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Chapter 2: Chapter 1; An Abandoned Child!?


Gloomy clouds covered the sky, and droplets of rain continued to pour. Strong winds caused the trees to bend, almost breaking them.

Thunderous sounds from the sky echoes, the sky lightens up from the constant lightning.

It was nighttime, and people, tired from their day, were securely inside their house and had fallen asleep.

"Uwaaaaahhhh….Uwaaaahhh" painful cries of a child echoed from the somewhere, muffled by the relentless downpour and continuous lightings and more downpour.

A child covered in a white blanket wrapped around his body, was placed in a casket.

The casket was completely soaked in the rain, and was placed before the entrance of an hut-like wooden house, although primitive, it stood still against the storm.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa…" The child continued to wail, his cry resembling desperate screams, due to hunger and exposure to the chilling rain.

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In response to the constant cries of the child, someone came from inside, drawn by the sound, slowly unlocking the door.

Soon the door opened, a man stepped out in the stormy night with confusion and curiosity.

He appeared to be a young, in his early twenties and very charismatic-looking man with a cleanly shaven square jawline.

He had very ashy brown coloured hair and deep blue coloured eyes, he had a bit of a muscular build, but those muscles were hidden behind his clothes.


Fatigue could be seen across the man's face as he gazed at the crying child, his mind filled with questions, soon his expression of anger and concerns in the midst of the storm.

"Rey, what's happening? Who's child is crying?" Suddenly, another voice came from behind, her voice was very kind and gentle.

A tired-looking woman emerged, her curiosity piqued by the late-night visitor. Weariness could be soon on her face, as she stepped out into the stormy night.

She had distinct auburn hair and brown eyes, she was a pretty woman, with a kindly and motherly aura surrounding her, she had long eyelashes and perky eyes.

"...Someone left a baby in front of our entrance." The man said, with a hint of anger in his voice.

He wished he could confront the absent parent, demand an explanation for such a heart-wrenching act.

He bent down and picked the child from the ground in his embrace, the baby slowly stopped crying, as if feeling safe.

"Let me see…" the lady said, before coming towards the baby, looks at him, it was a boy, barely a month or two, he has small raven black hairs, and his eyes closed, tired the baby couldn't even open them, the small body of the boy, was shaking constantly due to cold.

"WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD DO THIS?' The lady exclaimed in a mix of anger and frustration, her face flushed with emotion. Her gaze softened, however, as she noticed the discomfort in the baby's movements, and a momentary calm settled over her.

She quickly snatched the child from the man into her protective embrace.

He was shivering in the cold, with a mix of emotions on her face – frustration, concern, and a motherly instinct she took the boy in her arms.

She looks at the pitiful child, her face hardened, looking at the condition of the boy, the sky once again lights up, as the thunderous sounds echoes just moments later.

"Come inside Rey, and close the door shut tight." The lady said, looking at the gloomy sky, before taking the boy inside.

They entered the house, feeling the warmth of their home, the child's shivers gradually lessened, yet he looked extremely fragile at a moment that the woman didn't want to let go of the child.

"Coming." The man named Rey, replied. He looked at the casket where the child was placed, and took it inside the house, closing the door.

'The casket is heavy.' he thought, feeling the weight.


"Is… he asleep?" Rey asked with concern.

A flickering candle on the wooden table cast the light across the room, both of them sat on wooden chairs opposite to each other.

He looked at the woman before him, she was still holding the child, but now his clothes changed, into some simple clothes, nothing too luxurious, better given his condition.

"Yeah, he hasn't woken up after that." The lady replies, as she looks at the little adorable boy in her arms, who slept comfortably snuggling in her arms, his breath even.

"Well then, what should we do, Alice?" The man asked, looking nervous.

"What do you think, Rey?" She asked, both thinking deep, as they stared at the child.

"It's obvious someone has abandoned the child." Rey replied, he was still feeling furious knowing someone could do such a thing, leaving a child not even a month or two passed.

"Should we… keep him with us?" Alice's reluctance to let go was evident, her protectiveness was clear all over her face as she clenched her fist.

The first time she saw him, her heart was broken, hearing his pitiful cries in the stormy night, she felt hurt.

She couldn't bear to think what would have happened if they didn't open the door, and let him inside? The thought was too much for her to bear.

"I'm also thinking the same, but… will you be able to take care of Arthur and him, when I'm away?" He asked, he was guard of the local village, meaning sometimes he had to go away from his child and wife.

"Don't worry about that." The lady said, puffing her chest with pride and maternal love, gazing at the child with love.

"Arthur will have a brother, isn't it alright?" She said, as she poked the baby's small nose with her fingers.

"Yeah… you are right." Rey said, as he looked at the duo of mother and their new family member.

Standing beside her, Rey gently placed his hands on her shoulders, offering silent but reassuring support. Alice reciprocated, she leaned towards him, placing her hand on his for reassurance.

"Also, I found a few things from his casket." Rey said, remembering the heaviness of the casket, he bought the casket with him.

"What's in there?" Alice asked curiously, looking at the casket and Rey, who started to take out the items or whatever was placed in there.

"What's this?" In bewilderment, Rey muttered, feeling the weight of the small pouch. Along with it, a letter fell out.

Alice walked towards the letter and picked it up.

"What's in it?" Rey asked, getting closer to Alice, checking the letter, which she unfold slowly.

"A letter?" she murmured.


For a kind soul who took the child under their care, I can't express the gratitude I'm feeling, if you found the letter that means the child is in a safe place.

Thank you deeply for taking in the child. It's hard for me to put into words how grateful I am.

I'm sorry to burden you, I want to hold the child much longer, together with me, yet I can't keep this child myself, for the sake of him. There are reasons I can't fully explain, but trust that it's for the child's safety.

I don't wish to harm befall on the child.

For the expenses and care, I've provided enough to ensure the child lives a life of comfort with you.

I sincerely wish that the child would get the love and care of parents.

I'm really sorry for doing this.

And lastly, the child's name is [Alucard].

In my heart, I hope Alucard grows surrounded by warmth, kindness, and joy."

The letter ended with that, both husband and wife stared at it, their expression mixed with different emotions as they re-read again, to not make a mistake with anything.

Both of them looked Alucard, Alice's softened eyes reflected her emotions, her maternal instincts kicked in, making her reluctant to let go, after reading the letter.

Next, Rey took the pouch, and opened it.

"Whoever… it was, they weren't joking." Rey said, his voice was shaking along with his hands, staring at the amount of gold that was stored in the pouch.

They felt grateful but more than that anger towards the writer, to do such a thing, yet they felt it, they would also do the same if the same situation arises, and they hoped such a day never comes.

"It looks like our responsibilities have increased." With a sigh, the man smiled, yet behind that smile lurked fear. looking at the child, they couldn't ever abandon him.

"I will check Arthur if he is still asleep." As Rey kissed his wife's forehead and left to check on Arthur, where he was sleeping peacefully.

Alice looks at her husband, before turning back to the child.

'I will keep them safe.' She silently promised herself, her eyes softening as she looked at the baby.

Lost in thought, she absentmindedly gazed at Alucard for a while.

"He is still sleeping." Rey came towards her, placing his hand over her shoulder.

"We should sleep now, it's already late and you have to go to work." Alice spoke, walking towards the bedroom to sleep again.

"Yeah, good night."

"Sweet dreams." With a smile, they bid each other goodnight.

They would be asleep and wouldn't wake up, if not for hearing the voice of the crying child.


As the storm subsided, night gave way to the bright morning sunlight that flooded the room.

The chirping of birds filled the air, coming out from their nest or whatever was left after the storm.

Inside the room, a child slept peacefully. However, as the light gently touched his face, he slowly opened his eyes.

What was revealed were pitch-black pupils devoid of the spark of life, resembling an abyss that shouldn't be in a child's gaze.

His gaze fixed on the wooden ceiling, suddenly his eyes brightened as a spark of life emerged in his eyes, dispelling the previous abyss-like emptiness.

Staring at the ceiling, he extended his small hands, attempting to catch something, yet failed along with a puzzled expression, he looked cute.

The child wriggled on the bed, turning around to find a more comfortable position.

'Where am I?' he wondered, his eyes catching floating particles. 'What is this?' he questioned, observing the particles moving randomly and directionless.

'Oh yeah, ROB.' In an instant, memories of his last encounter flooded back. His focus shifted from the floating particles to his last encounter.

'Does that mean I'm into the Tbate Novel world?' he thought, remembering the lucky wheel, what he got, what ROB had told him, before he opened his eyes in this world.

He gazed at the ceiling___

'It's been a while since I saw such colors. How many hours… no, years have I been in that void?' He pondered, that place made him shudder.

The void lacked any shimmer of light, and when ROB summoned him, it was too bright, yet grey at the same time, so it's first time seeing such vibrant colours after so long.

'Before that, what happened?' He attempted to recollect his life before he came into this world.

'I couldn't remember much of my past.' Yet after thinking for a moment he couldn't remember his past, all the memories present were mostly blurry, and unpleasant to remember.

'ROB said something about my family.' He shook his thoughts off his time being, he wants to know what family he has, recalling the way ROB said to him, that smile.

'Ugh…' He didn't want to remember.

Confusion flooded Alucard's mind as he tried to move. Surprisingly, his body responded, but with limited mobility.

'Am I in a child's body?' he questioned, puzzled by the unfamiliar sensations.

While all of this was happening with Alucard, someone was looking at him with a smile, Alice stood beside him, in her arms was another baby.

The child, with short auburn brown hair and large bright azure eyes, had a small round face and was dressed in solid-colored fabrics similar to what Alucard was wearing.

"Looks like someone is awake." Alice mumbled, walking towards Alucard who was placed on the bed.

The couple spent the night with Alucard, ready to address any issues that might arise while he slept. Fortunately, to their relief, the night passed without a hitch.

"Art, this is your new brother." She explained to her newborn son, who also just like Alucard was born just two months ago.

As Art glanced at the newcomers, his azure gaze lowered.

Staring at the pitch-black eyes of the baby, he suddenly shuddered and turned his attention elsewhere.

"Did something happen, Art?" Alice asks, noticing something unusual from Art, she was watching everything, given he was in her arm.

"Don't worry, honey. Mama is here," Alice reassured, patting his back. Though a bit confused and concerned by what just happened, her child, who looked curiously at his new brother, suddenly reacted differently.

'Could it be…?' A sudden realisation hit her.

"Are you jealous, awwwww~~~." She snuggled him, patting his back with a tender and loving smile.

Art attempted to shake his head but couldn't, given Alice's hold on him.

"He is Alucard, Alucard Leywin. He is your new brother, and will live with us." Alice said with a reassuring smile, to Art who seemed to look back at Alucard, who stared at him with curious eyes.

But both in the minds of kids something else was going on.

'What was that?' Art questioned, 'I felt like I was stripped naked before his eyes, by reflex I turned my head.' He felt something unusual from that baby.

He looked at the child, who appeared harmless, weak and innocent, couldn't even lift his limb, he breathed out of relief.

'I'm imagining things,' he thought, stealing a glance at his brother.

'So he will be my brother.' He felt a bit proud, seeing the child who appeared a bit more younger than himself.

'But whose child is he?' He glanced back at his mother Alice. 'Judging by his black hair and looks, and considering the introduction, it means...' he felt angry, given he himself was an orphan in his past life.

On the other hand, Alucard looked at the child in Alice's hands, who looked a bit happy around her two kids.

'So this is the protagonist of this world?' Though unable to recall all memories, Alucard pieced together fragments of knowledge from his memory about this unfamiliar place.

'That means I'm in the leywin family now?' he concludes, although a bit surprised, he doesn't mind; actually, he was expecting something far worse.

'As I saw him in the manhwa,' Alucard thought, nodding to himself in his mind, drawing comparisons between Art, or rather Arther Leywin from the Manhua, and this world.

Although the difference was between realism, there wasn't much difference to make.


Suddenly, Alucard's stomach growled out of nowhere.

'Yeah I haven't eaten anything after waking up.' he can recall feeling the wetness, but all of that was blurry now finally being awake, he gazed at Alice.

"Let's go, Alu," she said, taking Arthur in one hand and Alucard in the other, leading them towards the dining table.

Alucard's gaze roamed around the mediaeval-style house, constructed with sturdy wood and brick, they looked durable enough.

'So this is my new home?' he thought, his mind wandered.


To be Continued…


Word Count; 2473


[A/N]: That's all for this chapter. Almost a week has already passed since my last update. Though there wasn't much to show, I did what I could.

This is Alucard's apperance as a Kid.


{If you can't there's no image here, then check the chapter comments}

About the small monologue between Alucard and Arthur, I could write in separate POV, but I didn't want just for this short scene.

Sure, I could have written it another time in another chapter, but no. It's better this way. All readers, especially those familiar with TABTE, know that Arthur is a reincarnated person.

So, no need to needlessly increase the word count, and there's nothing to hide, just a small reaction.

I have decided to go with the usual flow for a few chapters [Cannon Route], probably 20-30 more or less.

By doing this, it will follow the normal route taken in the Manhwa. Rest assured, I will write some things and separate scenes for Alucard. I don't want to bore you.

After this chapter, I will slowly diverge from the story. Still many events will remain canon, while many others will be changed.

I would ask for offering, nothing much, but Powerstones.

Starless_Eclipse Starless_Eclipse

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