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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

[Author Note:

Dear readers, I apologize for the oversight in the synopsis, but I wanted to clarify an important detail that will be included in the upcoming chapter. The Walking Dead TV series and the Telltale game will be merged together in this story. For those who enjoyed the game, don't mention it. However, if you were not a fan, I apologize but my decision is unlikely to change.]

As the first rays of morning sunlight gently kiss his face, he stirs from his deep slumber. Lying on the cold surface, he stretches his tired body, unaware of when exhaustion had overtaken him. Thankfully, fate had spared him the company of any walkers who could have devoured him alive during his vulnerable state.

Making his way towards the edge of the roof where he had ascended, he gazes down into the alley below. To his utmost surprise, the walkers that had appeared so abruptly had vanished just as quickly. A nervous chuckle escapes him as he playfully ponders whether he is cursed. After all, why would he find himself transported into the world of The Walking Dead, only to be immediately surrounded by flesh-eating monsters? It seemed as though a curse was the only plausible explanation.

Taking a deep breath, he begins descending the fire escape stairs, carefully and methodically making his way down the ladder. With the utmost caution, he leaps from the ladder's end, landing with a soft and calculated grace. Sneaking out of the alley, he remains vigilant, constantly scanning his surroundings to ensure he is not taken by surprise.

While traversing the path ahead, he stumbles upon a steel pipe, pausing momentarily to pick it up. His search for a usable vehicle leads him to a worn yet functional 2010 Nissan Versa, much to his surprise. Pleased with his discovery, he jogs towards the car, securely fastening the steel pipe to his belt loop. Approaching the vehicle, he instinctively transitions into a stealthy approach, aware of the ever-present danger that may lurk nearby.

His caution proves to be well-founded as he spots a lurking walker standing aimlessly. Its lifeless eyes and putrid stench confirm its undead nature, resembling a decaying corpse in every way possible. Steeling himself, he stands tall, preparing for a possible confrontation. Retrieving the steel pipe from its secure position, he tightens his grip on it with both hands, ready to face the impending battle.

Summoning courage from deep within, he takes a deep breath and slowly approaches the odious creature. In an unexpected turn of events, the walker suddenly pivots, its gaze meeting his. Without hesitation, he swings the steel pipe with all his strength, the crushing blow landing squarely on the monster's head. The walker crumples to the ground, its lifeless body limp and defeated. Finally exhaling the breath he had held, he takes a well-deserved moment to collect himself, relieved yet aware that many more challenges lie ahead.

With measured steps, he approached the sleek automobile, curiosity piqued as he peered through the window. Inside, a nondescript hoodie lay abandoned alongside empty grocery bags, a simple and unremarkable sight. Taking a cautious pause, he gingerly opened the car door while remaining ever vigilant for any unexpected ambush from lurking walkers.

Fortunately, the coast was clear, devoid of any undead menace lying in wait. Seating himself comfortably in the driver's seat, he gently shut the door, enveloping himself in a cocoon of temporary respite. Scrutinizing the car's interior, his experienced eyes fixated on the cables compartment, contemplating the necessary steps to hotwire the car and bring it to life.

Growing up in a rough neighborhood where violence and death were eerily commonplace, he had learned the art of carjacking as a survival skill, ingrained in his very existence. Manipulating the vehicle's ignition system without raising any alarms or suspicion was second nature to him. Skillfully bypassing security measures, he successfully sparked the engine to life. To his delight and luck, the gas tank still held an ample amount of fuel, a rare stroke of fortune in these desperate times.

A triumphant smirk danced across his features, a faint glimmer in his hardened eyes. "Looks like I've still got it," he murmured, the satisfaction evident in his voice. Delighting in his small victory, a stifled chuckle escaped his lips, a whisper of amusement that dared not attract any unwanted attention.

Suddenly, the eerie groans and moans of walkers pierced the air, their relentless pursuit now alerted by the engine's awakening. His senses heightened, he cast a wary glance over his shoulder, assessing the approaching threat. In a moment of quick thinking, he skillfully maneuvered the car backwards, creating a safe distance before firmly pressing down on the gas pedal. The vehicle swiftly carried him away from the perilous street, leaving the groaning walkers trailing behind.

As the sound of his escape echoed in his ears, a mixture of relief and exhilaration washed over him. The road ahead may be treacherous, but for now, he savored this brief respite and the newfound freedom that the stolen car provided.

He cautiously pressed down on the accelerator, propelling the Nissan forward along the empty, eerie road.

The path ahead seemed haunted, an unsettling silence engulfing the air. Dilapidated buildings stood as solemn testaments to the chaos that had consumed the city. 

As he drove, something caught his eye, causing him to abruptly hit the brake pedal.

"This is like Celementine's house..." the words trailed off hesitantly.

Could it be possible? Was it really true that Celementine, from the Telltale The Walking Dead world, existed in the same reality as him?

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