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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

[|||| =LEVEL 7= ||||]


I took the mental scolding without complaint. I was a major party in the accidental killing of my physical form. Bad luck couldn't really be blamed after all. We were standing at the start of a pathway with a sign that said 'Xiao-Long/Rose residence: .4 miles.' It was rather dark being six forty five in the morning.

"I know what I did was stupid. However, I have more than learned my lesson. I saw my corpse in case you missed that." Summer quieted herself after that but I could tell that she was still fuming inside. She snarled in the physical world and punched in a call to Ozpin.

The man did not look good. He had tired and sunken eyes and a bottle only a quarter full. Goodwitch sat on the floor in the background just holding her temple and not doing anything. Whether from alcohol or stress I didn't know.

"Abyss is fine. He just killed himself a little." Summer snarled. Ozpin blinked. "I'm sorry, what?" I made a remote clone of hard light and used a little illusions to stop the whole shining avatar look and put on clothes. I looked like I did with Summer but I had my faunus ears. I spoke through my wind whisper, which luckily no longer sounded inhuman and hard to understand. "Sorry sir. I got cocky and killed my physical body inside Summer by asphyxiation. I retained my consciousness in my soul." Ozpin pinched the bridge of his nose.

"This is a poor first impression mister Mavros." I shrugged. "I've learned my lesson. I'm rather confident that I can possess a corpse if it's in good condition, sir. Or a person with a weaker aura than me." Ozpin sighed at the news and Goodwitch shook her head in the background muttering something about more aura parisite wizards. I can't actually fault her on that. I would liken myself more to a carnivore though.

"Please don't do that, mister Mavros. No blood needs to be spilled. Just… I'm not in a good state to deal with this right now. Please appear at beacon tomorrow at…" Ozpin looked at something on his scroll. "Two o'clock. We have much to talk about."

"We do indeed. Damnit." I swore as I lost some of my control with wind whisper. My parallel was making good progress with it though. He was at level four with it and so was I since we were technically the same person. It seemed to be a rather easy spell to perform. Ozpin looked at me strangely before shaking his head and cutting the call.

Summer sighed and I dispelled myself back into her soul. She trudged towards her residence at a slow pace. I furiously worked on the wind whisper spell. I could fall back onto my mana control for the spell if I was careful but it was easy to mess up like I had with Ozpin.

In about five minutes I had gotten two more levels in wind whisper with my clone. We were standing outside staring at the home. "So should I have a cover story or something?" Summer physically rolled her eyes. It was clear she was still frustrated with me. "You have a special semblance that allows you to survive in and augment other's auras. Their auras get bigger and you don't die. You can project yourself through aura and talk but you have to live inside somebody. That it?"

I thought for a moment. "I can live without a body actually but it's a good story. Let's go with that. But I'm not going to be a four year old. I don't want to have to float upwards to reach the plates. You know I will. Hard light constructs can fly including my remote avatar."

Summer shrugged and walked towards the door. She reached into her belt with the pouches and withdrew a key. She easily opened it and walked inside. She hung up her cloak and boots and walked silently to a room. I could kind of tell what she was going for by the layout of the house through mage sight so I muffled her. I was getting good at helping Summer without needing to be asked.

All the rooms were on the second floor. Yang and Ruby shared a bathroom while Taiyang and Sum had a nice and big bedroom all to themselves. And a bathroom with a big shower. The downstairs had a living room, kitchen with a table to eat at, and that was it. The house was more like a large log cabin really. Outside was a garden and a path to a clearing… why does… oh! That's where the yellow trailer for season five took place. There was also a shed with some gardening supplies and weapons stuff in it.

Summer walked into her bedroom without trying to sneak anymore. I prevented a shadow from being casted on Taiyang with invisibility and any sound Summer made was prevented by a thick dome of stilled air. It was way easier to do anything related to air with the affinity. I was barely using twenty mana to do what would have taken eighty before. My affinity was functionally one hundred and twenty after all.

Summer undressed uncaring of what I saw. I wasn't really surprised. Summer wasn't a very modest person really and she was too tired to care about things like modesty even for others… wait a minute…

I forgot that supplement negated the effects of fatigue. I casted the spell on Summer and she looked a lot better. I casted a small illusion to fix the light bags under her eyes from the sleepless night mourning me and the reddened eyes, which hadn't quite faded away. Summer gave a genuine smile to the mirror. I felt it was directed at me as a little thank you.

Sum freshened up with a little deodorant and put on a soft and silky shirt and loose sweatpants. She looked to Taiyang, who was looking scruffy with his five o'clock shadow. I also noted on the alarm clock that it was a saturday. Ruby and Yang were off from school today.

I sent Summer an image of Ruby and Yang in their beds straight from my mage sight. She giggled and smiled a little brighter. She was looking more and more like the happy and energetic Summer she normally was. She just needed some family and a recharge day.

Summer walked downstairs and started a cup of coffee. I had an inkling on what she wanted to do so I stopped the fumes from reaching her family and maybe waking them. Especially Taiyang. Stay at home dads hunt coffee like it's their natural prey. It only took some still air.

I projected myself as my teen form and looked through the fridge. "Eggs and bacon? Maybe those cookies you've been bragging about so much?" Summer nodded with a smile. "Ruby will love cookies no matter what time so long as they're mine. I'll do those. Watch what I do through me. Maybe you'll learn something and I can stop making them every time."

I designated my clone to keep notes on all of the measurements and to try to memorize Summer's movements. "How do they like their eggs?" I asked. "Ruby likes them scrambled like me. Yang likes them sunny side up like her father. Actually can you make some waffles for Tai? He likes a hearty breakfast. And put a bowl of fruit out before we're finished."

I sent a feeling of confirmation and manipulated the wind to carry some waffles to the toaster. I popped down the waffles and cooked them slowly with heat manipulation. I also made sure to spread the heat out evenly across the whole waffle.

Summer finished up with the cookies on the pan. Ten of them to be exact. I cracked the eggs onto the pan and put the bacon into the oven with the cookies. They used the same temperature. Also, the sweet fumes from the cookies might add a sweet little kick to the bacon. Might as well try.

I released the fumes from out cooking and guided them to the family. Ruby woke the quickest. She had a huge grin and wide eyes as she hopped in the shower first. Taiyang was next. He had a large and soft smile as he basked in the smells for a moment before getting into the shower. Yang woke up but rested a little longer while Ruby took her shower.

I started on the berries while occasionally flipping the bacon with a spatula of hard light. I took a nice and large shallow bowl and piled it with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

I directed my parallel to help out with everyday things since Summer was just waiting on the cookies. It swept away the mist from the bathroom slowly and subtly, which was rather hard to do subtly, and changed the temperature of the rooms to a comfortable level. Ruby's almost full laundry bin was brought down by a line of hard light and the sheets of Taiyang's and Summer's bed were remade with some hands made of hard light. It took some coffee in a mug and added an enchantment to retain it's heat. It didn't put much mana into it so it would only last about twenty minutes. Little things like that to just make things a little better. It was a good exercise in control as well.

I finished the eggs and placed them on some plates. Sum got the most, Tai the second most, then Yang, and finally Ruby. I also put the waffles, which were a really nice golden brown, on Tai's plate. Summer finished the cookies and was placing them down when Ruby finally got out of the shower. Ruby ran out rubbing her towel over herself quickly to dry off faster. She ran to her room and put on a red silk shirt and some black sweats after looking confusedly at her absent laundry basket. Yang stumbled in after Ruby was done.

Ruby raced down the stairs like it was christmas and ran quickly up to her mother. "Mom!" She cried happily. She tackle-hugged Summer and Summer laughed and hugged back. I could feel the happiness from our link.

"Hello sweetie." Summer said kindly with a beaming smile on her face.

"How did your mission go? Did you save Abyss? And who's this?" Summer grinned.

"This is Abyss. It's a long story. I'll tell you all when everyone else is down here." Ruby looked with confusion between me and Summer.

"Wasn't Abyss my age?" Summer grinned but said nothing. Ruby pouted but that instantly went away when she saw her plate on the counter, loaded with four cookies. The rest were to be given if Ruby ate the rest of her food. Summer would take them if she couldn't. I made sure to keep the breakfast nice and hot with heat manipulation. It was being surprisingly useful now. I had used about one thousand aura just making breakfast and doing some chores. More if you counted my remote clone, which was my only way to affect the physical world now other than magic.

Yang dressed in a yellow tank top and sports shorts. Taiyang got out at roughly the same time and got into pants and a T shirt. The two almost collided in the entryway but Yang darted forward first and Taiyang walked down after.

"Hi mom!"

"Welcome back honey." Yang and Taiyang said in almost unison. Nobody paid it any attention.

"Hello sunflower! Hello honey. It's good to be back." I stood off to the side just not really taking attention. I finished up the bacon and pressed the grease out with a few paper towels before loading them onto a dish and setting them on the table with the rest. Considering that I would be awkwardly standing off to the side or be sitting and not eating anything I removed that little problem by flipping the table over dispelling myself.

"Whoah!" Ruby yelped. Summer growled in irritation. Taiyang snagged a piece of bacon while the others were distracted. Yang saw him so he snagged a piece for her too. She kept her silence.

"Get back out here you coward." Summer growled through a cookie. I wind whispered a response.

"I would either be sitting down and not eating or standing off to the side. Why wouldn't I dispel?"

"Where is the voice coming from?" Yang asked. "Is Abyss actually a ghost?" Summer looked like she was about to speak but then didn't. I decided to speak up here.

"That's a pretty close explanation actually. It's more like I'm a super ghost that would only haunt you if I feel like it."

"If he feels like it he says." Taiyang muttered.

"Dexter won't be haunting anyone." Summer said. I made a warp between Summer's body and breakfast and I put her whole breakfast into my inventory she scowled. Ruby oohed. Yang looked amused. Taiyang looked interested.

"How did he do that?" Tai asked.

"My semblance." I said in amusement. "If I had a physical form I'd be eating Summer's cookies. As it is I can only enjoy it if she does. Fear me or I'll take your breakfast and laundry."

Ruby's eyes widened. "That was you?! Thanks!"

"No problem." Summer tapped her foot impatiently and I gave her her breakfast back.

"So what exactly is your semblance anyways?"

"I call it passenger myself. I can enter the space in somebody's aura. I can't die while I'm in them and I give them a big boost to their amount of aura. I can also project myself using aura and drag some things into the space in people's aura."

"That's a heavy list of skills." Taiyang said hintingly.

"Not really. Projecting aura is something I had to learn from scratch. I'm pretty sure anybody can do it and would if it wasn't mostly useless. They're costly to make and not very fast to create either. The space trick only works at close range unless a few conditions are met. Like touching the thing. Then I can store the object in question inside my or my host's soul."

"But wait…" Yang said confusedly. "Where's your body?"

"Oh, my body suffocated when I tried putting it into my inventory improperly. My aura was fine, as I said I can't die, but my body suffocated and I didn't notice until it was too late." A moment of silence passed through the table.

"Sorry for your loss." Ruby said quietly.

"Don't worry about it. Summer's body is awesome." Taiyang choked on his waffle and Summer groaned. Neither of the kids got it.

"An uncle Qrow joke." Summer said.


"So that's why…"

"Oh! What if you entered my soul?" Ruby asked.

"I can't enter auras if they're not unlocked. Sorry." Ruby smiled. "Don't worry about it!"

"What about mine?" Taiyang asked.

"I'm fine showing you what it's like."

Taiyang nodded. "I'm curious."

"Alright. Doing the switch now." I weaned Summer off my skills and her aura fell drastically. She grimaced and set her fork and knife down.

"Ugh. It still sucks."

"What sucks about it?" Yang asked.

"When Abyss leaves my aura is larger than I can handle. The extra aura just disappears off to wherever but I feel kind of sick when I have more aura than my soul can handle."

I finished the deactivating of my skill bonuses and exited Summer's soul for a second. For a moment I was free floating aura in the air. Quite literally like a ghost. I just thought about moving to Taiyang and I did. I rushed towards him and entered his soul space through soul hearth.

Taiyang's soul was a fair bit smaller than Summer's. I slowly ramped up my skill effects and Tai grimaced and grunted. I felt roughly the same. I just lost some capacity from Summer's silver eyes. I liked that extra aura. When I was done, though, he gasped. "Holy shit… I feel amazing." "Like you can do anything, right?" Summer smiled. Tai nodded.

I'm not actually doing that much compared to what I do with Summer… Actually, I could pull you all into your soul, Summer." Summer gasped. "Yes! We could play monopoly on that awesome couch!"

"You have a couch in your soul?" Ruby asked confusedly. "Summer doesn't just have a couch. She had a bed, beanbag, a ton of valuable metals, and plenty of nice furniture. I made it myself. It's really nice. Wanna see it?"

"Yeah!" "Definitely!" "I am curious." "Then it's decided!" Summer declared. "I will welcome you all to… Summerland!" Silence reigned for a moment. "I mean… it's not a bad name. Just kind of boring." Taiyang hedged. Summer's face fell. "Yeah…"

"Alright. Let's clean up and we can see Sum's soul from the inside." I've rarely see kids eager to clean dishes. This was one of those times.

[|||| == ||||]

"So Summer… To make sure I don't accidentally unlock your kids' auras, how do I do it in the first place?" Summer sighed mentally.

"To activate an aura you have to insert a piece of your aura into the dormant aura of another's. It's always accompanied by a ceremonial chant."

"The chant isn't required?"

"Using one is expected but not necessary. They're supposed to reflect something about you, the one doing the unlocking."

"Got it. If I screw up and unlock their aura would something bad happen?"

"If your aura is unlocked you become a priority target for the Grimm. They'll hunt you over any single civilian. Additionally, without knowing how to suppress your aura signature, using your aura will alert Grimm that you're there. We aren't unlocking our kid's auras because they wouldn't be able to kill the weakest beowolf as of now. When they're twelve we'll unlock them and start training."

"Interesting. Alright. Thanks for letting me know."

"Please don't unlock my kid' s aura Abyss. Really just PLEASE don't."

"I won't insert any on my aura into them. I won't bar some weird twist but I'm not trying to unlock their auras. It would be meaningless for me."

Summer sent a feeling of wariness. She believed me but thought it best to be safe. No wonder. An unlocked aura is dangerous for a kid to have… If they don't have magic.

"Alright everyone! Ready to go now?!" Summer called out. "We're ready when you are honey." Tai called back.

"Alright. Here we go." Summer thought. She tried to show confidence over her nervousness for her kids and sat down on the couch.

"I'm going to try you first Tai. I'm confident that I can do this flawlessly but I doubt you want Ruby or Yang to go first. Just relax and go with the flow and I'll do the rest. " Taiyang nodded and closed his eyes.

I snagged Tai's soul with my aura and pulled it into Summer's. His soul was rooted in his body, as souls typically were, but the majority of it was with me in Summer's soul space.

"Whoa!" Tai yelled in Summer's soul space. He was in a bodily form as I'd shaped him. When I was about to leave him, though, I noticed that his soul was withdrawing back to his body…

OH! Taiyang only has his soul in Summer. I had my magic rooting me into Summer's soul but Tai only has his soul here. His body is pulling his soul back and there's no resistance! Well that's easily solved.

I took my parallel from helping around the house (weeding the garden currently) and assigned it to keeping Taiyang rooted in Summer's soul space by latching onto his aura with my own. Like a chain of aura keeping him rooted to my soul which was rooted to Summer's.

"Whoa… It's like being hugged so I don't float away…" he muttered. "Got him. You're next Yang." "Wait for the others." I told Tai in the soul space. He seemed fine rooting through the games cupboard.

Yang smiled nervously. "Oh relax. You'll be fine. It's barely different from what I did with Taiyang. I just have to be more careful with you."

Yang took a few deep breaths and calmed down somewhat. I snagged her soul with mine. It didn't struggle at all. I wonder if that's because of aura?

I was able to get Yang into the soul space fine. My parallel rooted her and waited patiently. Apparently the attractive force between soul and body was pretty weak if they didn't resist.

"Hi sweetie! Hey look at these! They've got a lot of games."

"What's with the warm hugging feeling? And the floaty one? And what games are there?"

"I don't know. Probably Summer's soul being warm and liking to hug people. It seems like her. There's mostly board games."

Finally was Ruby. She wasn't nervous. Just plain excited. I grabbed on to her soul easily and plopped her in on the couch on top of Yang.

"Eep!" "Ruby?!" "Haha!" Man Taiyang is such a great dad. If I ever have kids, which is looking like a pretty slim chance with the lack of a body, then I'd follow his lead so far as raising kids.

"Yang stop hugging me!"

"I'm not!"

"Oh you aren't… BuBut who's hugging me? Mom?"

To finish us off Summer entered a meditative mindset and I pulled her in. She formed in her soul pretty quickly and dropped in on the sofa on top of Ruby and Yang.


"Ow… could you and Ruby please get off?"

Summer laughed and rolled off and walked to the end of the sofa. Ruby crossed the table and laid on the other sofa for a moment.

I refrained from making my own body and instead looked outward to mess with the family.

"Okay everyone! Grand tour of my soul starts now! We're saving the best for last though. Come on. Study comes first."

I looked through the house with mage sight for a camera. I found one pretty easily and pieced together how it worked easily. I took it into my inventory and hid it in the wall in the garden. I wanted to see their faces when they saw the ceiling.

Summer had just finished up with the study and I decided to have more fun. Now that the souls were rooted in Summer courtesy of my parallel I could mess with their unconscious bodies.

I put Ruby laying on top of Yang with her index fingers up her nose. Yang's fingers were also up Ruby's nose. I snickered at their reactions when they woke up.

It turned out that the farther away from Summer and their soul their bodies were the stronger the attractive force on their soul. It was still really weak though. Even with three people that I was keeping in the soul space.

Next for Summer I laid her out in that 'paint me like one of your French girls' pose but with her clothes on.

For Tai I was a bit stumped so I put him directly face down on the floor and left it at that. His nose would ache a bit but he had a good sense of humor. He'd be fine.

Now Summer and her family were moving into the garden. I readied the camera.

Yang, Tai, and Ruby's faces were awestruck by the scene. Ruby's eyes and Yang's hair gleamed under the moonlight.

Summer smiled softly and looked at her family and the sky.

I took maybe ten pictures silently and put the camera back into my inventory. I hoped I could frame the picture with a printed copy. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Can I do my homework here?" Asked Ruby. I gave her her whole backpack from in her room. "Sure. Stay as long as you want."

"Abyss? Where are you?" Summer asked.

"I was finishing up the dishes. Oh, and that warm huggy feeling? That's my aura. Your auras are trying to escape back into your bodies but I'm tying you down. If you flex your auras a bit you'd make me lose my grip and wake up but only Tai can do that."

"You could trap us here forever?" Yang asked nervously.

"More than that actually. Not that I would. I could probably kick Tai and Summer out and keep you two though. Since your souls are locked you can't resist."

Tai was glaring at me and Summer was giving me a look.

"I'm not going to do that in case you were wondering. You would annoy me too much to be worth it. You could play the trapped princess shtick though."

"What's shtick mean?" Ruby asked. Oh right. She has a really big vocabulary for a five year old."

"It means cliche. A recurring theme."

"Oh! Got it."

I wind whispered into Summer and Tai's ears: "Your kids are REALLY smart for their age."

"I know, right? Especially Ruby. My little girls super smart!" Tai whispered into thin air. Summer and I could hear fine. With me being spread throughout Summer's soul and Summer having her enhanced senses.

I'm not really sure if Summer or the others could manipulate Summer's soul like I did. Perhaps they needed a space affinity to do so. And to consider manipulating Summer's soul space. And to have Summer's permission.

"Say Abyss," Yang asked. "What's your soul like?"

"I don't know. I can't go into my own soul space. I can look inside it and interact with it but there's no point in going there. I use it as a storage space."

"Oh." Yang said disappointedly. "Why the disappointment?" I asked. "Well it's like you have this awesome ability to make your soul pretty and awesome but you don't even use it. You use it as a mobile warehouse."

"There's no point making my soul space nice when I could use it practically. If I improved my soul space what would I do with it? I can only look into it and everyone can pop into Summer's soul if they want to do things. Actually my soul is way bigger than Summer's. "

"How much bigger?" Summer asked. Lets see… aura times double my space affinity with one. Twenty times two so forty one times fourteen thousand eight hundred is… six hundred thousand add a little.

"Six hundred cubic meters. Summer has about thirty two but this space only has twenty three cubic meters. She only has more space because I'm augmenting her soul with my own."

A brief silence reigned. "That's a cube about five soccer fields long in three directions."

"How the hell…" Taiyang muttered. "Whoa-stop making me feel tiny! I was proud of my four rooms!" Summer cried.

"What do you even have in your soul?" Yang asked.

"Let's see… Four chairs, two tables, I'm not sure how much dust that is but it's a lot. There's also some guns and weaponry around. I've got clothing for my non-existent body, and some other more miscellaneous things."

"Where did you get all of that stuff?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Battle loot." I half joked. "Abyss…" Summer growled. "I stole it from gangsters." "Better." Summer said approvingly. Tai looked at her like she had grown a second head.

"Since when have you been all for 'battle loot?!'" Summer looked to him strangely. "Did you even look at the stuff he got? Besides, it's just furniture… And dust. Lots of dust." Tai looked at her with a scrutinizing gaze. I materialized an ingot of one of the super metals and his face showed his realization.

"Why did team STRQ never think of that?" He muttered.

"... So what now?" Ruby asked. Yang and Tai looked to the board games, of which I had maybe twenty.

[|||| == ||||]

Two hours later Ruby had finished her homework and everybody had played some games. "Well messing around in Summer's soul is nice but the real world is better. I like our house." Taiyang said.

"Yeah, mom's soul is great but it's a little small for now." Yang said.

"You're all ready to go now?" I asked. "Yup!" "Yeah." I took Ruby and Yang's confirmations as enough and let go of everybody's souls and pushed Summer back to her own body. I felt them draw back into their physical forms and have their eyes flutter open.

It was chaos. It was beautiful. The camera got it all. "Ruby?! Get your fingers out of my nose!" "Why am I on the floor?! My nose hurts!" "Yang! Ruby! Get off of each other!" "We're trying! Ow! Yang! That hurts!"

A few harsh words towards me and everything went back to normal. "Sorry. He's not normally this mischievous." Summer apologised for me. "I haven't had anybody to mess with other than Summer for a while. It's been gratifying to do so. I won't do this sort of thing often."

Tai sighed. "You're as much trouble as Ruby was when she was a baby. I've got chores to do now though so go do your thing." I took his advice and went into Summer's soul. I had some things to do as well.

Back in Summer's soul I made an avatar for myself and set to work. I got rid of the bedroom entirely. I had no need for it now. I made an offshoot of the study instead. A workshop. It was a little small but that was Summer's soul. It was temporary anyways.

I didn't pay much attention to making it look pretty or anything. As I said, temporary. I put down the modern forge and got to work. My parallel got hard on the grind as well on runes. Sheets of ice would suffice. Runes to reject heat would be put onto them as would an enchantment to make them harder. It exercised water, heat, enchantments, and runes. I would change my parallel to work on my metal projects soon.

Viventum ingot (unattuned)

Rarity: Very rare

Material type: Metal

Melting point: 2456 degrees celsius

Hardness: 89/100 (very hard)

Ductility: 27/100 (rather stiff)

Special trait: Soul growth - when infused with aura laced with mana this metal will slowly grow in hardness, flexibility, and resistance to elements. After sustained exposure to mana from one person this metal will become 'attuned' to the signature of their aura and mana and will gain traits according to the person's desires over time. This metal is not all powerful and will not grow to embody some traits. For example, it cannot grow brittle and cannot come to be gelatinous as it is a metal.


Rarity: Rare

Material type: Metal

Melting point: 1891 degrees celsius

Hardness: 42/100 (Somewhat soft for a metal)

Ductility: 93/100 (Easily molded)

Special trait: Superior conductor - This metal is capable of conducting any form of energy with no resistance. Mana, aura, electricity, heat, ether, and otherwise.

Novis (Unattuned)

Rarity: Rare

Material type: Metal

Melting point: 1984 degrees celsius

Hardness: 64/100 (Somewhat hard)

Ductility: 54/100 (a little hard)

Special trait: Dust reflective - Upon contact to a dust and/or attuned mana or aura the metal will absorb the dust's or mana's affinity and when mana is channeled through it after treatment it will attune said mana to the affinity of the consumed dust. Grade of dust/Affinity of mana and purity of metal determines amount of affinity granted to the mana channeled through. Mana already attuned will have a more intense attunement after being channeled through if the affinity is the same as the metal's.

All of these metals would be perfect for making a new body wouldn't you say? A sort of golem... Or a weapon. I've got enough to do both in fact.

[|||| =NEXT LEVEL= ||||]


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