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Chapter 116: Chapter 116: The Early Hours

At two o'clock in the morning, with the sky still pitch dark, Matthew had already entered the Pine Forest Film Studio and was sitting in the makeup trailer outside the shooting stage, beginning the lengthy makeup application process. Fortunately, having previously filmed "Gladiator," he was well-prepared for this and could still move around somewhat during makeup application, taking the opportunity to read through the script.

From the moment he boarded the flight to London, Matthew had carried the script with him, seizing every opportunity to read it.

Based on his and Helen-Herman's research, Stephen Sommers was known to be quite stubborn. When working under such a director, it was best to adhere to the script he had written.

Additionally, Matthew wore a small personal stereo, ready to listen to Ancient Egyptian dialogue through headphones.

The Scorpion King's lines in the film were few, all in Ancient Egyptian. After Matthew's audition, the production team had not informed him of this, nor had they asked him to prepare specifically. It was only after arriving in London that he was given a cassette tape to quickly master.

The tape contained only five sentences, all quite short. Although Matthew had quickly memorized them, he worried about his language skills and would listen to them from time to time.

The makeup process alone took nearly three hours. By the time Matthew had changed clothes and completed all styling, it was already 7:30 in the morning.

Outside the makeup trailer, the daylight was bright, and Matthew was famished, yet filming was still some time away from starting.

Per his contract, this was his personal makeup trailer, and during these days of shooting, the makeup artist was his personal makeup artist.

"One more thing…" the female makeup artist, with the help of an assistant, temporarily pinned Matthew's wig on top of his head and covered it with a hat, saying, "After this, you can have breakfast."

She checked her watch and added, "The crew will be starting work soon, and I guess the assistant assigned to you will be here shortly."

Matthew inquired, "Sasha, is the assistant a man or a woman?"

The makeup artist, Sasha, replied with a smile, "Could be a man, could be a woman. The production recruited many young newcomers from both the UK and the US before shooting began."

She gestured for Matthew to stand up.

Complying, Matthew stood, and Sasha, along with her assistant, applied a special makeup oil to his bare upper body and legs exposed under his armor and battle skirt. The oiled muscles appeared more defined and smooth, resembling chiseled rock, making him look even more robust and powerful to the naked eye.

After applying the oil and inspecting Matthew from all angles to ensure everything was in order, Sasha declared, "All done."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Matthew casually called out, "Come in."

A young woman in her early twenties entered. She wore a white short-sleeved T-shirt and denim capris, her mid-length black hair framing a typically Asian face.

The girl introduced herself, "Hello, Mr. Horn, I'm Mira Wang, your assistant during the filming."

Matthew glanced at her, noting her possibly mixed Asian heritage. In the West, she might be considered ordinary under the Liu Yuling standard of Eastern beauty, but by Eastern standards, she was quite attractive.

"You are…" he ventured, "Chinese?"

She shook her head, "No, I'm British, of Chinese descent."

Matthew didn't pursue the topic further and instead asked, "Do you know where the catering truck is?"

"Do you need me to get you breakfast?" Mira seemed eager to fulfill her role as an assistant. "What would you like to eat?"

Sasha interjected, "Something like bread or other easy-to-eat foods would be best." She advised Matthew to be mindful of his makeup while eating and drinking.

Matthew, no novice to the requirements of maintaining makeup, requested, "Some bread would be great, thank you." He then asked Sasha and her assistant, "Would you like anything?"

"We're fine," Sasha replied, washing her hands at the sink. "I'm done here. You can go ahead."

Mira left first, followed by Sasha and her assistant.

Matthew sat waiting for less than five minutes before Mira returned with an assortment of bread.

After carefully eating, Sasha and her assistant hadn't returned for long when a crew member came to inform Matthew to prepare for filming. He picked up his weapon and shield, leading the way out of the makeup trailer.

Unlike the minor roles he had played before, the Scorpion King was a significant supporting character. The production had assigned him a personal makeup artist and assistant. Throughout the filming, the makeup artist would be on hand for touch-ups, and the assistant would always be nearby on set.

Matthew didn't habitually send people on errands, but as with sending Mira for breakfast, being in makeup naturally restricted his movements.

Entering the studio, a swath of yellow sand covered the ground, surrounded by cameras and extensive green screens.

Besides the sand, the most numerous items on set were the extras, including over a hundred actors like Matthew, bare-chested and armed, serving as background.

Led by the assistant director, Matthew took his place at the forefront of the extras.

Director Stephen Sommers, after inspecting the cameras, entered the set and upon seeing Matthew, frowned slightly, feeling a twinge of dislike, before taking a closer look.

"Seems his physique has improved since the audition?"

Sommers quickly confirmed this and realized that the actor must have prepared extensively after the audition, somewhat easing his initial disdain.

At least physically, the actor seemed fully prepared.

Sommers then addressed all actors, gesturing for Matthew to come forward.

Matthew, without hesitation, approached.

Despite his personal feelings, Sommers prioritized the work, instructing, "Stand on that rock in front of them and command the attack, just as the script dictates."

Matthew responded earnestly, "Yes!"

Sommers, reassured by the actor's appearance and readiness, reminded him to speak Ancient Egyptian.

Matthew confirmed again, "Yes!"

Sommers left to coordinate the extras' positions, leaving Matthew to reflect on the director's professionalism. Despite an apparent lack of warmth towards him, Sommers put the job first.

Matthew mentally reviewed the script and practiced his Ancient Egyptian lines, putting Sommers out of mind for the moment. He had resolved to remain professional, patient, humble, and to maintain good relations within the crew, hoping to improve his rapport with Sommers, at least to avoid any coldness from the director.

As the filming commenced with a chorus of masculine shouts, Matthew, at the forefront, brandished his sword and roared commandingly. His strong physique and ample lung capacity made his voice distinct even amid the cacophony.

"Ha ah!"

Matthew's shouting continued, his body resembling a sculpture by Michelangelo, his expression surpassing the statue in fierceness.

Having played warrior roles before, Matthew found the Scorpion King relatively easy to portray, thanks to extensive preparation.

As he led the charge, two individuals in 1930s attire entered the studio.

"Is that the Scorpion King?" asked Rachel Weisz, the female lead, to her co-star Brendan Fraser, who confirmed.

They spoke quietly, given the ongoing filming.

Rachel commented on Matthew's impressive build, likening him to a war god.

Brendan, glancing down at his less-toned physique, half-joked about his envy.

Matthew continued his performance, roaring and speaking his lines in Ancient Egyptian as the extras charged behind him, leading the way.

When Sommers called "cut," the crew paused, and he reviewed the footage, focusing on Matthew's portrayal of the Scorpion King.

The performance was solid across all aspects—shouting, physique, expression, costume, and props. If perfect was a hundred, this take was an easy eighty—more than sufficient for a commercial entertainment film.

Sommers couldn't find a reason to fault the take and declared it successful.


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