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Chapter 23: (ch23) I thought you died. IDIOT!

With tears blurring her vision, Rin observed Nephis drawing near. Clutching onto the injured Sunny, emotions welled up within Rin.

"Rin let me see him"


Nephi gestured for Rin to pass Sunny over, but noticed the bewildered expression on Rin's face, her gaze fixated on an undefined point in the distance.


A sudden shout snapped Rin out of her absent-minded and unfocused state, bringing her back to the present moment.

"I...yeah..what? Sorry..i"

"Let me see him him i can help"

Reluctantly, Rin handed Sunny over to her, her heart heavy with a tinge of reluctance.

"Yeah, I...sure, wait you can help him?"

Rin glanced across and noticed Sunny wrestling with the effort of opening his eyes. As his vision gradually cleared, he found Nephis and Rin peering down at him, their concern evident in their expressions.

Rin observed as she gently placed her hands on his chest, and within the depths of her gaze, a peculiar emotion unfolded. It was as if a blend of fear and acceptance danced in her eyes, revealing a subtle resignation to an impending reality. The wideness and darkness of her pupils added an enigmatic touch to the moment.

'wait her eyes whats..-!?!?'

Nephis clenched her teeth in determination, her hands firmly placed on Sunny's chest, applying gentle pressure. In an unexpected moment, a tender, radiant glow emerged beneath the surface of her palms, casting a soft brilliance that mirrored in her gray eyes, resembling two playful, dancing white sparks.

In an instant, the expression on Changing Star's face twisted into a pained grimace, and a dreadful, muted scream escaped her lips.

Her complexion turned as pale as paper, and as she clamped down on her lower lip, tiny droplets of blood trickled down to her chin.

With the escalating brilliance of the radiance, Nephis squeezed her eyes shut, tears tracing down the contours of her anguished and pallid face.

"Nephis, what are you doing!? Stop it you're hurting yourself?!"

Rin gazed into her eyes as she raised her head to meet Rin's gaze, feeling as though she was beholding something inherently pure and sacred—a white, pristine, and purifying flame that ignited a sense of reverence within her.

She looked down at Sunny and he was changing

As she gazed upon Sunny, a remarkable transformation unfolded before her eyes. The flame's influence worked its magic, orchestrating a miraculous renewal within his frail form. Broken bones, once scattered like shards, seamlessly fused back together. Torn flesh underwent a remarkable regeneration, restoring its integrity. His once compromised lungs and battered heart were not merely revived; they underwent a swift rejuvenation, pulsating with newfound strength and vitality.

Rin observed with relief as the ability to breathe returned to him. His chest gently expanded, welcoming the influx of a fresh breath, filling him with a renewed sense of life.

Nephis winced, emitting a haunting moan of pain that resonated in the air. Rin found themselves torn between deciding whom to assist first – Nephis or Sunny. The internal struggle heightened as compassion tugged from both sides, urging Rin to make a choice in this delicate moment.

Just as she was about to make that crucial decision, the luminous glow beneath Sunny's skin faded away, surrendering to the encroaching darkness.

Retreating a few paces, Changing Star halted, dropping to her knees and hands, succumbing to a violent bout of vomiting. Her entire body quivered uncontrollably, as if teetering on the brink of a seizure.

Rin looked at sunny right now he was fine, she needed to help Nephis

Rin glanced over at Sunny, noting that he seemed to be doing well at the moment. However, her primary concern was to assist Nephis right now

Approaching Nephis as she prepared for another bout of vomiting, Rin kindly lifted her hair and soothingly rubbed her back. Despite lacking any extraordinary healing abilities, Rin empathetically acknowledged the inconvenience of having vomit in one's hair.

As the chills subsided, Nephis eased herself down to the ground, lying completely still, savoring the gentle touch of raindrops as they met her lips.

Nephis appeared a bit worn, but she was perfectly okay.

Sunny, in the meantime, lifted his hands, delicately examining his own form with a sense of curiosity.

Rin approached

*You alright....Sunny?*

*yeah...i am*

*Does it....hurt?*

*No, i feel fine, more than fine actually, i feel amazing, that aspect ability of Nephis is AMAZING*

*thats good, that means i can do this*

With a warm smile, she stepped closer to him, genuinely fearing the possibility of losing him. The mere thought of him facing mortality was unbearable, and she couldn't shake off the anxiety that lingered as the scenario played out in her mind.

But it didn't and that whats more important

*Do wh-*

His words came to an abrupt halt when Rin delivered a swift punch to his stomach, leaving him breathless and unable to complete his thought.


He let out a low groan while lying on the ground, his hands tightly clutching his stomach in discomfort.



As he gazed at Rin, it suddenly dawned on him what he had just uttered, causing his eyes to widen in realization.




It was a miracle.


As the storm finally subsided, the night had enveloped us in its deep darkness. They gathered closely, seeking warmth, and succumbed to a profound exhaustion that rendered us almost lifeless, too fatigued to assign anyone the duty of keeping watch.

If anything were to happen, the shadow would probably alarm them in advance.


She sensed a gentle arm wrapping around her waist, drawing her close as the warmth of another person's body pressed against her back.

She identified the person behind her but was too fatigued to invest much thought into it; nevertheless, a faint smile graced the corners of her mouth.

'opportunistic basterd'

She noticed the rhythmic sound of his breathing, confirming that he was sound asleep.

Luckily, the rest of the night went without incidents.

In the morning, there was a relaxed atmosphere as nobody felt rushed to formulate plans or propose abandoning the cliffs. Instead, they leisurely gathered provisions from the deceased carapace centurion and scavengers. After securing the two soul shards, the group cautiously migrated to the other side of the petite island, wary that the remnants might draw the interest of lurking creatures.

Indeed, their intuition proved accurate. Shortly after the group departed from the battleground, a mysterious shadow materialized in the sky. Gradually, it grew in size, gracefully descending towards the cliffs. Eventually, it touched down in close proximity to the fallen centurion, enveloped in a swirling gust.

A colossal being, dwarfing the carapace monster, boasted a weight easily twice its counterpart. Its physique, as pale as a lifeless corpse yet robust like a lion, showcased tremendous musculature. Sprawling from its broad chest were not just four, but a total of eight limbs—two formidable hind paws and six, somewhat haphazardly arranged, in the front. Each extremity terminated with formidable, elongated talons.

The flying behemoth's neck was adorned with sleek, obsidian feathers that cascaded down, complementing its massive wingspan. Its head bore a striking resemblance to a raven's, featuring large, round eyes that exuded an ominous presence, accompanied by a fearsome black beak.

Concealed behind the rugged rocks, the beast indulged in a macabre banquet, effortlessly shattering the centurion's carapace with its formidable talons and beak. Having savored its gruesome repast, it snatched up some scavenger carcasses with its mighty paws, ascending into the skies. Each beat of its ebony wings stirred a miniature tempest, casting an eerie aura over the scene.

Departing from the cliffs, the creature retraced its path, soaring towards the west.

Rin watched the black dot fade away in the distance, Sunny was the first to break the silence.

"Neph. What do you think that thing is?"

Nephis was also looking at the sky. After a few seconds, she lowered her gaze.

"I have no idea."

*Well then.....*


*Thousand strikes?*

*Yeah sure why not*

Once they successfully kindled a warm fire, they proceeded to savor the centurion's meat, relishing a satisfying and hearty breakfast. Filled to the brim, the four individuals reclined, embracing a leisurely moment of rest and relaxation.

Having braved a relentless onslaught from numerous scavengers, narrowly escaping a sudden flood, scaling towering cliffs amidst a raging storm, and confronting an awakened monster all within the span of a single day, it was only fair that they take a well-earned break.


After a while, Sunny and Rin strolled towards the western expanse of the cliffs. Nephis, with her silver hair cascading, sat at the edge, her feet hanging freely as she gazed into the horizon, immersed in contemplation. Without hesitation, both Sunny and Rin took their seats on either side of the thoughtful young woman.

*Whats she thinking of?*

*Don't know... You dragged me here*

Sunny finally spoke

"You saved my life twice yesterday."

*Yeah and i saved you like....i don't know...once*

*Doesn't count, me saving you from that shark makes us equal*

Nephis glanced at him and turned away again.

"I did."

Sunny spoke again

"Thank you."

*Wow i dont get a thank you, pick a lane Sunny*

*Be quiet*

Nephis spoke while Rin and Sunny exchanged a meaningful glance, engaging in a silent conversation with each other.

"There's no need to thank me. Without you and your shadow, we would have drowned before reaching the cliffs or been torn apart by a large group of scavengers after stumbling on them in the labyrinth and you."

She looked at Rin

"It's really hard to imagine what might have happened if you weren't there to watch our backs. Having you as an extra sword definitely made a difference in preventing ambushes."

After that uncharacteristically long sentence, she fell silent and added after a while:

"All of us here are allies."

Sunny gave an affirming nod, and a smile spread across Rin's face, acknowledging the undeniable truth in Nephis's words. Despite their own contributions, Nephis displayed an exceptional commitment to ensuring Sunny's well-being, going the extra mile. It was evident that not everyone would have gone to such great lengths to reciprocate the kindness extended to them.

Yet, she chose to remain silent on the matter, primarily because she could vividly envision the response she would provide.

*I wanna ask why she did it but i can kinda...*

*Predicted what shes going to say, same its probably going to be something like "I just wanted to"*

Rin smiled while looking the other way from Nephis

*Yeah or, It is what it is, you know its gonna be in the most flat tone ever*

A minute or two later, Sunny spoke:

"It's you Flaw, isn't it? The pain you feel every time you use your Ability?"

Nephis was silent for a while before answering. Then, she simply said:


Rin's gaze fixated on Changing Star, observing the serene and distant demeanor reflected in her profile. A gentle breeze danced with the strands of her silver hair.

"What does it feel like?"

*Why the would you ask that? What kinda questions is that, you saw bow she vomited in pain, what do you think shes going to say, no sunny it tickled very much*

She was staring into the distance.

"Like burning alive."

*That sounds like an awful quirk*

*The more powerful the abilities the more deadly the flaw is*

Rin thought of her own flaw

'i hope i can live long enough i still wanna witness the downfall of valor, hell i wouldn't mind killing a few of them'

She let out a deep sigh, attempting to fathom the agonizing experience someone undergoing the torment of being burned alive might endure. The cursed Spell, as always, manifested its malevolence in a manner no less cruel than succumbing to a relentless sickness.

"I'm sorry," both spoke in unison, looking at each other after in suprise

Nephis shrugged, not turning her head.

"It's just pain."

*Just pain.*


These could possibly be the most heart-wrenching words she has ever had the sorrowful experience of hearing.


They spent quite a while in peaceful silence, just sitting together. Nephis gazed at the horizon, lost in contemplation of thoughts known only to her. Rin and Sunny found their minds oddly devoid of any particular thoughts or distractions during this serene moment.

*Hows your echo?*

*Its surviving... surprisingly, i thinks its healing*

If an Echo successfully finds refuge within the Sea of Soul, it has the chance to heal and rejuvenate, gradually recovering from any injuries it may have sustained.

Light Fragments: [31/1000].

She managed to acquire three light fragments from the centurion as a noteworthy contribution to their shared victory. The remaining shards were divvied up between her, Nephis and Cassie

The prize they received was substantial, yet it felt oddly unbalanced considering the challenges they faced in overcoming the daunting monster. In the end, ordinary folks like them weren't meant to confront awakened Nightmare Creatures.

Unfortunately, they found themselves in quite a predicament as luck would have it, with not a solitary Dormant-rank creature to be found in this entire cursed expanse of the Dream Realm.

*We really have hit the short end of the stick with this place*


*Must be your fate, to constantly get ganged on by more powerful sh#t*

*Yeah now my armour is not even that powerful here, seems more like a requirement*

*Still, that armor had already saved your life twice, so it was doing its job*

*Speaking of armour*

*Wait, did you get a memory from the kill*

He lowered his gaze.

She got a mental image of what he had gotten as the spoils

Memory: [Starlight Legion Armor].

Memory Rank: Awakened.

Memory Type: Armor.

Memory Description: [Born in the all-consuming darkness, seven valiant heroes made an oath to return light to the cursed land. Time has erased their names and their faces, but the memory of the defiant oath still remains.]

*Teacher Julius would have been ecstatic to be reading this stuff.*

*He would love it, i can imagine his face right now if you presented him that*

Once a passionate adventurer and devoted scholar delving into the rich history of the Dream Realm, the elderly gentleman transitioned into a distinguished professorship at the Awakened Academy. Eventually, he found a tranquil abode within the thriving walls of a human Citadel. Despite embracing a more settled life, he continued to wield his expertise, earning a reputation as one of the foremost researchers in his field. His insatiable curiosity frequently disrupted hunting expeditions as he persistently sought permission to unravel the mysteries concealed within ancient ruins.

*It actually sucks that we might not see him for quite a long time*

*Hey do you want the armour i got?*

*Give it to Nephis, we need to work together properly, and i can tell she doesn't trust is fully us, i already got my katana, i dont need a handout*

He cleared his throat and looked at Nephis.

"Hey um....I have a present for you."

She turned her head and looked at him with a bit of confusion.

"A… present?"

Sunny smiled.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you that I received a Memory after we finished off the Centurion. Guess what type it is?"

"Uh. It's an armor. So, give me your hand."

To transfer a memory, a human touch was essential, creating a tangible connection between individuals.

A sudden image flashed in her mind, undoubtedly accidentally transmitted by Sunny. It depicted Nephis with her hands resting on his chest, his nerves discerning the gentle touch of her soft hands.

*Im sorry. im sorry i cant control it sometimes*

He looked up and his eyes met hers

Sunny sent her another mental image, capturing a moment from his perspective where he woke up and embraced her from behind. The image, essentially a reflection of herself, vividly conveyed the memory of the warmth emanating from his body during that embrace.

Her hair emitted a captivating fragrance, and the touch of her velvety skin left an indelible impression in his memories for her too see.

Rin glanced in Sunny's direction, noticing a distinct blush coloring his cheeks as he adverted his gaze.

Just when she believed he had finally tamed the wanderings of his mind, the latest recollection arrived. It captured a moment when they discussed the prospect of being teammates, and what stood out the most was the memory of her unique smile that for his memories made it feel like an extra layer of beauty to her presence.



Her own cheeks had a reddish tint

Nephis extended his hand, and Sunny eagerly clasped it, eager to move past this stage swiftly. A brief moment passed as she blinked and withdrew her hand.

With that, Nephis rose from his spot, took a few strides back from the cliff's edge, and conjured forth the Memory.

Glistening beams of light twirled around her, creating an enchanting spectacle. In a matter of moments, they enveloped her flawless form, transforming into a sleek, ebony bodysuit crafted from a mysterious and resilient material, reminiscent of the supple seaweed that danced in the surrounding environment.

Subsequently, intricate components of immaculate white plate armor manifested, adorning the black bodysuit with grace. The process unfolded systematically — first, the greaves and vambraces, followed by articulated pauldrons and rerebraces, and then the cuisses and sabatons. Culminating the transformation, a breastplate adorned with seven radiant stars materialized, safeguarding Neph's core without impeding her agile movements. Finally, a helmet with a cascading white plume completed the ensemble, adding a touch of regality to her newly armored presence.

The intricate engraving of the seven stars mirrored the pattern adorning the massive knight statue's cuirass.

The armor exuded a delicate yet robust quality, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. It not only offered exceptional protection but also complemented the flowing contours of Changing Star's body. The bold interplay of black and white created a visually captivating spectacle.

Nephis casually removed her helmet, allowing the breeze to tousle her silver hair. With a swift summoning of her sword, she gracefully executed a series of pirouettes, assessing the armor's weight and flexibility. Pleased with the results, she made the sword vanish into thin air.

Both observed the actions before sunny spoke

"Well? How is it?"

She turned towards him, and a broad smile lit up her face. Overflowing with joy, Nephis hesitated for a moment before expressing with a touch of bashfulness:

"Much better."

*Um Rin you alright?*

*We will talk later about your...images*


Acquiring a dependable armor wouldn't just boost Changing Star's combat effectiveness; it would lead to a substantial enhancement, elevating their overall performance on the battlefield.

Upon their arrival back at the makeshift camp, Nephis immediately sought out Cassie, making her the first person she approached.

"Hey, Cas. Guess what."

The blind girl turned to her and smiled:

"You've finally received an armor-type Memory?"

Simultaneously, Nephis said:

"I found something decent to wear…"

Then she fell silent and stared at her smiling friend. Cassie laughed:

"The sound of your footsteps changed."

Changing Star blinked.

"Ah. I see. Well… it's from the Carapace Centurion."

As she shared the details of the armor with Cassia, she allowed her to run her fingers over the enigmatic white metal from which it had been meticulously crafted.

Rin and Sunny relaxed and rested by the fire.

*Those were some....vivid memories Sunny*


*Is it just me or is this fire a bit warm your face is kinda heating up sunny you shou-*

*Shut up, i could probably make you send something by accident if i made you think about it*

*Yeah right*



His name echoed persistently in her mind, a subtle presence that led her thoughts back to him effortlessly. She couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her sometimes, and the vivid memory of the moment when she felt the warmth of his arm encircling her waist, played in her mind like a cherished scene from a movie

'wait no stop... Shit no no i didn't mean to think about it, I... DAMNIT!'

It was already too late




A little while later, Nephis found himself immersed in the task of whipping up dinner. Sunny and Rin, as usual, reclined leisurely on the stones, their gazes fixed on the expanse of the sky.

The sky, true to its routine, wore a somber and unwelcoming shade of grey.

Decked out in sturdy armor, the quartet now bore a striking resemblance to an authentic Awakened cohort. Rin couldn't help but believe that their collective presence surpassed even the typical standards of the Awakened, making them quite a captivating group.

Cassie, adorned in a luminous tunic and a cloak resembling the gentle waves of the sea, exuded a princess-like elegance. Nephis, with his lithe grace and poised demeanor, assumed the role of a noble knight devoted to safeguarding her. As for Sunny and Rin, one could generously describe their appearance as that of youthful squires, accompanying the regal duo on their noble journey.

'i only have a sword'

Cassie gracefully took a seat beside him, catching Sunny's attention. He turned his head, his expression revealing a hint of surprise as he gazed at the sightless Cassie. Meanwhile, Rin, feigning slumber, maintained a quiet presence in the group.

*Im not engaging*


"Nephis told me that you almost died yesterday."


Sunny added:

"But don't worry about it too much. It's not my first brush with death."

Cassie was silent for a while. Then, she quietly said:

"I'm sorry."

*Whats she apologising for?*

*Oh my god people...please... Read the room, she feels inadequate, because you lot are practically doing everything for her*

*HOW?... WHAT?*

*I forgot how emotionally stunted you two are*

*That Was just.... hurtful*

*Truth hurts*

*Trust me i know that*

As they spoke Nephis tuned into cassies conversation

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?"

The blind girl lowered her eyes.

"For being so useless."

Sunny Spoke in his usual careless tone:

"You're not useless."

Cassie softly chuckled.

"Aren't I? If I want to walk, I need to be leashed to you or Neph. If I want to eat, I need to wait for one of you to feed me. That's my life now. I can't do even the simplest of things without your help… let alone be of use to either of you in return."

Gradually, her voice took on a raw, emotional tone. It was a moment that marked the unveiling of her steadfast facade, exposing a glimpse of the desperation, anger, and fear that lurked beneath. Rim witnessed this subtle shift for the first time, as her usual resolve momentarily slipped away. Though tempted to feign waking up and partake in the conversation, she ultimately chose to remain silent and refrain from intervening.

'not my problem'

"Hey, have I ever told you about my First Nightmare?"

'this i want to hear'

"My First Nightmare was as bad as it gets. To tell you the truth, the situation was pretty hopeless. I was a slave destined to die of cold or mistreatment. Chained, bleeding, defenseless. What's worse, my Aspect turned out to be completely useless. I mean, literally. If I remember correctly, the phrase the Spell chosen to describe it was "a useless wretch with no skills or abilities worth a mention."

Cassie spoke obviously intrigued by the story

"Then… how did you survive? Did things change for the better?"

"Gods no. In fact, they quickly turned worse. Much, much worse. But, what would you know? In a strange twist of fate, my useless Aspect turned out to be the only thing that could guide me through that mess alive. In that regard, I was incredibly lucky."

He shifted a little

"But here is a thing about luck. People usually speak about it as though luck is something that just happens to you. It's not. Luck is fifty percent circumstance and fifty percent your own ability to grasp it. Luck is something you have to make happen yourself. I fought with everything I had to survive. That's one of the two reasons I'm still here."

He continued

"The second reason is the Spell itself. I won't go as far as to call it reasonable, but it is fair… in its own, perverted way. The Spell takes with one hand and gives with the other. It was like this with my First Nightmare, and it is the same with you."

*Chose your word carefully Sunny, you mess this up and the team Dynamic goes out of the window, and I'll personally feed you to a scavenger*

Eventually, he said:

"Your Flaw is the most debilitating one I have ever seen or heard of. You are right, without help from someone like Neph, it would have been a certain death sentence. And people like her… well, I'm not even sure that someone else like that exists. But…"

The blind girl gritted her teeth.

'i hate that noise'

"But what?"

"But that also means that the other side of the Flaw, your power, is equally as extraordinary. You just haven't found the way to grasp it yet. When you do… believe me, you'll remember this conversation and feel very embarrassed about how naive and foolish you were."

"Do you really think so?" she whispered.

Her voice carried a subtle undertone of desperation, revealing a profound desire.

"Trust me. I'm the most honest person in the world. Two worlds, in fact."

Cassie remained quiet for an extended period, seemingly immersed in deep contemplation. Her contemplative demeanor hinted at an internal conflict she was grappling with. Rin started to believe that their dialogue had reached its conclusion and that she could properly go to sleep, but to her surprise, Cassie broke the silence with a subdued, gravelly tone:

"I had more visions than I told you guys about."

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