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Chapter 4: chapter 2

Grimm reclines against a rock, gazing up at the vast expanse of stars that adorn the Atlesian night sky. The flickering flames of the campfire cast a warm glow, creating a stark contrast to the cold, distant stars above. Raven, sitting across from him, observes his contemplative expression and decides to delve deeper into his past.

"So, Grimm," she begins, her voice carrying a rare note of curiosity, "what about your family? You've been rather tight-lipped about your origins. Any loved ones waiting for you somewhere?"

Grimm's gaze remains fixed on the stars, a hint of melancholy in his eyes. He takes a moment before responding, choosing his words carefully. "They're not in this world," he says, his tone carrying a weight of unspoken sorrow.

Raven furrows her brow, interpreting his words as a reference to loss within Remnant. "I'm sorry to hear that. The world can be cruel, taking away those we care about."

Grimm nods, a sense of sadness lingering in his eyes. "Yeah, it can. But sometimes, the universe has its own ways of balancing things out. Maybe they've found a better place in another world."

Raven's expression remains sympathetic. "Another world? You speak in riddles, Grimm. What do you mean?"

Grimm offers a wistful smile, the truth veiled behind his words. "Just a personal belief. A place where the stars hold different stories, and the struggles are, well, unique. Let's just say, sometimes, the best way to cope is to imagine a reality where things are a little brighter."

Raven studies him for a moment, sensing a depth to his words that transcends the immediate conversation. "You're a mysterious one, Grimm. I can't quite figure you out."

Grimm chuckles softly. "Maybe that's part of the charm, Raven. Life's full of mysteries, after all."

As they continue to share the quiet moments under the night sky, Grimm's thoughts drift toward the distant world where his family resides. The stars above become a bridge between two worlds, each carrying its own set of struggles and triumphs. For now, he remains a wanderer in Remnant, caught between the reality he navigates and the unseen world that holds a different chapter of his existence.

Grimm, sitting by the campfire, glances over at Raven with a thoughtful expression. The crackling flames cast dancing shadows on his young face as he gathers the courage to ask a question.

"Hey, Raven," he begins tentatively, "you wouldn't happen to have a cigar, would you?"

Raven arches an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing slightly in surprise. "A cigar? You're a bit young for that, aren't you?"

Grimm shrugs, trying to play it cool. "Well, you know, sometimes people need a little something to take the edge off, even in this world."

Raven chuckles, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "You're quite the character, Grimm. But no, I don't have any cigars. They're not exactly a necessity for survival."

Grimm nods, looking a bit disappointed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Just thought it might be a good way to unwind after all the, you know, Grimm-fighting and stuff."

Raven's smirk softens into a faint smile. "You're a curious one, Grimm. You'll have plenty of time for those kinds of indulgences when you're older."

As the night continues, the two warriors share a moment of camaraderie, with Grimm navigating the complexities of growing up in a world where the line between innocence and experience is often blurred.

Grimm gazes into the flickering flames, the warmth of the campfire contrasting with the chill in the Atlesian night air. The crackling of the fire prompts him to speak, his youthful voice breaking the quietude of the wilderness.

"You know, this situation kind of reminds me of a song. It's called 'Nicotine.' Ever heard of it?" Grimm asks, looking at Raven with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Raven tilts her head, her expression betraying her lack of familiarity. "Nicotine? Can't say I've heard of it. What's it about?"

Grimm shrugs, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "It's by this band called Panic! At The Disco. They have this way of capturing the essence of chaotic beauty, like the feeling of dancing through danger."

Raven raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Panic! At The Disco? Sounds like an interesting name for a band. I don't keep up with modern music much."

Grimm chuckles, realizing the cultural gap between their worlds. "Yeah, they're from my... uh, hometown. Anyway, the song is about the addictive and destructive nature of certain vices, like nicotine. But it also has this chaotic energy that makes you feel alive."

Raven nods, acknowledging his explanation. "Interesting perspective. I'll take your word for it. I've always found solace in the sounds of nature rather than music."

Grimm smirks, leaning back against a rock. "Fair enough. Nature has its own melody, doesn't it? But sometimes, a good song can transport you to a different world, even if just for a moment."

As the night continues, the crackle of the fire accompanies their conversation, bridging the gap between worlds and generations. Grimm, despite his young age, finds solace in the simple joys of sharing music, even if his world and Raven's remain separated by unfamiliar melodies.

Grimm takes a deep breath, his voice carrying the innocence of youth as he starts to sing softly, the melody of "Nicotine" by Panic! At The Disco filling the quiet night air: 

"Cross my heart and hope to die. Burn my lungs and curse my eyes, I've lost control and I don't want it back I'm going numb, I've been hijacked It's a fucking drag 

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine Yeah

It's better to burn, than to fade away It's better to leave than to be replaced I'm losing to you, baby, I'm no match I'm going numb, I've been hijacked It's a fucking drag

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine


Just one more hit and then we're through 'Cause you could never love me back Cut every tie I have to you 'Cause your love's a fucking drag But I need it so bad Your love's a fucking drag But I need it so bad

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine


Raven watches Grimm humming the tune, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows across his face. As the melody of "Nicotine" by Panic! At The Disco fills the air, she finds herself intrigued by the unfamiliar sound. The song's rhythm seems to echo through the night, and while she might not understand the lyrics, the energy of the music resonates with her.

Inwardly, she contemplates the peculiar connection they're forming—a 13-year-old from a mysterious origin humming a song from a band she's never heard of. It's a reminder of the vast differences in their experiences, yet in this moment, they share something simple, a melody that transcends the boundaries of their worlds.

Raven acknowledges the beauty of the unexpected, finding a certain charm in the way music can bridge gaps, even if just for a fleeting moment under the starlit sky.

As the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, Grimm and Raven gather their belongings, preparing to continue their journey. The cold morning air hangs crisp and refreshing as they set out toward the distant village, the towering cliffs of Atlas fading into the background.

Grimm walks alongside Raven, a slight bounce in his step despite the serious nature of their mission. The landscape begins to change, the snow-covered terrain giving way to a more habitable environment as they approach the outskirts of the village.

Raven glances at Grimm, her stern gaze softened by the morning light. "We'll reach the village soon. Stay alert. Not everyone there will be as friendly as I am."

Grimm nods, his eyes wide with curiosity as he takes in the surroundings. "Got it. But you know, it's kind of exciting, exploring a new place. I've never seen anything like this back where I'm from."

Raven smirks, appreciating his youthful enthusiasm. "Well, get used to it. Remnant is full of surprises. Keep your wits about you, and we might just make it through in one piece."

As they approach the village, the sounds of life become more apparent—the distant chatter of people, the clatter of tools, and the occasional laughter. The scent of cooking wafts through the air, signaling the presence of a settlement.

Raven leads the way, her gaze scanning the surroundings with a practiced vigilance. Grimm, ever the curious teenager, takes in every detail, his eyes alight with the wonder of a world entirely new to him.

The village comes into view, a cluster of modest buildings surrounded by a wooden palisade. Raven and Grimm exchange a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. They proceed cautiously, ready for whatever challenges this new destination might present.

As Raven and Grimm approach the village, Raven observes Grimm's reactions to the unfamiliar surroundings. The contrast between his youthful curiosity and the seasoned warrior's vigilance sparks a thought in Raven's mind. She considers the potential advantages of having someone like Grimm, with his unique perspective and abilities, by her side.

As they navigate through the village, Raven finds herself contemplating the idea of Grimm joining her tribe. His resilience and adaptability, evident even in this foreign environment, could be valuable assets. Despite the mysteries surrounding Grimm's origins, Raven recognizes the potential for a mutually beneficial alliance.

Grimm, unaware of Raven's internal musings, continues to absorb the sights and sounds of the village. His eyes sparkle with a mix of wonder and excitement, embodying the essence of youth unburdened by the harsh realities of Remnant.

Raven's thoughts linger on the possibilities, weighing the potential risks and benefits. She glances at Grimm, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The decision to invite him into the tribe is a significant one, and Raven remains guarded, knowing that trust in Remnant is a commodity not easily earned.

The village unfolds before them, its residents going about their daily routines. Raven contemplates the paths that lie ahead, realizing that the addition of Grimm to her tribe might bring unforeseen changes to the dynamics of her world.

As they navigate through the village, taking in the sights and sounds, Grimm finally breaks the companionable silence between them.

"So, what now?" Grimm asks, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. He senses that their paths will soon diverge, and the realization hangs in the air.

Raven glances at him, her gaze steady. "We part ways here. I have my own business to attend to, and you... you have your own journey to embark upon."

Grimm nods, a tinge of sadness in his eyes. Despite the short time they've spent together, a bond has formed, and the prospect of parting brings a sense of unease. "I get it. Thanks for helping me, Raven. I wouldn't have made it without you."

Raven acknowledges his gratitude with a nod, her expression softened for a moment. "Survival is your own responsibility. Remember that. But I have a proposition for you, Grimm."

Grimm raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected offer. "A proposition?"

Raven pauses, choosing her words carefully. "You've proven yourself capable, and your abilities might be useful. If you're willing, you could join my tribe. We could use someone like you."

Grimm considers the offer, a mix of surprise and contemplation on his face. Joining a tribe in Remnant is a significant commitment, and the unknowns of his newfound abilities add another layer of complexity to the decision.

Raven watches his reaction, her expression unreadable. The village bustles around them, the decisions they make in this moment shaping the course of their individual journeys in the unpredictable world of Remnant.

Grimm, after a moment of contemplation, decides to accept Raven's offer to join her tribe. The prospect of companionship, shared resources, and the opportunity for growth and training outweigh the uncertainties that come with joining a tribe. With a nod, he communicates his acceptance to Raven.

"Alright," Grimm says, a determined glint in his eyes. "I'll join your tribe. But just so you know, I won't stick around forever. Give me two years, and then I'll be on my way."

Raven, ever perceptive, acknowledges his condition with a nod. "Two years it is, Grimm. Surviving in Remnant is about choices, and I respect yours. Just remember, the tribe won't hesitate to cast you out if you become a liability."

Grimm smirks, showing a confidence beyond his years. "Don't worry, I can handle myself. Two years, and then I'll be off to carve my own path."

As they solidify their agreement, the village continues its bustling activity around them, oblivious to the significant decision made by these two individuals. The unpredictable world of Remnant has a way of weaving fates together, and Grimm's journey, now intertwined with Raven's tribe, takes a new trajectory.

As Grimm and Raven finalize their agreement, there's a brief pause before they part ways. Grimm, ever the bold and cheeky character, can't resist adding a touch of playfulness to the conversation.

"Two years, huh?" Grimm smirks, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, Raven, I hope you're ready for the whirlwind that is Grimm. I might just make those two years the most memorable ones for your tribe."

Raven, known for her stoic demeanor, raises an eyebrow in response. She's not one to be easily swayed by flattery or charm. "Don't overestimate yourself, kid. Surviving in Remnant requires more than just charm."

Grimm chuckles, unfazed by Raven's response. "Who said anything about charm? I'm talking about the sheer force of personality. Get ready, because you won't know what hit you."

With that playful remark, Grimm and Raven share a brief moment of banter, the tension momentarily lifted. Little do they know, these two years are bound to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, as the young and audacious Grimm becomes a unique presence within Raven's tribe.

As Grimm and Raven part ways, Grimm takes a moment to explore the village they find themselves in. The air is filled with a mixture of exotic scents, the sounds of lively chatter, and the vibrant colors of the marketplace catch his attention.

Walking through the bustling streets, Grimm can't help but be intrigued by the diversity of people and creatures present. He observes the various stalls offering goods unique to Remnant – from Dust-infused trinkets to exotic Grimm trophies. Merchants call out to passersby, showcasing their wares with enthusiasm.

Grimm's keen eyes catch glimpses of skilled artisans crafting weapons and armor, their hands moving with practiced precision. The rhythmic clang of metal on metal creates a symphony of creation in the air. The village seems to thrive on the ingenuity and resilience of its inhabitants, each person contributing to the survival of the community.

Despite his confident demeanor, Grimm can't shake the feeling that he's a small fish in a vast ocean. The challenges of Remnant are both thrilling and daunting, and he knows that the next two years will be a journey of discovery and growth.

As Grimm continues to explore the town, he encounters various individuals – some curious about the newcomer, others too absorbed in their daily lives to spare him a second glance. The ebb and flow of life in Remnant surround him, and Grimm begins to grasp the intricacies of this unique world he now calls home.

Grimm, perplexed, pats down his pockets only to realize his trusty multitool is missing. His eyes scan the surroundings, searching for any signs of the culprit. Soon, he spots a girl with striking black hair and piercing green eyes. Something about her seems familiar.

Approaching cautiously, Grimm notices the girl seems to be focused on something else entirely. Her eyes flicker with a mischievous glint as she maneuvers through the crowd. Realization dawns on Grimm – it's Neo, a skilled fighter known for her semblance and silent demeanor.

Grimm decides to tail her discreetly, intrigued by the audacity of her actions. Despite being mute, Neo has a way of communicating through her actions and expressions. Grimm wonders if she's the one who swiped his multitool or if there's another motive behind her stealthy moves. He braces himself for a potential encounter with this enigmatic girl, ready for whatever surprises she might have in store.

As Grimm continues to observe Neo's subtle movements through the crowd, he becomes increasingly aware that where there's Neo, there's often Roman Torchwick not far behind. Neo's partner-in-crime is known for his charismatic and cunning demeanor, always ready with a quick remark or a clever plan.

Grimm's senses remain on high alert as he navigates the bustling village, keeping an eye out for any signs of Roman Torchwick. The duo is infamous for their escapades, and Grimm knows that crossing paths with them could lead to unexpected and potentially dangerous situations.

The air is filled with an undercurrent of mischief, and Grimm braces himself for the possibility of encountering not just Neo but the ever-charismatic Roman Torchwick. Whatever unfolds, Grimm is prepared to navigate the complexities of dealing with these two elusive individuals in the world of Remnant.

Grimm, realizing that Neo has swiped his multitool for a mission of her own, decides to approach the duo in the alleyway where Roman is handcuffed. The charismatic Roman Torchwick, though initially skeptical, raises an intrigued eyebrow as Grimm offers his assistance.

"Looks like we've got a Good Samaritan in the mix," Roman remarks, his voice laced with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

Grimm nods and gestures toward the handcuffs. Neo, with a subtle nod of approval, hands over the multitool to Grimm, who sets to work on the handcuffs. The tension in the alleyway eases as Grimm skillfully maneuvers the tool, eventually freeing Roman from his restraints.

Once uncuffed, Roman smirks and gives a mock bow. "Well, well, aren't you a handy fellow? What's your name, kid?"

"Grimm," he replies, retrieving his multitool from Neo.

Neo offers a small, appreciative nod, and Grimm can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with this peculiar duo. Roman, now liberated, chuckles and claps Grimm on the shoulder.

"If you ever need a partner in crime, Grimm, you know where to find us. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've got places to be and plans to hatch."

As Neo and Roman disappear into the shadows, Grimm watches with a mix of fascination and amusement. With his multitool back in hand and a potential connection with the infamous duo established, Grimm contemplates the intriguing adventures that might unfold in the company of Neo and Roman Torchwick in the world of Remnant.

As Neo and Roman prepare to vanish into the shadows, Grimm, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the duo, decides to call out to them.

"Hey, wait up!" Grimm shouts, catching up to them. "Mind if I tag along for a while? Just until the person I'm waiting for shows up."

Roman raises an eyebrow, sizing up Grimm with a calculating gaze. Neo remains silent but gives a subtle nod, seemingly indifferent to the idea.

"Well, kid, you've got guts, I'll give you that," Roman smirks. "But remember, we operate on a different level. You might find yourself in over your head."

Grimm grins, undeterred. "I'm up for the challenge. Besides, it's not every day you get the chance to run with the likes of you."

Roman chuckles and claps Grimm on the shoulder. "Alright, then. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, the trio sets off into the shadows of the village, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty and anticipation. Grimm, Neo, and Roman Torchwick embark on a journey together, each with their own motives and secrets, ready to navigate the twists and turns of Remnant's unpredictable adventures. Little do they know that the paths of destiny have intertwined, setting the stage for a tale filled with intrigue, danger, and unexpected alliances.

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