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Chapter 3: Out Of Time

Time became an unpredictable companion in Yuuto and Hikari's journey. The days unfolded like delicate petals, each one a brushstroke on the canvas of their shared existence. Hikari's vision continued to fade, but her spirit remained unyielding, a beacon in the encroaching darkness.

One afternoon, as raindrops painted intricate patterns on the windows, Hikari and Yuuto found refuge in the cozy corner of a library. Books lined the shelves like silent witnesses to the ebb and flow of their evolving connection.

"You know, Yuuto, I've been thinking," Hikari began, her fingers tracing the embossed titles on the worn-out spines of the books.

Yuuto looked up from his sketchpad, curiosity etched across his features. "What's on your mind, Hikari?"

A tender smile graced her lips. "I want to create a 'memory jar.' A collection of moments, each one encapsulating the beauty of our time together."

Intrigued, Yuuto set aside his sketchpad, and Hikari continued, "We'll write down our most cherished memories, little notes that we can revisit whenever the shadows grow too long."

The idea resonated with Yuuto, a testament to Hikari's ability to infuse even the simplest moments with profound significance. Together, they embarked on the project, crafting handwritten notes that encapsulated the essence of their shared experiences—the laughter in the rain, the warmth of a shared glance, and the quiet moments beneath cherry blossom trees.

As they filled the jar with these fragments of joy, the library seemed to absorb their shared stories, becoming a sanctuary of whispered promises and shared dreams.

Days turned into nights, and their connection deepened. Yet, with every passing moment, the unspoken reality lingered—a ticking clock that measured the preciousness of their time together.

One evening, as they sat on a park bench watching the city lights twinkle in the distance, Hikari spoke with a soft vulnerability. "Yuuto, there's something I need to say."

His eyes, filled with both love and sorrow, met hers. "You can tell me anything, Hikari."

She took a deep breath, her words carrying the weight of a thousand emotions. "I want you to promise me something. Promise that you'll keep pursuing your dreams, that you won't let my condition hold you back."

Tears welled in Yuuto's eyes, a testament to the internal struggle between love and the inevitable farewell. "Hikari, I can't promise to forget you, but I can promise to carry our memories forward. Your courage inspires me, and I won't let it go to waste."

Their intertwined fingers spoke volumes, a silent pact sealed beneath the starlit sky.

As the seasons changed, so did the hues of their relationship. Yuuto continued to chase his artistic aspirations, finding inspiration in the fragments of beauty Hikari introduced into his world. Each stroke of his brush became a tribute to the girl who saw the world through the eyes of an eternal optimist.

In the quiet moments, Hikari continued to emanate warmth, her laughter echoing in the corridors of Yuuto's heart. Yet, as the days slipped through the hourglass, an undeniable sorrow loomed—the impending farewell that cast its shadow over their shared sunsets.

One day, in the sanctuary of their favorite coffee shop, Hikari's laughter carried a tinge of melancholy. "Yuuto, there's something I've been meaning to give you."

She presented a small, intricately wrapped box. Inside lay a delicate bracelet, its beads strung together like memories woven into the fabric of time. "A piece of me, something to remind you of our journey together."

Yuuto gently placed the bracelet around his wrist, his eyes meeting Hikari's with a profound understanding. "I'll wear it always, Hikari. A reminder of the love that transcends the boundaries of time."

The farewell, when it came, was both heart-wrenching and serene. Beneath the cherry blossom trees, where their story began, Yuuto held Hikari's hand, the memory jar clasped between their fingers.

"I'll carry our moments forward," Yuuto whispered, tears mingling with raindrops. "You'll always be a part of my art, my heart."

With a tender smile, Hikari replied, "And you'll be a part of my eternal optimism, Yuuto. Find beauty in every fleeting moment."

As their intertwined fingers slowly loosened, Hikari's laughter lingered in the rain-soaked air—a melody that transcended the confines of time.

In the aftermath of their bittersweet farewell, Yuuto returned to the city that had witnessed the rise and fall of their connection. With each stroke of his brush, he immortalized the memories in vibrant hues, creating an artistic tapestry that spoke of love, loss, and the enduring beauty found in the briefest of moments—the echoes of a love that lingered like whispers in the heart.

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