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Chapter 10: chojuro zen'in and jinichi zen'in

As he looked at his old man Tadama practicing his fire fist cursed technique at the Zen'in family traning compound, he couldn't help but feel proud. All the other family members practicing their techniques stopped just to see the intricate and beautiful yet deadly dance moves that Tadama created with his fire fists. Today they witnessed the might of the 3rd strongest member of the Hei unit.

'This old man. As soon as I mentioned that reviving mother was possible he's back to full strength.'

"Oi father let's go we have things to do."

" Huh? You want to convince Chojuro already, son?" Tadama looked confusingly at his son.

"Yes. We need to speed up our plans. My duel with Ogi is due within 2 days. I want to convince Chojuro and Jinichi Zen'in to be on our side by then."

"Let's go son. With me, your father, coming with you, there's nothing we can't do mwahahahahaha. Also I haven't seen your cursed technique myself yet." Tadama's face changed from one of self pride to one of sadness.

"Don't worry dad you'll see it very soon when I fight with Chojuro san."

"Heh, I can't wait."

At Chojuro Zen'in's training quarters

Unlike other training halls owned by Hei members, this hall was practically empty as far as the eye could see and not to mention even the floor wasn't made of concrete. It was full of sand and dirt.

At the centre of the hall you could see an old man sitting down seemingly having fallen asleep while in the meditative position.

Even as Tadama approached him the old man didn't wake up. He snapped his fingers and the old man still didn't wake up. Having no other choice left, Tadama coated his fist with cursed energy and struck the old man as fast as he could. Yet in reaction to his attack a large endless palm appeared separating Chojuro and Tadama.

"Now now now Tadama, isn't it rude to attack your elders?"

"Elder my ass, cut me some slack. If you wanted to you could even fight with me evenly. Although you would still lose in the end like the weakling you are."

"Wow. That was unwarranted. You're making this old man sad now." Just as he said so the old man slowly stood up from his position as a small cane made of dirt manifested in his hand. Using it the hunchbacked man slowly stood up while wobbling.

Although he looked seemingly unthreatening he possessed a terrifying cursed technique that wasn't so because of its strength but because of its range. Earth manipulation. When his hands are connected to the ground, he can manipulate the earth to create constructs of various shapes and sizes though he usually just uses his technique to create arms that extend endlessly.

'If only this old man knew how to use his cursed technique properly. What a shame.'

"Okay now to address the elephant in the room. Chojuro we're gonna rebel against the patriarch and we need your help for it."

"Hooooooooooh? What a terrible idea! Why should I agree with this?" Although Chojuro made a disgusted expression, if you watched closely you could see the smirk slowly rising on his face.

"Look. Let's make a deal. If my son is able to defeat you then you have to follow each and every command we give you, and if you win then I'll give you something that you've always wanted. Access to the cursed warehouse."

"Now that's an interesting proposal, count me in." Chojuro's eyes that had once looked full of disinterest flashed with greed.

"Don't think I'll go easy on your little boy , Tadama. And don't you dare go back on this promise of yours.

"Fine fine just start the match already I haven't got all day."

"Alright." Just as Chojuro said so both of his hands touched the ground and for a second it appeared that nothing happened before two giant stone hands appeared out of nowhere and grasped Toji inside of them.

"Hmm? This is it? You've raised a dissapointment of a son Tadam- "

Just as Chojuro was about to complete his sentence, the stone arms started shaking before suddenly exploding with a shockwave as Toji used both his fists to tear the arms apart.

"Ahhh. Good job old man that hit just the right spot." Toji came out relatively unharmed. Not a single scratch on his body.

"Looks like I'll have to get serious then." Just as Chojuro said so, the ground that Toji was standing on was elevated until it reached the sky. And then blocks of stone, shaped like jenga pieces, slowly rose from the ground and forced their way towards Toji. No matter how many blocks he destroyed the amount of blocks just kept on increasing until Toji was stuck in a stone square.

"Looks like I'm in a tough spot." Toji said as he gritted his teeth while using both of his arms to hold the jenga blocks from collapsing on himself.

"Oi blob release 40% of your chaos energy."

The blob that was previously hiding in his clothes suddenly appeared on his shoulder and created a mouth for itself before releasing the cursed energy.

" <Chaos technique: protective dome>"

Just as Toji said so infront of toji a small black dome started expanding until it covered him and when it made contact with the jaenga blocks , they were decimated. Reduced to dust. With nothing left as proof to show their existence.

Chojuro seeing this couldn't help but frown as even when Toji jumped down from his stone platform the dome still followed him.

"Try all you want old man. But you can't get past this dome." Heh. This technique is a perfect counter for long range elemental users.

"We'll see about that."as soon chojuro said that 4 giant arms made of stone appeared from the ground with the dome in the middle, yet just as they were about to touch the dome they started disintegrating like they were never there.

"Your moves are weak,old man" as soon as Toji said so while walking towards him. In the meantime Chojuro tried whatever he could to destroy the dome yet whatever touched the dome got destroyed immediately.


"Hoh? Is that what you want? Fine."just as he said so he started manipulating the chaos energy that made up the dome to create a sword high up in the air

"<Evangelion sword>"

Just as Toji said so a black longsword was formed in the air . It's mere presence was hideous. The veins that surrounded the sword gave it a grotesque look.

"Oi brat, what have you done." Although Chojuro couldn't feel any cursed energy from the sword he knew just by the aura surrounding the sword that if he was cut it. He would be fatally injured.

"Now now why don't you try to dodge my small plaything?" Just as Toji said so he moved his hand downwards towards chojuro's position.

Just then almost instantaneously the sword crashed into the ground where Chojuro once stood.

"Oi old man why did you dodge? Boring."

"You're telling me to face that head on?". Chojuro felt sweat drop down his back as he saw what the sword had done. A deep pit had appeared where the sword landed but as a result the sword was jammed inside the ground.

'Its not coming out anymore tch.'

"Scatter" Toji said while clenching his palm. As soon as he said so the dark energy making up the sword seemingly dissapeared and in its place only a large crater was left on the ground.

"Get ready for my next attack old man." Just as Toji said so, he used the chaos energy that made up the sword to create a spinning ball that was full of spikes. As it sat on his palm it slowly became larger and larger and gained momentum.

"I call this technique the <ouchy ball>, get ready Chojuro."


'Yeah system ?'

[Did anyone tell you that your naming sense is unique?]

'Hahahahaha thanks for the compliment '


Then Toji gestured a finger flick towards Chojuro and the large ball that by now had grown to the size of a building floating over Toji's head, rushed towards Chojuro at a frightening speed.

In defense, Chojuro made several layers of stone walls separating Toji and him. Yet the sphere tore through the walls with its spikes like they never existed.

'In front of cursed energy. Elements don't stand a chance. They're pretty much polar opposites. One is normally born in the void from nothingness and negative emotions while the other embodies creation. Pretty poetic man.'

"Old man are you ready to give up." Toji said while he was controlling the ball with his hands by pointing the ball in chojuro's direction.

"F-fine i surrender." The dark sphere that by now had pierced through all his defences was spinning violently in front of him. It's speed growing stronger by the second.

'If he can already defeat me at such a young age following him in the future wouldn't be that bad.'

"Just as I expected from my son."

'Defeating a top member of the Hei while he's just 6, no doubt about it. He's my son. " Tadama couldn't help but shed silent tears of pride.

"Alright old man, you better follow my orders then from now." As soon as Toji snapped his fingers it appeared that the sphere was sucked inside the purple blob that toji was caressing with his hands.

"Now now time for our next victim. Let's go son." Tadama couldn't help but force a wide grin before going with Toji to Jinichi Zen'in's house.


At the Hei unit's headquarters,

Usually this room is used as a gathering point for the top 3 in the hei unit to discuss about their missions and about the tasks that have been assigned to the Hei unit.

On one of the futa mats on the floor, a muscular man with wild spikey hair and thick eyebrows. He has an X shaped scar on his forehead with somewhat small eyes. He also sports a dark-colored kimono while being barefoot.

'These old bastartds, how long do they plan to keep me waiting here? Jinichi said while tapping the table with his fingers repeatedly.

'Well might as well take a nap while waiting for them to com-" just as he was about to finally rest a young man with a slim build and a short stature having wide, light-colored eyes with long eyebrows and dark disheveled hair tied into a low ponytail burst into the room.


"Ranta. Do you know how many times you've interrupted my naps for these emergencies of yours." Jinichi looked at Ranta with a frown, his eyes practically saying that if whatever came out of his mouth wasn't worthwhile he would get beat up.

"Uhm... Apologises Jinichi sama but I've been searching for you everywhere in the clan. Why are you in the meeting room?"

"Are you dumb, brat? As my assistant don't you know that it's time for the Hei unit's meeting today?"

Ranta couldn't help but be dumbfounded by jinichi's stupidity.

"Jinichi sama. You do know that the hei unit meeting is three days from now?"


"Anyways getting on to the crucial matters Tadama sama and his son Toji have been searching for you in the household for over 3 hours. I think you'd better meet them in your house where they are right now."

"Heh. Tadama is searching for me? Hasn't happened for a while. Maybe he's trying to ask for help to find more books. Looks like time has finally come to test once again who the best is hehehehehehh." If anyone saw

Jinichi's face right now they would be disgusted because his eyes were rolled up until the pupils couldn't be seen anymore and he was grinning while saliva was dripping down his mouth.

"YOOOOOOH LET'S DEPART." It seems like Tadama's name filled him with energy. He carried Ranta on his shoulder like he was a sack of rice until he led him back to his household.

At Jinichi's household,

"Jinichi jinichi, how long are you going to make your friend wait for? You're the same as always." Tadama and Toji , who by this time had become restless after searching for so long, were sitting on a couch outside while drinking pepsi.

"Oy son. I think we should call off our search for tommorow. I don't know where that old man w-"

"TADAMAAAAAA KUNNNNNN" suddenly a voice came from a middle aged man who burst through the metal gate almost breaking it. He then ran to Tadama and started shaking his body from the shoulders as if he couldn't believe that Tadama existed.


As soon as Tadama coughed it was like neurons were activated in Jinichi's brain and he blushed a bit before making distance between him and tadama before saying.

"So Tadama are you back here to taste defeat?" By now Tadama and Jinichi's cursed energy were practically flooding the compound.

"Now now, this time I came prepared. Let's see how the battle will turn out." Tadama pulled up his imaginary glasses with a finger.

Thus began yet another heroic battle beetween gentlemen.


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