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20% Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

A few minutes after the bite, on his way home, Chrollo suddenly knelt and the bones in his body cracked and then repaired themselves, his muscles reformed, causing puffed noises to escape out of his mouth.

Minutes passed and finally, the reconstructing of his body was done. Chrollo felt stronger, could run faster and his senses, such as hearing, sense of smell and eyesight, were seemingly enhanced.

'To think that bite could do something like this... That begs the question, am I now a werewolf? I don't feel very different from before, except the improved body.' Chrollo analyzed his changes and came to the conclusion that if something were to happen, It would be later.


In Chrollo's view was his new two-story home, where he will be living with Adriana Caddel, his aunt. After he went through the front door, he lit up the lamps, indicating that there was nobody in the house. 

Just like his parents, his aunt rarely came home, about twice a week. Chrollo entered his room and stood in front of a mirror. In the mirror's reflection was a youth with height 175 cm, black hair, dark eyes with Asian-European features with European being dominant.

Chrollo signed 'With all that happening, I forgot I have to attend school. It will be my first time going to one.' After all, he grew up in Meteor City, a lawless zone, where even finding food was hard, not to mention taking part in school.

But there was no need for Chrollo to worry, because the previous body occupant is a straight A student, to him school was exceedingly easy with no need to study for it. Chrollo couldn't sleep as he was thinking how his friends are doing and how will he proceed from now on.


Morning came and with it also the first day in school. Chrollo could be seen driving his car, a black Ferrari F430 Scuderia, he wore black boots, black windbreaker trench coat, black long sleeve T-Shirt and black jeans with a chain and gold and blue earrings, just like his old ones.

Clearly, the now dead Chrollo, had similar taste in fashion as him. 'Later I will find an illegal tattoo shop for minors to make the spider tattoo, so that I don't lose myself and forget my purpose, after all who knows what abilities exist in this world.'

He parked his car and waited in front of the school for the person, who will introduce him to his new classmates. Not long after him came a girl with chestnut hair and brown eyes, who was talking on the phone. ''I can't believe it, I have forgotten my pen." The girl checked her bag.

Then she looked up and noticed Chrollo "Yes, yes, I know...anyway I will call you later" With a smile she waited the other person on the phone to stop talking and said "I love you too, bye.''

She then went towards him and asked ''Are you also a new student? Ah, sorry, my name is Alisson Argent, nice to meet you.'' She extended her hand.

Seeing her, Chrollo smiled and returned the handshake "Nice to meet you too, Alison, my name is Chrollo Caddel.''

Surprise evident on her face ''Sorry, It is my first time hearing someone with such an unusual name." Chrollo excused her "You don't need to apologize, It is certainly a rare name.'' He silently added 'Many names in my old world can be labeled as strange in this one.'

He could hear footsteps coming in his direction. "Are you two the new students" Inquired a man with somewhat sharp tone. Chrollo and Alison confirmed and the man led them to their class.

The door of a classroom opened and three people entered. A young man and woman together with a grown up man. "These two are your new classmates Chrollo Caddel and Allison Argent. Make them fell welcomed" Finishing his brief speech, the man went out and closed the door.

They were exactly two empty school desks. One in the middle of the room and one in the corner. Chrollo went for the corner seat, leaving Allison the middle one. Just as she sat, the boy behind her held up a pen, surprised, she smiled and took it.

This gesture didn't escape Chrollo's eyes. 'The distance between here and the place where she talked on the phone about the pen is, give or take, 70 meters. There is no way for a normal human to hear that and she didn't even question him.' He focused on the boy.

'Anyway, the important thing is the boy. I don't have information about the supernatural part of the world, just movies and books. That is the same as not knowing. I want to ask him many things, but I must act cautiously, there is a chance some organization is behind him'

During the class, now that there is a chance, Chrollo tested his hearing and smell. The result showed that he can hear up to 500 meters and smell up to 1 kilometer. Unfortunately, his eyesight didn't show any improvements during the day.

After the class, Allison went to Chrollo, because he was the only one she knew. They started to talk to each other, when a voice suddenly interrupted their dialogue ''That jacket is a killer, where did you get it?''

A girl with strawberry blonde hair stood in front of Alison and Chrollo "I am Lydia and this is my boyfriend, Jackson'' Lydia introduced herself. ''My name is Allison and actually, my mother bought me the jacket'' Allison replied to Lydia.

The blonde girl turned to Chrollo and he politely told them ''Nice to meet you Lydia, Jackson, I am Chrollo Caddel.'' Jackson invited the new students ''There is a party tonight, because of the recent win, do you wanna come?''

"Do you play football?'' Asked Allison, to which Jackson replied ''Football? Heh, no, the sport in Beacon Hills is lacrosse" Lydia then added "And Jackson is the captain of the team"

"I am sorry, I won't be able to, tonight is family night so I can't go" Allison smiled apologetically. "I don't know yet, but there is a chance I will attend" Chrollo said and then thought 'I have to see If that boy, which gave Allison a pen, will go.'

"I see, well, feel free to come if you want to.'' Replied Lydia to their answers. After saying that, Lydia went with Jackson somewhere. 

Chrollo and Allison's classes were different, so they separated. Throughout the day, different students introduced themselves to Chrollo and he made many new friends, including the pen boy, who is called Scott McCall.


School ended and Chrollo went home. Closing to his house, Chrollo heard that his aunt is home and is watching TV. Upon entering, his aunt got up from the couch and greeted him "How was the first day in the new school? Did you make any friends? By any chance, female ones?''

"Hello to you too, aunty. It was pleasant and yes, i made new friends, including female ones.'' Gently smiling, greeted back Chrollo. "There is nothing for lunch, so what do you say we go somewhere? In Addition, after that we can go see a movie, after all it has been a while since we went out somewhere" Proposed Adriana. 

''I agree, but let me rest a little and then we will go" Chrollo replied. 


The nephew and aunt had a good time together, helping Chrollo understand her character better. A small possibility existed, that his aunt has been just pretending, but his recent experience proved otherwise. 

'Her personality is the same as the memories. She is funny, loving, likes to tease and not a even the slightest negative emotion could be seen in her eyes.' Chrollo was astonished 'It's my first time seeing someone like her.'

 'She doesn't pose a problem, that will make things far easier' Chrollo was relieved. He then began his investigations about what could take him back home. The list consisted of myths, legends, etc.

As Chrollo was searching information, the time for the party was slowly closing.

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