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Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties original

Invincible Summoning: All My Summons Are Beauties

Author: Holking99

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Transmigration

Eddie, a typical homebody from Ohio, saw a shadow zooming across the sky. Craning his neck, he shouted, "Honey, come see God flying!"

 The shadow, apparently riding a sword, wobbled upon hearing this, seeming about to fall.

Unperturbed, Eddie yelled again, "Dude, slow down! Your fly's undone!"

Disturbed, the figure plummeted down.

Eddie didn't bother to check on the fallen figure; he dashed to claim the shiny flying sword, hollering, "Master, this sword's a gem! Littering can harm the environment. What if it hit a kid, or even just flowers and trees? I'll keep it for you! "

"And what's this? A tiny cosmic bag? A brilliant and powerful immortal like you shouldn't carry such a tattered sack. I'll hold onto it for you!"

The sky-diving old mystic nearly burst a vein in frustration.

In his thousands of years, he'd never encountered such a shameless scoundrel.

"Master, I'm of age but alas, still single. Do you perchance have a granddaughter? I'm not picky, be she a mature beauty or a sweet young thing!"

Eddie smirked cheekily. Finally, driven to fury, the old mystic flew up and kicked him squarely in the rear, bellowing, "Scram, get lost!"

And so, Eddie flung through time and space.


"Ah, the eyes are moving, he's waking up, little Eddie's waking up!" Before Eddie could even open his eyes, a silvery, bell-like childish voice rang out beside him.

"Frost, no disrespect to your brother," followed by a gentle, wise, and maternal voice chiding affectionately.

Eddie opened his eyes to find the old mystic gone.

Instead, a lively, adorable little girl caught his gaze. This spritely child, around six or seven, was the very picture of youthful innocence, dressed in a pale green frock, her delicate arms like lotus stems bare.

Her hair was tied into thin braids with red ribbons, hanging long, and her small wrists were adorned with a single silver bracelet from which three tiny bells dangled.

The little girl, full of mischief, reached out to pinch Eddie's nose. As her delicate hand extended, the bells chimed in tune with her crisp laughter.

"Huh?" Eddie wondered.

Could this girl be the old mystic's granddaughter?

A real gem indeed!

He was about to tease her when suddenly a pair of gentle arms reached from behind, catching the naughty girl.

A soft reprimand and a tender squeeze to her chubby hand served as punishment for her mischief, pulling her into a loving embrace.

The girl, undeterred and finding it all amusing, giggled continuously, making funny faces at Eddie with great spirit.

Eddie looked past her to see the woman behind this scene and inwardly sighed. 

My goodness, she was like an ideal partner!

Sitting across from him was a young woman, perhaps in her early thirties.

Her features were delicate and beautiful, her eyes clear and bright. Her lips curved in a gentle smile, exuding a quiet strength and soft grace. Her dark hair was elegantly coiled up, adorned with a simple yet stylish purple and black wooden hairpin. 

She radiated a sense of calm intelligence and inner vitality, further accentuated by her sky-blue and white flowing dress, and the way she cradled the little girl in her arms made Eddie's heart stir.

Truly, any man would be fortunate to have such a partner!

Noticing Eddie's awakening, the woman's smile faded to a look of pained concern. "Eddie, you mustn't be so reckless again. What got into you, thinking to jump into the river? Thanks heavens you were saved in time. "

"How could I face my sister, who entrusted you to my care, if something happened? I've never had the heart to punish you before, but if you don't learn from today's lesson, then I've failed in my duty to her. Next month, you'll go and receive your punishment from your uncle!"

The little girl, Frost, scrunched up her cute nose and mimicked, "Go and get a spanking, huh? Whack, whack, whack, until your bottom blooms!"

Eddie, still trying to piece everything together, couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before him

Eddie was sweating bullets. He hadn't tried to jump into any river.

Where was he?

Had the old mystic kicked him into some alternate reality?

Had this woman mistaken him for someone else? 

He wondered if there was someone who looked like him who had actually fallen into the river, and now this woman had fished him out, mistaking him for her beloved Tommy, while the real one fed the fishes.

The thought made him break into a cold sweat. What a colossal misunderstanding!

Eddie, fearing to reveal any discrepancies, remained silent about the mix-up, not daring to ask where he was.

If they discovered he wasn't her beloved Eddie, who knows what might happen?

He might actually end up in the river for real this time.

The woman, noticing Eddie's tense face and beaded forehead, mistook his nervousness for remorse.

Her voice softened considerably, "Eddie, it's good that you understand your mistake. It's not the mistakes that define us, but our willingness to correct them. "

"I've watched you grow, and I know you're not reckless. It's just that Miss Xue's rejection has driven you to despair. But remember, if a relationship isn't built on mutual support, it's better left undone."

"Our family, one of the prominent houses, surely can find a fitting match for you."

"Yes," Eddie managed to murmur, deciding to play along for now, waiting for a chance to escape.

The woman seemed relieved at his response, believing that he had learned his lesson.

After a few more comforting words, she instructed Eddie to rest and prepared to leave the room with the little girl, Frost.

Eddie internally sighed in relief, thinking he had narrowly escaped exposure. He knew he had to find a way out soon, especially if the real Eddie showed up.

As the woman reached the door, she turned back, concern etching her features.

"Eddie, promise me you won't do anything foolish again. I know you're strong-willed, but don't make me worry. You are all that's left for the family legacy."

"No, I won't," Eddie assured vehemently.

He had no plans for self-harm; he had an old mystic to find!

The woman seemed somewhat comforted by his earnest expression.

"I believe in you, Eddie. Remember, you have three months left to bind with the family's treasured tome. It's a rite of passage for us. "

"Don't lose hope; not a single one in our family has failed. Your parents likely sealed the tome to test you, to forge your spirit. You have their legacy in your veins; you're meant to succeed."

Eddie was lost. Binding with what tome?

He was just a regular guy, not some heir to a mystical legacy.

He had to find a way out of this strange and mistaken identity before he got too entangled in this family's affairs.

As the woman left the room chasing after the playful Frost, Eddie's mind raced for a plan.

He was no the refered Eddie, but until he could find his way back, he might just have to learn to play the part.

Eddie, who considered his prowess in gaming, especially some niche titles from an island nation, as his primary talent, was completely out of his depth with this whole tome-binding business.

He gathered from the woman's words that his supposed lookalike, the real Eddie, might have been pushed to despair, leading to his tragic end.

The poor guy had no parents, failed to bind with the family's mystical tome, and was jilted, leading him to believe life was utterly bleak.

The real kicker was, instead of the refered Eddie being pulled from the river.

It was him, a perfect stranger, now holed up in this bizarre situation.

And as for the real Eddie, he was probably providing free food for fishes somewhere.

The one thing Eddie couldn't figure out was how he ended up in the river in the first place.

Did the old mystic actually kick him into this mess, hoping he'd somehow take over Tommy's life?

Sweat beaded Eddie's forehead as the woman, whom he now understood to be a devoted stepmother to Tommy, assured him of her unwavering support.

She didn't care if he never bound with the tome; she would still see him as her own son and spare no expense to ensure his success.

Her words moved Eddie, not for himself but for the real Tommy, who had apparently squandered such affection and care.

Once alone, Eddie's gaze inadvertently fell upon a colossal tome on the desk. It seemed ancient, made of bronze, and was etched with mysterious patterns.

A strange attraction pulled at him, akin to the anticipation of starting a long-awaited new game.

As he reached out and touched the tome, it burst into a blinding golden light, engulfing the room.

In the midst of this dazzling brilliance, Eddie shielded his eyes, feeling an onslaught of knowledge flood his mind.

It was overwhelming, packing his brain with endless information, yet he couldn't quite grasp the core of it all. It was as if his body and soul were simultaneously in a state of confusion and enlightenment.

Inside him, a dormant, mysterious energy stirred to life, resonating with an ethereal melody only he could 'hear'. It was a call that resonated deeply, more enchanting than any music he'd ever heard, stirring his soul like a mother's comforting embrace during childhood sickness.

In his mind's eye, Eddie saw a glowing sword, spinning autonomously with an indescribable grace. It seemed to be held by a celestial maiden, dancing and drifting through the void.

"What on earth is going on here?" Eddie murmured, caught between awe and confusion, as he stood in the golden glow of the mysterious, resonating tome.

As the golden light that filled the room slowly receded in Eddie's astonished mind, it converged into a single point, flickering between his finger and the metallic tome.

The mysterious energy that had resonated within him subsided into silence, and the shining sword that had danced in his consciousness faded away, leaving Eddie back in reality, his finger still faintly glowing.

Startled, he withdrew his hand, and the light vanished. The heavy bronze book, which had seemed so imposing and immovable, now gently levitated before him, feeling as if it was a natural extension of his own body, almost like another limb.

At the doorway stood the woman, tears streaming down her face. She leaned weakly against the frame, visibly shaken and barely able to stand. Despite witnessing the incredible scene before her, disbelief and joy mingled on her face as tears flowed freely, soaking her clothes.

"Eddie, have you... have you successfully bonded with the summoning tome? Is this real? Am I dreaming? Oh, ancestors bless us, this is their grace! Sister, Eddie has bound with the tome, do you see it from above? I always said, Eddie is not worthless, he isn't! Thank you, ancestors of the family, for not forsaking our Eddie,"

she exclaimed, dropping to her knees in gratitude, repeatedly bowing her head to the ground, unmindful of the dirt and dust smearing her forehead.

Eddie, although an imposter, was moved by her devotion and quickly rushed to help her up. He might not be the real Eddie, but he couldn't stand to see her in such distress.

At the door, the little girl, Frost, returned, holding a big red pinwheel, tilting her head in confusion. "Mommy, why are you crying?"

The scene, fraught with emotions and mysterious energies, was a far cry from anything Eddie had ever experienced, and yet, here he was, in the middle of it, a stranger swept into an extraordinary world.

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