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Chapter 8: Chapter 7:Trying, Stupid.

The morning sun cast its golden glow as Ben Tennyson awoke in his room, he got up to wash his face and prepare for the pain.

Confused, as his body was full of energy with no sign of fatigue from yesterday's training. Perplexed and deep in contemplation, his musings were abruptly interrupted by his mom's call to breakfast. "Ben, time to wake up! Breakfast is ready."

"In a minute" replied, as He hurried to do his morning routine and then went downstairs. His mom handed him a mysterious box from Grandpa Max.

Intrigued, he opened it to find an advanced tech key and a note inside. Reading aloud, "This is the key for the training base, Ben. Use it In case I'm busy—for training or just to have some alone time. And don't forget to bring Gwen with you. I've already spoken to her parents."

Examining the key in his hands, Ben absorbed the note's contents. A grin formed as he thought, "No school today; it's the weekend. Time for some extracurricular exploration." Pocketing the key, he pondered the possibilities of the training base's equipment With a determined spark in his eyes, Ben prepared for a weekend of studying alien technology.


As they gathered around the table, his parents, curious, probed about his activities with Grandpa Max the previous day.

His mom, fork in hand, couldn't resist asking, "So, Ben, what were you and Grandpa Max up to yesterday?"

Between bites of cereal, Ben keeps all the events a secret, and comes with a story to explain "Oh, well, we just decided to explore some places around town."

His dad raised an eyebrow, "Just exploring? Nothing too wild, I hope."

Ben chuckled, "Well, maybe a little wild. We found this old bookstore, and Grandpa Max ended up challenging the owner to a chess match. Turns out, she's a retired chess champion!"

His mom laughed, "Chess? That's unexpected. What else?"

"We stumbled upon a little community garden," Ben continued. "Grandpa Max convinced me to try planting something. Never thought I'd be into gardening, but it was surprisingly fun."

His dad smirked, "Gardening with Grandpa Max, huh? That's different."

"Yeah, he's full of surprises," Ben said with a shrug. "Then, we grabbed some ice cream and just chatted about random stuff. It was nice."

His mom smiled, "Sounds like a lovely day. Sometimes, the simple things make the best memories."

Ben nodded, "Exactly. It was a chill day, just what I needed. Oh, and Grandpa Max gave me this key for his rust bucket. He said I can use it whenever I want, even bring Gwen along."

His parents exchanged glances, intrigued. "Really? He gave you his favourite?" his dad asked.

"Yeah, he said I could use it for when I'm bored and want to hang out with him, maybe have Gwen with me too, as he might be busy with his work as a plumber," Ben replied, sipping his juice. The breakfast table transformed into a space of family tales, with Ben keeping his parents both away from his secret double life and entertained by his made-up story.

After a hearty breakfast, Ben bid farewell to his parents, expressing his intention to visit Grandpa Max. His mom's voice trailed him, a mix of care and caution, "Be careful, Ben, and make sure to be home by 6 for dinner."

Outside, away from prying eyes, He goes into XLR8, as this is one of his favourite aliens. relishing the exhilarating speed as he raced to the training base in mere minutes.


Upon arrival, he navigated to the secret entrance, inserting the key into the keyhole. In the training ground, he pondered the morning's recovery, How did he recover that fast, Max said he was gonna feel all the pain of the muscle cramp, and yet here he was without anything hurt at all.

His eyes flickering to the Omnitrix. Muttering to himself, he contemplated, "Is it the Omnitrix doing this? In the series, I don't see it even has this function, but in Alien Force It has a DNA repair function maybe it also has a fast recovery function, too"

Glance at the Omnitrix, a transformation device Changes his DNA to that of chosen alien. And the old one has a time limit as it was for his safety, the side effects of contaminating his human DNA with Alien DNA. And now it is the recalibrated one it matches his DNA and, it has its own safety measure. To even save his life if it comes.

Deep into examining the device, an idea struck him. "If I turn into an intellect alien, maybe I can at least know what it has, and maybe unlock some other function." Activating the omnitrix Ben, transforming into Brainstorm, furrows his brow in deep concentration.

Brainstorm: "This Omnitrix is quite a complex device. To break through its defences, I need to analyze its encryption algorithms and find vulnerabilities."

scanning the Omnitrix interface hologram: "First, let's examine the outer shell for weak points. Perhaps there's a physical component we can exploit. "What about a software approach? Can I hack into its programming? Hmm..."

"synthesizing possibilities: we could try a combination of disrupting its energy flow and exploiting a momentary lapse in its security protocols. It won't be easy, but with precision and timing, we might just crack it." But still, no luck as Ben continues from one transformation to another.

Also Recording everything he found in a book, he handed it over to an alien for further study, hoping to decipher the Omnitrix's secrets. Continued between having to take a break as he was going alien, from one to another alien.

"Yeah, if it is that easy then Ben would have already cracked the Omnitrix earlier on not when he was an adult, Ben 10000" He was taking a break, and as he was about to resume, he found a mysterious note in his hand. Reading it, he frowned,

"You need to learn, stupid. Your knowledge isn't even that of high school graduates." The realization hit him—each time he transformed into an intelligent alien, he lacked understanding. once he transforms into an intelligent alien, he has no recollection of it, he has, but he doesn't know what it means or what it means.

Realizing the enormity of learning about the Omnitrix, he pondered, "This is going to take ages to understand."

As he studied the recalibrated Omnitrix, he muttered to himself, "This might be the shortcut I need to grasp all that knowledge faster."

A sudden idea struck him, and he chuckled at his own oversight, "Why not use Echo Echo or Ditto to speed things up? Doubling my efforts literally!"

Feeling a bit foolish for not considering it earlier, he transformed into Ditto, ready to leverage the power of duplication to unravel the secrets of the Omnitrix.

"I need more brainpower." After transforming into Ditto and duplicating himself, he chuckled, "Double the brain power, why not?"

He duplicated himself fivefold and delved into studying subjects, such as computer science, technology, and programming. Good thing this place has access to everything.

Progressing well for an hour, The Omnitrix blinked, catching him off guard. He mumbled, "What's happening?" as he detransformed. the, triggering a heavy migraine. "Too much brainpower," he muttered before fainting, leaving the training base shrouded in mystery and unanswered questions.

The splitting headache hit him, and he winced, "Five brains at once was a bit ambitious, I guess."

As he struggled to stay conscious, he muttered, "Lesson learned – maybe stick to one brain at a time," before fainting from the overwhelming mental strain.


Hey, wanna break from the ads?

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Well, I have some questions and I want you to decide.

Do you want harem or no?

Who would you like?


Do you want the omnitrix to be upgraded more?

Smut: no I can't write it, I'm still noob.

Notice: I'm stil noob on writing, thank you.

The_Segnis The_Segnis

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