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Chapter 9: Chapter 09: The Little Pyromaniac

It is now the next day, I had finished the rest of my commission yesterday. They are mostly delivery quests and finding someone's cat. I'm currently destroying a small hilichurl camp. I slashed at the hilichurls using the Attache Calibur, it was over very quickly. 

"That should clean up all of them," I said admiring what I had done

"I should get back." I released my transformation and started walking back to Mondstadt

I decided to start training my body this morning to get stronger. Although when I henshin I get stronger I feel it is not enough. I realized after changing back I got tired. If I don't train my body it won't last if I get the stronger forms down the line. I also need someone to teach me how to fight. I have only been relying on the Rider's powers and that alone won't be enough to survive against the stronger beings around in Teyvat.

"I wonder who can I ask to train me…"

I continued to walk while thinking about who among the characters I knew could teach me how to fight when suddenly I heard a loud explosion


"What was that, an attack?"

I looked towards where the explosion came from and saw a large splash of water

"Is it coming from the lake? I need to check it out."

I ran towards the area from where the explosion came from. Once I arrived I saw a little girl in red. Her hair is tied in pigtails. She wears a red coat with a darker red embellishment and keyhole shapes in the hem over a white dress and shorts, as well as a fluffy scarf with a pom-pom, gloves, knee socks, boots, and a brown backpack that resembles a randoseru, a backpack commonly used by elementary school children in Japan. Attached to this bag is her Pyro Vision as well as a furry, woodland animal-shaped pom-pom. She also wears a large red newsboy cap with a pin featuring a clover insignia and two white feathers.

I recognized this little girl. She was also one of the playable characters you can play in Genshin Impact. Her name was Klee.

"Is she fishing?"

Klee has a unique way of fishing. Instead of using a fishing rod, Klee likes to throw bombs. Klee has a strange fixation on making explosives and I don't know why because she likes to make bombs. She often gets in trouble with Jean and puts her in solitary confinement regularly.

"Wai~, so many fishies." Klee picks up the dead fish and brings them to shore

I should probably approach her so she does not destroy the lake. I began to walk towards her and called out to Klee

"Hello little girl, what are you doing?"

"Oh, hello onii-chan, who are you?"

"My name is Jun, an adventurer, who are you?"

"Hee-hee I'm Klee Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius there's more but I forgot the rest…"

"It's okay Klee I noticed an explosion, what are you doing?"

"Klee is trying to get fishies." Klee presented her spoils

"I see that but why are you throwing bombs at the lake?"

"Because it's fun! It also makes it easier to get the fishies and they taste so good when I blast them." said Klee with an innocent smile on her face

"Haha… so where are your parents?"

"Mama went on an adventure, she left me here on Mondstadt."

"Then where are your guardians?"


"Who is in charge of taking care of you Klee?"

"Oh, it's Master Jean."

"Then does she know you're here right now?"

"Umm… Master Jean does not know I'm here right now."

"We should probably tell her Klee. We don't want her to get worried."

""I… um, pleaaase~ don't tell Master Jean, or else I'll be grounded! Jean can be scary.``

"I can't really do that, Klee. If you keep throwing bombs in the lake you might hurt somebody."

"It's okay I'll be careful that's why I have these survival rules." Klee takes a small notebook out of her bag

"Bombs inside city wall, grounded be thy woe. 

Explosions can hurt people, Jean can be dreadful.

Modstadt be bombed, Klee be doomed."

"Klee follows these rules to stay safe, so please don't tell Master Jean," said Klee with puppy eyes

"Uck… okay fine but I'm coming with you." Klee was too cute for me to resist

"Really! Yay! Come on Jun onii-chan let's go have fun." Klee runs along while I follow her a bit after

"That little troublemaker…" I said with a slight curve in my lips

Me and Klee are now on the shore of Cider Lake. Klee was throwing bombs at the lake with a happy expression. The fish affected by her bombs rose to the water's surface. We gathered them and started eating them

"They taste so good!" Klee said smiling with a bit of fish on the side of her face

I wiped it off her face and said " Klee eat slowly, the fish is not going to run off on its own."

"Thank you, Jun onii-chan." we both smiled at each other and continued to eat the fish

When we were both done Klee wanted to play in the woods to test out her new bombs.

"Jun onii-chan hurry over here!" Klee said running ahead of me

"I'm coming! You need to slow down Klee."

"Hehe~ sorry," said Klee smiling with a sorry gesture

As we were walking I noticed Dodoco hanging on the side of her bag

"Klee, who is your little friend."

"Oh, this is Dodoco, my oldest and my bestest friend! My mama gave him to me." Klee said happily showing off Dodoco

"That's nice, he's very cute."

"He likes you too, onii-chan we will be the best of friends."

I always wondered who Alice is, I know she is Klee's mom but she was mentioned a lot in the game and I heard her messages in-game but they never revealed her for the longest time. I hope I get to meet her someday.

We arrived at the location where Klee wanted to test her bombs.

"Jun onii-chan we're here, just wait let me set up first."

Klee was running around setting up her explosives 'Children really do have a lot of energy' I thought when I saw her running around with a big smile on her face. While she was setting up I heard some movement behind us. I looked to see what it was when suddenly a hydro samachurl sent a ball of water towards me. I dodged it at the last and saw the projectile hitting a tree leaving a large hole on it.

I called out to Klee and said "Klee get behind me we're being attacked."

Klee heard the urgency in my voice and ran towards me. We were now together and a large group of hilichurls surrounded us. They were mitachurls with large axes and shields including multiple hydro, anemo, and dendro samachurls.

"This is not looking very good for us," I said with Klee worried while the group of hilichurls were getting closer


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