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Chapter 5: Alexander’s day out

A full week had passed, and today was perfect for an outing.

The air was crisp, the birds were chirping, and the sun was shining high above the clouds.

Alex was in a great mood.

"Elise, come on, we gotta go!" Alex said as he jogged in place at the door.

Elise and Alex were at the front door, where Elise was fixing her trench coat.

The trench coat was long and it was bright blue, on the front, it had eight black buttons.

On her hip was a sword and a revolver, and on her head was a black and blue cap.

Her hands were covered in white gloves with a back outline down the side.

She looks like a soldier and a sexy one at that.

"Looking good Elise," Alex smirked.

Elise smiled as she finished fixing her jacket, "Save your jests from the young dames who will come in the future."

She chuckled as she reached her hand out.

Alex accepted it and Elise pushed open the mansion doors.

He blinked a few times as he looked around the front lawn.

There was a cobblestone pathway that started from the door and led up to the gate.

On either side of the pathway was a large patch of green grass, and rows of small trees.

It looked like a typical mansion, a little older than he expected, but it's still pretty fancy.

We began walking down the pathway, our boots clacking against the stone pathway, there was a gentle breeze causing Elise's trench coat to blow gently in the wind.

"Are you excited, my lord?"

Elise looked down at Alex as they grew closer towards the gate.

"Absolutely," he replied with a smile.

Can you imagine all the opportunities that await me?

They finally reached the gate, where a man dressed in attire similar to what Elise was wearing, greeted them.

The guard tipped his cap towards the duo and slowly pushed open the large metal gates, revealing a small glimpse of the world that awaited Alex.

There was a paved street that led towards the city.

What Alex could see from this distance were rows of buildings, some tall, some short, and some of them looked to be factories with giant puffs of black smoke coming from their smokestacks, there were powerlines and the sounds of trams ringing their bells, and high in the sky were the zeppelins he saw so often from the window.

Alex's excitement could barely be contained, and he began to giggle like a schoolgirl who just confessed to their crush.

Elise chuckled as she tightened her grip on Alex's hand.

"Come my lord, we must choose a carriage for our travels."

Elise pulled Alex away from the gate and toward a stable, where a few black and blue carriages were parked outside of a large stable.

They were extremely similar and in appearance, however there were a few inconsistencies between them, presumably due to how they were constructed.

Elise reached her hand into her coat pocket, she then pulled out a small red fruit of some kind.

The duo then began to make their way towards the stables, once they reached the massive stable doors, Elsie released Alex's hand and began to push open the doors.

Immediately Alexander was greeted by the sight of large fox like animals.

"Woah!" Alex exclaimed as he studied the strange creatures, he had managed to catch a glimpse of them when Ava was leaving, but this was on a whole different level.

As they walked further into the stables, Alex began to get a better look at the creatures, he noticed that each of them had three tails, and that the had strange swirling patterns in their fur, there eyes glowed a solid blue, and the all seemed to be extremely soft.

"Can I touch them?" Alex asked as Elise continued to walk towards the back of the stables.

Elise chuckled as she handed the small red fruit to Alex, "that's what this is for my lord.

Alex accepted the fruit, and Elise stopped in front of one of the fox like creatures, "hello Liz, are you feeling well today?" Elise asked as she reached her hand out towards the fox like creature.

It had white fur and black swirling patterns all over its body.

The creature hummed softly, as it slowly stepped forward, it then began to make a noise similar to laughter, or chirping.

Elise smiled, "look Liz, Alexander had a treat for you." Elise gently turned Liz's head towards Alex, her blue eyes widened as she spotted the fruit in Alex's hand.

Liz began to chirp loudly as she licked her snout, Alex took a step forward and raised his hand up towards Liz.

Liz began to tap her paws onto the floor and her tails began to swish around excitedly, she began to chirp and sniff at Alex's hand.

Elise chuckled as she continued to run her hand through Liz's fur, "it's ok Liz, go ahead and eat it."

With hesitation Liz licked the fruit from Alexander's hand and began to eat it, her chirping quickly turned into the sound of laughter,

Both Alexander and Elise began to laugh along side Liz as she continued to lick Alexander's hand.

"Alright Liz, you ate all there was, now are you ready for an outing?" Elise asked as she began to take a step back from Liz.

Liz's ears perked up and she began to exit her stall, Elise then walked towards the back wall to grab a harness.

Alex continued to watch Liz with amazement and star struck eyes, "this is so cool." He said as he began to rub Liz's leg.

"Yeah, your sister reacted the same way when she first saw a windwalker, they are majestic creatures are they not?"

Majestic is an understatement.

Elise returned with the harness and began to place it upon Liz, once Liz was harnessed, Elise began to guide her outside towards the carriages.

There with three in total, however, one was not like the others as it was open-top.

Elise picked the open-top carriage and began to secure Liz to it, as she did so, Alex began to study the carriage.

The carriage was elegant and simple in design, its doors made with polished wood, and its seats made of black leather.

Once Elise got Liz secured, she approached Alex and lifted him into the carriage, once he was inside, Elise moved towards the front of the carriage and hopped into the driver's box.

"Stay seated my lord." Elise said as she grabbed the reins.

Alex leaded back on his seat and turned his head to look at the scenery.

Elise began to drive down the street, the city that I often say from a distance grew closer and closer.

The ride was slow, but Alex's heart was racing with anticipation, he was finally going to enter the city and see the world beyond the windows.

As they entered the city it was like a blast from the past.

The 20th-century architecture was extremely prominent, there were shops everywhere, and signs hanging from buildings, advertising things from food to home appliances. The roads were filled with windwalker-pulled carriages, and in the middle of the roads were tram lines, leading all through the city.

There were kids on the sidewalks running and chasing each other, there were people selling newspapers.

There were also people dressed like Elise standing at some kind of booth at every other street corner.

Are they some kind of guard?

Unlike Elise however, they had rifles with bayonets on the tip, and they wore a different patch on their shoulder.

"Elise, who are they?"

Alex asked as he pointed to one of the guards changing position with another.

Elise turned her head, and then quickly returned her gaze towards the bustling streets.

"Those are pathfinder guards, they are used to protect important industrial hubs in the fallen kingdom, my lord."

Alex grew confused.

From what Ava taught him, he assumed pathfinders were more Like soldiers, not guards.

Doesn't this mean Elise is a pathfinder?

"Elise, are you a pathfinder as well?" Alex asked.

"Yes my lord, I serve directly under your father, so that allows me to stay at the mansion with you."

She looked back at Alex and smiled.

He smiled back at her, but his mind was becoming mush, how deep does this Pathfinder organization go, He wondered.

Why does this world have the technology it clearly is not prepared for, and what does this have to do with Queen Charlotte?

At this point, he have more questions than answers, and it's getting worse by the second.

As they continued their drive around the city, Alex got a variety of looks.

The adults were respectful and nodded their heads as elise drove by, the kids were curious and started at them with awe, and the poor and unfortunate, stared them down, with a burning hatred in their eyes.

I hope they didn't blame me for their situation, it's not like it's my fault.

"My lord, do you have anywhere in particular you wish to visit?"

Elise began to slow the carriage down slightly.

Alex was so eager to see the city, that he didn't even think of what he wanted to see.

"Any suggestions?" Alex asked Elise.

"There is talk about a noble from the Ambur kingdom revealing a new piece of technology."

She smiled briefly before focusing back on the road.

How convenient.

"Yes, let's visit this unveiling."

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