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Chapter 2: 2. Reclaiming Heritage

Birmingham City, England.

It was past 5 pm the next day, and the journey back to Kathryn's family's city felt like a pilgrimage. A return to the roots she had left behind six years ago in pursuit of true love.

As the train whisked her away from the wreckage of her failed marriage, she couldn't shake the mix of emotions swirling within her. A blend of sorrow, liberation, and a flicker of anticipation.

The train pulled into the station, and with each step, the familiar sights and sounds of Birmingham City embraced her like an old friend.

Kathryn's heart quickened as she hailed a cab, directing it towards the sprawling estate that held the memories of her youth.

The grandeur of the mansion never failed to astonish her. Ivy-clad walls stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time, while the manicured gardens exuded a sense of tranquillity that offered respite from the chaos of her recent life.

The imposing front doors swung open, revealing the luxury that awaited within.

As she stepped into the foyer, the echoes of her footsteps reverberated through the marble floors. The air held a distinct scent, a mixture of affluence and familiarity that had defined her childhood.

"It's good to be back home," she whispered.

The house, once a symbol of privilege, now represented both her refuge and the starting point of a new chapter.

"Kathryn, is that you?" Her mother's voice, a melodic symphony, greeted her as she descended the grand staircase in a long white dress.

This is Mrs Rowland, the owner of the La Crosse department store in Birmingham. Despite being in her early fifties, She's known for her extravagant lifestyle throughout the fashion industry. No one comes close to her when it comes to wearing the biggest clothing brand in the City.

Her eyes, a mirror of Kathryn's, lit up with a mixture of relief and concern. "My dear, you're finally home."

They embraced, the warmth of her mother's hug a balm for the wounds that still lingered. "Mom, it's been a long journey. I needed to come back."

Her mother pulled away, studying Kathryn's face with a mother's discerning gaze. "You look worn out, my baby. What has happened to you over the years?"

Kathryn took a deep breath, her past threatening to spill over. "I... I got a divorce, Mom. It didn't work out with Marcus."

Her mother's eyes softened, and she cupped Kathryn's face in her hands. "Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry. But you're home now, and we'll help you heal."

The words were a soothing salve, and Kathryn felt the walls she had built around her heart begin to crumble.

Right from time, her family was never in support of her getting married to Marcus, but Kathryn ran away and blocked all means of contacting her. She started a new life with Marcus, without him knowing her real background.

Kathryn was still in the embrace of her mom when her father, George Rowland, entered the room. He is the founder and chairman of TechSphere, one of the biggest Tech companies in England.

He had a towering figure with a comforting presence. His eyes, filled with a mix of surprise and paternal concern, met hers.

"Kathryn," he said, enveloping her in a hug that carried the importance of unconditional love. "Your mother and I have been waiting for this day."

Tears welled in Kathryn's eyes as she looked between them, gratitude and a sense of belonging washing over her. "Thank you both for your understanding...and being here for me. I'm sorry for disobeying you."

"It's fine, sweetheart, you have us now," her mom said, patting her hair. "It's not too late to start all over again. You are just 26 and still very beautiful."

"Your mom is right, Kathryn. It's never too late to start a new life," her dad added.

As she stared at them, Kathryn couldn't be happier than she was for having these two as her parents.

Being the only child, she knew she had disappointed them in many ways. But, she was ready to make it up to them from now on.

"What about David?" Kathryn suddenly asked, looking around the house for him.

David is Kathryn's older brother. Even though he was adopted, no one can tell since everyone in the family loves him.

"He's out of town to meet with some business partners." Her Mother said, and suddenly took Kathryn's hand, leading her towards the grand office in the mansion.

Her father motioned for her to take a seat behind the imposing desk, a seat that had once been reserved for her.

"Kathryn," Mr Rowland began, his voice a measured cadence, "there's something we need to discuss with you."

She furrowed her brow, curious yet cautious. "What is it, Dad?"

He exchanged a knowing glance with her mother before turning his attention back to her. "You see, dear, everyone is aware our family is not just wealthy. We are the owners of the largest tech conglomerate in the country. And it's time for you to reclaim your position within the company. I need you to come on board now."

The sudden revelation made the atmosphere tense, a seismic shift in the narrative of Kathryn's life.

TechSphere is a name that resonated across all tech industries. A legacy she had unwittingly distanced herself from in the pursuit of love. She blinked, trying to process the magnitude of her parents' disclosure.

"I...I don't understand," she stuttered, her mind racing to catch up with the reality unwrapping before her.

Her mother smiled, a mix of pride and reassurance. "Kathryn, you have been the heiress to TechSphere and La Crosse. It's time for you to step into the role you were born for and lead our family's legacy into the future."

As their words settled upon her, a surge of conflicting emotions coursed through her veins. She had left this life behind for the sake of love, but love had betrayed her. Now, destiny beckoned, and the legacy of both TechSphere and La Crosse awaited her embrace.

"I don't know if I'm ready for this," she confessed, the responsibility looming over her like a vast, uncharted terrain.

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze unwavering. "Kathryn, you are more than ready. We believe in you, and TechSphere needs young vision and leadership only you can provide."

The room fell silent, as Kathryn continued to process everything being said. The legacy of TechSphere awaited its rightful heiress, and that's her!

She suddenly stood up and walked away a bit from the chair, facing them both. "But Mom, Dad, I'm now a divorcee. If words get out, it will affect the company. I..."

"Listen dear," her Mom abruptly cut in. "No one has to know you were once married. Almost everyone thinks you only left the city to go further your studies. And the good news is, Anderson will be arriving back in Birmingham tomorrow morning."

"Anderson?!" Kathryn's eyes popped out in shock as she uttered the name.

The name continued to echo in her ears, a haunting melody from the past that she had long tried to forget.

Anderson Gilbert, the guy she had left behind six years ago on the very day they were supposed to exchange vows. The man who was meant to be her lifetime partner until she had walked away, leaving a trail of shattered dreams and unspoken words to go get married to another man.

The announcement of Anderson coming back to the city felt like a plunge into icy waters, the shock seeping into every nerve and freezing her in place.

"Yes dear, Anderson is coming back to the city," her Dad replied. "You both can pick up from where you left back then."

"And if possible, get engaged as soon as he arrives in the city," her Mom added as well.

Her heart pounded fiercely against her ribs, each beat echoing the shock that gripped her. Her parents' words lingered in the air like an ominous fog, settling over her, and wrapping her in an unexpected chill.

She stared blankly at them both, unable to process what they had just proposed. Or have they forgotten what she did to him? She just doesn't understand.

Six years. Six good years of carefully constructed walls and fortified defences against memories that threatened to resurface. And now, in a single sentence, her parents want her to get engaged to him again.

Her palms felt clammy, and the room seemed to sway as her mind struggled to catch up with the reality unravelling before her.

Her parents exchanged glances, concern carved across their faces as they waited for her reaction. Yet, at that moment, she was incapable of providing any reassurance.

How could this be happening? She had moved on, or at least, she thought she had. But the news of his impending return left her feeling exposed, vulnerable, and utterly unprepared.

"It's not possible! I can't get engaged to Anderson," she protested.

"Why Kathryn?" her mom glared at her.

"Not after what I did to him six years ago. I can't even face him anymore. I...I can't do it!"

"Oh, come on dear, rumour has it that he is still single," her Dad interjected. "And this union would be for the progress of the two companies just as it was supposed to be six years ago."

"Yes Darling, we will talk to his family. So, you don't have to worry about anything," her mom backed him up.

Listening to these two made Kathryn feel ashamed of herself. Who goes back to their ex after leaving on the day of engagement without giving a proper explanation?

And now, she's expected to go back to him after six years and being a divorcee? That will never happen! She still has an iota of shame if her parents don't!

She instantly turned to them, her face cold and unyielding. "Let's call it a day, please. I need to rest my brain!" Then she left for her room.

7:30 pm...

The dinner served at the Rowland mansion was a lavish affair. The long table was adorned with fine china and silverware, and the room was filled with the aroma of gourmet dishes.

Mr. Rowland sat at the head of the table, with his wife by his side. Kathryn sat quietly, trying to hide her discomfort amidst the opulence.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and David strode in, his tailored suit hinting at the success of his business meeting. His arrival surprised Kathryn, who had been expecting his arrival.

"David! You're back," Mrs Rowland exclaimed, rising to greet him with a hug.

David smiled warmly at his mother before glancing at Kathryn. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Kathryn seated at the table. "Kathryn," he looked surprised. "You're here too?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Kathryn nodded, offering a weak smile in return. "Yes, I'm back," she replied, avoiding eye contact.

"So, why are you back?" he asked, taking his seat next to her.

Kathryn shrugged a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Needed a break, I guess," she muttered, picking at her food.

As they all settled to eat, conversation flowed freely, and David was informed about Kathryn's divorce. Tension lingered beneath the surface, and David couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was amiss.

Right from their childhood, David and Kathryn aren't that close to each other. David is a bookworm who hardly associates with others. He prefers to be alone and that affected his cordial relationship with Kathryn. Still, Kathryn loves him and looks up to him.

David is 35, and the director of the strategic and planning department at TechSphere. He works so hard to be recognized by their father, and has the thought of taking over the company someday.

Midway through the meal, Mr Rowland cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I have an announcement to make David," he said, his voice commanding the room's attention.

"Ok Dad," David replied, straightening his back in his chair, his curiosity piqued.

"Starting tomorrow," Mr. Rowland continued, "I will be announcing Kathryn as the new CEO of TechSphere."

"Oh," he gently muttered.

The news hit David like a ton of bricks. He had been eyeing the CEO position for years, working tirelessly to prove himself worthy. And now, his father was handing it over to Kathryn, who had just returned home after her divorce.

For a moment, David struggled to maintain his composure, his fake smile faltering. "Congratulations, Kathryn," he managed to say, though his words felt hollow.

Kathryn looked taken aback by the news, her eyes widening in surprise because she hadn't agreed to take the position.

"Thank you, David," she said softly, a mixture of disbelief in her voice and turned to her father. "But Dad, I said I have to think about it first. I..."

"There's nothing to think about, sweetie," her mom cuts in. "That position belongs to only you."


"There's no but Kathryn!" Her dad angrily interjected. "I'm introducing you to the board tomorrow and that's final!"

The dinner continued, but David found it increasingly difficult to mask his disappointment. He pushed his food around his plate, his mind racing with thoughts of what would be his fate.

Unable to bear the charade any longer, David excused himself from the table before dessert was served, his heart heavy with a sense of betrayal and resentment.

Shortly after he left, everyone else departed to their various room...

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