things.

Suddenly one of the walls of the box opens, causing me to fall on my back and jump out of the box suddenly. I widen my eyes in surprise, fearing that it was someone helping my mother and that I would give myself to her again.

But my eyes fill with tears, when my eyes connect with familiar blue ones and a smile full of affection. I throw myself at my uncle, hugging him with all my strength and ignoring the pain in my body as I do so.

Y/n: You're alive, mother said you were dead.- I whisper separating myself from the hug to see better. -You're older.- I comment and he laughs yes in response.

Tyrion: And you look horrible.- He says to me, pointing at me, and it's the first time I've seen my clothes.

What used to be a dark gray jacket of good linen, with a black shirt underneath and black pants; it is no longer what it was before the dungeon. Now I'm just wearing the shirt, pants and shoes.

The shirt is dirty and torn in some places, where the guards grabbed me or where they made a cut where you can still see the dried blood. While the pants are just dirty and slightly torn at the bottom.

Y/n: Where have you been? - I ask confused.

Tyrion: It's a long story and I'd rather tell you at another time.- He answers me seriously. -Now we have to get out of here and take you to Dragonstone right away.- he informs me and I try to get up, but my legs fail me and I end up falling to the ground on my knees.

Y/n: I can't.- I whisper, feeling the pain in my muscles.

Tyrion: Wait two seconds.- He says and leaves the cellar with quick steps.

Not much happens, until my uncle comes back with a soldier and he puts my arm around his shoulders. With the help of the soldier, the three of us walked out and, crossing a wooden bridge, got on the next boat.

Tyrion: Soon we will arrive at the castle, where you can take a bath and where you can clean those wounds.- Points to one of the cuts that can be seen thanks to the hole in the shirt.

Y/n: Thank you.- I whisper sitting on the chair and trying to keep my eyes open.

Tyrion: When was the last time you slept or ate? - He asks me, clearly worried.

Y/n: I don't know.- I answer honestly. -I haven't eaten or slept since the explosion in the Sept of Baelor.- I comment and I see how he opens his eyes completely surprised.

Tyrion: Y/n that was a week ago.- he whispers and I open my eyes in surprise. -I think the best thing would be to take you to one of the cabins so you can sleep a bit.- he says, getting up from his chair.

Y/n: No.- I quickly refuse. -I don't need to sleep.- I assure him with open eyes.

Tyrion: Y/n it's not true, you do need to sleep and you would agree with me if you saw yourself in a mirror.- He points to my face and I look away.

Y/n: I'm fine.- I assure her in a whisper, swallowing hard and refusing to sleep.

Tyrion: I'm your uncle, I've known you since the day you were born and I know when you lie.- He points out, approaching me and sitting back in his chair. -What's wrong? Why don't you want to sleep? - He asks me worried.

Y/n: I can't.- I admit without wanting to look at him.

Tyrion: But why can't you? - He asks me, clearly interested and worried about my state.

Y/n: Because every time I close my eyes, the only thing I see is the vibrant green color of wildfire and her face.- I answer in barely a whisper, feeling my eyes water again and my throat close.

Tyrion: Whose face? - asks without understanding anything.

Y/n: Her face.- I answer without wanting to specify.

Tyrion: I don't understand Y/n, you have to be more specific and tell me the face of who you see.- he asks me and I bite my lip to avoid crying.

Y/n: Margaery.- I whisper almost without a voice, feeling a tear slide down my cheek and fall on my hand in my lap.

Tyrion: Oh nephew.- he whispers getting up from his chair and approaching me to place his hand on mine. - Everything will pass, love and losses hurt for a while, but then that pain disappears and just becomes a ghost of memory. - He assures me, leaving a squeeze on my hand and trying to comfort me.

We sit in silence for a few moments, with me crying for the first time since Tommen and Margaery died. One week. It's been a week and I don't know it. Did they have a decent funeral?

Y/n: Why are we going to Dragonstone? - I ask, breaking the silence and wanting to talk about something else.

Tyrion: Because the next queen of the seven kingdoms awaits us, your future ally and the woman who will change the world.- He answers vaguely, but I am very tired both emotionally and physically; how to ask for more

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