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Chapter 8: a new discovery.

Elise chuckled as she looked down at the radio in her arms, "It's a new device from the Ambur kingdom, it's called a radio."

Elise then walked closer to Lance and handed him the radio.

As Lance accepted the radio, he began to study its buttons and dials, "interesting, I'm assuming it's something Alex made you get?"

Lance glanced at Alex with a smirk.

"It's pretty useful father, you'd be surprised with how much you can do with it."

Lance nodded and handed the radio back to Elise, "Well, have fun you three, Olivia and I will take a night out on the town."

Lance grinned as she glanced back at Olivia.

Is he going to dress like that?

"Are you going to change clothes, my lord?

Elise took the words right out of Alex's mouth, her expression was one of uncertainty.

Lance looked down at his clothes, he was wearing a gray shirt and jacket, with black pants and black boots.

"I see nothing wrong with this, besides it's what I always wear."

He looked up and shrugged.

Alex back at Olivia who was wearing a simple white dress and slippers, "It doesn't matter, he won't be in those clothes for long anyway."

Olivia licked her lips seductively.

Alex's face scrunched up as he gave a side eye to Olivia.

"Alright! I think it's time we head into the mansion."

Alex clapped his hands together and walked towards the door.

He was followed by Elise and Marcus, while Olivia joined his father as they headed towards the gate.

Alex shuddered at the thought of what those two were about to do.

As Alex and company entered the mansion, Elise quickly took the lead, with the radio still in hand she looked at Alex with an exhausted expression, "My lord, do you have a place in mind for this radio, your room perhaps?"

I guess she's eager to get that thing out of her hands.

Alex nodded, "My room is perfect, also when you're finished with that, can you deal with Marcus, I don't want him looking like a street goblin forever."

"Right away," Elise shifted her gaze towards Marcus, "if you'd just follow me, I'll get you properly groomed."

"Ok." Marcus jogged up behind Elise, Alex watched as they began to walk up the stairs, Marcus looked back down at him one last time and waved.

Alex smiled and waved back.

When they finally disappeared upstairs, Alex began to walk towards the kitchen.

Skipping breakfast, definitely wasn't the brightest idea.

As he entered the kitchen he was greeted by a servant who was washing the dishes, she didn't seem to notice Alex, so he decided not to bother her, instead, he began to look around the kitchen to find any tools to create his sandwich.

Let's see, I'll need a knife, some bread, and something to go in the middle.

As Alex quickly scanned around the kitchen, he noticed a knife sitting on the counter, it was used and had some kind of jelly on it.

Eh, a little jelly hasn't hurt anyone….

He headed towards the counter to grab the knife, after securing it, he began to look around for the bread box.

Abruptly, the servant who was washing dishes turned around and shouted, "My lord, you mustn't hold that!"

She rushed towards Alex and attempted to take the knife from him.

Frightened, he dropped the knife and stumbled backward.

Unfortunately, Alex's footing was stable and he fell alongside the knife, his hand getting cut badly by the knife, and his blood began to drip slowly onto the white tile floor.

Everything was quiet.

The servant stared at Alex's hand, her body trembling at the sight of the blood dripping onto the pristine white floor, Alex looked down at his hand.

The pain began pouring out of the wound like a malevolent force.

His fingers twitched.

The blood dripped.

And his body trembled.

Alex opened his hand wide, causing the blood to flow down all the crevices in his hands like weak rivers.

The servant took a step back and fainted at the sight.

Alex began to study the wound on his hand, his gaze drawn in by his crimson red blood, the pain was there sure, but it was also magical to a certain extent.

Suddenly the blood stopped dripping, and the wound on his hand was illuminated by a faint white glow.

The wound on his hand quickly began to close, leaving the blood behind as the only reminder of what had transpired.

What the hell did I just do…..

Another servant walked into the kitchen, her eyes widened as she saw the blood and the collapsed servant on the ground.

"M-my lord, what happened?" She asked as she took a few steps closer to study the scene that had unfolded.

I don't even know what happened myself….

Alex shifted his gaze towards the maid.

"I wanted to make a sandwich, and then the servant startled me, and I cut myself….. then the cut just went away."

Alexander's voice was soft and full of disbelief, he couldn't even comprehend what just happened, or why it felt so natural…..

The servant quickly oriented herself, and with a look of determination on her face, she approached Alex and pulled a napkin from her apron.

She began to wipe his hand gently, "My lord, if what you say is true, then that is called world energy, it's something all people use, but typically most Jakshi children only use this ability at five."

The servant's voice was gentle, but her hands still trembled.

Alex had far too many questions.

Magic is real?

And it's a common thing?

How come I've never seen anyone use it?

What the hell is a Jakshi?

His mind began to swirl with confusion and fear, for the first time since he'd been reincarnated, something truly terrifying had happened, and he didn't understand it at all.

"I-I'm confused," he whispered to the servant.

The servant continued to wipe his hand, "It's ok my lord, this is something everyone can do," the servant outstretched her hand in front of Alex.

Three orbs of light began to form in her hand, she made the light move in all orders of magnitude, from making the orbs jump through each other, to juggling them in one hand.

"But, most jakshi have low ether reserves, which is why we don't use it for everyday tasks."

The servant then closed her hand and stood up, she walked over to check on her colleague.

"What are jakshi?" Alex asked as he continued to study his hand.

The servant, who was still checking on her colleague, turned to Alex with a smile, "It's what we are, your mother, your father, me, the boy you brought with you, all of us are Jakshi"

So that's what I am, I thought the nonhuman appearance was strange, but now I've confirmed it.

He wasn't human.

Alex needed more answers.

He had tapped into an ability that he wasn't even supposed to have access to yet.

He slowly stood to his feet, and walked over to the servant and her colleague, "S-so, where can I get more information on this?"

The servant looked at Alex with a warm smile.

"Your mother, lady Erica, has several books on the subject, perhaps you should talk to her."

His mother, barely even spoke to her, yet they share the same roof.

She was an elusive woman, and she spent the majority of her time in her study.

would she even have time to teach him?

"M-My mother, I'll go see her… thank you." Alex nodded towards the servant and quickly ran out of the kitchen.

His mind was completely scrambled and scattered, how could so much information just have been sitting right in front of him?

He's been complaining about being bored when there was a massive secret hidden in plain sight.

He raced through the halls he'd seen so many times before, but they felt different, the entire mansion felt different as if it went from being a simple home to a labyrinth.

When he finally reached the door of his mother's study, he stopped and began to catch his breath, he fixed his clothes and hair, and finally, with bated breath, he began to knock on the door.

"It's open."

His mother's voice was warm and welcoming as always, but just because a door was open, doesn't mean you'd know what's on the other side.

Alex slowly pushed the door open, the room was dimly lit, and smelled of candles and ink.

The walls were lined with shelves, and the shelves were filled with books and scrolls, and in the center of it was his mother, her golden eyes scanning the page of a large hardcover book.

His mother placed the book down, and looked down at him, a small smile forming on her face, "Well this is a first, what brings you here Alex?"

His mother stood up from her desk to approach him.

"Mother, I..." he paused and looked down at his hand.

How the hell do I even explain my situation to her?

"Yes, Alex?" His mother's voice was warm, as she reached down to scoop him into her arms.

"You've gotten big." She chuckled.

"Well, that tends to happen when you grow up," he replied with a chuckle.

My mother pouted as she adjusted him in her arms, "Well now you make me feel bad."

She smiled as she began to kiss his cheek.

"Now, what is it you wanted to speak about, or did you come for more kisses?"

His mother gently placed him back down and took a step back.

Here goes nothing.

"Mother… I had an accident in the kitchen, and a knife cut my hand, there was blood everywhere, but then my mind became hyper-focused, and the wound began to heal all by itself."

He showed His mother his hand, and she leaned closer to observe it.

"Interesting," she mused as she wrapped her hands around his own, and then a faint white light began to emerge from her hands, "did it look like that?" She asked inquisitively.

The warm light faded as quickly as it had appeared, and his mother released her grasp.

"Yes, it looked just like that, what is it?"

His mother's expression grew serious, "It's ether-based healing, which makes it hard to believe you pulled off such a feat, even the most basic of ether abilities require great focus."

Her voice was different, and she looked at the wall behind him, her eyes darting around as she tapped her finger on her chin.

"Alexander," his mother spoke firmly as she shifted her gaze towards him, "you've shown great intelligence, especially for a three-year-old, is… is there something I'm missing?"

She was speaking to Alex, but it seemed she was asking herself as well.

Yeah, it's probably because I've been reincarnated, but I don't know if I should tell her that….

"Like what mother?"

Alex asked as innocently as he could muster.

His mother shook her head and chuckled to herself, "Perhaps I am just overthinking this, anyway let's focus on what comes next."

His mother turned around and walked to one of the many rows of books in her study, eventually landing on a thick tome, she reached both her hands up and slid the book out of place.

Woah, that's like twice the size of the books I had back in college.

She walked over to her desk and placed the book down with a loud thud.

She then shifted her gaze towards Alex, "Usually, children unlock their ether at 5 or so, and then further develop their skills in adolescence, but uhm, I guess we're skipping all of that."

His mother chuckled as she gestured for him to come closer.

He approached her desk, his curiosity was at its highest peak, and he was ready to get answers.

When Alex finally reached her desk, she picked him up and placed him on top of the desk along with the massive book.

His mother opened the book, its pages were filled with diagrams and paragraphs of text that were handwritten, the pages were torn, and the ink was a little faded.

"So, I guess we should delve into the basics," his mother grabbed her chair and sat down, and her gaze shifted to meet Alexander's, "our people, our ether is completely different from every other species on the planet, for starters we have extremely small ether pools, meaning we have to be careful when we decide to use our ether as if you run out, you'll have to get a full days worth of rest to replenish it," his mother tapped her chest, and then pointed at his, "but, what we lack in abundance, we make up from in manipulation of ether, unlike other species especially the Stafren who use something called ether expulsion, meaning they can create blasts of ether, like a sort of gun, us Jakshi use something called ether enhancement, meaning we can use it to increase reaction speed, healing, and strengthening our bodies."

I see, so that explains why I haven't seen anyone using magic, it's because it would be a waste and because most of it is internal, this is….. interesting.

As the lesson continued, his mother went through more of the small details about ether, the ins and outs of ether were pretty grounded in reality, there were no inanimate objects that contained ether, meaning no wands and magic scrolls. There were also only two types of ether, light ether, and dark ether, there were no fire or water variants, etc.

There were also a lot of restrictions with ether as well, you couldn't teleport with it, or use it to cook food, or any convenience, as it was more like an extension of your physical being and less like magic.

As the lesson continued, there was a sudden knock at the door, both Alex and his mother were startled, "It's open."

His mother stammered with a wry smile.

The door slowly creaked open, revealing Marcus and Elise.

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