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Chapter 16: SPOT


Ben laid down a mat and a blanket on the top of it as Dawn took drink of water from her bottle as she watched him neatly arrange the place.

A while later, the two of them went to laid on their back side by side, their eyes gazed at the sky, watching the clouds chnaged shapes and listening at the sing songs of the birds around the forest.

"I can't believed that this place is still the same even after being gone for a whole year." Dawn sighed as she turn her head to left to look at him.

"Hmm." Ben simply nodded in agreement but his eyes never left the clouds to meet Dawn's.

Two years ago, during that first summer after Ben's family had moved to Orange County, the two of them found this "spot" and claimed it as their own.

It was a good half-hour's hike away from the main camp. The trail they walked on was narrowed and little used, so the likelihood of someone discovering them here was relatively small.

The clearing was twelve by eight foot flat, shaded and blocked by trees on two sides, with bushes behind. The only way anyone could really see them was from across the creek, but there was no obvious vantage point on the other side either.

Most days, there was a decent breeze coming down the canyon and the shade from trees keep them from sunburning. It was their own private paradise.

"Mouuu, Ben, you can't ignore me you know!" Dawn's got up from the mat and went to place herself atop of him in order to blocked his eyes.

"I'm not ignoring you though." Ben give her flat look, seeing that Dawn's face was only a few centimeter away from him, he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Hehe that's Better." Dawn giggled upon seeing his expression and thought it was funny. Out of nowhere she had naughty idea, she suddenly leaned down and went to kiss him on his lips.

Ben was obviously surprised at that, but neverthless he did not do anything to stop her. It wasn't the first time they had kiss, growing up together, seeing each others naked body since they're kids, they've also kiss each other many times.

However this time was not anything like before, Dawn was kissing him passionately and she was obviously inexperienced, however what she lack was made up by her enthusiasm.

"C-cough, *breath in*, T-that was, *breath out* amazing Ben!" Dawn greedily sucks out an air as she talked, her face was flushed in red, and her eyes was bright as she look at him with astonishedment. "Oh My God Ben, when did you become good at it?"

'What good, I'm not even trying, you're just noob.' Ben inwardly rolled his eyes but he still maintain his cool expression on the surface. "Not sure, maybe I'm natural."

"Pfff- Natural my ass." Dawn giggled at his response making him wondered wether he said some joke or whatever but seeing that she's having fun, he decided not to spoil it.

A while later, she calmed down, looking at him who had helpless expression on face, her face turns mischivous once more: "So how about another round?"

"..." Why do I felt like I'm being taken advantage of for some reason?



"Oh, where are the others?" Ben asked with concern as he and Dawn returned from their spot. Seeing only the twins in the cabin, he couldn't help but frown.

"Dj and Brooke decided to find their own spot, similar to yours, while Brandi and Dayna went to the lake to hang out with those teens and play some games," Eden replied with a bored look, and beside her was an identical girl who nodded.

"That's right. Those four didn't let us tag along, Humph," Emma added with a pout, eliciting an 'aww' from Dawn as she went to pat her head.

"What about mom and dad?"

"They mentioned visiting a friend, along with Aunt Daena and Uncle Jack," explained Emma.

"...Oh," Ben nodded numbly, familiar with the original novel. Choosing to steer clear of the topic, he asked, "So, were you two left here alone on your own?"



"You don't need to worry so much, Ben," Eden reassured him, noticing his concerned expression. Reminded of his tendency to overthink simple things, she added, "The lake is just a few minutes' walk from here, and plenty of people have passed by our cabin, so we're not completely alone."

"Eh, you got it, Ben. Everything's fine," Emma added, as usual, agreeing with whatever her twin sister would say.

"I know, but still-"

"Alright, everyone, we've got some sandwiches left from earlier. How about we all enjoy them together?" Dawn suggested, sensing that the atmosphere had become a little off and deciding to change the topic.

"Really?! Okay! I want a one!"

"Me too! I want one-no make it two!"


Following Dawn's suggestion, the four of them headed to their spot to enjoy the leftover sandwich from their picnic. Watching three blondes engage in a cheerful conversation, Ben suddenly felt his blood boil with heat.

'Dammit! Teenage hormones!'




"So Dawn... How is you're date with Ben? Mind sharing it?." DJ with a sparkle on her eyes asked eagerly.

"It's a picnic not a date." Dawn rolled her eyes as she correct her, but the blushed on her face cant hid her embarassment.

"Eh, what's difference? You two are in youre secret spot, alone, without adult to watched you... What else is it if its not date?"

"..." Speechless, Dawn open her mouth to retort but closed it as he realized that he didnt know to response.

"Anyway, how far are you two? Have kissed already? Have you touch each other's private parts or whatever?"

"Well.. We did kiss..."

"Wow really, what kind, is it long or short?"

"The long one.."

"How long?"

"Three minutes... I know Ben can probably last longer but I think that's my limit,"

"Wow, I mean wow... Is Ben a good kisser?"

"... You know, how about telling me about you and Brooke deciding to find a spot of your own like ours?"


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