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Chapter 16: (ch 16)the dream realm (i hate titles)

Rin anticipated her initial glimpse of the location where her entry into the Dream Realm would unfold, reminiscent of her experience during the inception of the First Nightmare. During that momentous occasion, time had inexplicably reversed, affording her a unique preview of the challenges awaiting her.

She experienced a sudden, unexpected free fall, followed by a very violent collision that sent her hurtling in a different trajectory. The sequence of events unfolded at such a rapid pace that she couldn't even process the excruciating pain stemming from her shattered right arm. In the blink of an eye, she was engulfed in water, her vision obscured, and she tried to let out a piercing scream of agony. But she found that salty water rushed inside, making her choke and twitch.

Her swimming efforts came to a halt due to her fractured arm. She found herself in a disorienting situation, unsure of the direction 'up' in the pitch-black surroundings. She experienced brief, sharp spasms of pain that clouded her mind, all originating from her injured arm.

She knew that she couldn't use it constantly but this was a desperate situation [Sharingan] she foced her eyes open

The world around her gradually sharpened, allowing her to discern the water's surface just a few meters above her as well as some stone mountain that broke the waters surface she saw moving blur on top.

Fortuitously, Teacher Julius had imparted valuable swimming lessons. She silently pledged to express gratitude to both the elderly instructor and Master Jet upon her return. Rin clenched her teeth to suppress the pain and anxiety, determined to maintain her composure as she initiated her ascent through the water. Her broken arm made the effort appear more like a feeble struggle to navigate through the aquatic depths.

The problem was that her failed attempt at screaming exhausted all her oxygen she was actually Losing consciousness and very quickly

Seconds kept passing and her constant pain filled swimming had left her on the verge of passing out [sharingan] was eating away at her strength too

She had to use everything in power to survive

She focused and used [Essence pathway] on her legs she felt her muscles empowered as she swam faster

She was on the verge of success, but her abilities had abandoned her entirely, leaving her utterly drained.

Fatigued and breathless, she began to tremble as an icy fear gripped her heart.

'I... I think I might not make it.'

'This... is it a sea? An ocean? Did I end up in the heart of an ocean?'

There was that solid ground above her if she could just make it

Her panicked swimming had turned her around under the water and what she saw made her stop swimming

It was a...

In the dim, murky depths of the ocean, a colossal shadow emerged from the inky abyss. It looked like a megalodon, a prehistoric leviathan, its enormous form gliding gracefully through the water. Its monstrous jaws, lined with rows of serrated teeth, opened and closed with a sinister rhythm.

Rin regained her focus and desperately kicked her way towards the surface, her heart raced with terror. The megalodon's massive, sinuous body closed in, its immense dorsal fin slicing through the water like a sinister dagger. The water around them churned as the behemoth drew nearer, each powerful stroke of its tail propelling it forward.

The rins adrenaline surged as they fought against the crushing pressure and dwindling oxygen. The megalodon's cold, unblinking eye fixated on its prey, an ancient predator locked onto its target. With every passing moment, the distance between them shrank, and rin's race for the surface became a desperate bid for survival in the face of an apex predator from a bygone era.

It opened it jaws expecting rin to just fall in...


An unseen force seized her from above and forcefully yanked her onto the platform. With a swift, instinctive motion, she rolled herself away from the precipice, her skin grazed by the jagged rocks beneath. The entire surface beneath her trembled, as if a colossal object had violently collided with it.

She showed indifference, compelling herself to inhale deeply, as though anticipating the sudden vanishing of the air.

A few moments later, the agony radiating from her fractured arm hit her like an oncoming freight train. She attempted to cry out, but Sunny, who had noticed the injury and their dire circumstances, quickly moved behind her, embraced her, and gently covered her mouth with his hand to stifle any cries.

In a soft and compassionate manner, he uttered,

"Rin...shhhh...i know it hurts but please we can't alert anything else"

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she gazed up at him, giving a silent nod.

She just watched on giving no thought to the monster that was trying to get on the platform However, before the monster had a chance to attack, a colossal tentacle suddenly broke through the water and rose into the air like some strange, black tower. Before too long, it fell down, entangling the owner of the giant maw and pulling it back under the water.

After a brief moment, tranquility returned to the obsidian sea, as if the prior events had never transpired. The apathetic waves carried on their motion beneath the starless heavens, their silence unbroken.

Her right arm throbbed with excruciating pain, causing her to let out only feeble whimpering, while Sunny clamped his hand over her mouth to stifle any sound.

She passed out seconds later


She suddenly awoke, her eyes snapping wide open as she surveyed her surroundings in the dimly lit area. She spotted Sunny nearby. Her right arm still throbbed with pain, but it was a marked improvement from what it had been before She found herself abruptly hurled onto a sprawling black mass, only to discover that it was, in fact, a solitary stone platform measuring approximately twelve meters across. Its surface appeared predominantly level, etched with intricate grooves and maintained a somewhat arid quality.

The well-defined edges of this structure gave off an impression of being crafted by human hands rather than occurring naturally.

The platform stood isolated, severed from any connections, like a minuscule islet adrift amidst an abyss of obscurity. Not a single other object broke the surface of the water within rin's extensive line of sight. In the wake of this revelation, she came to another profound understanding.

It was that she was wet, cold and she was naked.

'Well then'

Her concern for physical pain and the urgency of the survival scenario outweighed any feelings of embarrassment.

'vanity only exists when im in a situation where i wont die in the next couple of seconds ifmy immediate survival isn't hanging by a thread that vanity creeps back in."

Sunny was already enveloped in his memory, shrouded in the embrace of dark-grey attire that adorned his form. This ensemble included a set of tall, supple leather boots with soft soles. He was draped in a somber grey fabric, complemented by the matte finish of the leather.

'im jealous and cold and in pain... Not a good combination for sunless'

'Hes probably warm in that'

Sunny took a seat beside her in the center of the platform. As she glanced upward, all that met her gaze was an abyss of impenetrable darkness, devoid of any stars.

"Theres no stars"

"So we dont know where we are do we?"

"Ive never heard of this place Sunny...there are no Oceans in the nightmare are we ment to travel or swim my arm is fucked and theres giant bloody monsters in it!"

"Rin lets calm down a bit we dont want to alert anything"

"Fine i apologize"

Rin and Sunny were not quite at the point of desperation where they'd abandon their current platform and embark on a swim in search of land. Instead, they opted to exercise patience and maintain their current course, holding out hope that circumstances might evolve with the passage of time.

The frigid breeze made her shivering, soaked figure quiver uncontrollably. With her head slightly bowed in a hint of embarrassment, she inquired, her exhaustion palpable, yearning for nothing more than to recline and rest.

"Sunny. Its really cold can we lie down next to each other please"

"Sure rin"

He reclined beside her, drawing her close in a firm embrace, assuming the role of the big spoon.

She started to warm up as she felt his body heat next to hers As she sensed his warmth beside her, she began to thaw and feel more comfortable.

Both of them employed their hands as makeshift pillows. Without dwelling on their thoughts, they gazed up at the star-studded night sky, patiently awaiting whatever might transpire. The soothing ambiance was complemented by the gentle, rhythmic cadence of the undulating waves.

After some time had passed, they both closed their eyes and simply listened. The minutes blended seamlessly into hours, creating a sense of timeless immersion.

Abruptly, Rin and Sunny simultaneously discerned a subtle shift in the sea's sound, as if it were undergoing a transformation. Their eyes opened, and they observed a gradual transformation in one section of the sky, where a subtle shade of gray was emerging. Shortly thereafter, a faint glimpse of the sun began to ascend above the horizon.

In the midst of this transformation, a fresh day had dawned upon the previously starless expanse.

And in harmony with this new day, the once tranquil sea surged with newfound intensity.


The dark, impenetrable waters surged and churned abruptly, resembling a sentient being desperately evading the soft glow of the impending sunrise. With a deliberate motion, Sunny released Rin, who now remained completely dry, and together they cautiously advanced toward the brink of the stone platform.

"Is it just me or is the sea-"

"Receding... yeah it is"

Initially, the water's retreat was gradual, but it accelerated exponentially. The once-submerged circular stone platform, where she sought refuge, had only peeked above the ocean's surface before. However, it was now surrounded by extensive stretches of damp rock, with numerous meters separating him from the agitated sea's turbulent expanse.

As the sun climbed up, the monstrous ebb tide continued. Soon, the pair found themselves standing on the edge of a tall cliff, with a hundred-meter drop separating him from the churning waters. Beneath them, the rock formation broadened and changed shape. However, from there vantage point, it was hard to determine what that shape was, exactly.

During that moment, the obsidian expanse of the water began to sporadically break through with piercing crimson structures. As it descended even deeper, it was as if a crimson woodland was gradually emerging from the abyssal depths. These "trees" resembled coral formations, growing in a chaotic dance of interlocking branches, reaching towards the heavens.

These colossal structures featured irregular protrusions that intertwined and fused together, creating a monumental and unsettling sight within the surreal realm of black and red illuminated by the distant sun. The intricate maze crafted by this peculiar reef extended as far as Rin's vision could reach, occasionally interrupted by jutting cliffs, sudden crevices, and distant natural landmarks.

Thirty minutes had elapsed, and to their utter astonishment, Rin and Sunny found themselves gazing downward, only to discover that the vast sea had inexplicably vanished. The presence of black seaweed clinging to damp rocks and vivid scarlet coral formations was the sole evidence that the ocean had ever existed at all.

Their once petite, circular island had transformed into the summit of an unfamiliar, towering, and haphazardly contoured cliff. As they peered down, a dizzying sensation overcame them.

At that moment, the night had fully receded, yielding to the arrival of morning at last.

"I'm not seeing things, am I?"

"Sunny i could not tell you because im just as confused as you are"


In spite of the abrupt vanishing of the mysterious dark sea and its concealed creatures, Rin didn't feel compelled to descend from her circular stone perch hastily. Her primary sentiment was that if the sea had the capability to vanish, it could certainly return, perhaps at any given instant.

"Yeah sunny i DON'T think it would be a good idea to decend"

"Rin im not arguing with you i agree also we dont know what the hell is down there in those corals"

"Wait we're idiots...sunny use your shadow spy"

"Good idea"

They both took a seat at the center of the platform, and Sunny graciously agreed to the spectate request. Her gaze remained fixed as the shadow drew closer to the platform's edge, displaying remarkable agility as it smoothly descended.

It consistently shifted between shadows, and as Sunny's shadow started its descent, Sunny himself couldn't resist a yawn. Meanwhile, Rin observed with keen interest.

"Say, don't you think that you need a name?"

"Sunny your shadow spy doesn't need a name"

"How about... Shameless? No? What about... Shady? Also no? Hm, what about something simpler, like... What? Well, do you have suggestions then? Alright, alright! We'll shelve this conversation for later."

"get checked mentally when we get back"

By the time he was done with his short monologue, the shadow had already reached the bottom of the cliff.

*How far can it go*

*Its not limitless*


*I know... But we can still explore the surroundings*

Venturing into the labyrinth, both individuals found themselves utterly disoriented and lost. The passages weaving amidst coral pillars were capricious, sometimes wide and at other times narrow. They twisted and turned without rhyme or reason, often leading to dead ends or even backtracking to their initial point. Adding to the perplexity, certain pathways delved into the heart of the coral formations, transforming into ominous tunnels.

The labyrinth sprawled expansively, consisting of multiple intricate layers that left Rin's head throbbing after numerous futile attempts to commit the nearest routes to memory. Eventually, he dispatched his shadowy counterpart upward, compelling it to scale the crimson forest and deftly leap from one razor-sharp coral blade to another. She knew all too well that replicating such feats themselves was beyond their capabilities.

Before long, Sunny circled around the peculiar cliff, only to freeze in terror as it beheld the unsettling spectacle unfolding within its shadow.

*Sunny why are you stopping*

There, the corpse of the giant shark-like creature that had briefly pursued her the previous night was laying on the ground, the pillars of coral around it shattered and broken.

More precisely, half of it was there, with grotesque innards spilling out of the terrible wound and stretching far away into the distance. The other half was gone, as though it had never existed.

Hundreds of diminutive creatures swarmed the lifeless body, relentlessly tearing and feasting upon its remains, fragment by fragment. These beings stood at approximately two and a half meters in height, presenting an eerie amalgamation reminiscent of a demonic crab, a centaur, and a creature born from the depths of nightmares.

These creatures possessed a total of four sets of elongated, segmented legs, each culminating in scythe-like appendages. Towards the front, a humanoid torso extended from the robust chitinous exoskeleton, providing additional protection. Atop this torso, without any intervening neck, rested a head - if one could even call it that - featuring a pair of slender eye slits and a rather unsettling, slimy-mouthed visage adorned with numerous mandibles. In place of conventional hands, these monstrous beings boasted two massive pincers.

At present, they wielded their formidable pincers to rip sizable portions of meat from the meal and eagerly consume them. Occasionally, disputes would erupt over particularly succulent pieces of flesh, culminating in a gruesome spectacle where a handful of creatures were mercilessly torn asunder and promptly devoured by the triumphant ones.

*Our odds have bottomed out haven't they?*


*Are you getting hungry too*


*Wow our luck is ass*

*At least we don't have to wonder why the labyrinth feels so empty. All the inhabitants are having a party!*

*Yeah and we're an appetizer*

*Hey turn the shadow around i wanna see what we are standing on*

Sunny commanded it to look back and study the cliff they were taking shelter atop of. Something about it was making her feel uneasy.

The shadow turned around and looked up, taking in the sight of the strangely shaped cliff. It took Rin a few minutes to shift her perspective and recognize it for what it was.

*That's... a finger. That's a hand. That is... a sword?*

*We are on a-*

*It's a statue.*

the cliff's origins were undeniably the work of human hands. This colossal monument, dating back to ancient times, soared to an awe-inspiring height of no less than two hundred meters. Its sheer magnitude defied comprehension. In the vista before Rin's eyes, this grand structure took the form of a knight, adorned in ornate plate armor, bearing a breastplate embellished with seven gleaming stars. In the knight's mighty grip, a colossal sword extended, its point aimed resolutely toward the earth below.

Nonetheless, the most remarkable aspect of the scene was the conspicuous absence of the colossal stone knight's head. Indeed, the approximately circular platform upon which Rin and Sunny stood revealed itself to be the upper extremity of the knight's severed neck. The head's absence appeared not to be an intentional part of the sculpture; instead, it bore the unmistakable signs of a violent and possibly ancient separation, as if something or someone had forcibly torn it away in the distant annals of time.

*Sunny go check if the heads nearby

Sunny walked around the platform, looking down from all sides.

*Nope, nowhere i don't see it*

*What on Earth is this place?*

*Go to the Western edge sunny we need to study the monsters*

Both didn't move until the sun was about to set.

As they had anticipated, the moment the sun made contact with the horizon, an ear-splitting roar reverberated from a mysterious source beneath them. The ravenous monsters abruptly ceased their banquet and frantically dispersed, with some retreating into the sanctuary of coral pillars, while others instinctively buried themselves in the pliable earth.

A mere matter of minutes later, dark rivulets began to snake their way into the intricate maze. Their flow intensified rapidly, and before long, a cataclysmic deluge engulfed everything in its path. The ocean was inexorably reclaiming its domain with the encroaching night.

The duo gazed in utter disbelief at this incomprehensible sequence of events, their minds awash with contemplation.

After the passage of a mere hour, the circular platform was the sole object to break the surface of the dark waters once more.


They both made their way back to the heart of the platform, taking a seat and leaning in close for support. Verbal communication was far too risky in this precarious situation, so they resorted to conversing through shadow control .

*You wanna take the first watch or do you want me to do it*

*we could just leave my shadow to patrol*

*Do you really wanna risk it*

*We both need rest especially you with that arm of yours*

She lowered her gaze, a nod signifying the retrieval of her memory, a powerful weapon known as Widow's Bane.

"I'll keep it here in the center for easy access," she explained, aware of her right-handedness which currently rendered her somewhat incapacitated. With a gesture, she displayed her recovering right arm, a testament to her ongoing efforts to nurse it back to health.

individuals suffered from gnawing hunger pangs while their minds buzzed with contemplations. They positioned themselves, backs pressed against each other, with her trusty katanas within arm's reach. In a gentle gesture, Rin nudged her companion ever so slightly.

*Sunny Wake me up if anything happens*

*I will rin*

They both closed their eyes, and her head gently drooped onto his shoulder, their consciousness swiftly descending into the comforting, enveloping darkness, granting them the much-desired respite they both desperately needed.

In the depths of the night, an abrupt disturbance roused Rin from her slumber. She swiftly emerged from her sleep, her left hand instinctively seizing the katana, and to her astonishment, Genin, lent her the mysterious gift of muscle memory, enabling her to skillfully wield the sword in her non-dominant hand.


Rin exclaimed in alarm.

She had initially feared that the tentacle monster had returned or that some other terrifying entity sought to prey upon them. Nevertheless, the ocean remained serene and tranquil. No unusual sounds or disturbances reached her ears in the vicinity of the knight's statue.

*What is it?*

addressing sunny rin asked.

Sunny silently pointed her in a particular direction.

In silence, Sunny discreetly indicated a specific direction to Rin.

Rin shifted her gaze in response, squinting to discern the reason behind the urgency to awaken. It didn't take her long to realize the significance.

In the distance, several kilometers away, a faint orange glow danced amid the shroud of darkness. Its shimmering hues mirrored the ebb and flow of the nearby waves.

Though too distant to discern any specifics, Rin fixated her gaze on this enigmatic beacon. Before long, it vanished into obscurity.

*Is it a trap?*

*I have no clue*

Her thoughts were instantly besieged by haunting recollections of grotesque denizens of the abyssal depths.

They both reclined in tandem, attempting once more to find solace in sleep.

*Im gonna guess that your thirsty too*


However, as the night wore on, they remained wide awake until the break of dawn, witnessing the sun's radiant ascent, which gradually pushed the inky depths of the sea into a hasty retreat.


With the arrival of dawn, the pincer-wielding creatures emerged from their concealed retreats and hurriedly congregated around the colossal carcass, resuming their voracious banquet.

The duo observed this spectacle for a while, then proceeded to traverse to the far side of the platform, directing their gaze towards the same direction where they had glimpsed the enigmatic illumination the preceding night.

At a substantial distance from the decapitated statue, spanning a distance of five or six kilometers, the terrain gradually ascended, naturally forming a hill-like structure. Crowned upon this elevation, a particularly colossal coral pillar stretched skyward, a magnificent sight to behold.

*Those upper branches are high enough to be above the know what I'm thinking*

He sighed and looked at her during their silent conversation

*Yeah i do...and i dont like it*

*Sunny we literally will die of thirst or hunger in a couple of days we need to start exploring*

*I know... I know*

*The labyrinth will cause a problem*

*We dont even know what that light was anyway*

*Rin we dont have enough information to make rational decisions we need more information. I can use shadow control and explore that labyrinth*

The challenges they faced could be overcome should they decide to explore the depths. The duo possessed the knowledge to desalinate the seawater, a skill imparted by Teacher Julius, utilizing readily available materials abundant throughout the Dream Realm. Additionally, they could craft traps and hunt a formidable pincer monster for sustenance. Given the creature's substantial size, a single successful hunt would provide enough food to sustain them both for an extended period of time.

*I see a way to live here Rin*

*Yeah i see it too but Sunny i dont wanna be here forever"

*Sunny we need to see what that orange light was... We cant do it later the monsters are distracted with the corpse*

*Alright next morning we will go*

*You think you can climb down with your arm like that*

*Im fine ill make it*

With that, they closed their eyes one concentrated on concentrating his perception on the moving shadow. The other concentrated on spectating minor details


Under the cover of night, an unexpected tempest descended upon the vast, obsidian sea. Startled from their slumber by the shadow, the duo roused themselves just in time to brace against the onslaught of howling gales and the relentless assault of raindrops.


Hunkering down to avoid being swept over the precarious precipice of their platform, they clutched their hands together, patiently awaiting the arrival of nature's bounty. When their palms brimmed with life-giving rainwater, she lifted her cupped hands to her lips and eagerly quenched her parched throat.

Strikes of lightning illuminated everything above the churning sea.

Both of them exchanged foolishly wide grins, their faces illuminated by a shared sense of camaraderie.

The tempest raged on relentlessly for several hours, and amidst the chaos, Sunny and Rin found themselves crouched at the platform's heart, enduring its unrelenting fury. Countless times, towering waves crashed against the neck of the headless knight, menacingly threatening to sweep them away. Nevertheless, they clung tenaciously to the deep crevices in the stone surface of the platform, adhering to it as if bound by an unbreakable bond.

As the morning light heralded the storm's eventual dissipation, every muscle in their bodies ached from the ordeal.

Yet, there was no luxury of time to spare.

Upon the return of the menacing monsters to the carcass, a handful of tardy stragglers hastened to join them. Gracefully, they descended from the platform's edge, displaying impressive agility. While she couldn't match his speed, she still skillfully made her way down.

Both of them found themselves indebted to their Wilderness Survival classes once more, as the fundamentals of rock climbing had been instilled in them. Teacher Julius had been resolute in imparting a comprehensive education in various modes of movement. Furthermore, Sunny had diligently scouted the ideal descent route and committed the most advantageous handholds and crevices to memory, guided by the assistance of his shadow. Rin, too, kept a watchful eye on Sunny's shadow to ensure she followed the same path.

Before long, the soles of their feet made contact with the solid earth.

The thick, black mud proved somewhat cumbersome, impeding their progress, but it didn't prove as hindering as her initial apprehension had suggested. With a bit of adaptation and practice, they managed to maintain a satisfactory walking pace.

They directed themselves towards one of the pathways that purportedly guided them towards the distant hill. As they ventured further, they found themselves welcomed into the refreshing embrace of the scarlet maze's cool shadows.

*Sunny i hope you know where we are going*

With a shake of his head, Sunny dispatched the shadowy figure ahead to scout the path, undoubtedly seeking early warning of any lurking threats. With this precaution in mind, they pressed onward.


*I have no words...*

Their very survival hinged upon their ability to reach the distant hill before the sun dipped below the horizon.

The mere thought of what might occur if they remained trapped within the labyrinth when the inexorable tide of darkness surged back was too harrowing for her to contemplate.

*I dont see anything sunny go high to scout any better directions of different paths... I dont want to back track any more or hit a dead end*

The shadow glided effortlessly in front of them, encountering no obstacles along the way. Despite the occasional backtrack, everything appeared to be proceeding without a hitch.

Rin carried her trusty katana securely nestled in its sheath, using it as a support to traverse the muddy terrain with greater stability.

Both individuals had ample time to meticulously examine the intricacies of the labyrinth's interior, taking note of additional intricacies in its structure, along with a disconcerting abundance of unidentified bones concealed within the muck beneath their feet.

Rin's nerves were frayed, her every sense alert to the peril that surrounded them. She harbored no desire to become a feast for the lurking monsters, so when the earth ahead of them began to stir, her reflexes kicked in instantly.

Sunny, on the other hand, had been ensnared by surprise, his guard down. Rin keenly observed his vulnerability and, with utter disregard for her own safety, sprang into action. In a heart-pounding moment, a colossal pincer burst forth from the ground, hurtling through the air with a menacing intent to cleave Sunny in twain. Without hesitation, Rin leaped forward, shoving him out of harm's way...


'shit...shit shit shit ahit'

With impeccable timing, she had shoved Sunny away just as the pincer closed with a resounding "clack," stopping inches from his face. The jagged, chitinous blades were so near that she could discern fragments of mud adhering to their surface.

Sunny found himself flat on his back, narrowly escaping the unforeseen strike. The silver lining was that he had avoided injury or worse. The downside was that both of them now lay sprawled on the ground, incapable of swiftly putting distance between themselves and the menacing assailant. The colossal pincer loomed ominously overhead.


Swiftly retreating, Sunny heeded her caution and frantically rolled to the side. In the ensuing instant, the colossal pincer descended, causing minor tremors in the muck below. Had it not been for her forewarning, Sunny's chest would have undoubtedly borne the full brunt of that devastating strike and would have probably caved his chest in..

As he commenced the act of rising to his feet, the pincer executed a swift lateral swipe. Instead of attempting to evade or deflect the impending strike, he harmonized with its motion, permitting the pincer to connect with his outstretched hands and thereby softening the impact. His body was propelled through the air, but this maneuver ensured that he would escape the pincer's immediate reach. He steeled himself and executed a graceful roll, coming to a halt a considerable distance from the ambushing monster.

*Sunny you alright*

*Yeah im fine distract it for a second*


With fearless determination, she launched herself at the menacing monster, strategically using the mud to her advantage. Swiftly, she slid beneath its formidable carapace just as the creature swung its deadly pincer in her direction. Seizing this opportune moment, she deftly maneuvered her weapon to slice through one of the beast's unscathed legs.

*Sunny hows the situation looking*

*its missing one of its two pincer arms and its crippled*

It was impossible for her to employ her Sharingan to activate Kotoamatsukami; the creatures' eyes were simply too diminutive, and she couldn't squander her unique ability so thoughtlessly.

*Wheres your shadow sunny?!"

*Its arriving*

Swiftly evading a descending pincer, she leaped aside with agility.Its heavy pincer crashed into the side of a coral pillar, sending crimson shards flying in every direction. Mindful not to exert any pressure on or shift her right arm, she proceeded cautiously, determined to avoid exacerbating the existing injury any further.

Sunny was right it was crippled and was in a slower state

The massive and heavily protected wounded beast stirred once more, its scythe-like appendages thrusting into the mire behind her. It displayed an unwavering determination to end her life, perhaps holding her responsible for its botched ambush.

Swiftly evading another lunge from the monster's pincer, she noticed a jagged bone jutting out from the murky ground, seemingly abandoned by an enigmatic creature. Her pace remained unbroken as she stooped down to seize the bone, yanking it free with a single, mighty pull. The bone stretched nearly one and a half meters in length, tapering to a razor-sharp point, akin to a spear.

She tossed the bone toward Sunny, who exhibited impeccable reflexes, catching it with flawless precision.

In an instant, the monster swiftly shifted its focus to a new target, highlighting a glaring issue. Despite the extended length of Sunny's improvised spear, it became abundantly clear that her range of attack remained inferior to that of the monstrous adversary. Furthermore, she harbored doubts about the spear's ability to penetrate the creature's resilient carapace.

*we gotta aim for one of the cracks in the creature's armour*

*I have an idea*

*Sunny? I implore you you to tell me*

*No time*

The very next second, the monstrous pincer struck with renewed ferocity. Regrettably, Sunny's reflexes were slightly tardy in avoiding the attack, causing his left leg to bear the brunt of the blow. The pincer's edge merely grazed his limb as the protective embrace of the Puppeteer's Shroud held steadfast, preventing any bloodshed. However, the sheer force of the impact sent Sunny tumbling to the ground in a disoriented tumble.

Rather than attempting to evade, he ceased his movement, permitting the monstrous creature to ensnare him across the torso with its formidable pincer.

"Sunny, what the fu-"

"Rin, trust me... just don't let it end me."

In the following moment, Sunny's shadow descended from high above, coiling around the Puppeteer's Shroud. With the armours protective capabilities bolstered, he could more effectively withstand the crushing clasp of the pincer.

'hes safe for now...hes probably in extreme pain right now'

Sunny and the crab creature stared at each other. Then, an insane fire ignited in the creature's eyes. It clicked its mandibles and raised Sunny in the air, bringing him closer to its mouth, obviously intent on biting his head off.


Rin, swift as a lightning bolt, swiftly intercepted the creature's mandible, thwarting its impending strike. The creature, infuriated by the loss of its appendage, retaliated by forcefully propelling Rin with its razor-sharp leg. She was sent hurtling through the coral of a velvety hue, her breath catching in an abrupt collision.

Distracted by Rin and the severed limb, the creature remained oblivious as Sunny harnessed the darkness from Puppeteer's Shroud, allowing it to envelop the jagged bone still gripped firmly in his hand. Summoning every ounce of his strength, he leaned forward and thrust the bone with an incredible surge of force.

Guided by his hand, the dark bone spear shot forward and pierced through the creature's tiny eye, sinking in deep. The other eye of the monster narrowed. Sunny then twisted the bone, trying to do as much damage to the creature's brain as possible.

For a couple of seconds, nothing happened. Then,

For a brief moment, an eerie stillness hung in the air. Then, in a sudden twist of fate,

The pincer released its grip, allowing Sunny to plummet to the muddy ground below. Simultaneously, the colossal monster tumbled to the earth with a resounding crash. Bathed in the streams of azure liquid.

She sprinted as swiftly as her ailing body would allow.

*Sunny, you fool!*

she exclaimed in frustration, delivering a swift smack before embracing him tightly.

Sunny moaned and drew in a raspy, painful breath.


Rin and sunny both caught their breaths as Sunny conjured his latest weapon, and at his command, a gleaming, radiant sword materialized within his grasp. The blade, measuring approximately one meter from hilt to tip, possessed a sleek and straight form with a single, sharply defined edge terminating in an angular point. Forged from exquisite azure steel, the blade exhibited an intricate layered pattern, and within its depths, faint white sparks flickered. The sword's crossguard, though minimalistic and unadorned, provided little in the way of protection for the wielder's hands.

*Cool sword its not better than mine though*


*Its looks kinda like a tang dao...*


*...fine its a pretty sword*

*Thank you rin*

*I hate you*

He beckoned forth the shadowy essence, commanding it to envelop the Azure Blade. Instantly, the once gleaming steel transformed into a mesmerizing shade of bluish-black, adorned with a smattering of ethereal white sparks that resembled a starry night sky.

Sunny rose to his feet and brandished the sword with practiced grace, swaying it through the air. The keen edge produced a melodic whistle as it sliced through the atmosphere, leaving an enchanting trail of sound in its wake.

*Well, now I finally look like a real Awakened.*

*You dont*

*Rin.. kindly...go feed yourself to a monster*

*Who would piss you off then sunny*

Following this, they both fixed their gazes upon the lifeless body of the carapace scavenger, and Rin couldn't help but contort her face in a grimace of distaste.

*Eh, this part was not going to be pleasant*

*Do you need the soul shards*


She nodded and butchered the monster with her katana to get the soul shards with in

Seconds later and hands covered in azure blood she had absorbed sparkling crystal soul shard

As she did that sunny cut away a few strips of tender, pink meat


(Can someone in the comments help me with adding up the soul shard I don't know how much this one is worth)


Under the bright sun's gaze, Sunny carefully stowed the meat into an improvised rucksack ingeniously crafted from strands of ebony seaweed. contemplative glances towards the sun, they continued their journey.

The day was still young. They still had a good chance of making it to the distant hill before the sea came back. However,

Rin's arm throbbed with excruciating pain, and her ribs ached relentlessly. Sunny's left leg bore the brunt of the encounter with the scavenger beast, making every step a daunting task for both of them. As they moved forward, he limped noticeably, while Rin clutched her injured ribs, each stride a painful reminder of the fierce struggle they had endured.

Numerous hours drifted by, marked by the growing discomfort of their bruises and heightened wariness, causing the pairs' advancement to grind to a near standstill. Their brows were furrowed with sweat-soaked faces, and their clenched teeth betrayed the agony that accompanied each footfall. To compound their misery, the deeper they ventured into the labyrinth, the more bewildering and convoluted the passages grew. Despite the guiding presence of the shadow, they found themselves trapped in a disorienting maze, constantly forced to retrace their steps and wrestle with the labyrinth's obstinate design in their quest for the correct path forward.

*Come on sunny we can make it*

ust as a sense of desperation was beginning to engulf her, Sunny's own shadow unexpectedly caught sight of something so astonishing that it momentarily left both Sunny and Rin utterly stunned.

Further along the winding path, after navigating several twists and turns, the coral formations gradually opened up, revealing a petite clearing. At the heart of this open space, an unexpected sight greeted the duo's eyes.

The initial detail that struck her was the expanse of pale, exposed skin - a striking contrast against the marine backdrop. The tall, graceful figure strolled through the clearing, clad in a rudimentary ensemble fashioned from seaweed, consisting of a makeshift skirt and a primitive brassiere. Remarkably, the unconventional attire did not appear to faze her in the slightest. With an air of serene composure, she came to a halt and turned, her short silver locks dancing in the whimsical embrace of the wind.

It was none other than Nephis, the enigmatic Changing Star.

In her delicate grasp, she held the terminus of an unusual golden cord, which extended outwards.

At the opposite end of this captivating tether, Cassia, the sightless young girl, followed with careful and deliberate steps.


Above, the sky stretched out in a somber gray, while below, the ground was coated in inky black mud. Between these contrasting realms lay an unending expanse of vibrant crimson. Against this surreal backdrop, two enchanting young women traversed the intricate labyrinth.

One of them possessed an air of delicacy and fragility, adorned with flowing blond locks and aimless cerulean eyes. She wore a modest tunic, her feet ensconced in leather sandals, and a sea wave-colored cloak gracefully hung from her shoulders.

The other figure stood tall and sinuous, her silken silver hair cascading down. Her gaze was piercing, with eyes the hue of pure grey. She donned attire fashioned from coarse black seaweed, baring her fair skin and athletic physique to the elements. She moved with poise and vigilance, her feet unshielded against the labyrinth's terrain.

A radiant golden cord connected the two young women, binding them together.

*Wow. What a sight...* Sunny spoke and rin hit the back of her head

*We need to greet them*

If Nephis and Cassia were present in this vicinity, it strongly implied that the previous occurrence of the orange light was somehow linked to their presence. This, in turn, indicated that they possessed knowledge pertaining to the route leading to the elevated hill.

In essence, this knowledge held the promise of sparing them from the perilous grip of the encroaching high tide, preventing a potentially disastrous end.

*Uh... so what do I do now?*

*Greet them you idiot just dont be weird*

*I literally spent a whole of four weeks making sure that everyone in the Academy hated my guts why do i have to greet them*

*Whose fault is that DUMBASS i told you it was a bad idea*

Exhaling deeply, Sunny ventured into the obscurity, his footsteps hastening as he made his way toward the clearing. Within a mere minute, he arrived, concealing himself while scrutinizing the two girls, his resolution yet to be solidified.

Meanwhile, Rin opted for an even more discreet concealment, positioning herself further back.

Helping herself with the wooden staff, blind Cassia slowly approached the middle of the clearing and extended her hand, finding Nephis and touching her on the shoulder.

"Why did you stop?"

Nephis supported the blind girl and glanced at the sky.

"It's getting late."

An awkward pause hung between two girls. After some time, Cassia asked:

"So you think we should turn back?"

Nephis blinked and cleared her throat.


Sunny was a bit amused by their exchange.

*What is she, a strong silent type?*


*How do I approach them? Damn, why is this so hard! It's not like I'm trying to ask them out on a date. I mean, one of them... both of them? What am I thinking about?! Just go and say hi!*

*You are over thinking this sunny just send your shadow*

As soon as the shadow started to move, Nephis suddenly snapped her hand sideways. Immediately, a long sword appeared in it, cutting the air as it assumed a defensive position. Before the shadow could even take two steps out of its hiding spot, it was already pierced by Changing Star's grey eyes.

The shadow froze. It seemed a bit startled.

Cassia took a step back.

"Neph? What is it?"

Nephis didn't answer immediately, carefully observing the shadow. Then she simply said:

"There's a shadow."

Cassia's doll-like face paled.

"A shadow? Scavengers?"

The tall girl tilted her head a little.

"No. It's a human shadow."

This was clearly not what Cassia expected to hear. With an expression of surprise, she asked:

"A human shadow? What... what is it doing?"

Nephis hesitated. After a while, she answered in a flat tone:

"...It's waving at us."


After a whole minute of silence, Cassia finally found the words to react.


"I said: it's waving..."

"Yes, I know! I mean... why is it doing that?"

Nephis opened her mouth, then closed it again.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a distraction to lure us into a trap."

At this point, Sunny decided that it was time to talk. He inhaled deeply, then said in a friendly tone:

"Actually, I just sent it ahead to make sure that you don't stab me with that sword before realizing that I'm human."

*No sunny dont introduce yourself like that*

*To late*

Immediately, Nephis turned her head, pinpointing the exact location where Sunny was hiding in a blotch of shadows. Her sword slightly shifted, aiming at the new threat.

"If you're human, why are hiding in the shadows like a creep?"

*I told you to not do that... Say her full true name so she knows it's not a monster*

rin spoke to him through shadow manipulation as she watched this play out

Sunny answered back

"I mean, you're Changing Star Nephis. To be honest, I'm a little afraid."

Cassia spoke.

"Are you the boy who sat with me in the cafeteria?"

Sunny smiled. Meanwhile, Nephis glanced at the blind girl.

"Do you know him?"

Cassia nodded.

"I recognize his voice. His name is Sunless. He was in second-to-last place in the rankings, right above me."

The tall girl frowned, as if trying to remember. Then she asked:

"The pervert?"


The smile disappeared from Sunny's face, replaced by exasperation.

*Oh, come on!*

*I told you to not ruin your reputation*

Cassia hesitated and didn't answer.

"Hey! I'm not really a pervert, you know! I just... uhm... said a few things. To a few girls. It was all a misunderstanding."

Nephis was silent for a few seconds, and then, finally, dismissed her sword.

"Okay. You can come out."

Sunny limped out of the shadows, summoning his own back. It flowed to his feet and reattached itself, visibly shaking.

"Um im also here with someone"

Changing star watched him like an eagle then spoke


*Its time rin*

Rin walked out behind a rock her arms raised


*what an introduction rin really bravo*

*Sunny...go suck a shadow or something i dont know what would be a derogatory term for you*

Cassias face brightend up as she spoke

"Oh neph its that girl that also sat down next to me"

Nephis spoke

"She was above sunless on the list... The weirdo who was friends with him"

*She got you there rin*

"Okay first of all ow that hurt my feelings second sunny was just acting during those four weeks hes actually a pretty normal guy....if he didn't stop ranting to his shadows"

Stopping a few meters away from Nephis, they both had their arms raised, showing that they didn't mean the girls any harm. Changing Star gave them an inquisitive look.

"What happened too you two?"

She was referring to their broken arm, limp, bruises, and overall banged-up looks. Sunny sighed.

"I fell on a cliff when i got summoned here"

"Carapace Scavenger."

Nephis raised an eyebrow:

"You managed to get away alive?"

*Yeah we got away and took its life with us*

"I didn't get away. I killed it."

Rin smacked the back of his head

"We killed it"

In an effort to substantiate his claim, he motioned toward his bulging rucksack brimming with delectable monster meat. Nephis scrutinized him once more, reassessing her initial judgment. This time, a glimmer of approval twinkled in her eyes.

The Carapace Scavengers may have been mere creatures, yet they possessed the gift of awakening. Coupled with their robust bodies and innate protective shells, vanquishing one proved to be a formidable challenge for any Sleeper, each of whom harbored a dormant core. This task became even more daunting when undertaken by two individuals dwelling at the lowest rungs of the rankings.

"Eh... it was already wounded."

Nephis shrugged.

"A kill is a kill. You two did well."

After that, she fell silent, as though not planning to say anything else. Sunny and rin  also weren't sure what to say. Luckily, Cassia came to the rescue.

"Are any of you seriously injured?"

He shook his head.

"No, it's just that my ribs and leg are bruised - I'll be fine in a day or two. My armor is pretty resilient."

"I have a busted arm but it won't slow any of us down I promise"

A while back, she ingeniously crafted a makeshift sling using seaweed to support her injured arm and fashioned rudimentary attire from the fringes of the statue, which also featured strands of seaweed.

She wasn't worried about them being tempted to kill them and taking their memories because Memories were destroyed at the moment of their owner's death. So they only could be transferred voluntarily by a living person.

I mean you could torture someone and get the memories out of them but...thats probably a very slow process and loud... Loud out hear means death

Sunny cleared his throat.

"Before stumbling on the Scavenger, we were heading for the tall hill with the massive coral pillar on top. But after the fight, our speed decreased. Now I'm worried about not making it in time. Do you perhaps know the way?"

Cassia smiled.

"Actually, we spend the last days on that hill. We were just about to go back."

Nephis didn't say anything, looking at the sky.

Rin spoke instead of sunny there was a higher possibility of them saying no to him then her

"Well... can we come with you?"

The blind girl turned he head to her companion, a clear question written on her face.


Nephis lowered her eyes looking at rin then, staring at Sunny. After a while, she said:





No problem.

*What's wrong with you, princess?! Can't you speak faster?!*

As Sunny felt his heart race with excitement within his chest, a warm and joyful smile graced his lips, mirroring the radiant grin that spread across Rin's face in perfect synchrony.

"Well. Alright..."




*Don't tell them we can speak to each other like this... I still don't trust them*

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