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Chapter 7: Ch 7 - Judgmental Herdier

I feel like my fight scenes before this have been lacking. Considering this, I reread some other fics and I feel like I've improved this one a lot. Let me know your thoughts!


Finally back to civilization, I had several things that I wanted to do.

First, I went ahead and dropped off Rufflet and the egg at the Pokemon Center. Although getting a checkup for the egg wasn't really necessary, they would be able to make sure it's healthy and get an estimate for how long it has until it hatches. Liz remained here pestering the nurse for information about the larvesta egg while I went out.

The next place on my list is the PokeMart. Now that I have some reward money from taking care of that Gurdurr, I can restock and get some well needed upgrades to my gear.

Opening the envelope Foreman Scott gave me, I was greeted by an assortment of bills totalling 400poke. First, I needed to restock on food. Traveling through the desert that long wiped out the meager stores of food that I bought when I started my journey.

Although refilling on food was an expected expense, parting with that 40poke hurt me on a personal level. 

After some thought, the next thing I needed was a ball for when the egg inevitably hatched. That expense cost me 200poke to get the most basic ball. 

My experience in the desert also pointed out something that I was sorely lacking - sleeping gear for cold weather.

After browsing the mart's options for a few minutes, I settled on a 0 degree rated bag costing me 50poke.

With just over 100poke left, there wasn't much else I felt like I could buy that was within my budget. Although a space folding bag would be nice, the entry price of 2000poke for the smallest one put that squarely out of budget.

I was, however, able to purchase something that should help with training for our upcoming gym battle however.

Arriving at the checkout counter, I was greeted by an average looking man who had a herdier at his side. "Did you find everything alright?"

"Yes I did, thank you"

While scanning my items, the man continued his awkward attempts at small talk, "Oh you must be buying stuff for your kid to start his journey!"

Although I'm older than most trainers when I start their journey (most start when they are 16, I'm 21), I'm nowhere near old enough to have a kid so I don't know how the man managed to reach that conclusion.

Not wanting to correct him, I simply smile and nod.

After that awkward exchange, I received a text from the Pokemon Center letting me know my pokemon is ready to be picked up. 

Returning to the center, I quickly found Liz at the counter still pestering the nurse with questions. Having pity on the nurse, I quickly pry her away.

"Wait, I was almost done!"

Getting my Pokemon back from the nurse, I reply, "Sure you were, now come on, I wanna check out the battle courts before they close."

Now that I finally had money, I could start doing matches against other trainers. Generally speaking, the typical bet for 0 star trainer was around 30poke, meaning with my remaining 60poke I could afford to lose twice, not that I planned on it.

Arriving at the courts, I was greeted by a pair of dust floored courts with bleachers on both sides. Surprised by the lack of safety measures, I ask Liz about it.

"At this level, any attacks aren't really able to do much damage to the surroundings since they generally fizzle out before it can reach anything. Its up to the trainers to make sure no one gets hurt --"

Interrupting out conversation, a kid butts in, 

"Hey, you! I saw you eyeing the battle courts. Are you one of those experienced trainers looking to pick on new trainers? I can't stand your type, I challenge you to a battle" The kid, who couldn't have been older than 12, crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Hold on, I think there's been a misund--"

"Save your cheap talk and fight like a man."

It wasn't even that the kids goading was bothering me, rather it was the way he kept cutting people off.

"Alright fine, I accept your battle," I answer, "Rufflet, take the field"

"Eevee, it's time to battle" The kid replied.

It was somewhat surprising the kid had an Eevee. Although they aren't particularly rare in most regions, due to over breeding from demand, in Unova they still remain an oddity due to their isolationist mindset.

 "Eevee, start off with a sand attack"

Eevee releases a wave of energy towards Rufflet, picking up sand as it travels

"Power through it and use wing attack," I order this knowing that Rufflet's Keen Eye ability would prevent the effect.

Although super power would be better for the type advantage, I feel it would be better to save it for a critical moment since it would strain Rufflet's muscles

Rufflet slams into Eevee, throwing it backwards. The Eevee hits the ground and quickly rolls back onto its feet.

The kid orders "Quick attack behind it and do that thing we've been working on"

Unsure of what the kid could be ordering I respond "Rufflet take to the skies and keep your distance"

This order quickly proved to be a mistake as a cluster of stars launches from the dog pursuing Rufflet as it flies. Although Rufflet was initially able to outspeed them, the stars eventually slam into the bird knocking it out of the sky.

Despite its damage, Rufflet is quickly able to get back onto its feet. Deciding to shift tactics, I order "Peck!"

Although wing attack has a higher potential damage, the moves function in very different ways. Wing attack tends to be better for glancing, precise blows targeting vital areas, while peck allows the user to put all of its weight and speed into the attack.

"Counter it with Iron Tail!"

If there was any doubt remaining, it's now clear that the kid must have rich parents. Between the foreign pokemon and the move that requires a TM to teach, I'm left to wonder if this kid has ever worked for anything in his life.

The two moves clash into each other, knocking both parties back. At this point it's clear that the battle will come down to a final move.


"BODY SLAM!" The buy orders, revealing yet another TM move.

The dust settles from the attack, revealing rufflet still standing from the aftermath.

Rufflet lets out a cry of victory and holds his head high before flying back to my side.

We both approach the center of the field.

"Hey, that was a great battle," I say, extending my hand towards the boy.

The boy hesitates for a moment before finally accepting my handshake. "Yeah, I guess I was wrong about you. You're a pretty skilled trainer, but its clear you're still new" he admits, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

Unsure whether the slight was intentional or not, I ignore it.

"No hard feelings," I reply with a smile. "We all make mistakes. It's all part of the learning process."

The boy give me my winnings and turns to leave, but before he does I call out, "I never caught your name!"

"Neil!" The boy replies.

"I'm Alex, we should battle again sometime in the future."

Neil grins, "I'll hold you to that!"

With that, the boy turns and walks away, leaving me standing there with a sense of satisfaction.

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