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Chapter 59: Chapter 59

As Joon methodically traversed the corridors of the house, his senses were on high alert, attuned to even the slightest sound or movement. Each room he entered held the potential to conceal vital information, and he spared no effort in his meticulous search. With each door he opened, he braced himself for any unexpected encounters, his nerves coiled in anticipation.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of careful exploration, Joon's efforts were rewarded as he stumbled upon the room housing the coveted laptop. His heart quickened with a surge of adrenaline as he approached the door, his hand hovering over the handle. With a cautious glance around the room, he ensured that the coast was clear before cautiously pushing the door open.

As the door creaked softly on its hinges, Joon's eyes scanned the dimly lit interior, searching for any signs of activity. The room was shrouded in shadows, its contents obscured by the veil of darkness. With measured steps, Joon entered the room, his senses on high alert as he surveyed his surroundings.

With a flick of his wrist, Joon closed the door behind him, sealing himself within the confines of the room. The sound of the latch clicking into place echoed softly in the silence, a stark reminder of the gravity of his mission. Alone in the darkness, Joon's focus intensified, his determination unwavering as he prepared to uncover the secrets hidden within the laptop.

Upon entering the room, Joon's gaze immediately locked onto the laptop resting atop a sturdy wooden table. With a sense of urgency, he approached the device, his steps deliberate yet swift. His fingers hovered over the power button, hesitating for just a moment before decisively pressing down. The laptop hummed to life, the soft glow of the screen illuminating the dimly lit room.

As the desktop appeared, Joon wasted no time in navigating through the files, his movements deft and purposeful. Each click of the mouse brought him closer to his objective, the anticipation building with every passing second. Despite the urgency of his task, Joon remained composed, his focus unwavering amidst the sea of digital information.

With a few keystrokes, Joon accessed the incriminating files, his expression stoic as he bore witness to the disturbing contents within. Despite the graphic nature of the videos, Joon's demeanor remained unchanged, his resolve unyielding in the face of the damning evidence before him. With a methodical efficiency, he sifted through the files, meticulously selecting those that held the key to his mission.

Once he had gathered all the necessary data, Joon proceeded to transfer the files to his phone, the process unfolding with deliberate precision. Each file transferred brought him one step closer to his goal, the seconds ticking away in silent anticipation. Throughout it all, the room remained eerily silent, devoid of any disturbance save for the soft hum of the laptop.

As the final file was copied over, Joon swiftly disconnected his phone and powered down the laptop, leaving no trace of his presence behind. With his mission accomplished, he slipped out of the room, his movements swift and calculated as he vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the faint echo of his footsteps.

As Joon contemplated his escape route, his gaze fell upon a sturdy wooden door nestled in the shadows. With a sense of anticipation tingling in his veins, he approached the door, his footsteps echoing softly in the empty corridor. Could this be Congressman Kim's office? The thought flickered through his mind as he reached out to grasp the polished handle.

A twist of the handle yielded no success; the door remained resolutely locked, thwarting Joon's hopes of gaining entry. Cursing inwardly, he resigned himself to the fact that lockpicking was not among his skills. Undeterred, he turned his attention to the windows, seeking an alternative path to freedom.

Moving swiftly to the nearest window, Joon slid it open with a muted creak, revealing the tantalizing promise of a balcony beyond. However, his heart sank as he surveyed the sizable gap separating him from the balcony's edge. With a grimace of determination, he steeled himself for the leap, his mind racing with the possibility of escape.

But just as he poised to make the jump, a glimmer of movement below caught his eye. Peering down, he spotted the telltale beam of a flashlight cutting through the darkness, signaling the approach of an unwelcome visitor. With a surge of adrenaline, Joon withdrew from the window, retreating back into the shadows of the room.

Below, a lone guard patrolled the grounds, his weary form illuminated by the flickering light of his flashlight. Relief flooded Joon's senses as the guard passed by without incident, his footsteps fading into the night. Leaning against the window frame, Joon watched in silence, his heart still pounding with the close call.

As Joon prepared to make his daring leap once more, he slid open the window door with practiced ease, the cool night air brushing against his skin. With one foot poised on the balcony railing, he steeled himself for the jump, his senses on high alert. But before he could propel himself forward, the tranquility of the night was shattered by the sudden illumination of the house lights, signaling the awakening of an unsuspecting inhabitant.

Footsteps echoed through the house, drawing closer with each passing moment. Joon's heart raced as he weighed his options, realizing that retreat was no longer a viable choice. With a sense of urgency, he hastily attempted to close the window door, leaving a narrow gap to obscure his presence as he braced for the inevitable encounter.

As Kisoo emerged from the depths of slumber, his movements sluggish with drowsiness, his gaze fell upon the partially open window door. Frowning in confusion, he approached the balcony with wary steps, his senses tingling with apprehension. With a swift motion, he forcefully closed the door, his eyes scanning the darkness beyond for any sign of intrusion.

Unaware of the peril lurking just out of sight, Kisoo leaned against the balcony railing, his gaze fixated on the empty expanse below. Oblivious to the danger looming overhead, he failed to notice the stealthy figure clinging to the edge of the balcony, concealed by the shadows.

With nerves of steel, Joon maintained his grip on the balcony's edge, his fingers gripping the railing with unwavering strength. Despite the precariousness of his position, he remained composed, his breaths coming slow and steady as he waited for the opportune moment to make his escape.

After Kisoo scrutinized the empty space below, he withdrew his gaze and pivoted to shut the sliding door firmly, ensuring its security with a decisive click of the lock. With a sense of relief, Joon patiently bided his time, his keen eyes tracking Kisoo's movements as he retreated back into the depths of the house.

As the ambient light dimmed once more, signaling Kisoo's return to his quarters, Joon seized the opportunity to execute his plan. With silent precision, he hoisted himself up and straddled the balcony railing, his muscles coiled with tension as he prepared for the decisive leap.

With a swift and calculated motion, Joon propelled himself forward, his body soaring through the darkness with purpose. Mid-air, he stretched out his arms, fingers outstretched in a desperate bid to grasp the railing of the office room balcony.

In a breathless moment of suspense, Joon's hand found purchase on the metal railing, his grip firm and unwavering. With a silent exhale of triumph, he swung his body over the barrier and landed with a muted thud on the other side, his mission accomplished without a hitch.

He approached the window door with cautious anticipation, his heart drumming in his chest as he reached for the handle, fingers trembling with trepidation. With a tentative twist, the door yielded under his touch, swinging open silently to reveal the interior beyond. Relief washed over Joon as he confirmed its unlocked status, a faint exhale escaping his lips as he ventured into the room.

Surveying his surroundings with a swift glance, Joon's eyes settled on the computer stationed atop the desk, its screen casting a faint glow in the dimly lit room. With a calculated stride, he moved towards the desk, his gaze momentarily drawn to a framed photograph depicting Congressman Kim's family, a fleeting glimpse into the personal life of his target.

Swiftly diverting his attention, Joon knelt before the desk and began to sift through the contents of the drawers, his movements methodical and deliberate. His fingers brushed against folders and papers, searching for any shred of incriminating evidence that might be concealed within.

Amidst the clutter, he discovered a folder labeled with Congressman Kim's name, its contents promising a potential treasure trove of information. With a sense of urgency, Joon extracted a file and swiftly scanned its contents, his eyes darting across the pages in search of damning evidence.

However, his efforts proved fruitless as each drawer yielded nothing of significance, leaving Joon to grapple with a growing sense of frustration. With a resigned sigh, he closed the final drawer and rose to his feet, settling into the chair previously occupied by Congressman Kim.

Turning his attention to the computer, Joon powered it on with a sense of determination, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he prepared to delve deeper into the digital realm in pursuit of his elusive quarry.

As Joon combed through the labyrinth of digital files, his initial optimism gradually waned with each fruitless search. Folder after folder, file after file, the contents yielded nothing of substance, merely mundane records of Congressman Kim's legislative endeavors. Frustration gnawed at him as he contemplated the fruitlessness of his efforts, the tantalizing prospect of incriminating evidence slipping through his grasp.

Just as he was on the brink of conceding defeat, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of a conspicuously untouched folder. Without hesitation, Joon clicked on it, his curiosity piqued by the possibility of uncharted territory.

What he discovered within left him dumbfounded, his eyes widening in disbelief as he perused the contents. The folder was a veritable treasure trove of damning evidence, a damning indictment of Congressman Kim's illicit activities laid bare before him. Each document he unearthed painted a damning portrait of corruption and deceit, a staggering revelation that left Joon reeling in shock.

With a mixture of incredulity and indignation, Joon could scarcely comprehend the sheer audacity of Congressman Kim's actions. "Is he stupid?" Joon muttered incredulously, his hand instinctively rising to his head in disbelief. The blatant disregard for discretion displayed in storing such incriminating evidence bordered on reckless negligence, a glaring oversight that defied rational explanation.

Realizing the gravity of his discovery, Joon wasted no time in seizing the opportunity before him. With a swift and decisive motion, he connected his phone to the computer, initiating the process of copying the files in their entirety. There was no need for further examination—each document represented a damning piece of the puzzle, a key component in the unraveling of Congressman Kim's web of deception.

In the face of such overwhelming evidence, Joon knew that his mission was far from over. Armed with irrefutable proof of Congressman Kim's wrongdoing, he was determined to see them fall from the face of the world. Implicating all the parties involved in the files.

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