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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The story of a loving thief

My name is Beck.

Once, I was an ordinary guy from the small planet Earth, hailing from the even smaller country of Kyrgyzstan. However, destiny took an unexpected turn, and I found myself meeting the cold embrace of death, only to be reborn in another world, in a different body. In this new existence, I ceased to be ordinary.

Force, wealth, glory, appearance, and the love of beauties—everything was within my grasp. I transformed into someone special, a figure known throughout the land as the great thief who had only just begun to explore this remarkable world.

As I embarked on this newfound journey, I discovered that being a thief wasn't just about stealing material possessions. It was about stealing moments, hearts, and, above all, the essence of life itself. In a world where love and larceny intertwined, Beck's story had only just begun.

In this world, I found myself immersed in a classic fantasy realm, reminiscent of the timeless tales penned by Tolkien. Beautiful and eternally young elves graced the enchanting woodlands, gnomes carved their homes within the heart of towering mountains, and proud humans multiplied across the vast landscapes. Meanwhile, otherworldly creatures from the pages of fairy tales, myths, and legends roamed the lands, adding an air of mystique and magic.

The landscapes were painted with rolling hills, ancient forests, and majestic castles that seemed to touch the heavens. Rivers whispered secrets, and mountains stood as silent sentinels, bearing witness to the eons that had passed. The air was tinged with the scent of magic, and every corner of the world held the potential for discovery and adventure.

It was a realm where knights sought honor, wizards delved into arcane mysteries, and rogues danced through the shadows. The clash between good and evil played out against a backdrop of epic proportions, and I, Beck, the loving thief, found myself at the heart of this grand tapestry of fantasy. As I navigated through the intricacies of this world, I realized that every stolen treasure and every hidden secret held the potential to reshape the course of destiny.

Surviving in this fantastical world was a testament to my unmatched coolness. Whether it was deftly navigating through treacherous dungeons, outsmarting mythical creatures, or charming my way out of perilous situations, my incredible coolness became the cornerstone of my existence.

My every move was executed with effortless finesse, a blend of confidence and charisma that set me apart in a world teeming with magic and mayhem. The thieves' guilds whispered tales of my exploits, bards sang songs of my daring escapades, and even the most fearsome creatures hesitated to cross my path.

Armed with a quick wit, a silver tongue, and a heart that craved adventure, I wove my way through the intricate webs of fate that enveloped this world. Every stolen treasure, every daring heist, and every romantic escapade added to the legend of Beck, the loving thief, making me a living enigma in a land where the extraordinary was the norm.

In this world of mythical wonders and perilous challenges, my coolness wasn't just a survival strategy—it was the very essence of my being, a force that carved a unique path through the grand tapestry of fantasy that surrounded me.

Under the moonlit sky, I found myself faced with a new task: stealing the elusive Mermaid's Heart. Though the actual item was a rare and invaluable necklace, my true intention was to employ its magic to capture the heart of another.

A mischievous grin played on my lips. Would it work? The answer was clear—I never failed a task. Whether it was filching precious jewels or ensnaring the hearts of enchanting individuals, my reputation as a masterful thief and charismatic lover spoke for itself.

The plan was set in motion, with shadows as my allies and the secrets of the night as my accomplices. I moved through the world with the grace of a whispering breeze, my every step guided by the confidence born of countless successful exploits.

As I approached the location of the Mermaid's Heart, the air crackled with an otherworldly energy. Legends spoke of the necklace's ability to invoke powerful enchantments, and tonight, it would serve as the key to a different kind of theft—one that aimed to claim not just an artifact but a beating heart.

In the realm where magic and thievery intertwined, I, Beck, the loving thief, prepared to embark on a night that would weave another chapter into the tapestry of my fantastical adventures.

Arriving at the mission site, the Castle of Count Valois, I took a moment to survey my surroundings. Before me stood a majestic building, a castle that whispered of Italian elegance from the 18th century.

Its grandeur was undeniable, with towering spires reaching toward the heavens and intricate architectural details that spoke of a bygone era. The moon cast a silvery glow upon the castle walls, creating an ethereal ambiance that added to the mystique of the night.

The challenge was clear, and the stakes were high. The Mermaid's Heart lay within, guarded by the secrets of the count's stronghold. I, however, was undeterred. A loving thief with a penchant for the extraordinary, I approached the castle with the same cool confidence that had fueled my countless successful endeavors.

The night held its breath as I prepared to unlock the mysteries concealed within the Castle of Count Valois, fully aware that the success of this mission would pave the way for a different kind of theft—one that aimed to capture not just a priceless artifact but the very essence of someone's heart.

"What a castle," I whispered involuntarily as I took in the imposing structure before me. Sneaking into castles was nothing new for me, but this one felt different. It emanated an aura of mystery and fate, as if it held secrets waiting to be unveiled.

A sense of anticipation hung in the air, and a feeling crept over me that something significant was on the brink of happening. Was it merely the intuition of a seasoned thief, finely attuned to the nuances of impending change? The castle seemed to pulse with an energy that promised an eventful night—one that could alter the course of fate.

"To hell with it. I can handle everything! I am the great thief Beck. The one who crossed worlds and stole hundreds of hearts."

The declaration echoed in the quiet night, a testament to the unyielding confidence that fueled my every endeavor. With a heart as daring as the moon above, I ventured further into the mysteries of the Castle of Count Valois, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Quickly surveying the castle and its surroundings, I soon identified what I was seeking—bingo! The next steps were ingrained in the dance of a practiced thief. I retrieved the grappling hook from my miracle bag, taking a moment to aim before executing a deft throw. The sound of metal meeting stone confirmed my precision; I had hit the exact point I intended.

With a swift pull, I secured the hook and began the ascent.

But… wait. You're probably surprised. Why, in the world of magic, do I climb the wall like an ordinary thief from the ordinary world?

The castle, you see, is protected by a special magic that nullifies all other magical influences in the area. So, if I were to wield any magic—even a mere drop of mana escaping from my fingers—the consequences would be dire. The alarm would sound, or whatever magical security measures they have would kick in. Traps would activate, and a battalion of warriors and magicians, each with varying levels of prowess, would converge upon my location.

Luck might favor me with only low-level adversaries among them. But if, by chance, there's a high-level sorcerer or warrior in the mix, even someone of my skills could find themselves facing insurmountable odds. Rumor has it that such a high-level guest is currently residing within the castle's confines, adding an extra layer of challenge to my daring escapade.

But… enough about the boring stuff.

With a fluid grace that only a seasoned thief could possess, I ascended to the roof of the castle. Once there, I took a moment to survey the surroundings. The moon bathed the castle grounds in a silvery glow, revealing the intricate details of the architecture.

From my vantage point, I could discern the layout of the castle courtyard, the positions of guards patrolling below, and the faint glimmer of magical wards protecting the castle's entrance. The night held a certain stillness, broken only by the distant rustle of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl.

The challenge lay ahead, and the thrill of the heist pulsed through my veins. The Castle of Count Valois, shrouded in moonlit splendor, awaited the daring touch of Beck, the loving thief. The adventure was far from over, and the night held secrets that begged to be uncovered.

"Too many guards. I heard something different," I thought, a hint of frustration coloring my internal monologue. I couldn't shake the feeling of being cheated, having paid a hefty sum of 200 gold coins for information that had led me astray.

"Is something happening at the castle today? Or is it because of me? Crap. If he betrayed me, I will kill him. I'll kill you for sure," I muttered to myself, the weight of disappointment and the prospect of betrayal casting a shadow over the mission. The path ahead had become uncertain, and the promise of a seamless heist now hung in the balance. Determination mixed with a touch of anger fueled my resolve as I prepared to navigate through the unexpected challenges that awaited within the Castle of Count Valois.

Sensing that something was amiss, I resolved to be much more cautious. With careful and stealthy movements, I advanced toward the main building of the castle. According to the information I had paid dearly for, the count's treasury should be nestled in the basement of the main structure.

"I hope at least this information turns out to be correct," I muttered under my breath, a sliver of uncertainty threading through my thoughts. Every step was deliberate, every shadow scrutinized for hidden threats.

After navigating rooftops, circumventing guarded towers, and eavesdropping on intriguing conversations—particularly about a high-level mage residing in the castle—I arrived at the main building of Count Valois's fortress.

"The treasure must be here," I whispered to myself, a bright and confident smile stretching across my face. The moonlight accentuated my snow-white teeth as I grinned, a combination of slyness and charm playing on my lips.

"It's time to get down to business!" I declared, my anticipation growing as I prepared to delve into the heart of the castle, where the count's coveted treasury awaited.

Aware of the heightened security around the treasury, I deemed it necessary to make thorough preparations. From my miracle bag, I retrieved several color-coded boxes, each holding a specific set of tools.

The blue box took precedence. Opening it revealed scrolls meticulously organized within. Without delay, I selected a pre-prepared stack and initiated the casting of buff spells on myself. The first to unfold was the Scroll of Shadow, weaving its magic to blur my outline and transform me into a shadowy figure.

Next, I turned to the Scroll of Sound. Unraveling its powers, I enveloped myself in a transparent film that captured sound within, preventing even the faintest whisper from escaping. Silence became my ally as I readied myself for the challenging journey into the heavily guarded treasury.

Turning my attention to the yellow box, I unearthed a selection of carefully chosen consumables. In this realm, unlike my previous world, certain foods crafted from extraordinary ingredients possessed unique effects.

First on the menu was the Crow Wheat Pie—a culinary creation designed to enhance vision and extend my range. As I savored the pie's unique flavors, the magical properties within it began to take effect, sharpening my senses and preparing me for the challenges ahead.

Washing down the delectable treat, I indulged in sips of Wine from Heavenly Dew Grapes. This exquisite beverage not only pleased the palate but also improved the accuracy of my throws and shots. With each sip, I felt a surge of confidence, knowing that my aim would be true in the critical moments that awaited within the fortified walls of the treasury.

A lingering gaze fell upon the red box, sparking a brief internal debate.

"Maybe I should use this too?" I pondered.

However, a sense of caution prevailed, and I shook my head decisively.

"No. It's too dangerous," I muttered to myself, opting to forgo whatever mysterious contents the red box held.

And… that's all.

It wasn't a matter of poverty preventing me from acquiring more resources. No, the truth was, what I had gathered was sufficient. My confidence in my skills, honed through countless heists and daring exploits, allowed me to navigate challenges with finesse. Beyond the contents of my colored boxes, I would rely on the craftiness that defined me as Beck, the loving thief.

Carefully stowing the color-coded boxes back into my miracle bag, I prepared for the next phase of my infiltration. Leaping down onto the garden at the back entrance of the main building, I descended with a calculated grace. Although I hadn't utilized the Feather scroll, a magical tool that would have allowed me to jump from any height without harm, I landed effortlessly on the freshly cut grass.

The reason behind my unscathed descent was a special skill I had acquired long ago—Swan Soaring. This ability transformed the perils of falling from great heights into a graceful and slow descent, as if drifting through soft clouds

But enough about that. I find myself now in enemy territory, where danger lurks at every turn.

Navigating with speed and finesse, I swiftly moved past the drowsy guards patrolling the garden. A particularly alert guard, likely fortified by a cup of coffee infused with a drop of mana, briefly caught sight of me. However, the effects of the Shadow Scroll rendered me an indistinguishable shadow in his perception.

"It probably seemed like it," the guard whispered to himself before nonchalantly turning away.

As I approached the back door, a mental command echoed within me: "Skeleton!" In an instant, my master key materialized in my open palm. The marvel that was my miracle bag deserved a moment of acknowledgment.

Firstly, despite its unassuming appearance as a small pouch, the bag had the extraordinary capacity to contain an entire room within its dimensions—40 cubic meters of space to be precise.

Secondly, thanks to the unique function bestowed upon its owner, I could summon any item from the bag with just a thought, adding an element of convenience to my endeavors.

And thirdly, my miracle bag doubled as a reliable refrigerator, preserving the freshness of my special foods and alchemical ingredients. A versatile companion, indeed.

With this brief interlude concluded and the adventure within the Castle of Count Valois resumed.

The lock on the door proved to be an intricate challenge. Even with my exceptional hacking skills, it took a couple of minutes to decipher its complexities. Yet, victorious in my endeavors, I overcame the barrier and stealthily entered the castle.

Inside, I found myself in the kitchen—an alignment with the information procured earlier.

"So far, everything is coming together," I murmured to myself, acknowledging the success of my infiltration thus far.

Further… I could regale you with the intricate details of how I deftly navigated past the bustling kitchen without alerting a single cook or maid. I could unfold the tale of how I seamlessly traversed the labyrinthine corridors of the first floor, reaching the descent into the basement without catching the attention of patrolling guards. I could recount the perilous journey through dozens of deadly traps on the path to the colossal treasury door. But I won't. I am not a mere common thief who indulges in boasting about such trivial exploits.

After navigating through the myriad challenges, I found myself at my destination—an imposing door stood before me, colossal as a mountain.

"Is this the giant's treasury, or does the owner just have some complexes?" I mused sarcastically, unable to suppress a grin at the sight before me. The Castle of Count Valois, with its grandeur and ostentation, hinted at the vast wealth concealed behind this formidable entrance.


I was well aware that attempting to open this door with just a master key was likely futile—especially considering there were six locks in total. Yet, a solution presented itself in the form of a potion.

"Potion of Moon Ara."

A bottle containing a turquoise liquid materialized in my palm.

"I hope you're worth the price," I remarked before consuming the potion in a single gulp. A searing heat coursed through my throat and stomach before reaching my eyes. As I endured the discomfort, I opened my eyes to find them now glowing turquoise. Through this enhanced vision, I could peer through the thick doors and discern the intricacies of the locks.


I meticulously examined the intricate structure of each lock, my skilled hands coaxing the skeleton key into a dance that soon triumphed over the challenge. The locks yielded, and with a sense of satisfaction, I proclaimed, "Six locks of three difficulty levels in seven minutes! And I'm good."

As I watched the colossal door slowly and ponderously open, the moonlit fortress held witness to Beck, the loving thief, mastering the art of infiltration with finesse and precision. The treasury, shrouded in mystery and guarded by formidable locks, awaited the revelation of its secrets. The night's adventure within the Castle of Count Valois reached its zenith, promising untold riches and the allure of grand theft within the heart of the giant treasury.

And now the moment of truth had arrived. The anticipation lingered as a mountain of treasures should unveil itself before me, and most crucially, what I had come for—the Heart of the Mermaid. Yet, an unexpected sensation stirred within me once again.

Was it anxiety? No, for I remained calm and collected. This wasn't my first undertaking.

Fear? No, I wasn't a fearless warrior charging into battle without cause, but neither was I a coward.

Excitement over the treasures? No, as previously mentioned, this wasn't my first time, and the allure of the treasures wasn't enough to evoke such emotion.

Then what was it? What was this feeling that hinted at an impending change? A change so profound, so irreversible, akin to the very fabric of fate itself.

"No! This is all nonsense!"

I dismissed the unwarranted thoughts, and without waiting for the door to fully swing open, I adeptly slipped inside.

"See? Everything is as usual."

The sight of mountains of treasures, comprised of gold, silver, and various valuables stacked in different piles of varying sizes, served as a familiar tableau, calming my apprehensions. The Castle of Count Valois, for all its mystical aura, adhered to the conventional imagery of a grand treasury, and for the moment, the anticipated revelation unfolded as expected.

"And here she is!"

At the farthest reaches of this vast room, my eyes were drawn to a pedestal bathed in a subtle light. Above it, seemingly suspended in the air, hung the exquisite necklace—the Heart of the Mermaid.

I didn't lose my composure upon seeing my coveted goal. I was no novice.

Carefully navigating around any traps that might have been in place, I approached the stand with measured steps.

"That's all! Now you are mine!" I whispered triumphantly to the Heart of the Mermaid, fully aware of the value and significance of my acquisition.


At that very moment, a dazzling light assaulted my eyes. Thanks to the Heavenly Dew Wine, the effect was intensified, and I was momentarily blinded. Although my vision failed me, the auditory senses remained sharp, capturing the sounds—voices of people, the clattering of individuals clad in armor, and the lighter footsteps of robed magicians.

Then, a velvety voice, entirely out of place in this tense atmosphere, declared, "No, you are mine now!"

Even in my momentary blindness, the realization dawned upon me—I had fallen into a trap.

What to do?

Several thoughts raced through my mind.

Use an Invisibility Potion? No, judging by the sounds, I'm surrounded. As soon as I disappear, they will simply fill this place with arrows and magic.

Use Alaamar's Bomb? No, there will be too many casualties. I'm still a thief, not a murderer.

Then, is this all that remains?

Contemplating my options, a red box materialized in my hand.

"Only this remains! Although this is very dangerous and can lead to death, I have no other choice!" I whispered, finally emerging from the blindness and reopening my eyes.

My suspicions were confirmed—surrounded on all sides.

A formidable assembly of a hundred magicians and warriors, each armed to the teeth, poised with readiness, anticipating my every move.

I shifted my focus toward the feminine voice and laid eyes on her—the most stunning woman I had ever beheld.

Every feature of her face, from eyes to nose to lips, bore the mark of perfection. Her body, figure, and posture mirrored that of a goddess, or more precisely, an elven goddess, for an elf stood before me. And not just any elf.

Discerning from her attire and the potent aura emanating from her, she was undoubtedly a high-level magician.

Upon seeing her, a surge of unfamiliar emotions welled up within me.

"Certainly. I am completely yours, my lady!" I blurted out, reaching for the mermaid's heart necklace and presenting it to her.

At that moment, the consequences became inconsequential. One thing became undeniably clear—I was utterly and irrevocably in love at first sight.

I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that something had transpired. Something had shifted, and my destiny had taken an unexpected turn.

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