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Chapter 36: Chapter 36

The arrival of the second group in the country marked a significant development. Composed of seasoned professionals, their demeanor exuded experience and a level of professionalism that hinted at the gravity of their mission. Like clockwork, they smoothly passed through the airport checks, their legal documents impeccable, and nothing about them raised suspicion.

Having collected their luggage, the members of the group dispersed, each heading in their own direction, seamlessly blending into the local surroundings. The second leader, distinctive among them, hailed a taxi. In a succinct yet clear manner, he provided directions to the driver, initiating a journey that would take almost half an hour.

The taxi maneuvered through the city's winding streets, eventually halting at the designated destination. The second leader alighted and surveyed the surroundings, swiftly assessing the area before making his way to the meeting place. Unfazed by the gloomy and damp atmosphere, he knocked rhythmically on the door.

After a brief pause, the door creaked open, revealing the interior of the dimly lit space. Undeterred by the surroundings, the second leader stepped inside, his focus solely on the purpose that had brought him to this meeting.

The second leader strode into the meeting room, immediately catching the disdainful glance of the first leader, who had arrived earlier in the country. Unfazed by the sneer, the second leader paid little attention, saving his energy for the impending discussion. Patiently, he awaited the arrival of his underlings, who entered the room one by one, gradually filling the space. The tension in the air thickened as both groups discreetly assessed each other, each silently contemplating their perceived superiority.

A shared motivation bound them together – the lure of monetary gain. They believed the job would be a straightforward one, easily accomplished. Once the second group completed its arrival, the meeting resumed in earnest. The first leader reiterated the details shared days prior: the target, the bodyguard's prowess, and the limited availability of weapons. The second leader listened intently.

However, when the discussion shifted to the attack plan, a frown creased the second leader's forehead. The proposed strategy involved blocking Jiyeh's convoy, attacking them, and sealing off the driveway with the remaining underlings. While the plan seemed plausible, the second leader couldn't shake the realization that the SW bodyguards' expertise surpassed that of his own men. The SW bodyguards were not only seasoned but professionally trained, some even from special forces.

The first leader, sharing his intention to arrive as reinforcements, betrayed a hidden agenda – claiming the credit without a drop of bloodshed. The second leader, astute and unwilling to be manipulated, confronted the first leader. Tempers flared, and the atmosphere tensed, with both groups preparing for a potential confrontation.

However, the first leader managed to quell the rising storm, silently acknowledging the second leader's intellect. Reflecting inwardly, he lamented the abandonment of his plan to monopolize the credit, realizing that the person in front of him was more than just a pawn hungry for money.

In a surprising turn, the second leader proposed a compromise – a split. Half of each group would initiate the attack, while the remaining members, including both leaders, would serve as reinforcements. The second leader's group readily agreed, causing some members of the first group to nod in reluctant agreement. The first leader, though smug about his initial proposal, begrudgingly accepted the suggestion.

The spotlight turned to pinpointing the time and place for the impending assault. The primary leader unfolded a map meticulously annotated by his team. Delving into an analysis of Jiyeh's habitual routes, they discerned potential sites for the impending ambush. After a thorough examination, a unanimous decision emerged—a strategically advantageous position within a one-way tunnel leading to the highway.

This particular location boasted sparse traffic, as it represented a longer, less-traveled route to the highway compared to the more efficient and prominent alternative. The convoy, seeking discretion, opted for this less frequented path. Unfortunately, it had become an unwittingly exploited vulnerability in the hands of the mercenaries.

The second group leader raised a critical concern, inquiring about transportation for their underlings. The success of the plan hinged on the ability to move swiftly. The first leader assured him, having arranged for borrowed vans through underground contacts, albeit at a hefty cost.

With the plan solidifying, they agreed to commence the attack in a few days. The route was set, and the two leaders shook hands, signaling the conclusion of the meeting. As the members dispersed, each group prepared for the impending chaos, gearing up for the inevitable clash.

The atmosphere shifted, and the men dispersed to their respective hotels or resting places, awaiting the call from their leaders. The storm was brewing, the calm before the impending chaos. The action Joon had desired was on the horizon, unfolding in numbers.

Meanwhile, in the comfort of his home, Joon found himself sitting on the couch, contemplating his current statistics. After returning to work, he had set a goal to gain one more Pretense Point before allocating them. His efforts, fueled by the competition with Beomsuk, had paid off, and he now possessed four Pretense Points.

Recalling the previous night's celebration, where he had gained the coveted Pretense Point, Joon pondered where to allocate it. Marksmanship crossed his mind, but he dismissed it, considering his limited use of a gun. Stamina, however, felt lacking despite its abundance. He once again looked at his statistics.

"Strength 7/10."

"Speed 6/10.

"Agility 6/10."

"Endurance 5/10."

"Flexibility 4/10."

"Combat Skill 6/10."

"Intelligence 5/10."

"Marksmanship 4/10."

"Stamina 6/10."

After careful consideration, Joon decided to invest in the acquired Pretense Point. The impending chaos and the rigorous demands of his job fueled this choice, ensuring he would be well-prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. Now his statistics look like.

"Strength 7/10."

"Speed 6/10.

"Agility 7/10."

"Endurance 5/10."

"Flexibility 4/10."

"Combat Skill 8/10."

"Intelligence 5/10."

"Marksmanship 4/10."

"Stamina 7/10."

He strategically distributed his attribute points, assigning two to combat skills with the intent of enhancing his efficacy in battle. This allocation aimed to minimize energy expenditure and optimize performance against formidable adversaries. Reflecting on his recent solo confrontation with the Goseong Clan, where fatigue set in, he allocated points to stamina. The grueling encounter highlighted the need for more stamina.

Considering a recent incident involving an icepick, he recognized the necessity to bolster his agility. The close proximity of the weapon made evasion challenging, prompting him to invest a point in agility. This decision aimed to address the vulnerability he experienced in close-quarters combat, potentially providing a crucial advantage in future engagements.

As Joon meticulously allocated his attribute points, he felt a renewed sense of readiness for the challenges ahead. The combat skills, stamina, and agility enhancements were carefully chosen to address specific weaknesses he had identified. With his preparations complete, he entered the upcoming days with a confident mindset, expecting the unexpected.

Little did he know that the storm brewing on the horizon would be the most formidable he had encountered. The looming clash with the mercenary, the intricate dance between adversaries, and the complex web of alliances all converged into a perfect storm of chaos. Despite his meticulous preparations, Joon found himself grappling with unforeseen obstacles, each more challenging than the last.

The unfolding events pushed Joon to his limits, testing not only his combat skills and stamina but also his ability to navigate the intricate dynamics of the impending confrontation. As the tension escalated, Joon realized that this battle would demand more than just physical prowess; it would require strategic finesse and adaptability.

In the face of unforeseen challenges, Joon remained steadfast, drawing upon his enhanced combat skills and agility to confront the unexpected twists in the unfolding conflict. The storm had arrived, and Joon stood at its center, ready for anything, yet grappling with the realization that this would be the hardest test of his abilities yet.

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