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Chapter 2: 2 Incident


Pokemon belongs to The Pokémon company, Nintendo, Game freak. Only original characters belong to me.




"We've almost reached the city. So hold on Pikachu!" Ash said while running towards the city landscape.

"Pika." It said quietly. It had a fever and was exhausted after the stunt it pulled off not too long ago.

After they reached the main street a siren suddenly went up.

"Please stop and give your identification." Oficer Jenny cut Ash's way with a scooter.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet. Here's my Pokédex." He handed it over.

"Checks out. You have to be careful as there are criminals in town. They tried stealing pokémon from a couple of trainers already." Jenny warned him.

"Ok. Officer. Could I ask you for a favor? My Pikachu suffered from the storm and it needs urgent medical attention." Ash asked with a pleading voice.

"Of course citizen. Hop on. Get into the sidecar and wear the helmet. It's going to be a bumpy ride." Jenny stepped on the gas and with tires screeching they headed towards the Pokémon Center.

Meanwhile in a valley near Viridian City.

"I'm huff... gonna huff... murder him."

A familiar redhead was on her way to Viridian. She assumed that's where that guy was heading towards to. She was soaking wet because of the storm.

"I love water and water pokémon. But this is ridiculous." She huffed and walked almost out of breath.

"Finally, this is going to be the last hill and it's all downhill from here." She said with some self-deprecation.

"What's that?" She saw something laying besides the road. She quickened her pace and fury lit her face. You could see flames burning in her eyes. She started running with new found strength with the bike in her hands.

"My bike! You're so dead!" The local wildlife was scared beyond comprehension. First a storm, then a murder of birds. And now a deranged pokémon trainer. It seems Pokémon Kansas seems like a good place to migrate to.

"Look out officer!" Ash's screams were muffled by the roar of the engine. This Jenny seemed to be a fan of street races. Not wanting to waste time stopping before the building she rode into the Center and stopped the motorcycle into a screeching halt in front of the reception desk.

"We have an emergency Ms. Joy!"

"Oh we'll have an emergency if you not back off with that soon to be scrap metal." The smile on Joy's face suddenly felt unnerving to Ash.

"Come on bike sister. We were tighter than blood in our gang years." Jenny pouted.

"Sorry to break your reunion but could you please help my Pikachu?" Ash tried to speed up this gag.

"Of course silly. That's I'm her for." Joy said and called for Chansey to take Pikachu to the emergency room.

Ash finally could let a breath of relief. He went towards the videocall booth to call his mother.

"Hi Ash. How are you doing?" His mom was for some reason doing aerobics.

"Could be better mom. Me and Pikachu got caught in a storm today. It's now safe in the hands of Ms. Joy." He replied.

"Oh no. You should get yourself warm sweetie. And eat something, ok?" She said with concern.

"Of course mom. Just wanted to call you first. OH, and before I forget. I have a surprise for you."

"Really? How sweet of you to remember about your mother." She praised.

"Yes. Since I'm not going to be around for some time I thought you'd like some company and helping hands. I'm going to send you two pairs of Pidgeys and Spearows."

"Oh yes. They'll keep the pesky Caterpies and Weedles away. Thank you my little cutiepie." She sent a little kiss.

'How embarrassing.' Ash blushed.

After finishing his call with his mother he decided to call up professor Oak.

"Hello professor."

"Why hello there Ash. I see you've reached Viridian City. Gary has already reached the next town. Just before Pewter city in fact."

'Well when you have a limo suddenly distances become inconsequential.' Ash mocked inwardly.

"Anyway professor, I have something nice to show you."

"Oh don't keep me waiting. What is it?"

"I'll send you a photo I took with my Pokédex. Sending now."

Ash sent the photo. Professor Oak accepted the transfer and spitted out the ramen he was eating during the call.

"I can't believe my eyes! You've seen the myth, the legend, the one and only Ho-Oh!" He was flabbergasted by this. A photo of an legendary pokémon almost thought to not exist because of it's reclusive behavior.

"That's not all professor. I've even got a memento." Ash flashed his teeth and the rainbow feather.

"Fascinating. It's said that those who seen Ho-Oh will live a life in happiness."

"Well I hope I won't be a part of anymore shenanigans. After all I almost lost my life on day one." Ash said while sighing.

"Nevertheless, enjoy your journey and keep completing your pokédex. Gary has caught six different pokémon already." Oak said with some pride.

Ash ended the call before he would say something he'd later regret. He walked up to a corner with a sofa and just sat there to wait for Pikachu.

"I found you!" Ash felt fear. He looked towards the entrance and a very angry girl stood there with what seemed to be a bike that was chared to death.

"Uh oh." Ash gasped

"I'm gonna make you sorry buster!" Misty yelled.

"I can explain. Even deathrow prisoner's get their last words. Mercy." He pleaded.

"You better have a good one. Or today will spell your doom." She sniffed in disdain.

"I took your bike because a flock of Pidgeys and Spearows were pursuing us. They were so persistent that even a storm didn't deter them. Unfortunately, Pikachu got overcharged by lightning and released a huge thunder on the flock. And although he burned the birds to crisp it was seriously injured."

"How is Pikachu doing now?" She asked with concern.

"It was conscious when I gave him to Ms. Joy's capable hands. And now I'm waiting." Ash said with a pitiful look. It seemed that Misty's angered had subsided a little bit.

"I'm still furious about my ruined bike." She said in a more calm tone.

"I'm truly sorry. I'll pay you back. I'm Ash Ketchum by the way." Ash introduced himself.

"You can call me Misty." She huffed.

Suddenly an alarm sounded in the Pokémon Center.

"What's going on?" Misty questioned.

Two people emerged seemingly from out of nowhere. They had white uniforms with a red R plastered in the front. One was a man with blue hair and a smug grin on his face. The other was a woman with long red hair. A Meowth standing on his hind legs was between the pair.

"Prepare for trouble." The young woman said.

"Make it double" the young man said

"Spearow trash them!" The bird pokémon slammed into the thugs.

"Uh. How dare you twerp!" She said with anger.

"Yeah. What's the big idea?" He added.

"Meowth. What's your problem kid?" The cat pokémon said.

"Yeah. I don't listen to wanted criminals. Spearow use peck." Ash shouted.

The pokémon began it's attack making the enemies squirm from pain.

"That's it. Go ekans!" The woman sent her snake pokémon.

"You too Koffing. Use poison gas attack." A purple ball covered in fumes unleashed a cloud of poisonous gas.

"Spearow disperse it with your wings."

"Row!" A whirlwind chased the poisen away.

"What's going on here!?" Ms. Joy's voice reverberated in the hall.

"How dare you come to my Pokémon Center and try to steal. Chansey eggbomb them to smithereens."

"Chansey!" With a glare in it's eyes it unleashed a barrage of bombs towards the trio. A huge blast engulfed them an they shot out through the ceiling.

"This isn't the last time you'll hear from us!"

"Jessie. They don't hear you." Said the man while in flight.

"Shut up nimrod. It's your fault for being useless." The Meowth heckled.

"Meowth's right James shut up!"

" We're blasting off for the first time!" And only a twinkle was left of them in the sky.

"Thank you Ms. Joy. The threat is over." Ash sighed with relief and returned his pokémon into it's pokéball.

"At least one person here had the courage to do anything." She scowled looking towards the rest of the guests.

"I'm sorry but my Goldeen would be useless without water." Misty explained while keeping her head low.

"No matter. Anyway, your Pikachu is fine Ash. After a good night's sleep it'll be good as new." And she left to handle the aftermath of Team Rocket's unsuccessful raid.

"You were amazing out there fighting the crooks." Some people thanked Ash for his part in taking the villains down.

"I just did what's right." He nervously scratched his head.

The next day Ash got up early trying to quickly evacuate from the building. Trying to not get caught by a certain redheaded lady. He went up to the front desk where after some paperwork Ash finally could see Pikachu.

"Hi there Pikachu. You alright?" He asked with concern.

"Pika Pika pi." It showed a okay sign and jumped on Ash's shoulder.

"You missed some action yesterday." He grinned at the lost face on Pikachu.

"Don't worry. I think we'll see them again." Pikachu looked even more confused at his partner's confidence.

As they were exiting the Pokémon Center a shrill voice made them stop.

"And just where do you think you're going buster?" Misty tapped her foot at Ash's embarrassed face.

"For a breath of fresh air. Pikachu would like to stretch for a bit. Don't you?

"Pika." That sounded more like keep me out of this than an agreement.

"Well then. I'm going with you. At least until you pay me back for my bike." She decided for him.

"Aren't you a little to forward. Stalking a defenseless boy, ouch!" Ash laid on the floor with a bump slowly growing on his head.

"And that's why you need me. To keep you aout of trouble. Right pikachu?" She looked towards Pikachu with a smile on her face.

"Pika pi." It quickly nodded. No need to risk its life for this sketch comedy pair of humans. Maybe they should get a rome to talk out their problems.

"It's your fault Pikachu her bike's in ruins." Ash looked at it while tapping the floor with his finger.

"Chu." It sighed.

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