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Chapter 4: Limax's Demise

"I need to defeat Vilgax before he has a chance to heal or send bounty hunters after me," I muttered to myself, contemplating the urgency of the situation. The window of opportunity was narrow.

With the Chimeran Hammer under my control, I now needed a vessel to bridge the cosmic expanse and confront Vilgax. Drawing upon my canonical knowledge, I identified the Limax ship as the most accessible and suitable spacecraft for the impending journey.

Transforming into XLR8, I sped towards Aunt Vera's retirement village. Upon arrival, I swiftly assembled a makeshift water cannon using discarded items like an old pump, battery, metal tank, and hose. With the water cannon in hand, my intent was clear – exploit the weakness of the Limax species, known for their vulnerability to water, as portrayed in the cartoon. This rudimentary yet effective device would prove invaluable in confronting Limax.

Sweeping through the retirement village, I maintained a vigilant search for any potential Limax infiltrators among the elderly residents. With my enhanced speed and careful scrutiny, I aimed to ensure the safety of Aunt Vera and her fellow retirees.

With my enhanced perception, I detected subtle underground vibrations, revealing the Limax's hidden ship beneath the Earth's surface. They were conducting research, planning to infiltrate and capture the elderly as a food source. This strategic move aimed to exploit the vulnerability of the elderly, reflecting their sinister intentions. My heightened senses, coupled with knowledge of past events like the Limax Wars of 2017 that resulted in Grandpa Max's arm loss in the Ben 10,000 timelines, fueled my determination to thwart their plans.

Armed with the water cannon, I readied myself to confront the Limax and seize their ship. In a lightning-fast blitz, I opened the hatch of the Limax ship, and with precision, I melted the Limax one by one before they could even react. The element of surprise and my super speed allowed me to swiftly neutralize the threat, ensuring they were unable to mount any defense against the unexpected intrusion.

Utilizing the pump in reverse, I transformed it into a makeshift vacuum, trapping the remaining bits and blobs of the Limax on the floor. The once-threatening remnants of the species were now confined in the empty tank, powerless against the suction force I had harnessed. The vacuum's efficiency ensured that no trace of the Limax remained, marking the successful containment of the extraterrestrial threat.

As I connected the Limax ship to my supercomputer back at the base, I seamlessly transformed into Gray Matter, tapping into my Galvan intelligence. In a meticulous process, I reprogrammed the ship, overwriting its existing systems with my customized configurations. The once-Limax-controlled vessel now responded solely to my commands, becoming a formidable asset in my quest against Vilgax. Guiding the reprogrammed Limax ship, I skillfully navigate back to base, my mission against the alien threat successfully executed.

Shifting back to my human form, I transport the confined Limax to a refrigerated containment unit, exploiting their vulnerability to weaken their resilience. Intending to enhance my Omnitrix capabilities, I plan to upload the Limax DNA once I decipher the scan function, unlocking new strategic advantages in future encounters.

As I entered Dr. Animo's lab, my focus was on acquiring the results of his recent research. My intention was to integrate his findings, particularly in telepathically or empathically controlling animals, to enhance the mind control device I had acquired from Sublimino. The aim was to optimize its capabilities for a more effective control over Animo and his creations. The synergy of Animo's animal-centric research and the modified mind control device promised to be a powerful asset in my ongoing quest against the impending threats.

As I step into Dr. Animo's lab, he greets me in his characteristic monotone voice, "Welcome back, Master. I have completed the research you asked me to."

I respond, "Excellent, Animo. Let's not waste any time. Share the details."

Animo, maintaining his robotic tone, begins to explain, "The empathic and telepathic control on insects and animals has been successfully integrated into a device. However, for a more robust application, I need advanced equipment to technologically reproduce the biological processes. The genetic mutations sampled from Clancy were a starting point, but superior equipment is required for precision."

I nod in satisfaction, "Good work, Animo. Provide me with the rough outline, and I'll take it from here."

As animo gave me the details I transform in to my galvan from there i and headed to the medical bay.

Delving into the medical bay, I meticulously examined the array of advanced equipment. My Galvan form allowed me to process information swiftly, identifying the crucial components required for Animo's project. Drawing inspiration from the sophisticated medical devices, I carefully crafted a blueprint in my mind, envisioning the integration of empathic and telepathic control into a more streamlined and powerful design.

Utilizing my precise Galvan manipulations, I expertly disassembled specific devices, extracting miniature processors, bio-enhancers, and neural interfaces. These components would serve as the foundation for the enhanced mind control device. With a focused determination, I re-engineered and augmented the extracted technology, ensuring compatibility with Animo's requirements.

In parallel, I accessed the Sublimino mind control device I had appropriated earlier. Analyzing its workings, I identified innovative features that could complement and reinforce Animo's design. The synergy between biological and technological elements sparked ideas for creating a sophisticated hybrid, promising unparalleled control over both animals and individuals.

The intricate process unfolded as I meticulously integrated the components, optimizing their functionality. The medical bay transformed into a workshop of innovation, a testament to the fusion of Galvan intellect and technological prowess. Each adjustment brought the mind control device closer to perfection.

Approaching Animo, I activated the enhanced mind control device. Subtle energy surrounded him as the device synchronized with his neural patterns. Animo's robotic monotone wavered, revealing a subtle shift in his demeanor. "Master, I am at your command," he declared with newfound conviction. The successful integration of empathic and telepathic control.

Addressing my newfound assistant Animo, I declare, "Animo, I've acquired a wealth of data from an alien ship. Retrieve the medical files for the Chimera Sui Generis species, and let's collaborate on constructing a memory extraction device."

As Animo and I delved deeper into the intricacies of the memory extraction device, we unraveled the complexities of the Chimera Sui Generis species' neural patterns. The alien data we had downloaded laid the foundation, but transforming it into a practical extractor posed challenges. Animo's genetic expertise and my technological acumen synergized as we fine-tuned the device.

While the initial test with Vilgax promised insights, we anticipated the need for adjustments. The next phase aimed at extracting Myaxx's memories, a treasure trove revealing Azmuth's intentions and the Omnitrix's inner workings. This task demanded a delicate balance between telepathic and technological approaches.


Author's note

Hey, my bad for the chapter delay. I got hooked rewatching the entire Ben 10 series, all the way from the classic to Omniverse. Trying to get every detail right, you know? Still not quite done, but making progress!

By the way, I'll try to drop a chapter twice a week, but no promises – life likes to throw in some curveballs.

PS: Crafting a fic is tough; I've gained a newfound respect for authors. Wrestling with getting the timeline just right is no joke. Now I get why most self-insert fanfics prefer sticking to canon—it's a whole other challenge!

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